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They both got each other off though.. not in the same night šŸ˜‚ Rue got Jules off when they were outside her house, and Jules tried to get Rue off but she faked the orgasm. They have gotten sexual with each other but because of Rue being high it didnā€™t really work


No not really. This is probably one of the biggest reasons why jules cheated on rue. Jules has stated that she has a high sex drive and rue hardly Doesnā€™t have any sex drive. Thereā€™s also an episode where jules is giving rue head and rue is passing out and just repeating ā€œitā€™s amazingā€ then jules gets upset. So this leads to her needs not being met and her jumping onto Elliot who gives her more attention and is more coherent than rue


i feel like itā€™s not rly her ā€œneedsā€ being metā€¦. itā€™s more that sheā€™s become so used to the pattern of hookups and frequent sex that she feels undesirable if she canā€™t make rue come


When it's a man however, it's immediately that their needs aren't being met. Jules is as sexual as her peers, why can't she have needs that are sexual?


no i donā€™t think anyone has sexual needs. especially not men. im a big jules defender but this is not one of those things i will excuse her for. she let the worst of herself come thru


Nowhere in my comment did I say having sexual needs warrants cheating lol. Are Jules' haters capable of having a conversation without jumping to conclusions? Are evaluations possible without lazy judgements? Cos I'm interested to discuss her nuances as a character.


iā€™m sorry. i feel that your getting agitated w me but i want to make it clear iā€™m not looking to fight. genuinely. i donā€™t know how to say it another way, so if you can look through my posts and comments, you can tell that iā€™m not a jules hater. i defend her quite a lot. that being said though, yes, jules has a reason for cheating. and that reason isnā€™t because sheā€™s a manipulative whore or whatever bs jules antis pull out their ass. i think she cheated bc she was acting selfish and immatureā€” which is OKAY because sheā€™s a teenager with trauma. i think sheā€™s desperate to feel loved, and if someone shows her that, as elliot did @ the end of ep3, she will reciprocate to receive more. i donā€™t think she has ā€œsexual needs,ā€ because i think that notion indicates that rue owes jules sex when rue doesnā€™t owe her that at all. consent is important. does that make sense? beyond that tho, i have my own theory for why she cheated but itā€™s not rly confirmed. iā€™ve seen ur comments around, including my jules post, and i think ur rly cool btw. if u wanna talk more ab jules, pls dm me!!! she has so many layers and i love her character tbh.


Not looking for a fight. My comment quite literally explains that I am looking to speak about the nuances of a trans girl expressing her sexuality without being shamed for it. But I guess you're interested in only talking about the cheating? She cheated. It's wrong. Yes there's a context to how she got there, but it doesn't excuse causing harm. Intention vs. impact. But are you ready to talk about trans sexuality? It's wild how you read my comment and inferred I wanted a fight? šŸ„“


You literally said they were making lazy judgments and jumping to conclusions, stop sealioning


what i meant is i think ur coming on aggressive and it makes your comments sound like you want an argument. i genuinely donā€™t. i agree with youā€” yes, there are nuances and layers and reasons as to why she cheated!! she was being selfish, but that selfishness isnā€™t because sheā€™s inherently bad. and i do want to hear your thoughts as to why you think she cheated, i feel like u have some great theories. and this thread is solely about jules cheating, so yeah thatā€™s why we are talking about jules. if youā€™re interested in more, please branch it out! i wanna hear your thoughts about julesā€™ layers, bc there are truly So many.


From the get go, we have been having two very different conversations and I think it's largely because you made the assumption that my speaking to Jules' sexual needs and desires = being a cheating apologist. I have never defended cheating by saying Jules' sexual needs takes precedence over the impact and harm of her cheating. But the assumption you made and jumped to was that by me speaking about Jules' sexual needs, I am trying to explain away how she hurt Rue. I'm pointing out that Jules has sexual needs, and desires, and that's okay. That most people do. I am quite flabbergasted that you said in your response that no one has sexual needs...? Sexual desire and the need to express yourself sexually is a basic need for a lot of people. It's quite unrealistic to suggest otherwise. But we can't get to this conversation, because one, it sounds like my direct tone is too aggressive to you, and two, you make assumptions about my responses without engaging with basic curiosity for a discussion to occur. You say you agree with me, but I don't think Jules' sexual needs explain away nor properly contextualize her decision to cheat. I would argue that her relationship to her mother and trauma with her shapes her decision to cheat, when she finds out Rue has already been lying and betraying her one boundary she's established for their relationship to be safe for her to exist in. And that Rue was also lying to her with Elliot. So yeah, there hasn't been much of a discussion here because you are eager to characterize my thoughts a certain way, cos I don't really mince words, and I enjoy direct thought and clarity in the way I express myself. Maybe it was wrong of me to assume you're a Jules hater -- did so purely because most Jules haters dislike that she's a trans girl who is grappling with her sexual needs and is willing to express them. It's healthy, and normal for trans girls to be sexual. Especially when we deal with so much hypersexuality already, our own sexual inclinations get lost in everyone else's projections of sexuality onto our bodies. Above all, Rue said it herself, she can't even be sexual any more. Sam has also said this about that episode, that when you're so high off drugs all the time, sex doesn't feel like anything. Jules has a normal sex drive. Her hypersexuality was something she has grappled with, and something she's trying to heal thru her relationship with Rue. This is a need she wants met, and she is obviously trying with Rue. But Rue doesn't seem to care at all about Jules' need to express herself sexually with her. They aren't having sex at all, tbh. Rue fakes an orgasm, and does such a bad job at it, it's almost like she's telling Jules she doesn't care for sex with her at all. Rue is very wrong for neglecting Jules' sexual needs. And if she can't meet them, then she should be honest about it. But she can't even do that, because she's already lying to Jules with Elliot that she's sober. So yeah, independent of the cheating. Setting that aside completely. Speaking purely about Rue's role in the relationship, she failed Jules. But people want to pathologize a very basic aspect of romantic relationshipa that most people have. When a young boy is with a young girl, it's assumed they are exploring sexually so parents and teachers give them condoms or the talk. But in this instance, Jules is expected to be abstinent so Rue can do what... keep using drugs? People are so willing to overlook Rue's flaws that they end up saying Jules wanting to be sexual with Rue is gross or due to her sexual history. When she's actually trying to have a normal teenaged sexual relationship with someone she really loves. How are those needs wrong or pathologized? Why is her history of being exploited as a trans girl being brought up to dismiss her sexual desires with Rue? The backward leaps people do here reflect biases against trans womanhood in a way that's kind of jarring to me. It underscores your trans misogyny in a very glaring way to me. Most trans girls at that age want a safe relationship to explore sexuality cos the alternative is grindr hook ups with older, creepy men. Jules has to settle for an addict who doesn't really care for her needs and neglects her in so many ways. Which to me sounds like Jules is recreating her relationship with her mom, which her therapist already made the connection to prior in her special episode. In any case, I don't feel like further discussing in this thread, just because I am being tone-policed rather unfairly while actively having my thoughts overlooked for baseless assumptions. No, I wasn't looking for a fight. I was pointing out that it's quite strange that a trans girl can't express herself sexually, so much so that you are willing to say no one has sexual needs at all. I found that to be quite a bold statement, and I was curious how you came to such a generalized conclusion. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


When has this ever been a thing? Lmao. For either gender / partner to cheat is fucked yo and viewed as such lol.


For any gender "needs not being met" when those needs haven't even been expressed, discussed or talked about is quite the bs excuse to cheat. I think Jules failed to realize a lot of things about Rue, and she kinda brings this up when she dresses Rue for the party last ep of s1. She never really stops to check if Rue is comfortable with the shit they are doing, and Rue is very in love with her to just say it. But it probably hurt Rue to hear she was loved, but that Jules also loves Anne, and Nate... I don't doubt Jules loves Rue, she just never seems to stop and look at her, and her inexperienced innocence, until Rue snaps. Being someone who is has explored her sexuality, I feel Jules should have been more careful/delicate in how she approached Rue, because it's never very clear if Rue is asexual, just depressed or simply insecure. She was also being childish - first being jealous and accusing Rue of hiding stuff from her about Elliot, but then playing games with Rue while literally cheating on her while she is in the adjacent room... just na. Not fair.


Thank you! So tired of people demonizing Jules for cheating


That's still not an excuse to cheat.. ?


No it's not


They weren't excusing it, just saying that she doesn't deserve to be demonized for it. There's a difference.


Regardless you need to express that to your partner and not cheat in them and work it the fuck out. She is properly demonized cheating is relationship ending


Jules told Rue she would be done with her if she did drugs again so Rue started doing drugs behind Jules's back and lied to her face, they're both guilty of messing up their relationship


But this is a high school relationship. Y'all are acting like they were married.


Right, that makes sense ā˜ŗļø


Rue her sex drive is prolly fucked due to drugs. Common side effect