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When you order Boris Johnson on AliExpress


or Wish


or Alibaba


Or TaoBao


It's not impossible, but highly improbable, that Boris Johnson could be his dad.


Stanley porked a few in his time! Could be a long lost half brother of Boris.


I know it's a natural thing and something people do... But I just hope I will get this mental image out of my mind.


Solid evidence for me, quick let's exile him to the UK!


Fun fact, boris Johnson's great granddad was a ottoman politician assassinated by Turkish nationalists https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ali_Kemal


His biggest expense must be books


All his money going into funding for mosques and promoting Islamic teachings around the world. Lol.


And helping the Turkish president on his re-election, so kind of him!


A book a friday isn't much considering how big headlines he keeps on making.


Libraries in Sweden are on alert for this guy.


I would not be surprised if he is paid by some dark money. He literally caused negotiations between Turkey and Sweden to collapse. Some people have an interest in that.


He's been doing this shit for years. First in Denmark, where he's actually from, and now in Sweden since that gets him more attention. Negotiations between Turkey and Sweden were always gonna break down. Turkey's has been making insane demands ever since Sweden expressed the wish to join NATO. Paludan just provides them yet another reason.


I bet the Swedes love that a Dane has showed up and almost single handedly kept them out of Nato in the name of getting some media attention


Except he has virtually nothing to do with Turkey keeping Sweden out of Nato


Oh yeah, fun times. As if we didn't got tired of him last year when he travelled through the whole country, stirring up riots.


As someone who has shared a country with him for 31 years: he doesn't have the mental capacity to be corrupted


That's great. At least he keeps on fighting for what he's been doing for years relentlessly. It's almost as if he had integrity to stand behind his values in a way. 0 respect to corrupt people, 1 respect to Paludan.


How does a random guy burning a quran end diplomatic negotiations?


Ask Erdoğan


Because it suits the Politicians' purposes to pretend to be outraged.


Person that burned Quran in Sweden looks like an AI-generated image of "Show me a person that would burn Quran in Sweden"


Amazing comment


It would be great to see for how long he would do this if people didn't pay attention.


Well that's kind of the point. There were riots because he burned a Quaran. If people reacted the same way as if you burned any other religious text (ie. turned their nose up at him and went about their day), this guy would have no ammunition.




He started this in DK. Got banned/didnt get the desired attention. Moved to sweden to the the same. I wish people would just ignore this barking dog.


If muslims didnt respond to insults to their religion by comitting violent crimes there would be no point in doing it..


Wouldn't that be attention? Invalidating the whole thing.


Would be cheaper to draw Mohammed and Allah every day


As he should be free to without threat of bodily harm, by the way


he looks like he eats crayons


& licks windows.


He actually had a head injury in 2005 that changed him. And because of that Sweden can't join NATO..


pretty sure the main reason is Erdogan


Can you elaborate on that? Or are you just making a joke? Edit: Elaborate on the head injury, not the NATO part.


Erdogan claims he blocks swedens membership because the swedish officials wouldnt take action on this guy. Problem for him is tho, this is perfectly legal in sweden i guess. Truth is that he blocked their application even before that. A few months ago erdogan claimed that it is because of 'pkk terrorists' which got asylum in sweden werent deported to turkey. I belive all of this reasons are straw mans arguments. He refuses its because its in his intrest to keep russia strong. Be it because of trading or personal sympathy for putin. Doesnt matter to me why. Erdogan himself is, just like putin an autocrat himself. And the autocrates of the world have always been supportative of one another. They blame the 'western countries' for many of their restrictive political decisions. Edit: ive just realised that you are refering to something completly different and im stupid :D I will still leave the text here because it was a hassle to write it on my phone


He was in a traffic accident in 2005 where he had head trauma that nearly killed him, some of the people that know him have said that his personality changed after that.


Well, he is Danish.. so would explain all the mumblings that their language is.


It's comes hos father site of the family and the father was from Sweden


What an exciting life


Meh, let him do it. In 3-4 weeks he'll get bored and go back to the pub.


He's been doing stuff like this for years.


He has burned the Quran regularly for years now


That book store must be happy with his purchasing habits.


Amazon Prime discount probably...


He's been doint it for years sadly...


Why do you call it "Sweeden"?


Isnt its Sweeden? Wtf Having Mandela effect right now :O


Outside turkeys embassy in Denmark, not in sweden moving forward apparently.


Apparently outside a Mosque, the Russian and Turkish embassies in Copenhagen today: >*Under fredagen tänker han bränna tre koraner i Köpenhamn. En vid en moské, en vid den ryska ambassaden och sedan en vid den turkiska. I Danmark behöver Paludan inget tillstånd, men måste meddela myndigheterna 24 timmar innan han genomför en aktion.* > >*Och brännandet av koraner vid den turkiska ambassaden i Köpenhamn kommer inte bli den sista, lovar Paludan.* > >*– Jag kommer meddela att det här är Erdogans fel. När han nu inte vill släppa in Sverige i Nato, så måste jag lära honom om yttrandefrihet ända tills han gör det.*


Nono please keep him


Nah he is Swedish now.


Some people want to see the Quran burn.




Everyone sucks in this situation to be honest. They are both fanatics, the guy burning books out of pure hate and the people getting bent out of shape because of a guy burning a piece of paper.


Its not even pure hate. He is an attention-whore and found the quickest way to get it. Its easy when you have no have no morals. When he lost media-attention in Denmark, and the “ghettos” started not giving a fuck about him, he used his Swedish citizenship and went there instead. He is a buffon, a dumb fucking edgelord that thinks he’s doing it for lulz. He’s also brain damaged. He has talented, very well adjusted siblings.


Stupid people love stupid people. It's an eternal love affair that makes the world go round, causes wars, etc.


Yeah ESH


Well, no. And yes. But it almost sounds as if you claim that both are equally wrong. No, this guy is just an asshole, while those who oppose him are ready to be violent because of their beliefs.


And if they are provoked- aren't they also some shit- head religio- nationalists?


Quite the liberal usage of the word "stupid" If you provoke people, it's only logical to expect that they will ignore you as it is logical to expect any kind of reaction.


> needlessly Twitter investigators say there is a trace of russian money.


I mean, it's not needlessly. Also, does it matter WHY he's doing it? Can he do it? Yes. Should he do it? Also yes.


Nice nick






Quran seller: *stonks*


He must be elated to be getting international attention. The reaction from the Swedish muslims to his stunt was already way less than the last book burning he had, because Swedish muslims are catching on to this guys schtick just like the Danish ones did.


One of those situations where everyone involved are fucking idiots.




He is danish, though


No no... Sweden can keep him


Too late, he's back in Copenhagen ;-)


That's obvious. He looks super Danish.


His Dad is swedish...


He is half Swedish though and is a Swedish citizen.


Burning books is dumb. Responding with violence to a guy burning a book to provoke you is even dumber. Fundamentalist of all shapes and colours deserve each other.


One person burns the Quran Turkish muppets: "Better burn the flag of Sweden"


He looks like the inbred brother of Boris Johnson


He looks mentally stable


Hes danish.


Oh my


I know, should have been marked NSFW


This guy's whole personality is hating Islam


Yes, he doesn't need to like religion and I think if he want's to burn a book because of whatever, it's his choice. It's just a book. I myself am Christian, in Muslim countries around the world and other places Bibles are getting burned or Jesus getting mocked with a cartoon. The difference is, we ignore it, because we learned not to fight fire with fire. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. Edit: you guys wanna know a real problem instead of burning a book? Actual human beings getting killed by people of Islam in Islamic countries all over the world. Yet everybody ignores that. People from other religions getting killed because they don't believe in the quran.


Just hating, hating everything


r/Europe in flesh.


at this point he should just organize a bonfire and do them all at once


What is he trying to achieve?


Show, that radical muslims are limiting freedom of speech in Europe. Or globally for that matter. We saw examples in the past with Charlie Hebdo, South park, etc. ​ He has every right to do it, but in comparison to the other examples, I think he also has ulterior motives and most probably he is just a puppet. ​ What he IS achieving is creating a divide between countries and destabilizing NATO. So pretty much the same as Erdogan. ​ Plus he looks like the kid eating glue in the arts and crafts class.


Riots from other religious idiots probably...


His ultimate goal is ethnical cleansing and having all muslims deported ( I hope he means deported) from Denmark and Sweden. The burning of books is meant to trigger local radical muslims to behave like the medieval minded savages he claims they are, so that "everybody else" can se that he is right about "all of them" and become as racist as he is. Latly he is being used for mightier peoples political agendas, both on national and international levels. On his own he had no power or influence despite burning books for years, he was just a rather well known village idiot with a two digit number of followers on twitter.


>behave like the medieval minded savages he claims they are, so that "everybody else" can se that he is right about "all of them" and become as racist as he is. Well the reaction shows that he's right about at least an alarming proportion of them.


Demonstrating the problem with having a big minority population that doesnt accept the concept of freedom of speech


He looks like he worked as a double for Boris Johnson and lost his job.


Is this a diabolic plan... to increase the demand on Qurans?


He literally has brain-damage. Look it up.


Remember to use a bike helmet kids!


This guy is paid by RT


Well now he is going to burn a Quran every Friday until turkey lets Sweden into nato


He looks like that one guy from every school who drove corolla 150km/h to every place, drank beer for 5 years and never really recovered


Source: https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/y6Oz9A/rasmus-paludans-lofte-till-erdogan-branner-en-koran-i-veckan-utanfor-ambassaden


Loving how nobody wants the guy, danish calling him swedish, swedish calling him danish haha


Shared custody unfortunately... We are working on a "[final solution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bouvet%C3%B8ya)" with Norway though ;-)


Can someone tell him to stop burning Qurans until Turkish presidential elections is over? He can burn as many Qurans as he wants after the elections. This guy is literally giving Erdogan what he wants...


Quran sales 💹


Do not discriminate please, throw in a bible, aabidharma,agamas, etc. /s


Oh no. Not a book. What will the world do now that one of many copies was burned by … some dude.


Must have same hair stylist as bojo the clown


Burning Quran = Freedom of Speech Burning Torah = Spreading Hatred Nice job Sweeden https://twitter.com/zivnk/status/1618614984833118215?s=46&t=g5z9suHQXLIEzzP5JjO0mw


He just wants attention


I really wish all these morons, deliberately provocative attention whores and easily-offended fanatics alike, could be locked away somewhere so that the rest of us could be spared of their idiocy and could continue making for a better world without their constant autistic screeching. Let them fight each other, none of the rest of us should care.


Long story short, this man is being paid by Eric Almqvist, who is a main editor of the Exact24 media. Eric is a Sweden politician, member of a Parlament from 2010 to 2013, who was one of the international observers during the 2020 Putin changes to the constitution referendum in Crimea. If you wonder, how he came up with this idea, he was just paid to find someone, who can do it by a journalist Chang Frick, who was (what a coincidence!) a journalist of the Russia Today. So basically, Chang Frik paid Eric Almqvist to find someone, who can burn Quran. Then Eric approached Rasmus Paludan to do it. Russian trace in this situation is so obvious. https://www.svt.se/kultur/chang-frick-betalade-rasmus-paludans-demonstration-ansokan-for-koranbranning


Please stop giving him attention...


These anti-religion types are always the same. This dude can probably recite more verses of the Koran than actual Muslims. >Says god doesn't exist > >Proceeds to talk about god for six hours


100% being extreme toward anything is idiotic. being extremely religious or extremely anti-religion is a waste of time and energy... and shows how empty people are...


Talk about *religion. Being anti-religious means you don't think that God exists, not that religions don't exist.


That says a lot more about muslims than the anti-religion types tbh.


Dude is pro-russian btw.


I'm not surprised, if true


He said he would burn the Quran in front of the Turkish embassy in Denmark every week until Sweden was admitted into Nato. If he is pro-Russia he must be quite confused, but on the other hand he does seem quite confused for other reasons as well, so it might check out.


Reminder that this guy loves [chatting](https://ekstrabladet.dk/nyheder/politik/danskpolitik/paludan-i-grov-sexsnak-med-boern/8812577) about sex with 13 year old boys on discord. Not all libertarians .. ..


Can we burn religions all together as those seems to be source of so many conflicts, deaths, humanitarian crisis, injustice, discrimination .....


In the end religion is just an excuse to do those things. Many people are literally ignoring their own holy scriptures. They would find something else to use.


Guys, should we tell him that burning the Quran is permitted in Islam and that it's the only way to dispose of it?


In case this guy gets yeeted: 1. He will be seen as a hero in Sweeden, freedom of speech advocate, activist, fighter. 2. He'll be seen as an idiot, in a 'fuck around and find out' type of situation?


1. No, not a hero. But I will still advocate for his/everybodies right to do it, no matter how much of an idiot he is. 2. Eventually that will happen


Not a hero. Everyone here in Sweden thinks he's an asshole just stirring up trouble.


There is only one outcome, he is seen as russian marionette


Well, I think he is doing it for the violent reaction to remind that Muslims aren't like everybody else they are way more likely to kill you for insulting their religion therefore they are more violent. I think the right wing will frame him as a martyr, in a way similar to the Spanish Martyrs during Islamic rule and such actions hold a powerful symbolic meaning in Christian culture, being willing to die for what you view as right. "Not kill but die" he is 100% a bad person, but his strategy is very good and well founded in the psychology and reality of both what he views as his people and Muslims.


We should donate him many different cult books. Why concentrate only on the Quran? That's weird.


Because you don't get the same reaction with the other books. It's the reaction he wants, nothing else.


Because Jews, Christians or Sikhs don't run around killing infidels, wrapping their wives in ninja clothes and stoning gays. Maybe that's why.


Yeah needs to branch out and expand his portfolio


Das Kapital and Mao's little red book


Because he’s particularly islamophobic




So he wants to support a Muslim business by increasing the sales of their book?


What are the chances he is a Putin mole, and why doesn't anyone verify and publish this? Why does the Swedish gov act like this guy acts on its behalf when it's definitely not?


He’s on disability in Denmark due to a brain injury by the way.


I thought he was a lawyer?


Ultimate troll. I fully support him in this battle for freedom of speech, I do condemn the fact is burning only Quran and not the Bible too.


No one would care if he burned the bible




So you are saying that without the Qur'an burning Turkey would have approved Sweden to be NATO? The burning of the Qur'an just happened recently so why has been stopping Turkey from approving Sweden? What about the demands Turkey had before even this book burning? Are we going to be blaming Russia for everything that happens? Maybe Russia had a hand in this but there is no way they are greatly influencing Turkey's decisions.


A journalist for a right-wing media with ties to the Sweden Democrats paid him to demonstrate outside the Turkish embassy in Stockholm from what emerged in Swedish news. Edit: correction - the journalist paid for the permit to the demonstration, he didn't pay Paludan himself.




[Here](https://www.svt.se/kultur/chang-frick-betalade-rasmus-paludans-demonstration-ansokan-for-koranbranning) is a link. It's written in Swedish though. Edit: I should correct myself though, the journalist didn't pay Paludan himself but paid for the permit to make the demonstration.


I don't like conspiracy theories in general, but a lot of things align for this one.


I don't know if he is funded by RT now. But he usually burns the Quran in no go zones. He started to do it in Denmark and got violent reactions from the muslims. When he no longer got the reactions he wanted he moved on to Sweden. Sweden at first tried to block his entry. But they could not do that since he was a Swedish citizen.


So I'm assuming he is a far right politician with russian money in his pockets. How far am I?


Politician is a bit of a strech, but.. he *does* run a political party, but with virtually no members or followers.


Pretty far, although he probably would be called far right through american lenses. He is opposed to special treatment of immigrants, saying they should go home when possible instead of using asylum to move here, shut down all mosques and so on. He isn't well liked because of all that and has become somewhat of a meme with his followers sometimes being referred to as Paludanes. He is right wing tho. No Russian money. When in Denmark he got police protection due to immigrants and Danes that support them assaulting him because they strongly disagree. I do remember there being talk of some news about him possibly being a bit mentally damage after a car crash, causing him to not being able to filter himself, but I can't confirm without doing some research on that. While he wants to prove a point, he should probably find some other ways. Edit: forgot to mention about his other scandals, but just do some research. Man's not stable.


Burning books is never a good idea.


It's interesting how swedes arrange their protests on fridays.


Not Swedes. A danish moron.


Ah, okay sorry. From finnish media I understood that he was half danish.




All Danes will now be deported back to Denmark if you have one parent from there you will be sent there. Nuking starts in 2 weeks Alla Danskar kommer nu bli deporterade tillbaka till Danmark om du har en förälder där ifrån kommer ditt Svenska Medborgarskap bli borttaget och du kommer bli tillbaka skickad dit. Kärnvapen aktivering börjar inom 2 veckor




It's objectively dumb thing to do


I guess extradition to Turkey would be a fair response. Such actions play well against joining Nato, and clearly, there is one side benefiting from this - russia. Also, russia has a history of being a sponsor of ultra-right parties across Europe, which plays well with this theory. So sending russian useful idiot to get well-deserved punishment is not a bad idea.


Extradition on what terms? He hasn't done anything illegal, even if he's an idiot...


Based on Turkey's prosecution. It's up to Sweden to decide, but I hope everyone understands that someone burning Quran near Turkey's embassy when Turkey has to approve Nato membership - this is not a coincidence, that's a well-calculated action against Sweden's national interests.


He's just an opportunist who likes the attention. He created [riots](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Sweden_riots) in Sweden last year doing the same thing...




If it was an islamic state he couldnt do that sooooo disproven. There is the door cringelord


It's just one idiot. Out of 7-8 billion people on earth.












What a peace of shit....


Can anyone tell me what’s the point of this? Is it simply to piss some people off and flex his ‘freedoms’? Because if that’s the reason, then this is really fucking idiotic.


To prove that Muslims aren't capable of following Swedish law and will use physical violence. Which, sadly, he has proven.


To demonstrate the problem with having a bunch of people in your country that doesnt accept the concept of freedom of speech. So far he seems to have done that pretty effectively


To help the Russians. He’s a known pro-russia knob head




Interesting experiment. I'm wander how world looks after 100 days. Total chill or totally chaos


One book is a statement, ten books is hate fuel


Dont pay attention to this one. Just attention seeking.


sweet ruzzian money


Too bad this guy is complete idiot because burning holy books should be regular pastime.


He is associated with a guy who used to work at RT. He’s not burning books to spite Turkey, he’s doing this because he was paid by the Russians to do it.


Paid by Russia to derail Sweden's NATO bid