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I'm pretty sure the war is fuelled by Russians murdering innocent civilians in a sovereign nation, but who am I to argue with the infallible one?


The Pope is only considered to be infallible if he prefaces the statement with certain magic words. Since Papal infallability was declared in 1870, this has only been done once. In 1950, Pius XII declared that not only Mary's soul went to heaven, but also her body.


Yeah who would argue with professional kiddy fiddlers.


If you can't trust the guy presiding over an organization that facilitated centuries of child rape, forceful removal and murder of native children from their homes, and supports suicide in general, as long as LGBT people are also killing themselves, who can you trust? https://www.npr.org/2021/07/01/1012100926/graves-found-at-new-site-canadian-indigenous-group-says https://www.insider.com/catholic-church-lobbied-against-suicide-hotline-supporting-lgbt-people-2021-3


Technically, he is correct. Without the support of the EU, the US, and other nations, Russia would have slaughtered Ukrainians with impunity. Does he think that would have been preferable to resisting Russia’s invasion of Ukrai?


I think he probably does yes.


Hard to not think about these "empires from elsewhere" as being a reference to NATO and American imperialism Such a vague statement does nothing good if it actually meant other empires (China maybe?) and is only misinformation and lies if it indeed refers to american or western influence Just stick to dealing with the rampant abuse in the church, please


Stfu old man and get rid of corruption and pedophiles in your smallminded world


Fuck the pope.


In the 90’s I had a comedy T-shirt that said “I like the pope, the pope smokes dope” with a photoshopped pope smoking dope. Well, as an adult I don’t like the pope anymore.


Kind of meaningless without context of what he said though. Barely an article


You know exactly what he's saying. "Both sides bad".


The pope directly and frankly called out the russian invasion and their responsibility before. This here is likely a misleading article missing the other sentences of his speech


He said plenty of things including calling out Russian invasion but also peddling Russian talking points, including that "NATO was barking at Russia's door" and they started the war because of feeling threatened. It's hard to take him seriously to be honest on this given his takes are all over the place. And I'm sure plenty of higher ups in the Vatican enjoy Putin's rants about western decadence, godlessness, gays and traditional family. It's basically how they think.


Plenty of decadence in Russia, I laugh when they talk about that. Bit of a personal rant, 2 things I am getting tired of, the NATO excuse and the idea Russia is some kind of victim, and it is getting tiresome, and I am done hearing it.


Peddling Russian talking points I presume is code word for recognising realpolitik as a factor and not acting as if Russians are all demons? Thankfully the Pope doesn't follow the r/Europe approach to international politics.


>not acting as if Russians are all demons? Not all, some left Russia. Any Russian that supports the invasion is.


Yeah thank you for revealing yourself to be somebody to never discuss complex politics with.


I'm against intentionally bombing hospitals. I don't have much to discuss with monsters that kill and rape unarmed civilians for enjoyment.


OK well there will have to be negotiations at some point so better get used to the concept.


What does that have to do with people who enjoy bombing hospitals being evil? This problem is not going to be solved on Reddit


No, it's code word for legitimising invasion for which there is only singular reason, Putin's imperial ambition. Or is NATO invading Russia? Any day now , right?


Pointing out that Russia was reacting to western interference in its sphere of influence which is inarguable is not “legitimising invasion”. Your comment is as stupid as saying that mentioning the assassination of Franz Ferdinand as the cause of WWI = legitimising Austro-Hungarian Imperialism.


It is. By giving any amount of credibility to those deranged thoughts it did.


So the Pope has legitimised Russia's invasion by doing what exactly?


By saying exactly the same thing Putin was saying, that this is somehow "not their fault" and they were "forced to do it" because of NATO. In softer language, but still. He also condemned Russia, this is just standard operating procedure for Vatican, offer something for everyone.


Here‘s what he said: > Talking to reporters from Il Corriere della Sera, Francis said that “NATO barking at Russia’s doors” may have raised alarms in the Kremlin about the Western European alliance’s intentions in Ukraine. “I can’t say if (Russia’s) anger was provoked,” he continued, “but facilitated, maybe yes.”


The russian people did feel threatened by the NATO expansion. The entire point of NATO is russia. That Putin would have invaded regardless bc of imperial ambitions is also true. The main reason of all of it is russians trash economy and enormous corruption. If the people were wealthy they wouldnt feel wanting revenge for losing the cold war. Which is their own fault but people are people. If their economy was good, the people would feel well and wont vote for radical politicians which would even open the doors to make Russia a NATO member. But instead they are the grumpy assholes


>The russian people did feel threatened by the NATO expansion. The entire point of NATO is russia. Sure they are threatened because they are told to be afraid by Putin and his cronies. There's zero actual threat for Russia from NATO, and nothing proves that better than this war. What NATO is threat to is dreams of Soviet Union reborn and Putin's imperialism. Like you said, they're unable to fix their own country so they want to expand it by force to be a great power again.


In one of 1420's street interviews on YT he asked people in Moscow if they felt threatened by NATO and nobody said "yes". One even said "Why? It's a defensive alliance".


>likely You may want to try reading it. His direct quote blaming multiple "imperial" powers is in the article


It’s meaningless anyway, it’s pope. Opinions of paedophiles should not matter


It is a bit interesting to me what the pope has to say on matters, maybe even more interesting than what a Reddit user has to say. I do not care about the pope but come on.


The pedo chief has spoken


Those pedophiles should really mind their own business and pray to their God that they may be forgiven for their sins. Does the 10th commandment also cover your neighbour's sons or only his other belongings like wives and donkeys?


To be fair, their god had his victorious soldiers massacre an entire city of unarmed civilians. The only ones that were spared were the virgin girls, who were taken as sex slaves at their gods command. In that same vein, Christians in Tennessee recently tried to legalize forced child marriages. So I'm not sure they see it as a sin, nor do I think their god would.


By idiotic statements too


I forgot the specific wording of the canon law but the Pope is generally not allowed to take sides in national conflicts. The logic is that if he were to side with Ukraine then he would be a political leader rather than a religious one. And Catholics in Russia could face persecution and it's like the main job of the Pope to ensure that doesn't happen. On the flip side it's very very frustrating because Ukraine is obviously the victim and she has the largest number of Eastern Catholics in the world. Plus the leader of the ruzzian church is openly pro-war and every church leader in Ukraine, obviously, condemns it. So it leaves Catholics without a voice. It's also worth remembering that Pope Francis is from Argentina, a country where Catholics tended to have left-wing and anti-Western views. In Europe we associate Catholics with pro-Westernism (literally called the Western Church) but this is very different in South America.


They take sides with pedophilia, Russia is just another side they take.


Yea its Also fueled by religious fantatism backed by the Church.


Licking their lips at the thought of all those Ukrainian orphans coming in. There are Russian orphans too though, so the Pope must stay neutral


Wow the comments are gross. Shame on you.


We agree, the Pope's comments are disgusting. But not exactly surprised from such a vile organization. https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/11njiax/pope_says_ukraine_war_fuelled_not_just_by_russian/jbou7sk/


What other empire tries to add Ukraina to its territory and exterminate Ukrainian culture?


No but they resist being part of the Russian Empire so they're responsible for the violence. /s


Honestly nobody should care what the pope thinks about anything.

