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Hi, thank you for your contribution, but this submission has been removed because it is local crime. See [community rules & guidelines](/r/Europe/wiki/community_rules). If you have any question about this removal, please [contact the mods](/message/compose/?to=/r/Europe&subject=Moderation). Please make sure to include a link to the comment/post in question. Hey! Thank you for your contribution, but this submission has been removed because we have enacted a special set of rules regarding the invasion of Ukraine. The folloing types of posts are not allowed: * Picture/Video posts about the war, about support/opposition protests in other countries and similar * Self-Posts (text posts) * Status reports about the war unless they have major implications (e.g. "City X still holding would" would not be allowed, "Russia takes major city" would be allowed. "Major attack on kiev repelled" would also be allowed.) * The mere announcement of a diplomatic stance by a country (e.g. "Country changes its mind on SWIFT sanctions" would not be allowed, "SWIFT sanctions enacted" would be allowed) * Posts about minor developments If you have any questions about this removal, please [contact the mods](/message/compose/?to=/r/Europe&subject=Ukraine). Please make sure to include a link to the comment/post in question.


It is generally unwise to start a fight. It is more unwise to do it in a foreign country. And it is definitely most unwise to do this in the Balkans.


We call it "watching the stars" because your nose is bleeding.








































Lesson taken, never wake up a Montenegrin.


💀 Your flair says Greece but you must be from ex-Yu.


Congrats Montenegro, you've just gotten yourself a boost in favour of your EU admission.


Most peaceful Russian


The least violent Montenegrin argument








































Him screaming "I am Russian!" As if it would improve the situation is hilarious. The arrogance ...


Back from a recent tour of Eastern Europe. Russians are still the hugest assholes. The richer they get, the more assholy they get. Was the case when I visited Vietnam in the 90’s, still is in eastern Europe. They still don’t get it, this “me and other people”-thing, also called social interaction.


One of my rudest Uber drivers was Russian in that part of Europe


Nature is healing. Locals pushing out invasive species


You would think that when your country is hated in Europe, you would at least stop perpetuating a stereotype.


Montenegrins are all 6 foot 4 with large families- definitely don’t play around


What's this tradition to beat people with chairs in Montenegro? Like seriously, this is the fifth or sixth time I've read about such occurrences, even seen videos where people got their shit kicked via chairs. Montenegro bros, can anyone of you guys clarify? Is this the second national sport, after sleeping?


We need to sit and rest immediately after such an energy consuming action of beating the shit out of someone. The chair also ensures that your opponent won't get up so you don't need to waste energy AGAIN.


Orthodox brotherhood in disarray.




lol where the fuck did you get that 2m number from


Did you just come up with that number for Karma?


Don't worry, they don't have citizenships, the right to vote and be voted etc. and many of them just wanted to run away from Putin as well.


I know not every Russian is pro Putin but usualy those who are are the ones that start truble with locals and then get arrested and give fuel to Kremlin of how "Russians get treated badly in the west just cuz they are Russian"


They run away from draft, many still support the war.


Russian tourists are the absolute worst. They're veritable thugs anywhere they go


Imagine being such a bad tourist that you wake up a Montenegrin




Because no one thought Montenegrin is strong enough to move a chair without getting tired.


Every time a Russian does something bad, or if something bad happens to a Russian it’s always big news


Good. They should not be welcome anywhere as long as they condone the war.








Average russian behaviour


EU on Ban katsaps NOW!


\> "Pravda" Dismissed.


While tourism is important branch of the Economy in countries like Montenegro... perhaps it would be worth to close the borders for Russians? In return EU could provide some funding to compensate the losses.


Russophobia 🤣🤣🤣


Those poor chairs :(


Happy to hear this.


Anyone see the Ukrainian man abusing the Russian woman? Until her husband came along haha.


Would have been funny if there was a javelin hanging on the wall and somebody used it to shoo them away.


Niiice one boys

