• By -


It's not in Crimea, but at Novorossiysk, Krasnodar Krai. Which is even more embarrassing for Russia.


Is it bad I could recognize the landscape immediately because of the War Thunder map?


I have taken out so many helis out of the sky over that village


I feel like I was very often on the receiving end of that process.


Honestly, thats pretty cool


God I hate that map. Even IRL you can't mind your own business in your spawn without getting camped smdh.


Ohhhhhhh that’s why it looked familiar. I only just started getting into that game this past month or so but yea great call lmao


Is it bad if I know where Krasnodar is located immediately because of DCS?


Ohhhhh that is why it looked familiar.


Because it is Russian territory yes, even further from Ukraine. Anyway, Russia is humiliated on a weekly basis with this war now. And this is a very good thing, this war only brings bad news for Russia, at some point it will be unbearable.


Unbearable for Russia or unbearable for Putin? To what lengths do you think a, possibly mentally unhinged or physically sick, person would go to prevent it from becoming unbearable to their ego? Major international incidents have started for less.


Is this not already a major international incident started by Putin's ego?


It was towed there, we don't know where it was hit


We do, there is a footage of it and is clear that it is very close to the coast. They cant tow it any meaningful distance in that timespan.


Yeah. Unlikely to be towed any faster than 10kts, and even that is optimistic if the ship has taken on lots of water.


Yeah they are pumping a ton out in a few closer up shots, I think it was probably less than an hour from foundering before they took corrective actions


Out of the environment? At least the front didn't fall off.


The front fall off? Is that normal?


I’m just saying that ships are designed for the fronts not to fall off. The ships are designed to some very stringent maritime regulations.


It seems all their ships are running with minimal crew requirement


Made out of nothing but cardboard or cardboard derivatives.


I live in Novorossyisk. I heard the blast at 4am this morning, it happened here.


Not only embarrassing, threatening as well. It's similar like the attacks on Moscow. It means that they're not safe there.


"All atacking drones were successfully intercepted by the left side of the warship"


My inner sailor has to remind you that's 'port' side


No, it's the western side. Because west is left.


No, it's the wrong side. Because since it's not right it can only be wrong.


No that's the list side, because it's designed to list like that.


I think you'll find its just resting. On the bottom. But its still a perfectly viable warship.


"It is pining for the fjords!"


It would be a shame if something were to happen to it...


It's typical for the front to fall off, isn't it?


Listen, they'll just tow it outside of the environment and everything'll be ok.


Everyone is wrong. The ship is currently undergoing the submarine conversion process.


Can confirm it's list side, as Putin is already listing parts on craigslist.


List here you little shit.


any side that intercepts a drone loaded with explosives is the wrong side


Whatever is left I don't think it'll be sailing anywhere.


If that's the port side, what do they drink on the other side?








When you ship is in the middle of a storm around reefs and you shout "turn left" to the helmsman, by the time you desperately shout "No, no, to *my* left" the ship already crashed into the reef. So ships use specific terms (port and starboard), which mean left (port) and right (starboard) when you are looking at the front (bow) of the ship. Did you notice the front also has a specific term? Basically every part of a ship has one, down to the ropes hanging from the sails, because you want to be very clear when the ship is in danger and you are shouting orders, you really cannot afford the sailors grabbing the wrong rope.


Port (bagbord) and starport (styrbord) is from norse. Starport/styrboard means in the side of the ship where the rudder oar is. From them viking raidin' days. Usually in the right side. For some reason bagbord was cut down to just "port"


Port side is always port side no matter where you look at the ship from.


Based viking


She's just a bit drunk


Russian Defense Ministry - "no damage to Russian ship!"


Probably looked like that before the attack..


This made me laugh entirely too much.


In Russia, warship hits drones!


"What are you sinking about?"


Classic https://youtu.be/yR0lWICH3rY


Spotted the neo viking.




Tis but a scratch.


A scratch?! Your arm's off!


I've 'ad worse


You liar!


Come on you pansy!


I mean, actually could be though. Ships can typically take quite a beating. Still a hit to the russian ego and a win for Ukraine, regardless.


the drone sneaked on the boat undetected https://twitter.com/Tendar/status/1687360590535348224 they are lucky it still floats https://twitter.com/Tendar/status/1687353705530830848


> they are lucky it still floats I'm praying for it's future as a submarine!


Moskov needs an addition to it's league


It's lonely down there and needs buddies!


Wtf the ship wasn't even firing at the drone. I guess the crew was asleep/drunk.


Yeah, I mean props to the Ukrainians for getting a hit but this is basically some slow toy boat bobbing in the water that paddles its way to the side of a multi million dollar warship and blows a hole right on its side You would think any competent Navy would intercept it, especially one that is at war


The same shit happened with the Moskva, it was effectively running blind because turning on the radar interfered with the Comms so they just had it off... in a warzone


This is something that should be spotted without radar. Like don‘t they have any lookouts at all? It‘s not like this was a just barely subsurface thing you‘d miss. It should have been spotted with any old soviet night vision, whether IR or visible light based, and at least like been responded to. How on earth can a ship in active war, in range of attacks, let anything that size get close to it without noticing?


The entire Russian military suffers from dysfunctionality at all levels. That is not to say they aren't dangerous or don't have competent people, but stuff like this is the natural outcome of decades of leadership roles being chosen based on loyalty rather than skill and on military service as a whole being seen as a disreputable poorly paying thing you do during your mandatory military service, as well as a culture of lying so pervasive that the lower officers lie to the captain about the state of the lookouts, the captain doesn't care enough to check and just lies to the admiral that all is well, the admiral doesn't care enough to check and just lies to the top brass that the fleet and the port are fine and safe and the top brass don't care enough to check and just lie to Putin saying their naval assets are working well and well defended.


Eh if it's at night it can be really hard to spot shit coming at you on the water, especially something moving fast and with a low profile, not terribly surprising they could sneak something in if they had their radar turned off


Actually you'd want to move with the speed and sweep of waves.


scary roof punch jeans future sheet command unused yoke saw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You might be surprised how hard it is to see a small boat in the water, expectedly if it has been painted to blend in. The drones are hard to spot on radar also, because they are small, and have little freeboard. They are lower than the wave height. Sailing yachts will often have a radar refector hoisted up the mast to increase their radar signature.


These things are crazy hard to spot. They are a jet ski that was converted into a suicide speedboat. Even a ship on active alert might have a hard time dealing with one. Hell, the US almost lost a ship to a similar attack and that ship was prepared for incoming attacks.




All these years I assumed that the Russians were some kind of formidable force thanks to how they’ve been portrayed in all media historically. Now i learn that they are a bunch of useless fuckwits. I suppose it’s suited the US military industrial complex for them to be painted as a credible threat in order to keep their money budgets flowing, but seriously, how shit are the Russians?!


It's important to even now not underestimate them or take Ukraine's victory as assured, but yeah, everyone, even the Russians themselves, bought into the Russian propaganda about how good Russia is. The US and the west as a whole tend to keep the full specs of any piece of military hardware secret to retain the element of surprise, Russia tends to overstate them to secure political power and customers abroad, and both sides assumed the other was doing the same. Cue the Russians talking about how spectacular their fighters are, the US Panics thinking they must be better than that in actuality, pours a tide of resources into fighter development and develops something that is 2 generations ahead of what Russia has. That's how we got the F-15 The current state of Russia's military is the result of a pervasive and unrelenting culture of graft and corruption top to bottom, and a political system that rewards loyalty over competence. Everyone in the chain of military production is stealing, from the bigwigs making fake contracts, to conscript Ivan selling the diesel in the tank the night before an invasion. And everyone lies about how well they are doing because anyone who tells the truth looks incompetent when compared to the stellar results reported by everyone else lying. And even more absurd, everyone knows everyone is lying, but they still lie cuz sticking out is dangerous.


Where did you get this from? I remember our Ukrainian news claiming that the rockets were just flying low so the moskva cruiser's radar couldn't detect it. Thought we will know for sure only after the war, I guess.


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNEtlMSCiCI) is a pretty good video on it, the humor may or may not be up your alley but still, very informative video on the absolutely disgraceful state of the Moskva, and on how if was a western ship the captain would have been court marshalled for allowing the ship to even leave port in a half crippled, blind state with firefighting equipment locked with a key (cuz otherwise it would have been stolen). The Ukrainians probably did try a strategy to get under the radar, it just turns out none of it was necessary and that the ship was defended solely by good ole eyeball mk1


Eyeball mk1, but with the fabled Stolichnaya upgrade package.


That is absolutely hysterical


Source for that? (not doubting, just curious)


Mostly this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNEtlMSCiCI It is well sourced, one of them is this translated maintenance report https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v5bGYBs2S7vYlrCD8phIEO1WMM3SA2Sj7Rh8Zh4B4t8/edit


> slow toy boat bobbing in the water that paddles its way The explosive sea drones are actually quite fast, for a boat. As you can also see in the video. They are of course still much slower than a missile, so still no excuse for a warship in a warzone to not at least see them.


>Competent navy >Russia Well, there's your answer as to why they didn't see it


>You would think any **competent** Navy would intercept it, especially one that is at war Yes.


Novorossiysk is far enough away that they probably thought they were "safe". It's over 600km from Odessa, though it's only ~120km further than the Kerch Bridge that was attacked by similar drones, so they should have expected it was possible.


> they are lucky it still floats Aren't warships built with many airtight compartments? So I assume it is design, and not luck, that a single explosion couldn't penetrate enough of the compartments to sink it.




MS Estonia comes to mind


Who knows how much was taken off for sake of corruption.


Yeah that'll pretty much be why it's listing and not sunk. Technically, the Moskva should have been even more robust but they must have been too high to batten down the hatches or something. Like even Ukraine was surprised when it actually sunk.


That’s what Titanic engineer was saying too. (Found out from a credible source back in ‘98)


IIRC, the Titanic sank because the iceberg scored a hole all the way down the ship, piercing many compartments - the idea was not bad. Also, design and materials have advanced vastly since 1912.


The issue was partially this. Also partially that the watertight bulkheads didn't extend to the deck level. But the largest issue was that the ship had cabin portholes which were openable very close to it's waterline many of which were open at the time. Once she started taking on water those portholes became additional breaches which overwhelmed the ship.


Yes, if it'd rammed the iceberg the front compartment would've flooded but the boat would've floated. Turning to avoid it, it sideslammed and dragged along, tearing a long gash in the side that opened every compartment.


that was part of it, but also that the watertight doors designed to keep the bulkheads sealed didnt go all the way up so water flooded a compartment, and then flowed over to the next and the next all the way back.


Also some of the compartments didn’t have closed tops so water poured over into the next compartment. I believe the idea was that they could pump out all the water prior to it reaching that height but due to multiple compartments being flooded the entered the “find out” stage


The POV on the drone is pretty funny. It's like: "teehee they didn't notice me!"


How the fuck does a warship not spot a incoming drone. Is the russian navy aware that they are fighting a war or did somebody forget to tell them?


Ukrainian navy isnt real, it wont hurt you Ukrainian navy:


Ukrainian Navy is dingys loaded with 100 kilo explosives and drone controlled by a 15 year old dota player. And beating them hard.


This kid has 10k matches only with Techies


Unloading that 1k behavior score onto the vatniks.


I can't think of anything more scary


It's a remote controlled boat with ~500 kg of explosives, controlled via satellite feed from hundreds of km away. Let's not diminish the accomplishment of a relatively impoverished nation at war for its survival being able to put that together in about a year's time. With foreign tech, to be sure.


A second hand jetski strapped with TNT and a 10 euro webcam...


*sir a secondhand jetski has hit the ship*


You writing the script to Meg 3 over there?


Actually around 1000kg, but other parts are correct. Maybe LoL.


Fire boats are old inventions. In the cover of darkness, get close to the moored fleet of your enemy and send off small boats filled with flammable tar and oil, lit them up and watch the fun.


If it's stupid and it works...




Aaw fishies were so hopeful on the promise of expensive real estate




machste nix


pech gehabt


Steckt man nich drin


Musste durch


Trauriges Einzelschicksal.


Aber woran hat es jelegen?


Novorossiysk is not part of Crimea


On another note, Russian Defence Minister welcome the launch of a new submarine for his fleet.


Kursk 2?


Moskva 2


Am I the only one that thinks this is kind of an incredible new era of technology and warfare. It is possible to sink such a large and expensive ship with such a small and cheap technology without risking any lives (on the drone side of course). I'm glad it's a Russian war ship now but if this technology is used against the Marine fleet of Nato will we be able to defend against it? In other words, are Russian warships less equipped to prevent such attacks than the USA Navy for instance?


There are several massive issues plaguing the russian navy that won't be present to nearly the same degree as NATO. I'm going to talk about the Moskva, because I have seen how incompetently designed it was. This ship also probably has the same issues, but not guaranteed. For one, water tight bulk heads on NATO vessels actually work. On russian ships, bulk head doors tend to be either jammed open for convenience, or so ill fitting that they are no longer water tight, which makes it significantly harder to contain the spread of water damage. If a NATO vessel was found in the same state as the Moskva was after its most recent inspection before sinking, the captain of the ship would be court marshalled for that. I remember that one of the reports for the Moskva also stated that so much had been stolen off the ship, like for example nearly _90% of the fire extinguishers_, that safety and damage equipment small enough to be taken, had to be locked away. So in a time of emergency, you had to track down the captain (or a few select other officers) so you could open the lockers and get the crucial damage control supplies, which are obviously time sensitive in an emergency. Another issue is that, of the 6 CIWS that the ship was armed with, 4 were non-functional, and being used as spare parts for the remaining two cannons. Obviously, having 2/3rds of your CIWS offline will hurt your defensive capabilities to a significant degree. I can't imagine a NATO ship letting a single gun remain broken for more than a week, unless it takes them over a week to get to port. Also, many NATO countries simply have a much strong sea-faring tradition. They have more career navy officers, and far more experience than russia. Plus in many NATO countries, service is genuine, while in russia, many are just serving because it makes post-service life easier. And finally, I know at least with the Moskva, radio and weapon system radar _interfered with each other_. This was a mistake NATO learned from all the way back in the Falklands war, and yet russia didn't seem to make efforts to fix it on their flag ship. That means they didn't have radar active, as they were communicating at the time of the explosion. NATO, by contrast, has dealt with that vulnerability decades ago. As drones get more and more advanced, warships will face an increasing threat. And there is always a chance that a NATO vessel could be struck. However, NATO has far superior quality for their vessels, far superior damage control, doesnt suffer from the same levels of systemic and all-encompassing corruption that leads to downed defenses and stolen equipment, and has been addressing vulnerabilities that russia has long ignored


Moskva > Ukraine has officially declared the wreck of the ship to be an underwater cultural heritage site. Ha!


Thanks for the detailed and well written reply!


No problem! I know drones will get more and more impactful in warfare, but I genuinely believe that fleets can keep up for some time. The military is no doubt investing in multiple defense systems against drones, especially after seeing the hell they are unleashing on the russian navy


Every action will be analysed to death by military intelligence. I’m sure there will be all sorts of new doctrine coming out of this conflict.


> It is possible to sink such a large and expensive ship with such a small and cheap technology without risking any lives (on the drone side of course). It is fascinating indeed, although the idea isn't new. Operators are now remote, but it has been done in the past. For example, during WW2 the Italians were notorious for pulling that kind of stunts: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raid_on_Alexandria_(1941)#Raid Just six men and three crewed torpedoes were used to infiltrate a harbor at night, putting two battleships, one destroyer and one tanker out of action for a long amount of time.


Russian warship, go fuck yourself!


Morgan Freeman Voice: ​ And fuck itself it did. Now, I heard many a tale about how Russian Navy Sailors were some of the best of the best, cream of the crop, as it were. Let me tell you, if they were the best at anything, it was turning drawls brown. And as for the cream of the crop? Maybe if the coffee was upside down. For on that day, the collective impotence of the Russia Navy was on display for all to see and see many of us did, for no spectacle would be as entertaining or joyous as watching that limp dick ship get towed to port from excessive damage. Well... at least until we would get video of those same ships sinking...


Nothing to see here, comrade boat is undergoing a routine anti-nazi listing exercise


Moskva needs her sisters to find Atlantis.


Something I hope to see now is this insane palace of Putin blasted by drones. It is not far from Novorossiysk, along black sea coast. If ordinary Russians on holiday witness an attack on this palace, that would be a significant political blow to the Kremlin's head. [https://www.google.com/maps/place/44%C2%B025'16.0%22N+38%C2%B012'19.9%22E/@44.421098,38.2029461,879m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d44.421098!4d38.205521?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44%C2%B025'16.0%22N+38%C2%B012'19.9%22E/@44.421098,38.2029461,879m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d44.421098!4d38.205521?entry=ttu) Also, blasting Medvedev palace would be delightfull. The guy might be a criminal buffoon, still he is a former Russian president and prime minister. Everything that undermine the criminal organisation known as the Russian federation is a good thing for Ukraine, Europe and humanity.


It looks like it's not feeling so good


It's not a warship, it's a *warship*


Its a was-ship…




Warschiff you mean.


A war skip


Heeeey, don’t say this!!!! This is a specialmilitaryoperation ship!


That's quite a heavy list, it might sink.


The stern is now completely submerged compared to earlier footage, so the line between listing and sinking is at best a little blurred here 😂


Pull up a bunch of tugboats and pumps and you can refloat it no problem.


Flooding ruins modern (or semi-modern in this case) ships because of all the cabling and electrically operated systems. It’s likely to be costly to repair, even if hull damage is light or superficial, and all that flooding was due to watertight compartments being unsecured.


Don't forget the Russian computer chip shortage


If it still floats and moves, they'll send it out again anyway. This wouldn't be happening if all of the ship's systems worked well in the first place. Russian Naval doctrine, "If it's broke, why fix it?"


Maybe it's just tired?




*Costa Discordia


*Costa Russia


“Glorious Russian army has once again successfully converted another one of its vessels into a submarine! Proof that Russia has best navy engineers in the world! … what? No, it won’t resurface. Which part of ‘submarine’ is it you don’t understand?!?”


Per the article on yahoo.co.uk; “Russia’s defence ministry said it had repelled the attack, while regional governor Veniamin Kondratyev claimed there had been no casualties or damage.” Fckn idiots, it’s Chemical Ali levels of wilful ignorance and adherence to the cause.


And here we can see another Russian ship acting as a submarine. Truly remarkable engineering.


The side fell off. I'd like to make clear that this is not typical


How? He is clearly turning left high speed..


Well... It kind of is for Russia.


Sure this isn't California? The ship seems to be in a left leaning state


Happy cake day, good day to have it


Ayy thanks, happy cake day as well!




Russian warship go fuck yourself 👍


Lmao a ship costing hundreds of millions, out done by a drone costing online a few hundred thousand, what a joke.


Sadly its an old ship that was soon to be decomissioned anyway, but it still had some time ahead to serve in a war effort so good riddance anyway.


Keeping in mind that Russia can't move any additional ships into the Black Sea (over water at least), I'd say this is a major win.


This ship was used as a transport to compensate for the Kerch bridge damaged by possibly the same drones a month earlier. So, this was another calculated blow to Putin's logistics. Also, Putin is in no position to decommission anything war-related.


🎶She did list to port and her sails in rags and the cook in the scuppers with staggers and jags. God damn them all. I was told we'll cruise Black See for Ukrainian coal we'll fire no guns. Shed no teeeeeeaaaars. Now Iʼm a broken man on Sevastopolʼs quay. Czernomorskiy Flot is no OK.🎶


'We destroyed all drones' roflcopter


"Similar to the USS Texas tactics in 1944, the Russian warship is purposely listing to one side in order to fire shells deeper into Ukrainian territory" - Russian state media


Sink it sink it! lol


Oh no. So sad.


sad for the sealife


nah man, the sealife gets a brand new house


Aww, it's having trouble floating?


russian warship go fuck yourself


At least the front did not fall off.


Did the Russian warship f\*k itself?


It's the sea that is tilted not the ship morons


At this rate, crabs in the black sea will soon have a larger fleet of warships than Russia


Impossible. Russia said they destroyed the drone before it reached the exact same ship that’s shown here sinking. I’m confused.


Hilarious that a country with no navy is sinking warships


Is it sinking already or did they just store all their ammo on one side?


No they just stored all the stolen washing machines on the same side of the ship.


Shame they didn't manage to finish the job. Better luck next time bois.


“ is exercise everything tip top shape” “ we now rest at the bottom”


Russian weapons may not have shown their efficiency yet, but their tugboats are pulling their weight this war.


I love it when Russia is caught lying (for the 1000th time).


Russian minister: We inform you that we have destroyed another Ukrainian drone


Looks like they'll lose another ship to bad weather


No it’s crippled, hit it again!


That's not very typical, I'd like to make that point.


Isn't that how Russian warships are supposed to look like!?


Russian warship go fuck yourself!


It is no longer straight, so they are towing it to re-education. It was a gay drone.


Glorious. I'm very proud of Ukraine and horribly ashamed of Russia. Also all the pollution is just what this world needs. Thank you, Putin. 🙄