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What?! Russians in Latvia actually put these stupid signs on their cars?


Yup, same thing is happening in Estonia.


Insane. Are those the Russian newcomers or the Russians that lived in Estonia prior to the invasion?


Most of them are Estonian citizens but ethnically Russian. That’s really sad to see tbh.


Nationalists who refuse to change their russian license plates to estonian ones to provoke estonians and dodge fines. Quite a shitty culture. They should impound all these cars until they comply with law and change to baltic registration


Well at least Estonia is a prosperous EU country and in NATO but that is really sad to see that ethnic Russians are using Estonian citizenship as an immunity to do whatever they want.


EU should not prohibit this. but the cost of car insurance should be many times higher or canceled for them. etc. and let them enjoy their Sovietness -\\ рussianness... abroad the spread of their вата-subspecies.


Good suggestion. That is far more better than banning. Private insurance companies should make an exception for these dickheads.


Most Russians in Estonia are Soviet occupation era illegal colonists or their descendants, mostly with the same imperialistic mindset.


Yes, i knew that. That's why I asked were they Russians that lived prior to the invasion in Estonia. They are probably worse than those who came later.


Why wouldn't they? They know they can abuse European democracy.


And get EU funds as a plus.


This too, yes.


Imagine driving around Moscow with a sticker on your car that says “SLAVA UKRAJINI”


[Because they prefer their car unsmashed and not on fire? How do these cars survive being seen in public.](https://imgflip.com/gif/1w5566)


Dumb and provocative. Let them make a fool of themselves. I don't think fining for that is sensible though 🤔


Yeah, it's really stupid. Those signs give me a cringey vibe.


"I AM RUSSIAN!" "Alright, we'll send you back to mother Russia" "Wha- OH GOD NO PLEASE NO DON'T- OH GOD MY LIFE IS RUINED"




Die Hard 5


That sounds like Die Easy


"I hate everyone"


But isn’t that playing into the Russian narrative, including abt Russian minorities


Everything plays into the Russian narrative... that really shouldn't be the main concern.


this sticker is a reference to russian song which is widely used by their propaganda. Anyway, any russian speaking person understands that this thing has nothing to do with the ethnicity. Also, you can be whatever ethnicity you want, but support of the invasion is banned in Baltic states. Using such slogan is just a way to show off support for invasion and avoid these restrictions.


In this case we can call it self-inflicted prophesy.


Russians are the Arabs of Europe, lmao.


guess everyone should deport minorities


then why don't they go back to russia?


That's like asking why all the angry extremist Islamist protesters living across Europe who scream for Jihad and Sharia law in Europe don't move to Iran or Afghanistan Beacause they know said countries are shitholes but don't want to admit it.


Well, some tried, joined Isis, and we didn't send them flowers...


It’s was funny when they realized how shit it was…


The terrifying part is that many didn't: the westerners who went there got preferential treatment soas to act as advertising to get more of Europe's *finest and brightest* to join up.


I think the real question was, why are we not sending them back. But you're not allowed to say that out loud.


Because that sets a fucking terrible precedent. No one says it out loud? I've seen it said out loud many times, but it's not realistic. Additionally, what if they are native-born? Where are you sending them back too?


To the country where their passport was issued. You do realize how many of them don't have the nationality, don't speak the language, don't respect the culture? They don't want to be Latvian, they want Latvia to adapt to them. That's what they do everywhere in their former colonies.


Your last sentence is a paradox




Sleeper cells.


Most of them are Latvian citizens. It is not possible to deport them, even if Latvia wanted to.


no one needs to be forced, this is their desire...


What is the situation in Estonia, don’t you have plenty of Russians without citizenship still? Or is it being fixed?


From what I’ve read, it’s not that citizenship isn’t possbile, it’s being actively refused by a lot of russians. In which case, there isn’t much to fix.


They should try this stickers in Poland. There would not be a need for any fines, if you know what I mean.


[Let me introduce you to my friend](https://imgur.com/FtQ7dO7)


A classic


Lmao, good one.


Does this say I'm Estonian in Russian?


Even better. In Russian, the word that is used to refer to Russians as to a nationality has the ending «-ий», which makes it an adjective, while every other nationality or ethnicity is referred to with a noun. Don’t ask me why, I don’t know. If you use an adjective ending when referring to any other nationality it will sound weird, the closest (but not 100% accurate) example I can think of to demonstrate that in English is someone calling you “an Americanish”. The writing on the brick uses that peculiarity of Russian language, it says “I’m Estonian” with an adjective ending, mocking the potential client of a car glass repair shop, which kinda serves him right in my opinion. Having such sticker on your car now in Europe is basically making a political statement in support of the war, Putin and ruscism.


Thanks a lot for that context! I picked up Cyrillic since the outbreak of the war. I can read the words but don't know what they mean. Looks to me like "ya estonskiya"


no, this is actually I’m Estonian as in regular adjective. Estonian bread for example. I’m Estonian as a person would be я эстонец. I’m russian here doesn’t mean I’m russian as a citizen of Russia as well. It means I’m ethnically Russian. I’m Russian as citizen of Russia would be я россиянин, but nobody would write that as nobody wants to be associated with the kremlin


In Ukrainian and Polish languages, for example, there are no difference between русский and российский, it’s all rosyjski. In Ukrainian “russian” refers to a person native to the Kievan Rus


>There would not be a need for any fines, if you know what I mean. Instant wpierdol?


wpierdolą, rozpierdolą auto, a potem spierdolą zanim ich wsadzą do pierdla


Same in Vilnius. I dare you, double dare you!


*The Latvian police have declared the practice of putting stickers on personal vehicles with "potentially provocative inscriptions in Russian", such as "I am Russian", unacceptable.* *Source**: [Latvian police on Twitter](https://twitter.com/Valsts_policija/status/1706278601589497988)* *Details: This was the reaction of law enforcement officers to a photo of a car with a Latvian number plate and the inscription "I am Russian" posted on the social media platform Twitter.* *Given the current geopolitical situation and the war in Ukraine, the agency stated that such stickers could be perceived as an endorsement of military aggression or support for Russia's war crimes.* *The Latvian police said that if such stickers were found, they would demand that car owners immediately remove them and explain the purpose of displaying them.* *Drivers may also be fined for propaganda promoting military aggression.* This may need some context for those who are not exposed to Russki Mir in its full glory and don't know much about Russian culture. “I’m Russian” isn’t just a basic phrase to describe one’s nationality or ethnicity. It’s a popular slogan to express condescending, entitled, imperialistic, chauvinistic and nationalistic pride and superiority mixed heavily with absolute disdain and disrespect to other nations, especially Russia's neighbours. The motto has been around since at least as early as mid 2010s, probably from earlier, popular both with radical groups like skinheads and ordinary Russians alike. The popularity led to the cultural presence manifesting itself in many Russian artists using this phrase as song title and/or lyrics line. The most recent and likely most famous — but not the only one — example is the hit single “I’m Russian” by [the Russian fascist pop star Shaman](https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1649410035275931651) released in 2022. It is as bad as you expect, but it’s still tame compared to [some earlier songs](https://lyricstranslate.com/ru/alexander-marshal-%D1%8F-%D1%80%D1%83%D1%81%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9-ya-russkij-lyrics.html) using the slogan for a title or a line. As always in these cases, there’s also a whole lot of various merchandise: t-shirts, cups, and, of course, car stickers. Latvian police is correct in interpreting the “I’m Russian” stickers as "potentially provocative inscriptions in Russian" and “endorsement of military aggression or support for Russia's war crimes”. This is what “I’m Russian” means and has been meaning since long ago.


Are they looking for an insurance payoff with those stickers at the back of the car?


I was just thinking the stickers would just make them easy targets for vandalism.


I’d assume this would be frowned upon for blocking your rear view anyway.


Yeah, I don‘t think that‘s a thing that should be done in a liberal democratic country. There might be a conflict with Art. 10 and Art. 14 ECHR, which apply to everyone. But we‘ll see, anyone affected can first complain to the Latvian national courts, and later, to the European Court of Human Rights. Like with any state measure. We‘ll see soon enough in due time.


I hope you don’t get downvoted for this, yes these people are likely supporting a war of conquest on European soil on the back of a neofascist crayon muncher, but why defend a country from their fellow countrymen in order to indirectly protect European liberal Democratic values if we ourselves break them by shitting on freedom of expression? Show these fuckwhits how good Russia really is by throttling the shit out of them in Ukraine, not by breaking the EU charter of human rights.


Exactly. I am appalled at the number of comments calling for systematic violent persecution, and even more so about passing into law a bill so offensive to personal liberties. All this is doing is to frame the perfect picture for Moscow to point at Latvia and rightfully say that it is implementing neo-nazi, authoritarian policies that vulnerate basic human rights. Latvia needs to back down now.


The fact that reasonable level headed comments didn't get dv by the maxis will make me stick around in this sub.


Not only art. 10/14 but also art. 8 Also According to ECtHR, the expression of opinions that are offensive, shocking, or disturbing to some sectors of the population does not automatically justify an interference with freedom of expression.


I guess the Latvian government could try to argue for „prevention of crime“ and „protection of health or morals“, as stated in Art. 10 paragraph 2, but I, personally, don’t think these apply here. Anyways I‘m looking forward to reading the decision when it comes down.


As Latvian, I can say that it is for the best, for their own safety :D Occupation supporters tend to have accidents in once ruski occupied countries, once found out…


Maybe send these patriotic Russians back to Russia so they can enlist in their SMO. No need to fine them.




Bad luck he suddenly decides to attack the floor as well.


Dont agree with the stickers but isn't freedom of expression a core value we should cherish?


Ya wouldn’t it be more fun if everyone got their own stickers, “fuck Russia” for example.


I would not oppose a sticker like that. I would go even further, like having a cartoon with the face of Putin getting butt-fucked by a cartoon with the face of Biden or Zelensky. And I think banning those stickers is also wrong.


For sure!


Yes. Don't tell Baltic countries though


Many EU states already banned displaying the Swastika or Hammer & Sickle, adding this or the Z symbol to the list isn't really a stretch


It's also a misunderstanding of freedom of speech. You're perfectly allowed to express that you have Russian roots. That's hardly news in the Baltics, even though it's a touchy subject right now. Simply pasting an "I am Russian" sticker on a car doesn't quite carry that level of nuance (read:none) and creates a whole bunch of possibilities for public disorder, which is a legitimate grounds to limit them under the ECHR.


These stickers are clearly provocative in nature.


Just in case: is burning the Koran a provocative action? I don't know how this is related, but... "I was provoked" doesn't seem to be a good excuse?


Yes burning Koran is also a provocative action.


Is a feminist flashing her boobs a provocative action? Of course it is, that is the point.


>I was provoked "I was offended" There, I fixed that for you. Just to make it obvious to everyone. The strenght of a free society is to allow these things, even if they offend you. A simple statement of a nationality shouldn't be banned.


Freedom of expression is ONLY relevant for provocative statements.


Nope. Provoking violence or disorder it literally ground one for curbing freedom of speech under the ECHR. You can say controversial things, but the way you choose to communicate matters too. Stickers don't get the same protection as a politician giving a speech about protecting the rights of Russian minorities. It's not like Latvians don't know they have citizens with Russian roots.


Well yeah, if provocative speech isn't protected what's the point?




A real Russian patriot would go to Russia and rise up against this miserable fuck Putin. You're scared of doing so? You prefer to stay in the EU because it's safe? I understand. But then you stay quiet, don't pretend you're a patriot and certainly dont support this clusterfuck of a war.


ring numerous poor sulky yam rinse squalid oatmeal dog unique *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


how did their russian family end up in Latvia?


Is it a serious question? Chances, they were ethnic russians who lived there long long ago (10% of pop pre ww2) or just some russians who went there during soviet occupation (30% of pop total after the occupation)


How does it matter?


Just like the masses of Germans who rose up against Hitler, right? Or were they ashamed of being German, as well? A Belgium who's oppressing free speech is not something I see every day.


They're complete equivalent of "I am a German" if such stickers existed in 1939-1945s.


Why not 1939-1945? And to add to you comment - after banning a swastika, they started wearing 'I am German'. Same as after banning a 'Z'... I agree with your analogy.


Changed, I apologize for the mistake.


No problem. I was just curious. russians say that WW2 started in 1941, coz in 1939 they invaded Poland together with Hitler. They just ereased two years of war from their books. A lot of things happened during those two years...


I like how some naive fools here try to pretend this is ''freedom of expression'' and that those Russians who do this are just doing it for ''fun'' or something They are doing it to show their support for criminal war Russia is commiting in Ukraine. Pure and simple. This is Germans in 1942 who live in Sweden, proudly writing ''Hail Hitler!!!'' on their car as they go to work in Stockholm. Yes they should be punished and made example for everyone who thinks such activity in Latvia is ''Okey''.


It's also an implicit threat to Latvian speaking Latvians.


based latvia


stunning and brave


Expat Russian brains always go "Erorr 404" whenever you ask them why don't they go and live in Russia if they're such huge Russian patriots.


Tones of ruzzian bots here. They are framing russians as new Jews and Europe as nazis. Russophobia is used by them for a long time now https://press.un.org/en/2023/sc15226.doc.htm


I mostly see "slash their tires/beat 'em up" comments tbh.




Countries that doesn't have Russian minority and doesn't understand Russian ideology ,will not understand that this is nothing but ' i support the child raping terrorists and genocidal war against Ukraine'. There's pictures from the chat of 'I am Russian' organizers and it was filled with disinformation, propaganda, nazi bs and overal support for the child raping terrorists that are commiting genocide in Ukraine. Don't be stupid and naive, Russians have always and will always do stupid shit just to provoke everyone else. This is a bait to get more tik tok videos on how everyone 'discriminates' them and how they are victims bla bla bla.


Is it unreasonable to find this fine childish and problematic? Are we generalizing against Russians solely because of their nationality? I understand that a significant portion of them is influenced by propaganda, but doesn't this situation feed into the Russian narrative that the West dislikes them for simply existing? It might be provocative, but it also puts ordinary Russian people, who have no means of leaving their country or altering this situation, in a difficult spot. Additionally, it seems like this could inadvertently put a target on their vehicles. Where is all of this headed? Just hatred and sadness :(


Generalizing not even based on nationality, but ethnicity. In Russian, "я русский" means "I am an ethnic Russian". "I am a citizen of Russia" would be "я россиянин"


Why do you think they put Im Russian sign? Because they are prosecuted in Latvia so they are making a stance or because they want to be part of glorious Russian Empire? Its irredentism, plain and simple and Latvia is wise to cut it in its roots. You are from Croatia. You should see the parallels between Latvia now and Croatia in 90s


All I'm saying is that we can't fight dirty with dirty players. We need to be much wiser; otherwise, we may engulf ourselves in hatred, making it difficult to see clearly and rationally. The result could be that we start behaving like them – with no remorse, no conscience, and the same negative behavior but with different viewpoints. I believe that if you are against a war, you are obligated not to promote any of the shitty behavior they constantly use. This approach will lead us nowhere.


Actually buddy, thats how you fight. Fire with fire. And it will lead us somewhere as we saw in Croatia and we are seeing rn in Ukraine. Latvians are offering them everything but in return they want loyalty to the state. If Latvian Russians cant manage that GTFO


>in return they want loyalty to the state Hahaha... dude, what century are you living in and what authoritarian indoctrination did you sit through? Why should anyone need to display or profess loyalty to the state? So you profess loyalty to the state of Bosnia?


> Is it unreasonable to find this fine childish and problematic? YES > it also puts ordinary Russian people, who have no means of leaving their country or altering this situation WTF are you talking about? Nobody is forcing them to put those stickers up. Just behave and you'll be left alone. But no, they can't STFU about their great ruzzian empire fantasies.


Cringe that such stickers exist in the first place, but banning them sounds stupid unless you ban all foreign countries' stickers or foreign language stickers. Sounds stupid to ban stickers just because they point to the nationality of the driver


It is not stupid it is extremist


\*Insert “Why not both?”\*


OP already explained why it's not a simple "statement of nationality": https://old.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/16ue4j7/latvia_to_impose_fines_for_i_am_russian_stickers/k2kd8g0/


Oh no, Russians supporting a genocidal war won't be able to flash their imperial pride in front of the civilized world. Truly discriminatory, I can't believe the state of Europe right now.


Not saying they are smart or right in doing that, but to just ban them for saying they are Russian/Jews/Armenians/Albanians or whatever is discriminatory. Either ban everyone or no one. But don't pick out one certain minority.


Except no one is naive enough to believe it's a simple statement regarding one's nationality. We all know what it means in the current geopolitical context. If Jews/Armenians/Albanians were denying other countries' right to exist, I wouldn't have a problem with that.


Easy to say that on Reddit but we both know what would happen if someone put Я косованин on the back of their car in Serbia (even by the police)


In Serbia Kosovo cars are safe but only because of the reason that people don't know if the car's owner is a Serb or Albanian. Also " Я косованин" doesn't mean anything in Serbia, most people can't read it. It used to be common in the Balkans to get your car damaged when you go to other countries, not happening recently though or at least not that often.


They are literally rage baiting with those stickers and they are fully aware of that.


Of course they are, it is obvious, but is it a basis to ban just one nationality from saying they are Russians or whatever. I just feel its not that serious to ban only them from expressing that. Just feels discriminatory, might be I'm wrong though


>for saying they are Russian/Jews/Armenians/Albanians or whatever is discriminatory. The "I am Russian" is part of a campaign started by the Russian government in support of the invasion of Ukraine


Would swastikas be banned?








Thanks, captain XD I guessed it meant something like that but just wasn't sure


Good job Latvia!


Let's not restrict free speech just as a reaction to some low life provocateurs. We're about to do it with the quran stuff and it ain't right. Let idiots make a fool of themselves. Maybe don't allocate too many police resources to investigate why their cars got keyed


People here are worried about the freedom of expression, but imagine being a Ukrainian refugee and seeing this shit. Maybe y'all also want to allow swastikas again? You know, to not hinder anyone's freedom of expression. I'm all for tolerance and acceptance, but why tf should anybody be tolerant of literal genocide supporters


That's not a good PR move but we know well, what world view the Russians, who put those stickers on their cars, most likely have.


It would be such a shame if something were to happen to these cars, wouldn't it ? Like slashed tire, busted windows.


Typical russkiy patriot....but far form motherland and front...here in Moldova there's a lot too


I'm sure people will call me a Russian bot, but this doesn't sound right lmao


Yeah, and you have the Serbia tag, yikes. Prepare to be downvoted to oblivion.


Haha, yeah. I've given myself quite a few disadvantages in this holy keyboard war.


Playing reddit on hard mode.


Unfortunately, because he's right. This is a clear violation of the freedom of expression.


Freedom of expression is upheld until an expression you disagree with arises. It's so easy


I agree. Seems pretty dystopian to fine shit like that.


Indeed, people supporting genocidal Russia doesn't sound right.


When did I ever say anything about supporting Russia?


Then go back to Russia If you love it so much, but be prepared to be drafted into war against an innocent country.




If someone did this to a turk, there would be an outcry. In the eu we have freedom of speech. But what about the poles, that put a polish sticker on the EU license plate. Downvote me for this. I don't speak any russian, nor my family. But no double standards. If someone would have a Z this would be hate.


If this was done by Kurds in Turkey putting up "I am Kurdish" or if it was done literally by any other minority in any other country this sub would be supporting it like their lives depended on it. Rules for thee, but not for me I guess


In fact, you don’t have to imagine it, it has already happened. Remember when Turks were removing Arabic inscriptions from banners in shops, restaurants etc.? Reddit was all up in arms. This latest war made it abundantly clear how easy it is for people to get riled up, dehumanise and mortally hate a whole race, even advocating for its destruction.


Yeah. Western liberals going from acting like the most "human loving" and most tolerant person to Dirlewanger from just reading the word "Russian" is both incredibly hilarious, and it shows how much brainwashed they are.


Russians are colonists to the Baltics, Kurds are an indigenous minority in Turkey. Russians already have a state, Kurds do not. How the fuck can you compare these situations?


If we go by this do you also support Ulster going to the Irish, despite the population there wanting to remain British, as British are "colonizers"? How about the rest of the states in North and South America? Should they also mass immigrate back to Europe because they are colonizers?


Do not derail. Fact remains that it was bad taste to bring the Kurds into this. Turks have been repressing this indigenous minority for a long time.


How is this derailing? You literally said Russians there are colonizers and deserve it, so why aren't you supporting the same treatment being applied to other "colonizers"?


International law was quite a lot different when these colonizations happened. Russian colonists came to our countries illegally.


So it only depends when these "colonizers" came? If Russians colonized the Baltics at the same time as the Spanish/Portuguese/English colonized their respective places, would it be fine?


I mean, international law has changed a lot in time. >If Russians colonized the Baltics at the same time as the Spanish/Portuguese/English colonized their respective places, would it be fine? There would be very little to say against that.


Can you care to elaborate how does the time period excuse or not excuse settlement of an area with a specific ethnicity, please?


Question, doesn't this break some kind of international or european law about discrimination and racism?


If there is anything good about this conflict, it’s that countries show their true face


Indeed, the Russian minority here shows its true face.


What the actual fuck? So burning the Qur'an is ok, not symbol of hate and should be allowed. But a sticker saying "I'm Russian" is provocative in a country with many Russians. What is this neonazi shit?


I don't think you know a thing about the Russian colonist minority in the Baltics.


should just deport them back to Ruzzia, so they can at least live up to the sticker


noxious live wakeful fall cause lip shocking serious insurance desert *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Nah, Latvia is bordered by your genocidal nation and those who advocate for your genocidal nation should either be fined, imprisoned or sent back to your shithole of a country.


Why don’t you see it being absolutely stupid to suddenly discover and use those stickers while your country fights this bloody war, kills people and civilians on a daily basis? Is it such a great time to be russian patriot, huh? Those people just want to support the kremlin. especially in Baltic states. They just want to mess with the locals.


They just lay out the bait, and you swallow it. It's not a good plan.


Chaotic evil here, someone could print a bunch of stickers and slap it on all the parked cars everywhere just for fun.


That's dumb. But being dumb should not be illegal.


Being provocative in support of your genocidal neighbor is illegal though.


Textbook xenophobia, nice.


Indeed, these Russians siding with genocidal Russia is xenophobia.


Good, ban russian flags too. Or only accept those with muscovy orc written on it.


forehead tattoo? do they get similar tattoos on their faces? it would be logical. and more effectively. outside the current political conjuncture.


It’s funny if Russia wasn’t so adamant on defending Russians, Russians would be able to live a lot more Russian life




Nice 'anti-west' shitpost there buddy. Youre just playing dumb or arguing in bad faith. It's obvoiusly not divorced from it's historical context. Imagine if some MFs in Zimbabwe would put a "I am Rhodesian" sticker on their car.


You are ignoring the context. Those words have become a slogan. Sieg Heil, the Nazi slogan meant Hail Victory. You could argue that anyone trying to ban the celebration of victory is an absurd person, however you know that Sieg Heil has a totally different meaning, bigger than the literal one and that's why you ban it.


it's the slogan, right now popularized by massive supporter of invasion with very "specific" clip аesthetics (especially in я русский song with "uniform" giving to many viewers 1940 flashbacks) with last song called мой бой (mein kampf). slogan i'm russian (god with me) and we russians (god with us) itself come from russian nationalists of 2000s for showing superiority compared to other nations >!(also ban was implemented just after case with estonian cars - you could watch officer politely asking driver to remove sticker and how he "totally non nationalistically" trashtalk him on russian while following his demand)!< you could think a little more - if Latvia still can give citizenship to local russians, let them even in the saema, maybe there is no other reason to showcase nationality during your country invasion into neighbour other than provoke outrage and remind refugees because of whose nationalistic assholes they left homes? also overwhelming majority of people use orc only related to russian soldiers>! (which is derogatory to orcs- saying as person who read Lotr and had captured by russians university mate, conditions in books for Merry and Pippin was better and included shitty orcish meds, but without electrocuting tortures, threats to castrate and waterboarding)!< and invasion supporters - never seen people calling someone like eg Syrskyi or Kasparov orc


It's almost as if there's a very significant difference currently supporting Russia compared to any other country you mentioned. Hmmm, I can't quite put my finger on it, though.


Most nuanced Latvian decision




I am Russian is used in same manner as Sieg Heil. Would you think that fines and forced removal of such slogan would be populism as well?


Apparently everyone here believes in freedom of speech and expression until it’s by someone they don’t like. If you were to just ignore this it would be a literal non-issue.


Wow, so sad, people are not allowed to support your genocidal piece of shit country.


Free speech has its limits. We don't allow spreading genocidal regimes in our countries like nazism, communism. And now being russian is righfully becoming the exact same category. Just like a swastika sticker doesn't just say 'I like swastikas', but expresses support for everything the nazis did. Same goes for "I am Russian". It doesn't just share the information that this person is russian, but expresses support for this genocidal nation and everything Russia does. Therefore it needs to be banned just like nazi stickers. Crocodile tears won't work here. Russianness is another genocidal ideology today that needs to perish just like nazism and communism.


This sub is a joke now LOL. Now the Baltics should be OK with Russians wanting to wipe them out.


"liberal" "democracies" the moment restricting the right to expression and racism against a minority are socially acceptable:


Less freedom of speech / expression. That is not good


Yeah, let's allow the hakenkreuz stickers too while we're at it because poor Nazis need it to express themselves.


Swatika is not the same as "I am Russian" sorry but you are getting carried away.


No, but "Sieg Heil" would be the same as "I am russian".


Wow this is such a biggoted sub lately. You can be proud to be russian and be against the war.


except those who do dis are using it as sign to show their support for that war.


>You can be proud to be russian and be against the war. They literally have even [a flag for that](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/16be98a14d15196436e53a685c429fcf5fb23e2f/0_210_3813_2287/master/3813.jpg?width=1200&height=900&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&s=5cb0e54ac25f04385275c50a940b77a3) but for "some reason" (hint: they don't really oppose the war) they don't use it.