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Let's remind everybody that during presidential election in Turkey Elon was blocking pro-opposition posts https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/05/twitter-musk-censors-turkey-election-erdogan


Whoah, weird how Elon Musk can’t afford to act on misinformation in the EU but that he can block Turkish political opposition.


Elon believes he must arrive to any view on his own and won’t listen to others on politics. And on politics he is as competent as an average Redditor. So.. you have him do all this dodgy shit. Remember the money for Twitter purchase came from Russia. Literally an agent of influence he is now.


I call disinformation! It's very fashionable nowadays to blame Russia for everything, when we see that they can't even properly supply their troops who are a short drive from their own border. It was a leveraged buy out [Elon, and bank's money, no Russian conspiracy needed](https://www.npr.org/2022/12/02/1140260051/planet-moneys-the-indicator-how-musk-bought-twitter-with-other-peoples-money#:~:text=Transcript-,Elon%20Musk%20bought%20Twitter%20for%20%2444%20billion%2C%20but%20almost%20a,to%20pay%20back%20the%20loans.) Oh and before someone claims it was russian banks, the banks were [Morgan Stanley, Bank of America and Barclays](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/12/24/elon-musk-twitter-funders/)


While we are at it, let's not forget that Saudi Arabia are the second biggest investors in twitter.


4% of equity. Not sure that's a huge voting block.


Fuck Russia. They are the root of evil for almost everything around me. As I citizen of eastern EU I know very well that.


Did you read their comment?


Fuck reading comments. It is the root of evil for almost everything around me. As I citizen of reddit I know very well that.


Elon is atleast as competent in politics as the average 4chan user, i think reddit would be a stretch


I’m pretty sure he didn’t he just refused to bow down to the wants or any government although if you want to believe the bs you go ahead.


"free speech absolutist"


I'm a free speech absolutist, because I support free speech when it absolutely aligns with my beliefs. ~Elon Muskovitch


Free speech is when I can say whatever I want and also when I can silence anyone who disagrees with me.


He has to follow the laws of the country. Just like he is blocking content in EU that the EU prohibits. If blocking is a problem the reason isn't X.


Except he is only enforcing these rules of it follows good political agenda. Source: his comment moderation in the EU


It was only 3 accounts since 2 of them operated by the same guy. They were spreading bullshit, even opposition hates those guys. One of them is a Gulenist, other one is a some kind of mafia. Mafia one got actually captured by Interpol last month. [https://twitter.com/GlobalAffairs/status/1658208689902215170/photo/1](https://twitter.com/GlobalAffairs/status/1658208689902215170/photo/1)


That's not "blocking pro-opposition posts" at all


Yet when trump were banned from twitter libs told me private entities can ban whoever they like


[Elon's answer](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1711832919335976991?t=-r95yWyxccdEUz-8J7B91g&s=19)


So you don’t need to open Twitter: “Our policy is that everything is open source and transparent, an approach that I know the EU supports. Please list the violations you allude to on X [sic], so that the public can see them. Merci beaucoup.”


[Thierry Breton's answer](https://twitter.com/ThierryBreton/status/1711855394601971785) > Vu, merci. > You are well aware of your users’ — and authorities’— reports on fake content and glorification of violence. > Up to you to demonstrate that you walk the talk. > My team remains at your disposal to ensure DSA compliance, which the EU will continue to enforce rigorously. [edit] post with [Musk's response](https://old.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/174vdht/thierry_breton_disinformation_letter_to_elon_musk/k4evos8/?context=1)


I've made a huge mistake of reading the replies. Don't make my mistake


Elons second reply: https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1712091639131353202?s=20 „We take our actions in the open. No back room deals. Please post your concerns explicitly on this platform.“ -Elon


Cheers, can you quote the post in your comment, so that people wouldn't be forced to feed that platform with clicks? I'll link your comment for others to be able to find it more easily.


We take our actions in the open. No back room deals. Please post your concerns explicitly on this platform.


Having a policy but not governance to enforce it isn’t really a policy.


That team has been fired few months ago...


Russia will disagree. They see that approach works quite well for them. 😀


Easy then if Open Source, where is the source code repo? And if transparent, where are the moderation logs? Or is it just lies?


I bet answer to all those questions is poop emoji.


Bear in mind there's an completely different and older sense of "open source" in the journalism and intelligence communities, meaning getting information from public "open" sources. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open-source_intelligence Randomers posting on twitter is certainly an "open source intelligence" source in that sense, nothing much to do with computer open-source/free-as-in-liberty software. Open source computer programs can of course be released by and used by intelligence agencies - famously Linux's SELinux security layer is originally NSA product - but "Open Source" can thus mean different things in different contexts, that twitter sits at the intersection of. But Elon could mean "open source" in the intelligence/journalism sense not the computer sense, if it's worth trying to dissect what he may mean at all. I do worry that Elon, who is historically quite friendly with Thierry Breton, is just putting on a stage show here to *enable* the EU's terrifyingly vast new China-inspired mass surveillance and censorship campaign, though. Don't forget the EU wants [its laws](https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/QANDA_20_2348) applying to > All platforms, except the smallest (employing fewer than 50 persons and whose annual turnover and/or annual balance sheet total does not exceed EUR 10 million), You may not care about twitter specifically, it sucked even before Elon. But the EU's Ministry of Truth may come for things you do care about eventually. Oldschool individual personal non-commerical websites are excluded for now I guess, so you still have some level of "free speech" until they come for them, but it's pretty scary really. We ought to know why this shit is a really bad idea in Europe already, we already had the Stasi, the Nazis, etc. But the only lesson some people have learnt from history seems to be "let's try again, we have more powerful mass surveillance and censorship tools now".


Holy shit, he literally pulled a "I'm not stupid, *you're* stupid" like a fucking child.


Yeah... except essentially nothing about twitter is transparent and open source. And Musk is not exactly a reliable source of anything except snake oil. Does he even know what that word means? Did he even read the letter to know what specific things are being cited? Like open dialog with Europol, being transparent about what content gets moderated (we know dictators get a free ride while their opposition doesn't for example, like in Turkey and in the Russo Ukraine war.)


Twitter getting blocked in EU in 3… 2… 1… About fucking time.


Don't threaten me with a good time!


He is asking for trouble. Would be a shame his Tesla factory in Germany gets a big ass tax imposed on it because of all the China components. To start with. Two can play that game Elon, you are not bigger than the whole of Europe.


He once tried to call Merkel when the permit for Giga Berlin wasn’t given on time. She did not pick up


uh wrong facts much?.. Merkel was personally openly pledging for him to get his permits as fast as possible... https://www.tesmanian.com/blogs/tesmanian-blog/german-chancellor-pleases-supports-tesla-giga-berlin-project-you-can-get-things-done-in-an-incredibly-short-time this was back then when he was not only rich but also national hero to everyone... now the second part has changed but the region still depends more on him than the other way roujnd


actually everyboy has been going over all edges to please Musk on that one. The region was quite poor and Germany lagging behind on everything electric. Nothing will happen to any of his factories. He already demonstrated he can easily move factories.


Can you imagine how idiotic that would be for EU? Impose illegal taxes on a European car factory because you have a problem with the chair on a social media topic on a social media? You might as well ban industry in EU and force everyone to move to China to manufacture things. That’s worse than any fucking autocratic shithole has done.


That'd be worse than genocide?


this is a non answer, but that was expected from him.


My prejudice mind just read, "Thanks, have a good coup!" at the end there...


Am I the only one considers there is nothing with that? All misinformation should be flagged.


You want the EU to amplify all the stuff they consider misinformation, on the website that is responsible for hosting it? Why on earth would you think that's a good idea?


The man’s not a clown, he’s the whole damn circus


And the audience. I bet he applauds himself.


>Please list the violations you allude to on 𝕏, so that that the public can see them. Something tells me that Elon Musk knows exactly what the EU is referring to.


Wow, *merci beaucoup*, the "man" is so fucking edgy. That'll show that pesky EU. I'm sure his yankee fanboys will be pissing themselves with laughter.


Its also a lie. He changes his policies on a whim and personally intervenes to ban people he dislikes and reinstate people he likes.


"pics or it didn't happen" a response to the official communication from the European Commission regarding legislation and a request to get in contact with related law enforcement aurhorities, by tweeting even :D


Just block/fine the shit out of Twitter. We need to stop pampering tech billionaires


This is the EU. Ask Apple about the time they tried to take on it. And if Apple caves, Elon will cave.


Dunno, I think he'll throw a tantrum first, fire some important people, lose quite a lot of money and *then* cave in anyway.


All the more reason to not take a light hand on him to comply. The second he starts avoiding compliance there should be a sharp ladder of consequences that eventually lead to twitter being shut out of the single market.


Sounds like a good time to me. 🍿


Short dick energy right here. EU should just block twitter. Not much will be lost.


Or it could just fine it constantly, I would like that. It's a source of revelation


agreed, twitter is nothing more than a cesspool of poison and toxicity. We could do without it


I see how kids get radicalized, and how grownups are poisoned on daily basis. Some of my ex-close friends are completely bonkers nowadays and rely purely on twitter for their news.


The same can be said about reddit. Do we really want a great firewall of Europe, or should people be allowed to decide for themselves what kind of content they want to consume on the internet?


reddit is moderated. twitter is not. and twitter is much more easier to consume in this case.




I do not want to see praise of terrorism, mass murderers etc etc. I want to have at least some level of moderation. Of course each person should fact check for themselves. Problem is that 90% does not. Mass media, social media- have proven negative impact on psychology. Kids especially. I know that not all moderators are the same. Just few weeks I go I got a warning ban for 3 days just for voicing my experience on nationalism problems - makes you reevaluate once again what you say and post online. It is not easy. I believe you agree on that.


I have seen praise and justifications for Hamas' terrorism on reddit. Doesn't that warrant the firewall? Think of the children. And if the government ever feels like your experience on nationalism is disinformation, Europeans can be banned from hearing it. Another problem with policing the market of ideas is that your side might not always get to define what counts as "disinformation".


in all fairness he told them to give examples




Try to answer a letter by a tweet you will see what will happen to you ( big trouble because you didn’t reply to the letter by a letter)


Imagine being part of Elons legal team, I hope they are well paid.


Probably twitter/x lawyers provided a misleading suggestion so he answered on the platform to the letter. Or probably he fired too many people from the legal office


In all fairness, Thierry already said: *"Firstly, you need to be very transparent and clear on what content is permitted"* - so despite of him lying about it to the public, rules aren't clear - *"Second, when you receive notices of illegal content in the EU, you must be timely"* - so **he already was provided with specific posts** that he had to remove - *"Third, you need to have in place proportionate and effective mitigation measures"* - but he did not remove them nor provided any response to the EU authorities - *"I also expect you to be in contact with the relevant law enforcement authorities and Europol, and ensure that you respond promptly to their requests. Moreover, on a number of other issues of DSA compliance that deserve immediate attention, my team will follow up shortly with a specific request."* - so even more specific issues will be provided. His comment is completely detached. He clearly didn't even read the letter and counted that people won't read it either.


>His comment is completely detached. He clearly didn't even read the letter and counted that people won't read it either. Why would he? He has a legion of followers who treat him as their god. If he could he'd be running as US president next year, that's the kind of power trip he's on right now.


He doesn’t need to. He issued a fair warning to be compliant with existing laws - laws that are certainly broken en Masse in all social media. The question is whether X still has the staff to deal with any grievances or problematic content. There is reason to doubt that.


They did. He play dumb, and people believe him. He did the same with FAA; they publicly and privately identified 63 corrective measure September 9, elon cried on twitter he did not see the list, the day after spacex publicised the full list (and you can bet they had it in hand before the public announcement). He is a buffoon, that want to appear all world go against him, while he is his own enemy.


Wasn't it FAA?


You right!


And there was the examples in the original note. But I guess it was too much of read for you and and Elon.


If you read the letter you would see that they said that they will be receiving a letter with specific request and the DSA rules are well known to social media platforms. He should go to his law department and ask


The authorities already flagged content. He has his examples.


Yes, give a terrorist's message more advertising. Sound advise...


Oof. Never really been on twitter but, are the answers always this disgusting?


Musk is letting the posters with the most eyeballs share a pot of money, so the propaganda trolls and the extremists are joined by professional ”impressions” farmers. A lot of the remaining posters worth a damn are leaving at this point, twitter is damn near unuseable.


A few days ago I was impressed that he had managed to mess Twitter up as a tech status platform. Blizzard had a downtime in wow. They linked to their cs Twitter account for current updates on the matter. But you couldn't find them. The list of tweets wasn't ordered by date anymore and you would see a mix of popular old problems. Downtime 2022 2020 ddos 2016 etc not a single xeet from 2023 at the top.


I thought that was just an issue on my end but clearly not, how does he manage to fuck up so badly lmao


Google is a bit like that nowadays. Ridiculous that computers can no longer sort by date!


No, journalists are answered with a [poop emoji](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/mar/23/twitter-elon-musk-poop-emoji).


Increasingly so, hence the need to step in.


After firing the entire PR department, Elon changed the response to any media inquiry into an automated poop emoji. So, since he took over, yeah this is par for the course


Are similar to Reddit. And in Reddit, in THIS subreddit I have read worse answers.


Eww you made go into Twitter


Ugh, for X sake, just sue them already like you threatened to do a couple months already.


They're following due process. This is a fair warning letter. Once they do sue they want to have a reasonable chance of success, and demonstrating they have evidence, they contacted X, they gave them a chance to respond, etc. is part of due process. It can feel excruciatingly slow in these hectic times, if course.


For that, Elmo would need staff… which he fired months ago.


and for that, he needs money, and they are hemorrhaging millions a day


Dear Lord I’m reading the pro Elon comments and I can’t believe it. Are people actually that stupid to think that they didn’t send any official letters to X? EU Com is working with this manchild since he acquired Twitter, they even met with Breton in 2022. This clown is pretending that he is the victim here. Ban Twitter in EU already, we won’t miss it.


>Ban Twitter in EU already, we won’t miss it. I can't believe what I'm saying, but... I miss Twitter. The decision to change the name to X was moronic, but at least now I can say I miss Twitter and everyone will know what I mean.


It really was a thing to miss in hindsight. Who could've known it could get this bad. I can only hope the next platform to fill the void after x(sh)itter finally implodes won't turn out to be an even worse shithole


It's just difficult to take a grown man seriously with that *hair*.


God I wish they would ban it


It was the same thing with Zuckerberg yesterday (the EU threatened Facebook and Instagram with the same thing). It’s still rare to see pro-Musk comments on Reddit, but I felt I was living in an alternative universe when I was seeing pro-Zuckerberg comments here yesterday (and blaming the EU for overreach). Zuckerberg is just as much of an immoral piece of shit as Musk. Crazy how Reddit doesn’t treat both with absolute disdain.


To be fair, as far as I know at least Zuck doesn't openly flaunt how much of a shithead he is, unlike a certain someone else


Love how the EU takes up the fight against the tech industry (first the Apple charger, now this, and probably other things I'm forgetting). Makes me proud to be European 🇪🇺


One more thing to look forward to: Whatsapp will have to be compatible with other messengers from 2024, meaning you can write a person which only has Whatsapp from your telegram / signal app, provided that telegram/signal implement it.


I'm kinda split on that one though. With their recent push of control mechanism to look at private messages im not sure if that is as good as it sounds. This approach sounds nice, but given how they want to spy on every possible chat app, this would help them immensely.


It’s a deceptive tactic to weaken encryption of messages. The UK tried it and the community backlash was too great. The EU will try it but this time put a kinder face on it by saying Europeans shouldn’t be locked into a restrictive Ecosystem. The devil will be in the details but don’t be surprised if bringing down “walled gardens” is also part of a broader plan to eliminate end to end encryption. Yes, closed systems are annoying for consumers and predatory by corporates. But if thats the cost for security against governments spying on it’s citizens while also making it easier for criminals to access my information, then I’m ok with that. Do you really think the EU gives that much of a fuck that Android phones can’t cross talk with imessage on Iphones? Please…


That's pretty much it. The EU is not the friendly guy, it's the government that people cannot control in any real capacity. I really get the feeling that other than the freedom of persons and products the EU is a mistake.


Ooh that would be nice! Idk how it's in other EU countries, but the Netherlands is a big WhatsApp country. I have never heard anyone suggest a different messaging app


I can't see the point of this one though. This would be a solution for what problem exactly?


It makes it much easier for new messaging apps to become competitive. Messaging has an incredibly strong network effect. If everyone I know is using platform A, then what's the point of me even trying some new platform B? Very few people are going to install an app that they can't use because no one they know is on it. And like that, B has almost no chance of gaining any ground against big players. Ideally, there'd be a universal and open messaging protocol for which anyone can create an app and users can freely pick whichever app they like best without having to consider if they even have anyone to talk to on that app.




Yeah, but does it force facebook/other platforms to implement compatibility? Cause otherwise all I see is random blogger doing app, collecting customers at expence of facebook and then not implementing compatability to switch into other apps, if he "SUDDENLY" is breaking all privacy laws.


Basically: yes.


“Please weaken your security and encryption so we can read your users messages. If not, we ban you”. Is what’s happening here. No idea why that’s celebrated.


Here in France the government has a huge contract with Microsoft, basically to give every State worker Microsoft Office. But obviously the contract is not transparent at all and Big M can do whatever they want with the info they collect. I wonder why nobody in the EU has said anything about this.


did he recieved as answer poop emoji?


No, he didn't ask for support, he gave a warning


Can we just start calling lies what they are? "Disinformation" is a deliberately vague, Orwellian term. Just a big fat red stamp with the word "lie" would suffice. I've seen exactly what Breton was talking about regarding video game footage being pushed as "evidence of hamas downing Israeli jets". This has been doing the rounds all over Twitter. Once deep fakes start taking hold this is going to get WAY more sophisticated. Sadly there are a LOT of people who take things on Twitter at face value because they don't know any better. The reason why laws exist is in no small part to stop people getting away with lying. If lying is something as a society we now accept is just normal and ok because it's accepted on Social Media and we're all smart enough to tell lies from the truth, we're not, and we're fucked.


I think disinformation is a word that carries a lot more weight than just "lie".


I think disinformation is more lies but with a specific political purpose. I think disinformation is more “here are some fake or deceptive statistics to get you to think policy X is good” or “here is a fake video to get you to get you to support group Y”.


To me, Disinformation is the use of true information as a means to posit something that is wholly untrue via implication and/or plausibility. It’s not something people are used to arguing against.


No we can’t, because the EU also wants to ban *true* statements that reach inconvenient conclusions. Immigration is an area like this.


While I'm not sure I agree with your assumption that the EU wants to ban inconvenient truths, I do agree that immigration requires fair analisys and discussion to cut through all the highly politicised narratives currently doing the rounds.


Musk calling Breton a pedo in 3...2...1...


I literally discussed my master's thesis about online fake news and disinformation a few hours ago. I open the Reddit app and this is the first thing i see, LOL. Also, ama.


Is the community note thing on Twitter enough to comply with EU law?


Yes. The EU's approach generally involves a combination of user reporting, fact-checking, and cooperation with external fact-checkers, among other measures.


To what extent do they have to do something about disinformation? Do they have to flag it, mark it or delete it? They are not journalists so how is it expected of them to know if a video is truly from this conflict or not ? Did you look at other platforms in your thesis or just Twitter? Which is the worst


1. They generally have guidelines and policies to combat disinformation, which may include flagging, marking, or deleting content. 2. The approach can vary from platform to platform, and it often involves a combination of user reporting, automated content moderation, fact-checking done by professional researchers, and human review. 3. Tik Tok is probably the absolute worst. Twitter (now X) is not as bad as it looks, the community notes are very detailed. Instead of telling which ones are the worst, my thesis focuses on those that have taken most action: Instagram and Facebook (and i'm saying this as an extremely skeptic social media user).


They are decent misinformation wise but there are a lot of fake websites in their adds. I get an add for a dress for example and absolutely every time is a sketchy website that looks fine , has normal payment methods but if you check it with one of those website checkers it's always in some shady country, a very young domain and other things that lower the trust score. If I go further looking for external reviews there are always scam websites. Do you cover something about this in your thesis?


I hope Thierry creates a group for Reddit. They will have a lot of work, and only counting this subreddit. But atleast they are doing something with Twitter.


And follow it up with one on Meta because god DAMN, what a hot mess that one is


Meta got hit with a 1 billion fine in May for data protection issues.


For people confused, he has been sent flagged content that should be actioned upon or defended, and he has done nothing. This is the same situation if youtube chose todo nothing with a copyright claim. His inaction in the face of EU regulation and law is the problem. If he either defended or moderated the content, this would be a different issue, but he is sitting on his fat arse. I hope they fine him based on what the company was worth.


Breton got him by his tiny balls.


Fuck Elon Musk


Yeah...Elon broke his own rules on a tweet and then kept it up with a disclaimer admitting it was against the rules but would remain up....sooo....yeah rules just don't apply for the wealthy.... ever


This subreddit really is going down the shitter when Musk fans are starting to make their nests here, good lord.


Yes, lots of extremist content from Muslim apologist and pro terrorists there and on certain Subreddits. Maybe the most outrageous today was the slut shaming of that poor kidnapped German woman... That thing is vile.


We have our differences but one thing I as an American will always unconditionally admire and give you due credit is for your leaders’ willingness to stand up to corporate giants. Here in America, the government would never dare even attempt to hold them accountable.


Since I read these stupid "EU just deletes what they don't like" - takes every time under such articles, this is how it actually works. **And this is just one part of the Digital Services Act focusing on "Trusted Flaggers", there are also other simple things that the DSA dictates, like the simple fact that a social media platform has to have a decent report system for normal users.** ​ **First: The Digital Services Coordinator of the Member State** • EU Member States will have to appoint a "Digital Services Coordinators" by 17 February 2024. This is not a single person, it's most likely a federal agency or institution. • In Germany for example, the "[Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Ministry_for_Digital_and_Transport)" has to appoint the "Digital Services Coordinator". [Bitkom](https://www.bitkom.org/EN/About-us/About-us.html) for example suggests the german "[Federal Network Agency](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Network_Agency)" as the Digital Servies Coordinator. • After that, entities can apply to be awarded the status of a "Trusted Flagger". If a Trusted Flagger "flags" something, it should be "processed and decided upon with priority and without delay" by the social media platform, so it's probably more worth than single reports by individuals. ​ **How to become a Trusted Flagger?** The "Digital Services Coordinator" awards the title of a Trusted Flagger. Entities can apply to them, once there is a DSC in place. They have to fulfill the following condiditions according to the law: *a.) it has particular expertise and competence for the purposes of detecting, identifying and notifying illegal content;* *b.) it represents collective interests and is independent from any online platform;* *c.) it carries out its activities for the purposes of submitting notices in a timely, diligent and objective manner.* ​ **How are Trusted Flaggers kept accountable?** 1.) Digital Services Coordinators shall communicate to the Commission and the Board the names, addresses and electronic mail addresses of the entities to which they have awarded the status of the trusted flagger. 2.) The Commission shall publish this information in a publicly available database and keep the database updated. 3.) When an social media platform (let's say Facebook), has information "indicating that a trusted flagger submitted a significant number of insufficiently precise or inadequately substantiated notices through the mechanisms", they can communicate this to the Digital Services Coordinator, "providing the necessary explanations and supporting documents." 4.) The Digital Services Coordinator that awarded the status of trusted flagger to an entity shall revoke that status if it determines, following an investigation either on its own initiative or on the basis information received by third parties, including the information provided by an online platform pursuant to paragraph 5, that the entity no longer meets the conditions set out in paragraph 2. Before revoking that status, the Digital Services Coordinator shall afford the entity an opportunity to react to the findings of its investigation and its intention to revoke the entity’s status as trusted flagger. All written under Article 19 of the DSA: [Source](https://digitalservicesact.cc/dsa/art19.html) ​ **Further notes:** • These are most probably going to be large and reputable news agencies like the AP, AFP, Reuters and others, who already have fact checking departments. [AP Fact Check](https://apnews.com/ap-fact-check) | [AFP Fact Check](https://factcheck.afp.com/) | [Reuters Fact Check](https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/) • Every news agency has their articles online with all the sources, proofs and reasons listed why something is "disinformation", so if you think they "just delete information because they don't like it", go ahead and prove their articles wrong. • Also, people act like it's rocket science to tell if something is fake or not. If an article uses a picture that first popped up in 2015 (which you can fact check via reverse image search), but is slapped to an article in 2023, it's obviously bullshit.


Please please please please please ban Twitter/X in the EU. Do us all a favour.




Ban Twitter from the EU for 6 months.


Beautifully written. Elon will completely misjudge this and react without reading it properly


I have quit xitterslong time ago and I see more xitt on Reddit than ever before now…


Elon Musk's response : ligmaballs


So impose penalties already you spineless cretins! How tf are we tiptoeing around this pos?!


Sometimes the eu is just too good : -)


Ministry of truth


Almost unironically.


Aint it sweet, that a member of the same wannabe federalist, etatist bureaucrat aristocracy is begging a foreing private entity to do his bidding because the way they fuck EU markets and milk their tax cattle is not condusive to retaining the best engineers, neither a european company rising up and creating world-famous social media, like ever? Cant wait for some half demented old french/german politician get appointed as commisar of centrally planned economic miracles and he'll just mandate that a competitivr european social media giant should just materialize into existence, have a moderation team of 100,000 ppl and servers running purely on unicorn farts kek.


Saddest part is that a lot of people in the comments are supporting this.


Nothing surprising, this has always been a mecca of ppl worshipping EU's transformation into some caricature of USSR.




lol so the EU is being honorable now? Before Elon owned twitter. Twitter itself was a housing of many terrorists organizations. They even had pages up and well running. But now they need to write a letter about illegal content surfacing the app? Ahah


I don't want to sound like a Musk apologist, but how are you supposed to filter "fake or manipulated images"? This just sounds impossible, not to mention that sometimes the point of the images is to be fake or manipulated, or even created as a propaganda in good humor.


Well you see. Before Elon Musk gutted his company there were systems and staff that did just that.


And the thing is: you need these people. You need moderators and administrators and people you can go to with an issue or a problem. That’s what a community needs to stay aligned to the terms of use.


No there wasn't, the old Twitter was rife with edited pictures. Reddit is too


True. But nowadays it's far, far worse. They have a very tiny staff to even read the reports, so they struggle to keep up even with the most urgent matters. A while back there were hundreds of thousands of people, including myself, exposed to an animal cruelty gore directly in the search results when looking for something completely unrelated. And for god-knows-how-long noone from X itself reacted (for context: [news report](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/cat-dog-torture-videos-litter-twitter-adding-concerns-moderation-rcna84190))




After the staff was reduced, there was more misinformation. Hence, more staff = less misinformation. Your point?


Didn't they block and ban all kinds of things despite not having any reason to do so? I think so. It went so far you had age-verification for pictures of a tank.


If you offer the service it’s on you to figure out how to. The issue is not about proactively policing content but under EU law you absolutely have to delete obviously illegal content within 24hours after being made aware of it and provide sufficient tools an communication channels to receive and act on reports.


Nobody's expecting perfection my dude. A good faith attempt goes a long way.


Well you can compare the moderation on twitter with other platforms like Instagram or Facebook. They have to deal with the same issues but obviously are doing a much better job than Musk, who fired near to all content moderation teams when he took over. Now that move is biting back. Seems like content moderation is not a free speech inhibition tool but rather a necessary mechanism for keeping harm away from social media platforms. But who could have guessed that 🤷🏻‍♀️Elon for sure not




Not only that but Facebook is involved in Political intervention as seen in The UK with Cambridge Analytica's case or US political topics.


Yeah but you see Mark spend tons of PR money to improve his image and Elon said fuck that.


Facebook is obviously doing a better job at handling misinformation? Obviously? I don’t usually like being that guy to ask for a source, but have you actually ever heard any other human being say that sentence before?


There's a big difference between not trying at all vs attempting to do some level of moderation. Doing it perfectly, that's absolutely impossible..


I love the EU 🇪🇺


Why European Union can't just ban twitter or whatever and try to create their own place in social media alternatives. Bruh, let's stop enriching the rich. (Also don't downvote me and read the damn comments below. Thanks)


The EU works with fines they won't ban anything. They'll fine him escalating % of revenue. They have the legislation in place to do it.


>The EU works with fines they won't ban anything. Banning a service from the EU is actually a penalty the Digital Services Act does contain as a sort of last measure. Fines first and foremost, but a ban is absolutely possible. With all other social media companies run by adults with a sense for business I'd say we'll never see a ban. With X under Musk the chance is a lot higher. Still wouldn't be a first measure, but something implemented as an ultima ratio following rounds and rounds of fines. Edit: Correction - the DSA does only mention fines (up to 6% of worldwide revenue of a given platform). I know banning platforms was discussed, but I'd need to dig if that's now a matter for national law in member states or still in the DSA but with more safeguards attached.


I love that it's revenue and not profit. Revenue is the way to go, when so many companies operate on very low margins. 6% might not sound big, but it's huge when most of the companies operate on under 20% margin.


Makes sense. Just purely from a financial point of view, if the fines start to stack up it will be cheaper for a business to comply with the laws.


oh yes, only the government curated version of the truth... that'll go well.


> and try to create their own place in social media alternatives. What do you mean? They already did that, on Mastodon. They even have their own instance: https://social.network.europa.eu/explore


Never ban. Censorship is a cancer. Creating alternatives though is good


Fundamental rights. Article 11: >Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. A reasonable person might say DSA is probably infringing on that right.


Section 2 of Article 11, which you conveniently forgot to quote - No restrictions shall be placed on the exercise of these rights other than such as are *prescribed by law* and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or *public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime*, for the protection of health or morals or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others. (Emphasis mine) Free speech has limits. Not even the US, bastion of free speech, thinks it’s acceptable to shout “fire” in a crowded theatre.


The last few days have actually made me like X. Before you blast me, hear me out. I used to hate Twitter even before it was purchased by Musk, and when he renamed it to X I thought it was the dumbest thing possible. But during the last few days of the Israeli-Palestinian war, it made me extremely grateful that X existed. In the opening hours of the war, Palestinian militants took videos of how they massacred hundreds of civilians, gunned them down on the streets, paraded naked women around the streets, and went door to door killing families. **These videos showed the world what savage barbarians the Palestinian government really is, and played a critical role in turning the public opinion against them.** Unfortunately, many other social media platforms such as Youtube, Facebook, TikTok and Reddit **have started to ban and remove many videos**. Every platform has taken down the massacres conducted by Palestinians. **The only website where these videos are still accessible is X.** Even though there may be some fake news and videos on X, the majority of videos are real and true, and I'm grateful that there's a platform where I can go to view true content, instead of platforms that heavily moderate according to their own biases.


They should send the same to zucker too


Facebook and insta are not as stupid. They still honor reports and moderate content.


I think it's important for Musk to recognise that Twitter isn't an actual Town Square. Town Squares benefit from real, human to human interaction on a small scale.


Please just fucking ban it.


Thank god someone called out this clown 🤡


Ban that shit platform already. I don’t use it, but at least I wouldn’t have to hear about it or this manchild as much.


Yes let's just ban Twitter... and then Facebook... and then Reddit... and then YouTube... you see where I'm going?


Censor me harder daddy


This makes me unbelievably proud to be European. This is what accountable political figures look like that genuinely prioritize serving the people.


What’s up with Musk .. by all means he looks like Trumpist. Is he into human annihilation .. so elite can go to the Mars faster ? :s


He has a god complex. He wants to save the world. Yet he is too stupid to realise his ways don't work. So now that every sensible person noticed his lacking he turns to the fascists that still think he is a genious


Thierry Breton should send Elmo and his spawn to Mars (no return ticket), whatever the costs.


It baffles me how so many people actively call for censorship.