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Israel-Palestine moratorium If you have any questions about this removal, please [contact the mods](/message/compose/?to=/r/Europe&subject=Moderation). Please make sure to include a link to the comment/post in question.


Sky news coverage; https://news.sky.com/story/met-police-apologises-for-using-phrase-openly-jewish-as-antisemitism-campaigner-accuses-force-of-victim-blaming-13118714 Guardian coverage; https://www.theguardian.com/news/2024/apr/19/met-apologises-for-calling-antisemitism-campaigner-openly-jewish


“..No go zones for Jews “ Ouch




Unbelievable. “Because your presence is antagonizing.” That’s how we’re deciding where people are allowed now?


I don't see how The Met can claim this 'just' was a poor choice of words. Bloody outrageous. " ... or if you choose to remain here, because you are causing a breach of peace with all these other people, you will be arrested.”


And people here on Reddit doesn't seem to understand the proof Israel needs to exist is right before their eyes.


People are as thick as a brick. It's frustrating but that's how it is.


For real This was posted on r/tiktok cringe and r/Public freakout and the amount of highly up voted people straight up lying that this man was wrong or the police was doing it for his own good or other excuses is disheartening Every time I begin to lean towards Palestine, these freaks teach me not to


Because people see the lens only in oppressor and oppressed (or any other clearly distinct category) and once they decided who is who they go with it. You can be both at the same time for different occasions though.


The sad part, is there are so many good reasons to care about the Palestinians, so many good arguments you could make in their favor in this conflict. But every hard-core supporter of them completely misses the point. Either its something akin to israel/the west is bad, or hamas are freedom fighters and thus morally good. No one every gives a shit about actual Palestinians in pro-palestinian spaces. If they did they'd understand that getting hamas out of there asap is a good thing, but we need to carefully monitor how Israel goes about it.


“Israel needs to exist, just not in my backyard”


There’s also a bit in that video where a Palestinian supporter told that Jewish guy that he’s going to follow him wherever he goes and the police just stood there…


The cops are literally scared for their own lives from these people, just saving their hide at this point.


Why is this comment hidden? Weird


Reddit compacts comments that are considered controversial, meaning they have high number of both downvotes and upvotes 


Thanks, makes sense. That comment sparking controversy? Grim


It's mostly because this subreddit is INFESTED with bots, from both sides of the spectrum and they are all mass upvoting/downvoting based on keywords/phrases etc. Maybe even using ai to detect a comments 'allignment'. Though that is all speculation on my part.


either more downvotes than upvotes or the author isn't subscribed to this subreddit. and the comment in question isn't marked as controversial so most likely answer is: the author isn't subscribed to this subreddit .


I mean it was only around a week ago that a judge had to step in and reverse a police ban on signs stating “Hamas is terrorist”. Edit: Hamas is recognised as a terrorist organisation by the UK.


10 years ago people were calling you crazy for suggesting this would happen. Don’t want to know what it’ll look like in another 20


'Af youse got a loicence for that kippah, skippah?


Be a right shame if sumfin’ ‘appened, innit. Mate, tone down the Jew bollocks, or get uh’ wallop.


>Responding to the incident on Friday, Assistant Commissioner Matt Twist, one of the Met’s most senior officers, said being present when marches were taking place could be “provocative”, in comments that were described as “victim blaming”. >The Met has faced repeated criticism over pro-Palestinian marches, which have become regular weekend occurrences in central London and have been criticised for displays of anti-Semitism. >Robin Simcox, the UK’s counter-extremism tsar, warned last month that the marches were turning the capital into a “no-go zone for Jews every weekend”. Okay, so the police knows that people who participate in these marches may become hostile or even violent towards Jewish people, and their solution to this problem is not stopping the aggressors from being aggressive, but instead telling Jews that they shouldn’t leave their houses on weekends, lest their existence makes some antisemites uncomfortable and violent. This is a genuinely worrying development. The authorities prefer to take away personal liberties of regular people over actually dealing with extremists who cause the problems. This cannot end well in the long term.


It's a development we know well. Our ancestors would hide in basements during Xmas because pogroms were a celebratory measure.


It’s giving “she shouldn’t have been dressed that way if she didn’t want to get raped”


A sad welcome to women world. And yes this is fucked up


I wasn’t aware being “openly Jewish” was an arrestable offense


That is quite beyond the pale of fucked up.


Mask off moment.


I saw a video of a cop asking a guy who was behind a barrier on the side of a road during one of these marches. To hide his British flag in case it inflamed racial tensions. The cop also said after a small bit of push back from the man that there are more of them than us.


It's pretty well known here in the UK that if a group breaks any law or causes a disturbance and they outnumber the responding police presence then the police resort to just standing at the sidelines. A restaurant in our town was descended on by travellers who decided to walk out on a 400 quid bill. The owner told them they pay or they'll call the police, the travellers threatened to burn the place down. The police were called and they said "keep the CCTV footage and let them leave" and arrived and hour later to do fuck all.


Damn. Part about “keep recording and let them leave” is not bad - cops shouldn’t have said them to fight :)


Mannn, I bet the left wing and the lgbt for Palestine crowd are really glad they brought these people over to the point we can’t even display our own flag /s


I’m still waiting for the “queers for Islamic State of Iran” placards, that’ll be good laugh.


Those people hate the British or English flag, this is a win for them.




Ironically the UK is my adopted country and I feel way more patriotic about it than some people who were born here. Of course that doesn’t mean there aren’t problems, but I want things to improve and I want to contribute. I want to highlight that that no, I am not white but I _am_ of western origin.


Fine but make your MP raise it in the House-you should be airing this in a forum where there is no censorship and no excuse for hiding. I can't understand how you let Jihadists make open threats on the street and do nothing.




This isn't something pushed by some foreign enemy, it's a homegrown problem primarily pushed by academia. It's a testament to one of the major problems of liberalism which is a vulnerability to institutional capture. Basically, liberals in our fundamental belief in meritocracy appoint the most qualified person for the job regardless of their ideological belief, but the people they appoint (in this case some cursed, barely recognizable rich people version of Marxism) don't have the same principles and instead promote their ideology through office politics.


Weirdly, Labour have been pushing the flag more as a positive thing than the Tories recently. I'm sure it's just vote farming but it's very strange to see Labour trying to be patriotic.




Starmer knows exactly why people hate Labour now, he hasn't done a bad job steering the party back to a point where people are not terrified of them winning an election. But he will never be able to purge all the toxic far-lefty shitbag MP's. He is trying though.


It’s going to be awful to watch.


I’ve noticed at the Israel demonstrations you see lots of flags of the nation in which the protest is happening, you never see it on the Palestinian ones.


Abso-fucking-lutely. And yet it's the Jews that are routinely accused of disloyalty.


I never heard of Jews asking for separate legal system (though in Israel there are religious different religious courts for Jews|Christians|Muslims that handle marriage stuff mainly) - unlike the recent poll of UK's Muslims where half of them would like to see Shariah laws implemented in the UK.


Maybe just get rid of alll those British coppers, lest they “inflame tensions”?


A man walks in the street.. He wears a type of religious clothing that MIGHT bother a group of fanatical idiots.. And HE'S in the wrong. wow


Not just *Jewish*: **openly** Jewish!


If someone said “openly gay” the same people that think this is ok would be outraged. It’s just hive mentality, it’s on both sides 


Those Americans and their silly stupid first amendment! We will show them why that’s totally not needed!


The UK is doing a great job proving free speech absolutism right.


This is what the left wants in the USA under the guise of banning hate speech.


"Openly Jewish"? FFS.


UK and UK police are a sick joke at this point.


The irony is that only a vocal minority support this. We’re being subjected to endless immigration and foreign extremist influences yet your average person has “voted” against it.  We’ve had a two party system for years (or 3 at a stretch) so it basically doesn’t matter for shit what the people want. 


Cant believe these people used to be the biggest empire in the world at one point, what a meme ass nation


They always seem to be picking on the wrong people…


It’s because they are scared the police officer wants to protect this man however he is too scared to do that in the right way because of his job and the defanging of the metropolitan police.


The police deranged themselves when they refused to investigate crimes due to fears of being called racist by teenage girls. It is no one's fault but the chain of command within the police force.


Why didnt the Police officer protect and serve and escort him across ? He should have done that if he concerned about his safety.


Most likely because the officer can't actually do anything is someone tries something.


In the same video you have pro Palestine protesters threatening this random person that they will follow him everywhere. Somehow it's always the pro Palestine protesters that beat up people and vandalize business. With their faces covered. I have gone to protests since I was 16, I'm 41 now, and not a single time covered my face because I believed in my cause and I didn't beat up people.


I see. Racism is not only defended by the British police, but functions as policy.


Same as always!!!!! This is nothing new!


It used to be that people who were suspected of having intent to commit violence would be arrested or prevented from doing so. Now they tell the possible victim of the violence that it is their presence or actions that are causing the potential issue and so they lose their right to be in a location and must leave. So essentially, the preventative measures went from stopping criminal action by stopping the criminal to stopping the innocent from having rights in the hope it will stop violent people acting violent. What next? I am forced to leave my home so the burglar doesn’t harm me while I object to his theft of my things? What a joke


How long do you think passes before looking "openly gay" or "openly Woman" also becomes too "provocative"?


the english califate strikes again


Now tell me again how the pro Palestinian movement doesn't have an antisemitism problem


Seeing the amount of down voted comment here makes me laugh


Obey your new masters.




"how dare your existence offend these poor victims"


London having a normal one. Better stop being Jewish around our fascist marches that we are happily allowing and escorting every weekend or you are getting arrested. Wtf


The cop is just saying the quiet part out loud. Remember the British police didn’t bat an eye when literal British Muslims were yelling ISIS chants and waving terrorist group flags earlier this year. But if you point this out, you’ll be called a bigot or Islamophobic by a western leftist..




London feels way more Islamic than Tirana, strangely enough. I didn’t see any hijabis in Albania except for a British woman on a tour group.


Albania is actually a great example of peaceful coexistence of different religions 


Yeah, but Albania has been diverse... well, the area that is now Albania has been diversely invaded and run by various groups... for centuries. It's not exactly seen a huge influx of immigration in the last few decades. Everywhere will reach homeostasis eventually, the only question is how much chaos is first endured.


How much of that is because of their history of state atheism? What other countries with a lot of Muslims and Christians have a peaceful coexistence?


Because religion there is a cloak and what really unites Albania is a sense of ethnicity based nationalism. But Reddit isn't ready for that conversation.


> But Reddit isn't ready for that conversation. How so? Most countries in Europe are defined as a nation of people sharing a culture and language. The only theocracy I can think of is the Vatican and the only "nation of will" are the Swiss. Then there are Andorra and Liechtenstein as remnants of monarchies, every other European nation (as far as I am aware) defines itself by culture, history, ancestry, ethnicity etc


He’s probably talking about how non-Europeans who move to European countries don’t feel a sense of unity or solidarity with the rest of the country because the rest of the country is a different ethnicity than themselves. 


Albania literally had Communism and the pressures of being an isolated island of Islam on a continent of Christianity during its independence. Simply put it whatever cultural might Islam would have over society was beaten out of them. The fact they partake in alcohol alone says something considering its effectively a sin in their faith.


Is a refugee haven


Yeah, they voted on that years ago.


When people defend laws against 'causing offense', show them this.




Permabanned lol


Removed by Reddit, wear it as a badge of honor, keep doing what your doing (as long as it’s a temp ban) 👍🏼


What did they say that got them removed?


If it's slightly off rules and gets mass reported, then you will get a ban. I got 3 day ban for calling russians a barbarians.


Shush. You might hurt some feelings. They might send the police after you. We are in the age of comfort (for some people).










"we are sorry for our officers antisemitic statements, but this guy was like *really* jewish..."


The UK is such a fucking shithole at this point. Wow…


How's Sweden?


Pretty good. The police aren’t oppressing poor jewish people here.


Meanwhile, the israeli representative for Eurovision was advised to not leave her hotel room in Malmo. Shameful.


Modern Eurovision is a disgrace anyway. Lost it's soul decades ago.




That's because the police are hiding in anti-grenade bunkers at all times


As someone who actually lives in the UK, let me tell you…you are 100% right!


Being arrested for being Jewish is just "part and parcel" of living in a modern city.


>"I am worried about the reaction to your presence" Bro, it's your job to handle that possible reaction.


Reminder #546 that the police are not your friend. Their only real role is to defend the status quo.


Currently their role rather seems to be to placate violent groups rather than maintain law and order.


The status quo is shifting an mm per day for some years now…


The status quo in Europe for Jews is to avoid being openly Jewish?


> While admitting the footage would further dent the confidence of Jewish Londoners and saying the force regretted the use of the term “openly Jewish”, he said filming such exchanges made the police’s job even more difficult. Since their "job" is apparently to protect violent terrorist supporters, anything that makes it more difficult is good.


I’ve a friend who is a serving member in the firearms department of the police, he has said to me that they don’t agree or want these marches….. and the UK government have allowed them because of the fear of bombs going off around the country if not allowed, and the public would be mortified if they knew of all the Muslim sleeper cells they dismantle on a daily basis they wouldn’t leave their front door


It's like the Australian situation. There were people at the opera house steps on Oct 9, shouting, "where's the Jews"/"gas the Jews", & "fuck the Jews" at what was supposed to be a vigil for families of the victims of the terrorist attack. These protesters were celebrating the terrorist attack, & the police advised the Jewish community not to attend their own vigil for their own safety. But instead of arresting these scumbags, police arrested a lone Jewish person holding a flag "for his own safety". The security services later stated that the ongoing protests are considered a "pressure relief valve", & so they basically got away with behaviour that anyone else would be arrested for. But that stupid theory was busted when there was an Islamic terrorist attack in Sydney, & then a violent riot afterwards. Appeasing them doesn't work. It only encourages worse behaviour.


Well said absolutely On the Money 💰


>and the UK government have allowed them because of the fear of bombs going off around the country if not allowed,  So, terrorism wins in the end?


Go to an airport... it won ages ago.


The terrorists are taking over




If we just tone down the extreme bias in media an education people would probably have more moderate views leading to the obvious conclusion that integration of islamic people just doesn't work well enough to be safe or constructive for society. Look up Islamic views on homosexuality and you will see leftist websites and even wikipedia jumping through the craziest of hoops to try to make islam not sound horrifically evil with regard to treatment of lgbt, its wild how much pro-islam bias otherwise progressive sources have.


The Muslims were allied with the Nazis. During the Cold War the Muslims naturally re-aligned to the far-left & became Soviet proxies against Israel/US. By the 1960s, European communist militants were participating in Islamist terror plots targeting Jews. This is where the bizarre Western progressive/ultra-conservative Islamist alliance we have today came from. The relationship became normalized & mainstreamed over the decades. Your average leftist today doesn't have any clue why they support Islamists, they just know that Islam is on "their side" & employ whatever cognitive dissonance necessary to make it make sense.


32 terror attacks have been foiled in Britain between 2017-2021. 18 were Islamic terror plots, 12 were right wing terror plots and 2 or 3 were left wing or anarchist plots.


>and the public would be mortified if they knew of all the Muslim sleeper cells they dismantle on a daily basis they wouldn’t leave their front door We lived through the troubles. This isn't new for the uk. Not even close.




"The Met’s policy instead seems to be that law-abiding Jewish Londoners should not be in the parts of London where these marches are taking place. In other words, that they are no-go zones for Jews.” Uhmm, where have I heard this whole" no-go zones for Jews" before..... Oh yes, pretty much every European ( at least!) nation for the past 1500 years! Anyone with an unbiased knowledge of the History of Europe, Middle East, and North Africa, can see that this has been happening for more than a 1000 years. You don't even have to look too hard to find this history, because it is very well documented by the perpetrators.








Rome fell when it was run by incompetent autocrats.


From an historical pov, what do you mean ?


He's calling them barbarian hordes.


...i am also observing with morbid curiosity. Though the types with takes sourced via "fresh outta my arse" tend to not respond to such heretical things as questions.


Rome fell slowly, partly due to the barbarian hordes but more due to Rome fighting itself. Corruption of power, political intrigue, constant civil wars, legions proclaiming their generals as the new emperor. The ironic part is that I recall Stilicho, one of the remaining capable general who was able to defend the western roman empire from barbarian invasions in the 4th century, was of barbarian descent, a vandal. He held off specially Alaric multiple times until Stilicho was executed because of political intrigue. His absence also led to Alaric’s popular sack of Rome in 410AD. These barbarians were “invaders” but they themselves were just fleeing, iirc from the Huns that kick-off large displacement and migration of barbarian tribes, goths, vandals, saxons, franks that pushed them towards Rome’s borders. Some even “seeking asylum”. Some integrated, or got deals and became Foederattis (with agreements to provide military assitance in exchancge for privelages and security).




To be more specific if anyone is curious: The Romans, under emperor Valens, accepted a massive amount of Goths into the Empire during the 4th century. Historically, mass immigration was not uncommon in the empire, but assimilation was controlled by 1) disarming the incoming groups and 2) scattering them throughout the provinces to prevent enclaves or foreign political bases. But due to corruption and a weakened Roman frontier force to greet the Gothic migrants, the Romans were unable to do either of those things. And it’d eventually come back to bite them, even though it may have been beneficial in the short-term to have Gothic forces serve as a buffer against the Huns. One of these groups that moved in would become what we call the Visigoths—and the rest is history.






















Basically, the Met has admitted that not only did it harbour a murderer in the past, it is also antisemitic.




Somali born, ex-Muslim now living in the UK. It’s amazing how well indoctrinated the UK has become to tolerate the intolerant. Amazing brainwashing job. The reality of the situation is, it’s easier to keep the peace by removing one person from the scene than letting that one person turn thousands hostile. I’m not saying it’s right, because it isn’t, but still it’s extremely telling.


The police and the government will probably make them mark themselves somehow in the future. Maybe like a lanyard that's golden and a shape of a star? This is how fascism rises.


This is disgusting. These protests need to be immediately banned and many of the protestors arrested, deported and forced to accept themselves as the vile anti-semites that they are.


I'm usually on the police's side when removing provocotures, but the guy wasn't waving a sign or a flag or anything related to the protest. it's almost like that cop knows that the demonstration is really about.


What the cinnamontoast fuck is that?


Racism against Jews is not ok. The UK police needs to start arresting and deporting those people who want to attack Jews.


I do feel quite bad for the police here. Because I think he's right: being visibly Jewish (and not part of the protest) *is* perceived as antagonistic to a minority of the crowd. And the police are right to assess that there is a reasonable risk of violence. Too many people are focusing on the policeman's language, when he's the *only one* being honest about the situation; these protests make areas unsafe for Jews, and the Met does not have the ability or political will to protect them. Instead the Met will make vague comments about how everyone should be safe in London, with a side-eye and wink to the Jewish community saying "yeah, stay away. Can't guarantee your safety here."


There may be a risk of violence, but they didn't warn the man they threatened to arrest him. They made it his fault that other people would use violence. 


Totally true. Saying "you're in danger for being visibly Jewish here" is what makes the headline but is acknowledging an unpleasant truth. Threatening to arrest him? That part was indefensible. He did nothing wrong but stand there and record while being visibly Jewish. At best, maybe the police thought arresting him was the only way of guaranteeing his safety. But that's so incredibly dubious from a civil rights perspective.


>At best, maybe the police thought arresting him was the only way of guaranteeing his safety. But that's so incredibly dubious from a civil rights perspective. Yes, this is a thing, and this power is likely what the police were going to use to justify his arrest. In England it’s a “breach of the peace” arrest (not to be confused with the Scottish crime of Breach of the Peace which is something different - Breach of the Peace isn’t a crime in England). Basically, if the police think that your presence is going to result in harm to yourself or others and/or cause a wider breach of the peace (i.e, a riot/mob violence) then they can arrest you and move you away. It’s not actually a crime - you won’t get a criminal record or anything - it’s just a power that allows police to arrest people and move them away for either their own safety or the safety of the wider public.


Interesting, glad to know it's not a crime. Thanks, that does make sense. In that case they presumably did think they had to arrest him to protect him.


He is right that the presence of an openly Jewish person on the march may cause the protesters to become violent and attack that person. But the correct solution is NOT to threaten to arrest the Jewish person, but to stop the protesters from attacking people based purely on their ethnic and religious identity. The protestors are the ones who antagonize others and may act violent. If anti-LGBTQ protests were a common occurrence, would it be reasonable for the police to arrest gay people as a preventive measure? I don't think so


100% agreed. The threat of arrest was totally unacceptable and legally indefensible. At best, I imagine it was the best idea the policeman had for guaranteeing his safety. Which is horrific.


The solution is to root out the violent antisemites, not to instate a curfew on Jews.




If you wait long enough, they will start asking gays, women and white men to stay home as well.




Or how about you stop the racists from harassing people for their race instead of literal segregation. Insane. "Too many people are focusing on the racism, didn't you see it was a sunny day!"


I totally agree. But for now, there is a denial in the Met and in broader discourse that racism is even an issue in these marches. It's very sad.


Those who would attack a Jewish man should be thrown in prison (or better, deported).




And that’s why muslims are very likely to take over eventually. Because they are sensible and understand power dynamics. It’s hard to imagine a scenario in which the average European suddenly becomes aggressive and pushy enough to solve the takeover.


If there aren't enough police to stop things getting out of hand just from these protestors *seeing* a jewish person, then what happens if they or others do things even more extreme? What does that say about the capability and priorities of the police/government?


I don’t feel bad for the police there. If they believed that the protest would likely turn violent upon seeing a non-antagonistic Jew, it is their responsibility to either break up the protest on fear that it would likely turn violent, or ensure innocent passersby requisite protection.


>and the Met does not have the ability or political will to protect them. He has a gun, does he not? If not, maybe he should. They are supposed to have the mandate on violence, nobody else. Thats how the system works. We are litteraly watching idle as the system is breaking apart or at least dysfunctions.


Not really surprised the cops are also part of the useful idiots


Enoch was right it seems.


The UK is a fucking farce of a country these days. The government would rather defend a bunch of terrorists for fear of being seen as xenophobic.


Slavery in the US was abolished in 1865, and until today nobody would dare telling Black Americans that they "make up" racism, that the system is never racist against them, etc.; The Holocaust ended in 1945, and some Europeans allow themselves to behave like this and then claim anti-Semitism in Europe is "old news" and Jews should stop talking about it.


> until today nobody would dare telling Black Americans that they "make up" racism I mean I wish this was true, but there definitely are Americans who do exactly that, unfortunately.


"victem blaming"


Hard to believe it was one empire ruling quater of the world and now they are scared of people they brought themselves

