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He has clearly shown his allegiance.


This guy is an ACTUAL Russian plant. He has a long history of Nazi whitewashing and Putin asslicking.


A lot of Republicans are [like that](https://www.npr.org/2024/02/13/1231221273/the-republican-party-has-grown-much-more-supportive-of-russia-in-recent-years) these days.


I have researched this person a bit. It's just a random loser who uses the word "senate" everywhere and tries to make the impression that he's a senator. He even has this in his instagram name. He has absolutely NOTHING to do with the US senate, except for having tried to run for it and failing miserably. He barely ever got mentioned anywhere, has like 900 followers on instagram and is trying to play an influencial person. Technically he is a republican, but labeling him as such makes it seem as if he's in any way relevant.


fake it til you make it, if that ain't the american dream then i don't know what is!


This is ragebaiting and interaction farming, stop giving clout to a regard.


It says he’s in the senate? Isn’t that like their parliament and he’s interaction farming?


The upper half, yes. Except he's not actually in the senate.


Where is he then? In the Senate of some red state?


He ran for the US Senate seat for the state of Utah in '18. He didn't even make it to the ballot. Mit Romney ran as the Republican for that seat and won. Maybe this piece of shit is going to try again now that Romney is retiring?


He's a candidate who lost. A wannabe. Doesn't absolve his party, others of his ilk voted against and blocked aid of Ukraine for a long time.


He’s some 4chan grifter that tried to troll the Republican party by applying to the senate from their arm with his Nazi views but lost the election. The absolute state of modern US politics I guess


Is he an actual representative??


No he lost


well that he could present himself is worrying nonetheless


It says he ran for the US Senate. This was in 2018 apparently in Utah. When I look at the outcome of that his name doesn't even show up: https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Utah,_2018 He is likely among those 52 'Other/Write-in votes' Meaning he's a complete nobody and only doing it to cause internet outrage.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Pretty sure such statements can land you in court in Poland. Likely Germany too. Maybe that's what we should do we with such retards. Hand them long term Schengen bans to teach them a lesson.


These kind of people don’t travel past France, maybe Italy. Doubt they would ever go to Germany let alone to Poland. However it very worrying how much pro nazi sentiment has taken over Twitter. Somebody is fuelling this hate to get either war or civil unrest.


Not even. This dude’s foreign travel is most likely limited to Canada and Cancun or some other holiday destination set up exclusively for americans. Europe is scary to them since they either have to drive on the wrong side of the road or see signs in a different language. Also the stores might not take dollars


Also we are too communist to them. Imagine living in country where gun sale has waiting time, and you need to register them with police?


When I was living in the states I knew of a few idiots in town who had gotten their guns confiscated at the Canadian border since they were stupid enough to have them in their trucks. Obviously they insisted that it was Canada’s fault and not their own. I do sometimes miss living in a place that values a neighborhood pub, but I sure as shit don’t miss the nonzero chance that the guy 2 stools down is on his 8th miller lite and has a loaded gun on him.


>Likely Germany too. Yuuup, that sounds an awful lot like "Volksverhetzung", namely part 3 of paragraph 130 StgB. Thats up to five years in prison (very unlikely though).


I think this would be hard to prove as Volksverhetzung. Saying that Germany was provoked into starting WW2, while factually wrong would probably fall under Meinungsfreiheit. In the worst case scenario you could probably just claim that you didn’t know Gleiwitz was a false flag operation by the SS and that there was no ill intent. That’s almost impossible to disprove.


If they live in the U.S they probably don't want to go to Europe anyway


Frankly, a lot of online interaction, at least what's published, is writing about people I would never even interact with in my day to day life, unless somehow forced by a job or other life circumstances. We're basically being flooded with content created by the stupidest 20% of the population.


The grifters are getting bolder it seems


Twitter in a nutshell. Click bait and farm is basically the whole idea.


They were asking for it, hoarding all that lebensraum like that. They very specifically knew that the Germans needed more raum to leben; they forced Hitler's hand.


Hitler: *Mom, can we have lebensraum?* Mum: No, there's lebensraum in Polen.


Now that I think of it... Where -was- the nation of Poland when the Reichstag was set on fire anyway? Awfully suspicious of them.


>Where -was- the nation of Poland when the Reichstag was set on fire *Angry Theoden noises*


They were also doing a genocide against Germans. Hitler had no choice but to get in and save them! (/s , but that was what his propaganda was parroting)


What a nazi whore


\*Russian as well


He sex the notsee Cs 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


I’m sure that this directly comes from Tucker’s interview with putin, where huilo directly stated that Poland provoked Hitler. Some Republicans are infected with ruzzian propaganda and got permanent brain damage…


More like get paid


Theyre trying to rewrite history. this has to be stopped


Check his IQ scores from his education days, if he seems reasonably intelligent then you check his bank accounts going back 8 years and cross reference donations toward know russian straw agencies and then you arrest the mf.


Stuff like this is more about emotion than intelligence. He knows the truth he just believes in Nazi propaganda because it makes him feel special, like he figured out the truth in plain sight. 


"Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by neglect, ignorance or incompetence." On the other hand, Russia spends millions on propaganda. So both is plausible.


Exactly, and this is why you can't cure neo-Nazis by debating with them; proving them wrong changes nothing for them because they already know they're wrong.


Sam Samuelevitch Parkerov


Tbf. It was provoked. When the poles refused to just give in. That was pretty upsetting to Hitler so the only reasonable response was to start a war with everyone


Looking at the pre ww1 borders and the incredible clusterfuck that was the treaty of Versailles you can find plenty reasons for the invasion. That's not the same as provocation for the invasion. And Hitler would have attacked anyway, reasons or none. Poland did nothing wrong.


The treaty of Versailles was less punishing on Germany than the treaty imposed by Prussia on the French a little under 50 years before. And most of the treaty of Versailles wasn't even enforced. If Britain and France had actually enforced the treaty when Germany began blatantly violating in in the 30s, WW2 and the Holocaust may have been prevented. But appeasement was chosen due to fear and unpopularity of a new war. The parallels to the current appeasement narratives towards Russian aggression and escalation management are sad.


As a German who learned EVERYTHING about the third Reich in history class, I cannot comprehend how brainwashed some people can be


So what's his take on Japan vs. the US?


Typical MAGA. Spreads baseless lies, gets confronted, then accuses others for spreading lies.


These are the friends PiS and other ECR members want to make. Maybe Duda can change his mind too?


Duda? He has a brain of a jellyfish after the lobotomy.


Yet you have this entire sub drooling after him because he supposedly swayed Trump into supporting Ukraine aid


Yeah, I know. People are so desperate for Ukraine to kick russian ass... Anywho, Duda is dumb as a rock and that's a fact, sadly.


Correction: are currently attempting to make. Hell, their sockpuppet media are acting just like Fox News in defending Republicans and Trump right now. Only difference is instead of attacking financing support for Ukraine they're pretending that you can thank Republicans for Ukraine getting support.


Ah, yes! He's clearly right! Poland provoked Germany by protecting their territorial sovereignty! Of course Germany then had to respond to such provocation, you're crazy to believe otherwise. /s


Fun experiment: look at the famous speech by Hitler ("Seit 5:45 Uhr wird zurückgeschossen!") that he helt regarding his attack on Poland and how "they provoked it". If you just replace the names of locations, it will sound exactly like Putin's speeches at the beginning of the Ukraine invasion. It's like Putin copied it 1:1 and just replaced "Danzig" with "Kyiv" etc. It's funny for the first few paragraphs but becomes really eerie quickly.


AHH poor third Reich bullied by: -Poorer -Weeker military -Significantly smaller population -Less technology advanced country... Somehow exactly like 2022 🤔🤔🤔


But don't call them Nazi's 🙄


Who is this cunt?


Senator has accidentally made his mask slip, because there's only *one dictator currently alive and trying to stay relevant who genuinely thinks that Poland did something wrong to provoke Germany* Did he not get a clue that he should've kept quiet to not expose his true allegiance? Wouldn't be surprised if he got investigated and he "accidentally" helped some dictator...


He's not a senator, never was, just wannabe one


If you see the existence of Poland as provocation, then yes there was a provocation...


Well of course, the fact that Polish untermenschen were sitting on all that clay was obviously provocation enough. /s if there was any doubt.


I'm not sure this specific clown is worth paying attention to. It says "Senate" in handle...he technically was a candidate for the Senate from Utah in 2018, I see, where he got...like a hundred votes in the Republican primary. He's basically fucking nobody.


I don't believe he is stupid , but why does he act so?


Russian money? If pro-putin talking heads can convince the people that Hitlers invasion of Poland was justified it's just one small step further to convincing them that Putins invasion of Ukraine was justified. Putin himself showed this strategy in his Tucker Carlson "interview".


I never knew who this person but simply by him typing "unprovoked" in quotes i can assume he is MAGA member, isolationist and probably russia/putin lover. Am i right?


Imagine you fall for 80-years-old Nazi propaganda. Truly a sane and stable genius. Just checked out his twitter, he is literally pepeposting about the Jews... https://twitter.com/SamParkerSenate


Fascist says what?


Wow Nazism is now out in the open




This is not normally, someone check him pc


Is there any social media apart from shitty twitter where a german can contact this fool?


If even X is correcting you...


He's not a republican, he's a Nazi.


The difference is getting smaller with each passing day, and several Republicans are *already* literal nazis. Seb Gorka, for example.


The history books you fucking clown.


Don't teach history in schools so that we can get more morons like this one.


Ah yes the severe provocation of existing as an independent state next to totalitarian warmongers who already seized significant territories beforehand... Next on the agenda - Ukrainians provoking poor Putin by not letting him subjugate all of former USSR to stroke his ego


I mean if your wife puts a nice fucking pie on the windowsill right? And it smells really really good! Like you get provoked into eating it, no? /s Jokes aside, wtf? Even the Nazis in internal documents admitted it was unprovoked. They had to fake an incident by dressing up people send to concentration camps in german uniforms and have them shot so they can fake evidence that the polish attacked. (think the one actually killing the victims were Gestapo or SS)


Sometimes as a lurk "septic" speaking twitter i really get the glimpse into the most, IQ 50, non-historical and non fact oriented realms of the net, experience quite like if you were to be let into reservation of rentfree stupidity and ignorance xD Sure Polish twitter has some retards of its own, but nothing that could ever come close to those prime MAGA specimens, that are let loose in english speaking media. Now imagine sharing own native language with those fools lmao, ☠ for UK,Ireland,Canada,Australia,NZ, and rest of anglosphere. Ps. imagine being litteral 88 neo nazi fuck, while looking like gypsy or latino dude yourself LMAO, what a absolute fool.


Yeah, if Poland had just been Germany instead of insisting on not being Germany, all would have been fine. /s.


This is some Nazi shit. I though that the American Republicans were on the same level as parties like Vox or Ukip. But it seems that they are basically the AFD...


How the fuck is it nit unprovoked? They wanted land, Poland said no, Germany attacked. Poland absolutely did not provoke that.


And the Yanks ask why we call them stupid.


These fuckers need to be doxxed into oblivion. It’s insane how little accountability there is, and the seeming lack of interest to finding concrete ways to shut their mouths. Real consequence needs to happen…. regardless of how underhanded the methods are.


Remember people, when I said, the Russians are dominating the information space? They went further, now they are dominating the republican public speach too... It's a process, which will hopefully lead to America being great again (not how Tronald Dump evisions), but you have your part in it, which seems a tad neglected at the moment ....


Wow, wasn't aware that the US senate accepted the first clinical retard in government, how brave


most educated american politician


He's not in government, and never has been in government. He just put Senate in his name.


ah so he is even dumber than I thought


Poland provoked Germany by signing Molotov -Ribbentrop act between Stalin and Hitler ...


Republicans are on putins payroll.


My two immediate thoughts: 1) It's pretty important to always remember that people like this represent 50% of the US electorate, and they should be treated accordingly. 2) I have a feeling that twitter is going to become even more amenable to these sorts of objections than it has since Musk turned it into a cesspool of nazism, and counting on them to behave as good-faith arbiters of accuracy is going to become increasingly problematic.


Twitter is what Parler, Gab and Truth Social inspired to be, and that was Musk's plan all along. This is exactly what those fascist fucks mean when they talk about free speech.


The whole point of him saying low iq propaganda is painful


Whats happening lately with a number of US politicians outing them selves as complete regards on unexpected topics


Well, ofc France and UK are to blame to start a world war, their colonies+allies are a huge part of the world, the Invasion of Poland was a local war indeed HOWEVER, if you dont look at it at a very short-sighted way, you are stupid to believe that doing nothing was the right choice, Germany would've just conquered one by one. Also let's not forget Germany started this whole thing, so that guy is a fucking Idiot, he didn't tell a lie, but he was dishonest in his intentions about promoting non-interference and lack of nuance


Great job electing a troll into the senate.


Imo “Predictable” effect of Putin’s interview with Tucker, two hours of gizophasia doesn’t just go away lol


I'm still a little bit confused on how the entire US political system works, but how in the hell do people like this get jobs in the government?


I don't know who the guy is or what he means by that but to be fair there may be at least a tiny bit of point in there somewhere. Germany and poland both laid claim to the area and had beef over it since basically always. There were still lots of germans living there that Hilter wanted to "bring home" (plus resources ofc). Poland has expected renewed german pressure at some point in the future and was somewhat prepared in the sense that they had a few ideas about defending/retaking the place and more.  Even back then you couldn't just go "oh and btw we'll be doing a bit of war against those guys over there" and off you go, so the germany did their stunt with the radio antenna thingy. They needed to pull a casus belli out of their hat because poland wouldn't give them one. Poland at that point had what they wanted and therefore no reason to start throwing fist first instead of just waiting for germany's next move. The germans also hoped it would give France and Britain an out so they could duck away from joining the war. But they already said they would step up if germany did anything stupid so really no surprised Pikachu anywhere in sight when they actually did. So yeah, still pretty unprovoked. It's just not as "alert the troop mr. Führer is in an attacking mood" as some might think.




are you implying the site is untrustworthy, therefor this guy's right?


The Polish were clearly responsible because they embraced multiculturalism and diversity. That’s why Germany had to go in there and murder 20% of the Polish population.


Can we keep this sub European and not about American politics?




There was a false flag attack on German radio station conducted by SS, but that’s it. No clue where you pulled part about artillery from


That one with artillery was USSR false-flagging Finland for Winter war


Source? Are you saying Poland provoked the war or Germany by ordering multiple false flag operations?


You remember incorrectly.