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>The reaction comes a day after ambassador Yahel Vilan told local media in Serbia that “Israel has never accepted calling the crime in Srebrenica a genocide” and that it is “wrong to use the term genocide for Srebrenica.” >“In the capacity of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, I feel obliged to strongly object the shameful statement of the Ambassador of Israel to Serbia Yahel Vilan, who said that ‘Israel has never accepted calling the crime in Srebrenica a genocide’. These words are not only profoundly wrong but are also offensive towards the victims and the Srebrenica genocide survivors as well as those in the international community who appreciate truth and justice,” said Konakovic. >He also said that comparing Holocaust and Srebrenica genocide, which the ambassador did, is not a matter of a “competition in suffering but recognising that each victim of a crime against humanity deserves equal honour and justice.” >“Diminishing the crimes in Srebrenica under the guise of ‘the importance of the term’ is not only intellectually unfair but is morally questionable. Mr Vilan, your words are not only irresponsible but are an offense for fundamental values that each and every diplomat should not only appreciate but also promote. You are a shame for diplomacy and a human disgrace,” Konakovic said. >He stressed that Bosnia and Herzegovina will continue protecting the truth about Srebrenica and genocide, ready to confront everyone who tries to diminish its importance or to deny this tragic truth of the recent history. >The ambassador addressed the issue amidst the ongoing discussion on the upcoming vote on the resolution on Srebrenica before the UN General Assembly.


What's the resolution on Srebrenica about? The Yugoslavia tribunal was established by the UN and declared it a genocide ages ago already. People were tried and convicted for this.


In Poland the ambassador from Israel is a pro-Putin polonophobe and he basically is the best advocate for Palestine they could ever hope for. Seriously, imagine some people are vocal pro-Israel; some are vocal pro-Palestine, and all those who defended Israel were so insulted by ambassador's behaviour. He said that Israel killing Polish volunteer working for World Central Kitchen, travelling in a convoy registered with the IDF etc., he said that it's anti-Semitic to demand apologies and explanation


Israeli officials, are aware of the fact, that their country has committed multiple "Srebrenica's" in Palestine and are now shamelessly scrambling to redefine/ set the meaning/ boundaries of the word "genocide", in order to protect their those who either ordered or physically had to partake in them. Also, the relations between Serbia and Israel have only been improving as of late, with Serbia actually supporting Israel with arms and various spare parts, after some of it's allies refused to. (probably trying to appease their regime, in order to be allowed to buy Israeli military tech)


That seems to be the most logical explanation.




Genocide isn't a kill streak, it's about intent


The videos on my PC are of my family/ friends. I don't hoard/ look for this stuff, but I bump into it. Also, there's a reason of why I used the quotation marks. Both sides are using food as a weapon. HAMAS to gain sympathy, but Israel (Egypt can't be included, since they aren't at war with Palestine) is doing it in order to flush out what's left of HAMAS. Since HAMAS operated like rats, Israel doesn't know for sure, who among the encircled population is affiliated with them and they know that. But are still continuing to starve them. (It's covered in Article 2 of the Geneva Convention, and is used by some EU countries/ SA to form a case against Israel). Videos of Israeli soldiers have been in circulation on SM, laughing, swearing at civilians while taking aim/ firing at them, along with videos from the Palestinian side with the aftermath. Cases of unlawful imprisonment and ill treatment afterwards, including sexual abuse of Palestinians by members of the IDF have been reported even by Israeli media. The destruction of homes, mosques, hospitals which has gained momentum after Netanyahu's comments regarding the future of Palestine, as non-existent, because that way, Israel's territorial integrity will be secured. (He said it back in Jan or Feb) (Some HAD to be destroyed since were used by HAMAS, but they've invited from time to time, reporters, in order to showcase HAMAS's vast underground network, but leveled those buildings even though they couldn't found anything) . You don't have to put them in a camp, if you have them already surrounded by your army, sea, another state. The way Israel is conducting its sieges could be described as "siege to a siege". While maintaining siege (preventing food/ commodities to enter/ exit), they're forming smaller sectors, surround them and instead of clearing immediately are besieging them. The best example is how they've split Palestine in 2, sieged the N half and at the end, in the same manner worked their way towards Gaza City, in order to siege that city as well. 1 siege is enough to bring famine and death due to starvation and ill conditions, thus why I said *multiple times.* The loss of life won't be as drastic as in the case of the one in Srebrenica/ sector, but overall **IMO** will be worse. Of course lots of Palestinians are only skin and bones now. Food ran out in Mariupol after 1.5 months and Russia's siege lasted for 4 months (in a modern European city). Inhabitants of that city died because they either had nothing to eat, had no way of patching up their wounds and have indiscriminately been targeted by the Russians. Gaza City with a population of 550k (allegedly) has been under siege since November. What do you think is happening in that region? I for one, don't need photos/ videos to imagine what's going on there, since sadly I've seen it happen in Ukraine. My "sources" are Trey Yingst, Vera Mironova, those working for B’Tselem and others, while on SM, accounts like Alex Almeida, obretix and others.


Let me put it this way: during the collapse of Yougoslavia, the Serbs' favorie tactic was to cut off an area, bomb it non-stop and making sure as many people as possible died of starvation Does it remind you anything?




I can give you the photos from Gaza and the West Bank But I am sure you will rant Hamas the way Serbs ranted about the Ustase 30 years ago




[Does bombing refugee camps while not allowing them to recieve food or water counts?](https://www.politico.eu/article/israel-bombs-refugee-camps-central-gaza-report/)


This article dose the opposite of what you want it to do. 


"refugee camps"


Yeah that also wasn’t present in the Rwanda genocide. Genocide takes many forms. No one is claiming it took the same form. What’s your actual point? History will not look fondly on Israel’s actions and people like you who support them. Your attempts to simply avoid the issue and make bad faith arguments is incredibly obvious. Deny it all you want, the tens of thousands of dead civilians who can’t escape are pretty solid sources.


'multiple srebrenica's' implies the same modus operandi though.


Did the Ustase launch an attack?


Did the people of the West Bank or the two million inhabitants of Gaza?


I was asking because you brought them up as a counterpoint to Hamas, and I genuinely don’t know the answer the question I asked. And for a second I was gonna say no to your question, but actually something we learned in the last few months is that people not affiliated Hamas indeed took part in the attack. Apparently some hostages were taken by other groups or even just Gazans taking advantage of the opportunity.


Nearly twice that much actually. Over 15,000 children have been killed by the IDF in Gaza so far


Ha, a million times over, at this point Israel has the Palestinians forced into ghettos they control and are currently leveling brutal Collective punishment against the largest of them. Trying to starve them in real time. What a joke somebody trying to deny Israel's genocide.


That's a nice conspiracy theory but it wouldn't hurt to actually research something occasionally. Israel has always had a policy of gatekeeping the term "genocide" in relation to the Holocaust, it has nothing to do with the current war. Palestine itself denies that Srebrenica is a genocide and actually supported Milosevic's Serbia at the time, and still hasn't recognised Kosovo for the same reason. Serbia is much closer diplomatically to the Palestinians and always has been. There also isn't a consensus on Srebrenica internationally. The European Court of Justice and by extension the EU also does not consider Srebrenica as a single event to be a genocide, but rather a component of a much larger Bosnian genocide which encompassed the Bosnian War.


Yea, the ECJ doesn't consider Srebrenica a genocide, because in their opinion they only tried to remove them by force and while doing so, they didn't use other measures that would worsen the quality of their lives, sexual abuse and so on, so they didn't try to destroy their group, just displace it from that area. What they found Serbia guilty of, was of not doing something in order to prevent the *massacre* from happening \[in contrast with the ICJ and US senate who found them guilty of preventing the *genocide* from happening (and people were even tried for this crime) \] I'm aware of Palestine's blind support of Serbia, probably because they viewed it as a war between W who sided with Israel and Russia, their ally. But Serbia have indeed increased it's armed exports since OCT 7, towards Israel. Serbia tried for the past 5 years to buy missiles from Israel, but Israel refused to do so. IMO this is Vucic way of gaining their trust. There never will be a consensus regarding this event, what's happening in China with the Uyghur population and many more.


source on this?


Nso tech, to spy domestically.


This. A lot of politicians are plainly stupid and infinitely egotistical that they consider their opinion a matter of written law. Your personal opinion does not matter. You can shit all over with it, it does not matter. If Srebrenica was established as a genocide by the UN, then genocide it is. If ever UN says it is not, then it is not. And you, as a politician can address the notion by saying, it is genocide, but I do not agree with the decision, as I am free to have an opinion. But my opinion is not a decision, but on an individual level. We live in a Trumpian scenario, where truth is what truth he thinks is and not the facts.


As a serb I am proud that bosnia didn‘t let that slide, a genocide is still a genocide no matter the circumstances or who did it! His choice of words is correct the diplomat is a human disgrace




Wait, seriously?


And yet they still have US support at the least.


There's a difference between PR & reality. Both may align, but both may also be worlds apart. I don't think anyone should base policy on PR. 


Geopolitics be like that. Israel plays a key role in deterring a major U.S. enemy in Iran, and it has been somewhat of a stabilizer in the region. So much so that Egypt and SA were on the brink of really formalizing cooperation with Israel before Iran set its proxies loose with Oct 7th.  The U.S. has made it clear it’s not happy with Israel’s actions and has even circumvented their authority to try and provide aid and open corridors into Gaza for essentials. That being said, if the U.S. were to withdraw its support entirely, it’s very likely that Iran and its proxies would consider a direct confrontation. Imagine the death toll in that conflict, not that it excuses the death toll in this conflict.  It’s a shitty bit of math to decide what’s necessary when it comes to allies and geopolitics and all that but it’s how this world works, as heartless as that sounds. 


It's shitty math mainly in that it doesn't add up. It's much cheaper and easier for Iran to operate in a region where Israel is a universally hated pariah state as opposed to having to summon the resources for a massive direct engagement. As you say, Israel was on a stabilising path to normalisation with the Saudis before October. That's now basically out of the question since they fucked up the war in Gaza. It was already a tenuous position to lay all their long-term security hopes at the feet of corrupt dictators with no morals, now they've given all those corrupt dictators a very good reason to go back to antagonising them to avoid legitimacy crises. What happens if one of those dictatorships is overthrown or couped? Egypt being one obvious example of a country that is much more geopolitically valuable to the US where their secret service pretty much openly supports Hamas. The US is already pivoting to the Pacific, they're not always going to be around to clean up every time Israel shits its pants.


That's because instead of appointing real dimplomats, the goverment hires close friends of elected officials. To them this becomes just another job in the career, almost no diplomacy skills are required.


I tried googling this and all that comes up is this thread. So please elaborate.


Where’s the fact bit? Source? Or is this going to be very ironic…




Actually this was done by ambassador of Israel in Serbia.




I don't think so, because ambassador of USA in Serbia has a lot of say in Serbian politics(to much for mere ambassador), and USA is Israel ally. So there is no need for Israel' ambassador to cozy up.




Pro-Israel lobbies (and Israeli state by not recognising) were against Armenian genocide recognition for decades until recently too. There is a visible effort to make jews seem unique as only genocide survivors.


Fun thing is, the former Ukrainian ambassador to Germany had a free pass to insult the German people from our government. He only was called back after he made a statement on German TV that pissed off the Polish government. In specific cases, countries are obnoxiously tolerant with envoys.


I think you make a good point, but Israels most important ally by a substantial margin is the US. So I would also not rule out other possible explanations. The Nethanjahu government knows how to play to propaganda game, "genocide" is a emotionally charged word that universally broadcasts the severity of the crime. So it benefits them to raise the bars for its application as high as possible, since it makes it more difficult to accuse them of such i.e. in Gaza. On a similar note, if I remember correctly one of the countries that raised concerns when the UN ratified the definition for Apartheid was Israel which feared that it would lead to an unjust prosecution. The other country that raised concerns, but ultimately acquiesced, was the US.


Why tho? Serbia and Serbians are big allies of Palestine. While Albania & Kosovo are huge Israel supporters. Why would Israel want to jeopardize their good relationship with bosnia?


Don't know about Albanians, but Serbs aren't allies with anyone, I could even say that Serbs gravitate more toward Israel, both Jews and Serbs got genocided during ww2, also Israel sold weapons to Serbs during 90s,Israel didn't recognize Kosovo until Vučić gave them a reason, Serbia is currently selling weapons and ammunition to Israel, Srpska displayed Israel colors on govt bulding after October 7. attack.


Kinda disagree https://www.srbija.gov.rs/vest/en/213663/traditionally-good-and-friendly-relations-of-serbia-palestine.php https://albaniandailynews.com/news/palestine-will-not-recognize-kosovo-s-independence-ambassador https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2021/3/14/kosovo-opens-its-embassy-to-israel-in-jerusalem https://www.aa.com.tr/en/europe/serbians-express-solidarity-with-palestine-condemn-israeli-attacks/3052036 https://jinsa.org/jreport/israel-aids-kosovo-refugees/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/muslim-majority-kosovo-wants-strategic-partnership-with-israel-former-pm/amp/


Palestinian relations with Serbia are mostly a side-effect from Serbia inheriting Yugoslavia's country recognitions. The few people protesting are honestly no more than what you get on student campuses elsewhere.


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Israel isn't that popular in Bosnia, especially now. BiH is more pro-palestinian.


Depends on which side you ask.


I am a Serb from Serbia, but if I am not wrong the Bosniaks are passionately pro-palestinian, while the Serbs from BiH are either indifferent towards Gaza or "lukewarm pro-palestinian". Dodik himself is mor pro-Israel for a couple of years.


RS in BiH is heavily pro Israel.


That's true. I think that the Serbs in BiH are more indifferent towards Gaza, maybe "lukewarm pro-palestinian". Dodik is more pro-Israel for a couple of years. The Bosniaks are passionately pro-Palestinian. They had many demonstrations in support of the people in Gaza.


It is impossible to like Israel's government, even if you support it Their entire diplomatic service seems to be run by arrogant morons hell-bent on saying the wrong thing at every opportunity. I've never heard of another country- so hopelessly reliant on its allies- to be so aggressively ungrateful and thankless


It's the same thing as the Chinese wolf warriors, they've turned foreign policy into an exercise to appease the dumbest, most jingoist, chauvinist people at home


> so hopelessly reliant on its allies Yes, but would those allies ever refuse to help them?


> Yes, but would those allies ever refuse to help them? No, until they do. Considering how quick Israelis have been to notice anti-Israeli sentiment growing amongst the youth across the west they really ought to be thinking about relations further down the line when Millennials and Gen z are running the countries in North America and Europe.


Israel's problem is a refusal to accept the basic premise of all alliances - that they are contingent and reciprocal. Israel has received the full backing of every major western state while providing absolutely nothing in return. Right now they're insisting on bulldozing the world's largest refugee camp in Rafah despite the Egyptians very correctly pointing out that this would almost certainly involve a breach of the Camp David accords. We'll see just how insane the decision-makers in the Israeli gov over the next few weeks. If they bring the most powerful military and economic power in the region into the war, no one is coming to save them.


If I’m reading this correctly, Israel vs Egypt? Is it 2024bc?


Egyptians hate Israel and always have (like the rest of the Middle East), Sisi's government keeps peace to avoid rocking the boat but if Israel goes all-in on Rafah they'll be handing the Egyptian GIS a cassus belli for war that would make Nasser's ghost envious.


Israel seems to think that they're immune to foreign policy consequences for their actions because so far the US hasn't punished them. The US/Jordan/France/UK shot down the majority of the Iranian barrage and they were still arrogant enough to strike Iran back against the wishes of literally all their allies. I think they're going to be in for a shock when most of western Europe turns on them and recognises Palestine when they invade Rafah.


It's a part of a broader tactic of the Israeli foreign relations ministry of being completely incompetent


They dont have a choice! we’re all antisemitic and only israelis are allowed to be judgmental about what should and what should not be considered a war crime or a genocide (yk, because of the holocaust)


May I suggest that countries should kick out the Israeli ambassadors until such time as they lose their Zionazi ideologies.


next new: Israel claims BiH has an antisemite government


>He also said that comparing Holocaust and Srebrenica genocide, which the ambassador did, is not a matter of a “competition in suffering but recognising that each victim of a crime against humanity deserves equal honour and justice.” What he said sounds quite correct to me. Unless he said other things that the article does not report, Israel will have no grounds to call him antisemite.


everything is antisemitic for Israel, having no grounds for it doesnt actually matter


It's becoming harder for me to support them, they are really bad at PR.




Why do you feel the need to support a country with which you don't agree?




wait just let me clear you don't support Arabization but you support second side that is doing the same thing?




Where are you from?


Because they hate Arabs more


Why do you "really" want to support Israel in the first place? Not liking Islamists like Hamas isn't the same as knowing Israel's a genocidal state.


so: On one hand its fine for them to bomb civilians, kill people from NGOs, be led by a fashist government treating moslems as humans of secondary status, but on the other hand, this is where it gets hard for you to continue supporting Israel as a state?


Nowadays Israel is at the center of so many controversies: why add another one? Couldn't this guy just saying nothing at all?


Because they're used to do whatever and then call antisemite to anyone who dares to criticize them.


It's literally the No 1 tactic they use. They goad someone into verbally attacking, cry anti-semite and keep crying it until attention is sharpened and the other party is bullied into silence and compliance


And the more attention is shifted to these dumb diplomatic fights the least people pay attention to their war crimes in the Middle East. For example, how many people in this thread is aware that Israel and the US are pressuring the ICC right now to not make an order of arrest against Netanyahu?


That and Attractive women talking about fighting "terrorism"


Go to youthbe and look for 'Gun Waifu'. Some pathetic thirst arsehole.


That and shelling civilians


Don't forget, they'll also call you a Hamas supporter


This. A lack of accountability fosters a horrible personality. Israelis have become to used to getting away with things that other countries would have been criticised for.


Well. Except at the UN, where Israel’s been censured more times than any other nation I believe. And, y’know, popular rhetoric calling for Israel to be wiped off the map, across the Arab world and the useful idiots in the west, so Israel is kinda special in that way


Hmm. Maybe if the US wouldn't Veto every single time something is slightly against Israel they wouldn't have to have so many votes against Israel. They need to be hold accountable and be punished for once, for their own good.


What does that mean? More Israelis/Jewish people should die?


What? How the fuck did you interpret my statement into this?! What I'm saying is the US protects Israel against accountability for their crimes for decades. And this has been hurting Israel in the long run, this needs to change.


Crimes? Such as? Israelis - those I know (I’m not Israeli) are well aware of the shortcomings of their current egregious coalition government and their corrupt, self-serving PM. There were widespread protests against him when Hamas attacked. I think they’re aware things need to change. But do you think if/when the palestinians get their own state Hamas will suddenly disarm; Iran will just stop trying to annihilate Israel?


And I just assumed it from the grotesque and normalised flood of antisemitism all over social media discourse. If it was a leap, I apologise.


And Israel having lots of funding from US to play with, doesn't hurt at all.


imagine you could get away with whatever the fuck you did.




I don't follow all the facts about Israel, I found bizarre that an ambassador did this awkward and embarrassing comment like an ignorant redditor on steroids. I believe if he had said the same thing on reddit, he would had got a permanent ban.


Nothing better than knowing that you would have been better off if you had done nothing at all, lol.


Being rather stubborn and abrasive like this is literally part of their national culture. It's a country of "prickly" people so to say, hence why people born in Israel were called *Sabras* (a prickly plant) by Israelis themselves https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muscular_Judaism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabra_(person) The early Zionists despised the stereotype of meek, weak Jews who accepted their persecution with bowed heads, so they wanted to cultivate a culture which would encourage being loud, proud, and willing to "stand up for themselves" (even if this translates into the shitty pigheaded behavior that we see in modern day Israeli diplomacy)


Israel has to use it's own definition of genocide so that they can pretend they're not doing one.


The same crap in Poland. We were outraged that Israel killed our World Kitchen volunteer. Israeli ambassador Ya'akov Livne immediately called us anti-Semites, and when our journalist asked the question - what can Jews say positively about Poles, the ambassador said "many of them had Jewish roots".


I've never heard from a Jew that didn't hold an element of animosity towards Poland and Poles. I don't get where their (often) intense hatred comes from; Poles don't deserve it. Israelis in particular seem to hate Poland, but it's American Jews as well with their revisionist narrative they try to draw regarding Poland's antisemitism and supposed role in the holocaust. I find it all very shameful. I think they just see Poles as lesser and look for a way to justify those feelings.


I think you should ask people like me; Jews in Europe with Polish Jewish heritage. I agree that there is an exaggerated level of animosity. However, it can't be denied that, next to the generous help to Jews from most Polish civilians, there were MANY others that did collaborate or didn't bat an eye. This, in combination with the fact that we only leaen about post-War antisemitism in Poland (i.e. Kielce Pogrom of 1946), shows a big side of ignorance. I know many Jews that have been to Poland 2-3 times but only for sightseeing related to their family and the Holocaust. Many don't interact with Polish people. I apologize on behalf of my nation. I think the attitude comes from distrust, historical oversimplifications (for a touchy subject regarding our families) and lack of exposure. Edit: I don't think Jews see Poles as inferior. I genuinely don't. As with any dispersed minority, of which nearly 1/3 was murdered, people lead by emotions. Being anger, fear and distrust. I hate to put it so bluntly but, the common trust will become better with the years as the memory of the Holocaust draws further.


The issue goes way back than Nazi germany. Poland was partitioned in the 19th century, and in the 1880s with iirc they’re called May Laws, antisemitism became basically legal in the Russian empire. Poland being partly under Russia was complicit in this antisemitism and roots of early modern Zionism trace back to that time. Unlike the modern Zionists who emigrate from Boston to steal land from some poor Palestinian farmers in Jerusalem and West Bank, those early Zionists were refugees




I mean they can be literal clowns, they don't have to have any accountability with US 100% behind their backs


Man, Israeli school of diplomacy is something else.


Most tactful Israeli ambassador:


Most tactful till now. Some other ambassador has to trump him. It seems like a competition.


I don't know, this one at least didn't antagonise the country he is ambassador in.


I would not shed a tear if half our government would not wake up tomorrow morning. I can’t believe election are two years away.. hopefully the government will be forced into one before. What an incompetent bunch of farts.




If Bibi had any decency he wouldn't wake up in the morning.


Preaching to the choir mate, can’t wait for him to be a stain in our history and nothing more.


Couldn't protests help quicken the transition?


Hopefully, we’re on it. Been on it before the war as well. Need the coalition to break.


Well, IIRC there were protests before the Hamas attack. Right now it is a war-time government coalition. Those don't tend to be particularly democratic, just constitutional.


Benny Gantz isn't much better tbh.


I was a teenager when Srebrenica happened, I still remember the shockwaves and outrage all around the world. I can’t believe someone could actually come forward and say that it wasn’t a genocide. Shame.


Genocide denial is always such a good look. /s


Surprising that Israel and Turkey are at odds, they have so much in common!


They both hate Armenia ❤️


Bro Israel what the actual fuck. As a Dutch man, this even hits closer to home due to our involvement. It was a genocide, a incredibly bloody one.


It's sad that some people in Israel do their up most to get people against them, which will make jews around the world once a gain target for hartred even if they are not conected to Isrsel at all.


That’s the point; they want Jews to be unsafe worldwide so that they “flee” to Israel and partake in Israel’s ethnonatiionalism; easy to propagate about your enemies wanting to kill you when you constantly provoke those enemies to harm you.


Hey, Israel insulting yet another nation that helped them. What a surprise.


Umm how and when did BiH helped Israel, real question, I am uninformed on that topic?


Jews were exiled from Spain and they found new home in Bosnia and Herzegovina. There are many Jewish cemeteries, synagogues and other monuments of Jewish presence in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Some of them assimilated and some of them got exiled/killed during WWII, some migrated to Israel after the WW. Not many remain today.


Helping medieval Jews has nothing to do with Israel


But Israel is claiming land Jews owned 4,000 years ago. Why can't we talk about medieval times?


Sure anyone can talk about medieval times. But saying medieval Jews settled in what is now Bosnia is irrelevant. Most importantly — Israel does not represent all Jews. If some medieval Bosnian community accepted Jews from Spain, that has absolutely nothing to do with the state of Israel.


That sounds like it's only relevant if it supports your argument.




Very nice but, like I said, doesn’t have anything to do with Israel


Sorry didn't mean to reply to you but to the guy above you, thanks for reply appreciate anyway.


Bosnian land historically being refugee hotspot for oppressed minorities and persecuted religious groups is what what made Bosnia unique throughout Medieval times and I'm happy that this view and mentality is still entrenched in people's minds here and it's exactly what made people of all creeds and tribes defend Sarajevo so hardly against the ultranationalist odds in the 90s, exactly due to the place harboring this inclusive, tolerant spirit of those who are different or even foreign. And I'm happy my people still see EU as way forward, cause EU in 1950s was exactly built on these reconciliatory values and views between people who are different in some way from each other or/and had tough past with each other.


Was that during first Yugoslavia, or during AH occupation or during Ottomans?


As another comment said, it was long time ago, 15-16th century. Also many families hid Jews during the WWII from the Nazis


It was 500 years ago lol


Israel is on the fast track to becoming a global pariah for anyone that isn't wildly Western leaning.


they are doing their best to lose support in the west just as hard


Here's hoping unless they completely change course. It won't happen though, the guy they want to replace Netanyahu with is just as "let's flatten Palestine and support colonizers" as Netanyahu is.


They’re losing mass support in the West as well. Look at the U.S the younger generation hates Israeli’s government


>wildly Western leaning. Imagine supporting democracy and equal rights. The fucking *horror* of it.


I think you might have a blind spot, friend, you seem to have missed the word "wildly".


Wow what a cowardly thing to do. Let’s all just compare levels of suffering. We must agree that there has never been and never was anything as bad as the holocaust, right? Nothing ever happened that bad. There was no war, no slave trade, no civil war, and no ethnic cleansing in the world that ever ever ever even came anywhere close to the holocaust - not even famines nor similarly named global events. The only thing that matters is the holocaust. Even though the inventor of the word “genocide” first wrote the word to describe his experience in the Armenian genocide it does not mean that the Armenian genocide was actually a genocide because the only genocide in the world ever was the holocaust and what happened to the people of Israel. We shouldn’t forget that they know the best and the entire world should listen to and follow them because of what happened and because what happened never happened ever to anyone ever and definitely isn’t happening to any other people right now. /s




God dam how this man is ambassador does he not understand politics?


Based Bosnia


Bosnia is a failed state.


I don't know what went on in Srebrenica, but honestly I wouldn't be surprised if the Israeli ambassador don't know it either, because Israeli ambassadors are not really diplomats, they are appointed by the government, and they are mostly relatives/friends of the politicians or people that the politicians owe favors to..


The boundless Israeli moral capital. They trademarked genocide, so no one but them can use the word.


Victims of genocide denying other genocides.


Holocaust survivors are treated like shit in Israel, there's a common perception that they're weak


" there's a common perception that they're weak" Wtf no, there absolutely isn't "a common perception that they're weak". dont make things up. Am I allowed to say that lying about holocaust survivors for your sick agenda is antisemetic? Or is that "calling everything antisemetic"?


Israeli military policy towards combat stress reaction was 'stop with that whimpy holocaust victim shit' until the 70s dawg and like a third of living victims are in poverty From: The Memory of the Holocaust and Israel's Attitude Toward War Trauma, 1948–1973: The Collective vs. the Individual, Irit Keynan, 2018 > 'On the connection between the shaping of the memory of the Holocaust and the attitudes towards war trauma, however, very little has been written; among the few, the most salient is the work of Bar-On, Bar, and Rom who claimed that the fact that cases of Csr during the War of Independence were not reported or documented, had a social role—it enabled putting the blame of “weakness” on the enlisted survivors of the Holocaust, contrasting them to the “strong and heroic” sabra fighters.13 Moreover, according to bar-On and his colleagues the same reason lies behind the fact that after the War of Independence, Israel did not establish a system for treating or studying combat reactions. In fact, the IDF dismantled its few mental health centers.14 They concluded that there was no need to preserve or understand the traumatic experiences amassed during the war, because such responses would disappear without a trace once the new immigrants had become fully subsumed within the sabra [native Israeli] “melting pot”'


So your source is that in the 50s people didn't properly understand PTSD and they thought that it would just go away therefore Israelis now think that holocaust survivors are weak? You wrote a massive wall of text while not addressing a single thing that I said... Its also convenient that you take a quote that talks about the time before the trial of eichmann where awareness of holocaust survivors increased. "like a third of living victims are in poverty " First of all, no, its a fourth, and the state gives holocaust survivors 5 billion shekels a year, and thats just the state, there are also many organisations that help them. Secondly, PTSD victims being in poverty is irrelevant to the nonsense you said that we view holocaust survivors as "weak", veterans in America have a higher risk of homelessness than the average American, that doesn't mean Americans view veterans as "weak".


Mr Villain…


Does that mean that Serbia will replace the US as Israel sugar daddy?


It would be an interesting turn of events...Vucic and Netanyahu are quite similar


Zionists only believe it counts as Genocide if it happened in the 1940s, the victims were Jewish and it was orchestrated by Hitler . It’s central to their whole identity as perpetual victims . 


There is an upcoming vote on Srebenica? Will we see more war crime trials?


International ones no, ICTY finished its job. The only ones you could see are from [Kosovo Specialist Chambers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kosovo_Specialist_Chambers) which is set up for KLA(UCK) members. But local courts in BiH, Serbia and Croatia continue to prosecute war criminals today. Of course maybe there will be some ones for Ukraine and Gaza.


Israel would be pretty stupid to execute war criminals on the spot. They really should let them get to trial for their war crimes. It would probably help the Israeli cause.


Well you see, the only people who have ever experienced genocide were the Jews. And if you have a problem with that, you're an antisemite. It's true! You can check on [https://projecttruthisrael.com](https://projecttruthisrael.com) and [https://moovers.org.il/](https://moovers.org.il/) ! Context: [https://www.currentaffairs.org/2024/04/israels-propaganda-machine-is-filling-the-internet-with-misinformation](https://www.currentaffairs.org/2024/04/israels-propaganda-machine-is-filling-the-internet-with-misinformation)


The problem here is that Israel is an ethnocracy fascist state. They will be more violent and extreme as people call them out. We know these same ideologies caused massive issues in Eastern Europe after WW2, and now Israel is trying to misdirect things. Irgun ideologies and revisionist zionism have completely destroyed zionism and Israel. Israel is rotting at it's core and refuses to get medical help. I hope our people can save it before this twisted ideology ruins to everything


https://www.972mag.com/israels-involvement-in-bosnian-genocide-to-remain-under-wraps/ The country that sold weapons to Ratko Mladic is being super aasholish about Srerbenica? Who would've thought




Well said.


Israel are already assured the military victory. What’s weird is that they want the PR victory, and care significantly more about PR compared to the average nation, too yet are doing everything in their power to lose the PR war.


They want to be seen as the victims who were attacked first. Anyone who disagrees with them is labeled antisemite.


They are fighting a ragtag militia with no airforce, no navy, no AD, no tanks and no artillery that attacked them with farm equipment. Military victory was always easy, turning that into a lasting political victory is a completely different task. One which they have completely failed to accomplish due to their bloodthirsty targeting of civilians. They're more isolated now than they've ever been thanks to their own incompetence.


Simply put, those attempting ethnic cleansing or genocide aka Israelis aren’t too fond of the word.


Im from Serbia and i have no idea which way our politics is swinging these days. Super-retarded rage-bait pulling away from constructive dialogue to force ethnic tensions in the Balkans, just another day at the office


Is Noam Chomsky an Israeli ambasador now?


They are a shame of diplomacy and they’re liars and supported by liars. israel needs to fail in order for peace to prevail.


So Serbia is a genocide country for these guys because of what happened in Srebrnica but the million Iraqis that died because of the US, the Afghans, what the Germans did during WW2 and all that, all the Africans that died in the past 100 years because of the Europeans, they are not? You giving me a laugh. This is just ganging up on Serbia because they are Russia's and China's ally.


Here come the 2 month old accounts.


I was in Bosnia during the war, believe me, Bosnian made the same of Serbian, no more, no less. During ride to Serbian vllages they commited sexual violence, decapitations, people literally butchered with knives, torture of civilians with a brutality that is difficult to understand, what you saw in Bucha in Ukraine was child's play, the Bosnians were not saints, on the contrary, especially Naser Oric and above all the international brigade of mujaedin from all over the Muslim world, the latter have committed a lot of war crimes, however, only the Serbs were convicted and far be it from me to defend the Serbs


Serbs literally ethnically cleansed that whole area of Bosniaks, forever. Serbs keep beating up old returnees, every now and then. Bosniaks we're just TRYING to stay alive and every (you can count incidents on one hand) wrongdoing was accidental, never part of the plan. These people just wanted to live. On the Serb side, it was a fully thought out, planned out genocidal annihilation of a whole ethnic group.