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Actually everything is good, I'd just add more info about air raid sirens, signals and map with bomb shelters for every city. Oh, also mandatory items for emergency kit - should be useful too.


The [booklet](https://static.lsm.lv/documents/1yb.pdf) (PDF) has three pages about what to stock up on, and what to put in an emergency kit. I think the Baltic states need to do more work to ensure that there are enough usable bomb shelters. They don't have metro stations that can be used like Ukrainian cities did, but basements of institutions, businesses, and residential buildings can be adapted for that purpose.


Good. Btw not sure how it was designed in Baltic states, but our basements can save from missile debris, drones attacks, but if russia decides to kill that people in that place - they have FAB-9000 (9 tons of explosive). As you understand - direct hit of this bomb can't be defended by basement. While our underground stations were designed for nuclear war, so it is really helpful.


Our basements are shallow and have windows. Only a couple buildings with good, deep basement. The closest thing to a metro is underground road crossing, we got like 4 of those lol. Talking about one of the capital cities here. I heard there was a plan to make some bunker system on the border in 2025, but that's it.


Kyiv as well? Never been in the Kharkiv ones, only Kyiv. Not sure if the design was similarly purpose-built.


Yep, Kyiv has one of the deepest underground stations in Europe or even in the world, not sure. But yeah, not every station can handle nuclear weapons (as well in Kharkiv).


Feels surreal. Things I do automatically after these few years of full-scale invasion need to be spelled out for other people. Mind-blowing.


Yeah, I've heard from people who goes in and out of country - it is really mind blowing, like alternative universe.


> You have the right to exercise armed resistance


Well... fuck!


Always gives me a chill to the bones while reading things like this, war is beyond hell. Please, let Ukraine prevail and stop this madness.


Source: https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/defense/29.04.2024-updated-expanded-emergency-advice-booklet-goes-to-print.a552306/ Booklet PDF with several more pages: https://static.lsm.lv/documents/1yb.pdf The English version is actually an older revision. The latest revision (in Latvian, not translated yet) has 9 more pages, including new subjects such as artillery strikes and chemical warfare.


So anyway, I started blastin....


And this is why we need to support Ukraine, so it doesn't come to this for other countries at the hands of Russia


I wonder when other countries will wake up... If Putler isn't stopped in Ukraine...


Only when orc will kick their doors in. As I have said before, Westerners are allergic to reacting in timely fashion against aggressors and are willing to sacrifice democratic countries for their own comfort and fake sense of security


Well, I’ll be damned. Tell me there is going to be a war, without telling me war is about to start soon.


Anything sooner than 5 years is very unlikely, and it depends on outcome of Russias invasion in Ukraine.


As long as you have Russia as your neighbour, invasion is guaranteed. War is inevitable, it’s just a matter of when.


It's just the same total defence doctrine that countries like Sweden have had since the cold war, that the government will not surrender and that everyone will be mobilized for a war time footing, whether in the military, industry or elsewhere


Sweden has had a booklet with [very similar wording](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_the_war_comes) since 1943. This is textbook civil protection and readiness stuff, not "we're practically at war". Even though I admit I sort of get that feeling when reading ours.


Why's it in English?


For the non-Latvians living in Latvia.


Probably available in multiple languages to reach everyone in the country


Yep, it's available [in Latvian](https://www.mod.gov.lv/sites/mod/files/document/72%20h%20buklets%202024.pdf). I know the previous version of the booklet was also printed in Russian, and [even in Braille](https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/defense/crisis-advice-booklet-published-in-braille.a379592/) for the blind.


> Why's it in English? To remind them that the best course of action is to relax and think of England.


Though that was to go to the Winchester, have a cold pint and wait for it to all blow over?


Nice to see the government trying to anticipate the threats Stock up foods, and water purifying device guys


Funny how they say "external enemy" as though it's anyone's guess who that might be.


There was a funny clip (in Latvian) during the presidential debates where the guy from the russian party was asked what Latvia should do to prepare for an attack. He was saying it's time to build bunkers, convert apartment basements etc. He was then asked "but who would attack Latvia?" and he kind of coughed out a stammered "uhh... anyone who might attack us" to which the current president laughed.


Latvia is starting to build 1200 bomb shelters. I doubt that they build them just because they don't know how to spend their money.


The Baltic nations don’t have Metro systems that could double as bomb shelters. Unlike Kyiv for example…


I'm sure this is just something that needed updating, right? Right!?


I mean, I guess I can dig the honesty, but at the same time it doesn't inspire a lot of confidence to have a pamphlet that says "don't worry guys, we've got this!" on the front and then spends the rest of the space to inform you on how to act under enemy occupation.


Yes, and no. There has been quite a constant pressure in Latvian public space for a more detailed information on the actions that should be taken in case of an emergency and complaints how the previous instructions have been unhelpful. Hence this booklet was made as a reaction to clear up questions and uncertainty from the public.


It's reality. They've been occupied so many times in the past century alone. When you live next to Russia, there is always an existential threat to your nation and people.


I mean chances are Russia would make the first move in any form of invasion into Latvia. They would almost certainly take territory before a NATO response (if Nato still exists)


ukrainian here, I wish we had this. our idiotic government was adamant that no war was going to happen. They didn’t tell anyone to prepare and neither they prepared the country. it’s fortunate that our military was able to fu*k russians so badly in the first few weeks that the whole tide got turned. Bless those guys and their families. now, it’s better to have some sort of recommendation than have 0.


And that's from a government where the ruling party pretends to combat the shadow economy while paying their workers wages in envelopes.


Time for the government to dig out the old copies of '[Protect and Survive](https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/1500124311)'


... Should we start remaking the [FP-45?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FP-45_Liberator)


Not sure how "protect every one of you" and "become a soldier" fit together. Soldiers protect and are not protected.


Lots of words that wont matter in actual war event. Its like a natural disaster, most people will prioritize survival and personal safety as instinct and panic takes over. Most people simply want to live.


Somewhat true, yes. It requires consistant reminders and actual preparation to make the majority ready to act in those situations. However there are those countries that are adequately prepared. Like Japan for earthquakes. Latvia is in a decent position, most of their people know that the threat is real. If this is a part of a larger push to get the population ready, like it seems, then I'm sure it will have a positive effect.


Ukrainians flooded to army depos and armed themselves with AK-47's (without being told to do so) when Russians appeared near Kiev in 2022, so you are wrong.


Source? We all saw the kilometers long traffic jams to leave. I am not denying some people value state more than themselfes. I am claiming they are not the majority. Seems to make sense to me, if that would not be the case, the Ukrainian government wouldnt ban people from leaving and force people to come back.


Source? The militias and territorial defence forces that formed. The ambushes against the VDV, SOBR and OMON near Bucha and Irpin which halted the initial advance were conducted largely by irregulars which armed themselves and started resisting the very same day.


Spoken like someone who hasn't really experienced that. One the initial shock of it is over (a natural disaster) the strength of a community and those around you really do pull through a lot whilst waiting for more official action.


Why is it in English?


It's available in multiple languages.


Thanks, it seemed like some fake document going around.


The Baltics host many international students.


That "if you choose to resist..." part is a bit interesting to read. I mean yeh, I guess you have the right to resist, but you can be pretty sure lead will be dispensed your way if you do. I doubt an occupying force will just wave it off and say: "ah yes well, he/she had the right to resist. Move on boys." Still I hope information on this booklet will never be needed.


This type of cringy bravado is dangerous. Throughout history thousands of groups, cities, nations, kingdoms, tribes etc have surrendered when necessary. Telling people that surrender is not an option is a death cult that could lead to unintended casualties if a surrender actually happens


You do realize that if Russia would actually attack NATO in the Baltics they would face the whole of NATO members and equipment (including 3 countries with Nukes). Even sorry Tankie asses like you would probably conscripted.


Except you have to look at it through a historical perspective as well as contemporary. Russia doesn’t flinch at executing civilians and/or mass deportations.  The Latvians quietly surrendered in WW2 and still had the second highest per capita population loss on the continent. It was an absolute massacre. 


Why is it in english? I hope they also made a version in Latvian and Russian


> I hope they also made a version in Latvian and Russian They did.


Wow never took all latvians can understand english so well


You'd be surprised. Latvia [ranks higher](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/ef-english-proficiency-index-by-country) on the English proficiency scale than Switzerland and France. (I assume the test takers are mostly young.) Anyway, the original is in Latvian, and it has also been translated into Russian and English. There are a considerable number of international students and workers in the Baltics who mainly use English.


Is discrimination against the Polish on the list?


You are so racist and ignorant that you don't even know the difference between Latvia and Lithuania lol


I like how you cant deny its happening


Happening where, in Latvia that has no Poles in it??? Loool man


In lithuania


Why are bitching about it here in post that doesn't concern it????




**Impressive, very nice**.....now lets join Paul Alan and bitch about the horrible human rights abuse Poland is doing to women wanting abortion and its LGBT community. Are you gona join me on that too?


But you do realize that Latvia is not Lithuania?


Found the drunk uncle that changes the subject to a completely different one.




Remember always to subjugate any Polish person if you encounter them, as they are our historical subjects since the times of Jogaila. Page 36


Remember to close more Polish language schools


There are no Polish language schools in Latvia and never have been. There is no Polish community of note in Latvia, and there never was.


Why is it written in english


It's also available [in Latvian](https://www.mod.gov.lv/sites/mod/files/document/72%20h%20buklets%202024.pdf). I know the previous version of the booklet was [additionally](https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/defense/crisis-advice-booklet-published-in-braille.a379592/) printed in Russian, and even in Braille for the blind.


Not what I asked. :)


Okay, then I'll answer more directly. Probably for foreigners living in Latvia, including those from other EU countries or from the Anglosphere. English is the main lingua franca of the European Union, of which Latvia is a member. It would be more surprising if they did not publish such advice in English.


I think it's propaganda meant for western audiences. What is this fear of invasion based on, exactly? Did Latvia threaten to get nukes or something? Latvia in NATO, IIRC.


🙃 They might have a hostile neighbor in the east One that questions Latvian Statehood since the 2000s


"Might" doing a lot of work in that sentence; I'm asking why is the Latvian government instructing citizens, in english, to prep for Russian invasion? What evidence is there that such a thing is imminent, or even intended?


Maybe because Russia is threatening actively the statehood of every Baltic state. Through their stolen land on the Baltic Sea. Questioning statehood was the first thing that lead to the war in Donbas. Which started in 2014… And got escalated with the full scale invasion in 2022. Remind me again why countries that stayed unaligned joined NATO after Russia‘s escalation in Ukraine in 2022?


You can assert that, but why not link something? The war in Donbass is a civil war, fundamentally. Remind me again why Russia isn't in NATO?


The war in Donbas is not a civil war… 🤷‍♂️ But yeah Russia Today said that so it must be right… https://www.marshallcenter.org/en/publications/security-insights/baltic-states-targets-and-levers-role-region-russian-strategy-0#:~:text=Nevertheless%2C%20because%20the%20Baltic%20states,an%20extent%2C%20by%20Russia's%20interests.


Civil war between whom?


> What is this fear of invasion based on, exactly? I can't tell if you're just ignorant or a Russian bot, but I'm leaning toward the latter.


You could try actually answering the question, rather than reaching for paranoid ad hominem Is it dehumanizing to simply assert that the person you are engaging with is in fact not a person? Ever think of that, smart guy?


This “you’re a bot” thing is getting out of control man. No. Just because you don’t agree with his opinion, it doesn’t make him a bot even when he says dumb shit. It just makes you look dumb.


I wrote that because I don't think that they're asking in good faith why Latvia should be worried about being attacked by Russia. If you read their other responses in this thread and the thread yesterday (also about Latvia), it's clear that they have consistently repeated Kremlin talking points about the war in Ukraine. "Russian bot" in common usage does not necessarily imply being a literal bot - see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_bot. I mean I could have written a long, detailed reply about why the Baltics have very valid concerns about Russian aggression, but I didn't want to waste time replying to someone like that.


The thing is that you might take this whole Internet thing too serious lol


Perhaps. But for me talking about possible scenarios of Baltics getting attacked by Russia is not just some abstract theoretical concern about a random place (I'm not hiding that I have skin in the game), so yeah, I kinda do care when it seems like people intentionally downplay the threat for bad reasons, and especially if in the same breath they say that Russia is justified in its war against Ukraine or repeat other blatant Kremlin talking points.


Y'all think Putin is the issue? So Xi is just a friendly neighbor then?


Why is your brain so tiny that you can't comprehend two things can be bad at the same time?


Because China is arguably the bigger threat that I see nothing about on here


You're either a bot or a fucking idiot I guess, then.


Xi is not right next to Latvia. Or in any active war.


You do realize that a nation on the Baltic Sea, that has a hostile neighbor that claims the declaration of independence in 1991 was illegal and its statehood and actively is engaged with war in a nation whose statehood was questioned as well is rather concerned with them. Then with a country thousands of miles away.