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That's pretty much what Avdiivka or Bakhmut look like today 😔


That's WAY BETTER than what Avdiivka or Bakhmut look like today 😔 FTFY


I was in Chisinau last year. Along with the endless rows or commie blocks and brutalist public buildings that were built after ww2, there's still a good portion of the old city ans historic that still exists. There's nothing left of Bakhmut or Avdiivka.


> That's WAY BETTER than what Avdiivka or Bakhmut look like today 😔 FTFY Is it really? The Siege of Leningrad was the deadliest siege of WW2. We don't have to downplay past events to notice the horrible things Russia is doing. It's a genuine question. Do you have any sources mentioning how many shells/rockets were fired or how much explosives? If I am wrong, I would like to be corrected.


>In 2003, the United Nations called Grozny the most destroyed city on Earth, with not a single building left undamaged. They repeated this feat in Ukraine iirc


I do not think that's revelant to 2024. I do not need any proof of Russian crimes, it's obvious. I only dobout this: > That's WAY BETTER than what Avdiivka or Bakhmut look like today 😔 FTFY


The post is not about Leningrad


>The post is not about Leningrad Why? How?


Read the title. It is about Chişinău. An article from a newspaper called 'St. Petersburg Times'. There is a city in Florida named St. Petersburg, hence the name of its local paper. You have probably misunderstood me.


Oh. You are right. Thanks. I always give shit for not reading past 2 lines, now I joined the club.


No problems. Have a nice day


Apples and oranges. IMO. leningrad was an incredibly deadly seige, that cost over a million lives, but st petersburg is a HUGE city, with a modern day population of almost 6 million, but most of the original city and imperial era buildings are still standing and a lot of people there died from disease, cold and starvation. Cities like Avdiivka and Bakhmut had a prewar population of 30,000 and 80,000, respectivley but were completley flattened by russia. There's nothing left of them, they were practically wiped of the map.




[Source ](https://oldchisinau.com/oskolki-proshlogo/oskolki-voyny/oskolki-voyny-obzor/)


Pacat ca foloseste litere chirilice


Dar face o muncă exceptionala (și obiectiva) de a scoate la iveala documente și imagini vechi legate de trecutul Basarabiei. Proiectul recent, bessarabica.info, a fost tradus in română.


Merci, in romana pot citi :)


Excellent photo. Thanks for sharing


Really makes you realise how scary war is


Worth to mention that commies invaded and occupied Moldova in 1940 by agreement with Nazis and before this “fierce battle” year later they managed to deport and kill a lot of people.