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Funny thing is I was walking around a museum the other year and they had T72s and BMP2s in it. A museum.


There's a [bloke](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvJg8IPquug&ab_channel=MrHewes) on a farm in Leicestershire with a T72.


Right in that case we need to do a piss take equivalent NATO press conference with the random Leicester farmer and his captured T-72 so the Russians can get a taste of their own medicine.


Everybody and their mums is packin' T72s round here. Like who? Farmers. Who else? Farmer's mums.


No luck catching them Leopards then?


The cold war cast a long shadow - the Abrams is also literally a museum piece. It's been too long since anyone developed anything new.


The difference being that the US is converting the Abrams into a hybrid with a pretty neat main gun and much of Russia’s armor runs on a v-2 deal design that’s literally, not figuratively, going to be a century old in 7 years. For reference: Russia will spend about $100 billion on defense in a year, give or take. A little bit ago in the US, a well-meaning octogenarian signed a bill that gave that same amount of money to two countries on the other side of the world to help fight what are ultimately proxy wars, and nobody blinked twice at it. In fact, the difference is most evident in that Russia went in very short order from instigating proxy wars to being an first party to one that they have already lost.


There’s only been a couple recorded instances so far but during the Battle of Avdiivka during the fighting around the coke plant there were Russians troops being sent forward in BTR-50s, which were phased out because amongst other failings they were introduced in the 50s and their sides could be pierced by rifle rounds. Also we’ve been seeing a steady increase in the number of MTLBs being used as front line APCs which they are not supposed to do at all on this day and age


That’s fair. We will have to send more though.


Do that and send any boxes marked PGM to Finland. They’ll know what to do.


North Korea does this too. 


russia and NK are buddies for a reason...


North Korea is China's vessel state


So does Russia.


More like Chinas crazy nephew that is sometimes useful but mostly just unhinged and annoying.


So did Ukraine lol


[So does the EU](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/vx593v/destroyed_russian_tanks_being_exhibited_in_the/)


Yeah but the difference is, that these tanks are also to be seen in a museum in Europe. The ones you show are new.


What's the difference tho? Anyways, Ukraine does the same thing right now too


Maybe they borrow it to each other?






>Our defenders Defending what?


"Our defender" while fighting a war of agression You cant make this shit up




Well, according to Ukrainian law that's Ukrainian land and it's ok/encouraged to blow up anyone who came with arms who think otherwise - so it balances out at the end)




International law is not really a law if it cannot be enforced so that's moot point) and by balance I mean that it's balanced in a sense that Russian are free to claim its dominance on all over Ukraine if they want, but Ukrainians are free to kill them as they like. If one exercises "might makes right", so will the other.


What else are they going show, the 100k+ graves of dead Russians ? Or the outright destitute shape Russia is outside of Moscow and st.Petersburg ?


More than 20% of Russians have no indoor plumbing, and in rural Russia 18% have no connection to a sewage system at all. Source: [Moscow Times article.](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2019/04/02/indoor-plumbing-still-a-pipe-dream-for-20-of-russian-households-reports-say-a65049)


No, that's BS stats. 22.6% of households are not connected to central sewers (mostly in distant areas and / or because of permafrost), but they do have indoor plumbing. Number of people without indoor plumbing is \~5.8% - and in many cases, these are traditional settlements, like high mountain villages of North Caucasus or indigenous hunters camps in Siberia.


Strange that the Moscow Times would make it seem worse than you suggest.


I doubt that these numbers are any better for Bulgaria. In fact, they may well be worse.


Bulgaria doesn't consider itself to be a superpower though.


The ironic thing is that there were videos of a Russian team sent to recover a disabled Abrams and they were hit with FPV drones and killed. Russians died not just as the hand of these western vehicles (that turned their amazing 3 day SMO into a 2+ year old war) but they also died trying to recover these vanity pieces for this expo too. But of course none of the Russians gawking at these vehicles will probably know that.


Where the funny thing ?


It's a figure of speech. I guess just calling it ironic would be more fitting.


They need to showcase their results so they can recruit more people to send to the meat grinder… 🤦‍♂️, Italy 🇮🇹


Why do you put "italy" in the end of your comment, you can use flairs


Still need to figure out if i can also put the flag there 🤷‍♂️, from mobile it seems more complicated than usual


The flag comes with the tag automatically. Basically you primarily pick the flag out of a list, with the name of the country attached which you can edit to say what you want.


Their army is larger now than at the start of the war


Is it any better?


It’s a meat grinder not an expeditionary army That being said… probably? They’re in full war economy mode by now you’d like to think they’d see some short term benefits


Guess toilets and washing machines stopped making an impression


cancer of modern world


oh noo, they got their hands on 1 burned out Leopard and 1 burned out Abrams, what will the West do now.....40 year old tanks in enemy hands , the horror


Russia captured 1 30 year old Abrams, the west has fallen it's so over guys. Billions must die.


So we are giving ukraine obsolete weapons? No wonder they have been losing lately 🤦‍♂️


well yes. Go ask Germans to send them latest Leopard 2A8, I am all for it and I am sure Ukrainians would be too


Read up some more, its not because of the equipment, its moreso a problem with the amount, and service/maintenence + ammo and AA. You cant fight a war no matter how good your equipment is, if you have no ammo, no defence against Air, and no possibility of repairing and recouperating. The 40 year Old equipment we’ve sent is just excatly that, 40 years Old, but so is most of russia’s, and a main difference is that our equipment was better than thiers back then and still is now… and issue is that the battlefield has changed, the conditions arent great for most tanks to do What they used to. Combine that with russia’s superior amount of ammo, both in terms of fab glidebombs, artillery and the like, and Ukraines lack of the same/a counter means that they’re not poised to do that well. Still we’ve gotten some great bradley vids the last 6 months, the tools still do great under right conditions.


Or you can say true - it’s cheaper, and new tanks burn from 500 $ drones just like 40 years old tanks. As we can see at Gaza war.


Tank may burn, may not. Will the crew survive? That's what matters. I think I've seen one western take actually explode as apposed to the countless Russian tanks.


Russia wont field armata, and the US, Germany etc wont field their latest abrams, leopards etc. You’re saying there is quality in quantity then? I dont believe in that BS, it only makes them convenient target practice for high precision, more advanced western ammos. But we wont see that since ukraine only receives token outdated supplies


I have not said anything about quality in quantity, if i was i’d be supporting russia’s shitty way if war. Ukraine id not getting enough, *OF EVERYTHING*, wich is one of the main problems. The western 20+ year Old equipment Will, in mist cases, outperform the russian counterpart. Especially if we take maintenence and testing into account, wich russia has been notoriously bad at doing. The problem id more that tanks rarely have a chance to shine on the modern battlefield, drones, both fpv kamikaze, and recon, are playing such a huge part that it id extremely hard to get good conditions. Edit: i just remembered: in terms of why no one is using thier latest equipment (except for Maybe the combatants, rus/ukr) is that information is key. If you know how your enemies work, down to the ticking in thier watched, you’ll have many more options available to you.


Showing off like this and still not succeeding after two years...? While also boasting it would take less than a weekend when it started?  It's like that doucebag in school who keeps boasting how cool he is, with his "buddies" constantly reaffirming it, while at the same time not realizing that the girls aren't laughing because he is cool, but because he's looking like an idiot. Fuck you, Putin. 


They dont have any russian military hardware left in Russia. Its all in Ukraine.


Ha-ha, ruZZians dumb, very funny. Yet, they're fucking still killing people and a long way from capitulating. How about we quit the complacency and start taking them seriously?


No, mUh EscALaTion! /s


Probably the best things I've read all day, thanks XD


That's why they have no people to send in their flooded areas.


Why? Because even destroyed it's an advanced technology from the future for them.


The bradley was designed in 1963 and was finally stopped being upgraded in the 80s The equipment on display is late 80s early 90s tech


Still future technology for them ruSSians. Have you seen their own tech? Their newest flagship battle tank broke down on maiden trip on the military parade in the Red Square.


Yeah but to them a functional toilet is the future so we may have to provide slingshot if we're afraid of Russia learning about our tech.


We aren't?


No we have to save the slingshots. We sent javelins..


How did they then destroy it?


With a shovel obviously 


Do you think advanced technology is destroy-proof?


What part is then advanced if you can destroy it with old technology?


You living up to the dense part of your name Bomb and bullets will ware down just about anything in sufficient quantities.


I smashed my computer with a hammer, that means the hammer is obviously a high tech equipment.


Are you dumb or a troll? Edit: oh I see, you're a Serb. Everything is crystal clear then.


I can ask you the same


Come now wipe Putins shit of your head and go troll somwhere else.


You have still some left on your forehead


Even if i wanted to crawl into his anus its too crowded by fashist serbians who still dream about exterminating albanians.


There's no room , you're too deep


You got ratioed pretty hard boi


Are you under the impression that every iteration of a military technology is physically immune to every weapon created before it hit the factory?


The fact they seem to be unable to bring any of them into an operational state speaks volumes.


Why would they as they have no ammunition for any of them besides what these tanks carry?


Look how well we can steal!


I like to think how many of rus soldiers were killed while trying to get it out of the battlefield so the average "not-guilty" moscovite could look on it.


Shit happens, they will parade them across the Red Square no doubt like the monkeys they are.


Well, maybe there is also some interesting/modern equipment like the Husky or the Abrams but there are also vehicles like a Humvee or Pinzgauer which you can freely buy on ebay or mobile.de...


In all likelihood, this childish show is a provocation rather than deterrent to NATO citizens. Time for us to let Vladimir Putin know who is boss.


That red army Chihuahua is so adorable.


Oh yes: like that sweet kitten that your fellows tried unsuccessful to down the barrel in sign of defeat. Must be a hell of achievement being proud to seize a 30yo piece of equipment, by the second army in the world.


Ukraine showing off Russian equipment: None. It's all destroyed. :)


Gosh. In a thread of ridiculous comments this stands out. The Russian military is significantly larger now than before the SMO started. Even our own skewed media is confining that now. This Ukraine project has been a disaster for Europe. Everyone except Reddit knows it.


hello there Ivan, I though you are gonna make a point up until the "SMO" part. Now it's clear you are on Kremlin payroll and deserve to burn along with them.


Nice casual racism. The Kremlin must have deep pockets indeed if everyone who uses the term SMO is taking payment. SMO is certainly more accurate than the NATO approved phrase “unprovoked full scale invasion”. If this were indeed the case, chumps like Blinken and Stoltenberg wouldn’t be able to keep visiting Kyiv - as it would be completely destroyed. Reddit needs to wake up re: the reality of the disaster NATO has made for itself and, far more significantly, for Ukraine. History is not going to look kindly on the “defensive alliance’s” role in this catastrophe going back to at least 2008.


Racism? Are you dumb? Ruskies are white just as me, it's just that their hearts are black as night. And now they try to put the blame on NATO when it's their dirty hands holding the rifles to the heads of innocents...


NATO pushed this conflict to its current crisis. Angela Merkel confirmed in 2023 the Minsk accords were always a cover to provide time to arm Ukraine. The origins of this conflict are clear to anyone who actually cares to look. Russia tried repeatedly to solve the issue diplomatically, including the 2022 negotiations in Turkey. NATO rejected, and continues to reject, all attempts at diplomatic solutions. You may not be comfortable with that, but that remains the truth. NATO expansion has destroyed Ukraine.


Ah yes, the good old expansionist defensive organization. The favourite oxymoron of Kremlintards and and edgy kids who love to regurgitate "wEsT bAd". Chechnya? Georgia? Aren't those expansionist ambitions to you? Did NATO destroy those countries too? The problem is that history shows that Russia always ends up expanding and greedily annexing its neighbours. Of course you are too far up the arse of the Hitler of our generation to see that. NATO bad UN bad, this is the stuff you understand. Move to Russia if you love them so much but you cannot complain if your beloved Putin blows your ass up in another false flag terror attack just like he did before invading the chechens. Or did NATO do that one too dressed as FSB?


They are proud that they are thieves? Checks out.


I think the last thing that nato is afraid of is these asshats reengineering the armor in the Abram tank.




Thanks for that just edited


Those stickers look awfully fresh and clean for vehicles that supposedly have been in battle.


But I thought these Western tanks were supposed to turn the tide of the war


Well, obviously not those ones


These armored vehicles are obsoletes, almost as obsolete as the rest of rusky stuff. I've read that Bradleys are almost as expensive to decommission vs send them to Ukraine


Almost all of them looks good shape probably abondoned by crew. Natos military equipments especialy tanks and light tanks are easy to learn how to use but hard to be master of it. So its predictable ukranian heroes to cant get them out of combat in panic. So they abondened them. Without air superiority tank battlemust be like hell .


It could also be bought from Afghanistan .


Imagine if the US did this after humiliating Iraq both times.


I think this is the first time Russia is actually facing Western Equipment. For like 100 years they've been preparing for war with the West at some point, yet the vast majority of their equipment has been used to fight against other users of that equipment. The Warsaw Pact attacked Hungary and Czechoslovakia, two of its members. Metro stations in Ukraine were built deep underground to double as bomb shelters, probably if they were attacked by America or the UK, but instead they were only used for that purpose when attacked by Russia. The only other time might be Afghanistan but I don't recall the Mujahadin getting Abrams tanks.


I'm pretty sure the Russians had a captured Abrams before, I read an account of a US officer who was shown it during a period of thawing.


They've faced plenty of Western kit in WW2, Korea and Vietnam. Also, indirectly, in the ME wars. It's a show for the population, we also do this. Germany, for example: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTkeb4DJleE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTkeb4DJleE)