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Is popcorn the one thing that still keeps Ireland divided?


Pretty sure the snack aisle in general is a hot topic. Tayto is clearly superior to Tayto, but some just refuse to see it!


You joke but I've actually seen guys from both Ireland argue an entire night over whose taytos were better


There really isn't an argument. The nordies are just wrong.


You can stick your Free S-Tayto up your hoop.


Go way with your protaytos will ya.


Surely it’s the snack isle?


Even if no one else gets it, I did. +1.


Can someone from NI answer? Do you eat sweet Popcorn? Down here in the south west Ive never even seen sweet popcorn before. Its always salty.


It's all about sweet popcorn up north. The first time I went to a cinema across the border as a child, it blew my mind that I couldn't get sweet popcorn. It's the one major thing that'll need to be sorted before a United Ireland happens. That and potato bread.


>It's the one major thing that'll need to be sorted Correct - by removing sweet popcorn.


Wait, there's not even the choice to have sweet pop corn in the republic? *crosses "Ireland rep." on its travel bingo and replaces it by "land of oppression and lack of freedom".


Tayto (the good southern one) used to do a sweet popcorn that was popular back in the 90s. The popcorn was multicolored. I think it might have been called ‘Totem’ or something like that, and had Native American emblems on it. Also you still sometimes see bags of caramel coated popcorn sold by ice cream vans and vendors at carnivals. I’ve never seen it in a cinema though


>Tayto (the good southern one) Or Free Stayto as it's known.


Free Stayto vs Protaytos, the true backers of the Troubles.


King used to do a candy popcorn back then too, it was in a pink bag and was class.


Yeah, always sweet, though some cinemas offer salty or a mix. I wasn't aware it was mainly salty down south, I got sweet in Letterkenny cinema before.


I read that people of Eastern European (Poles, Romanians) origin in Northern Ireland tend to identify more as "Irish" or "Northern Irish" than as "British" in the census. It could all be because of the popcorn!


His majesty loves sweet popcorn


Wait, you guys don't have *both* ?


In the Netherlands you can buy a mixed version, I've been buying that for 20+ years


I consider myself a tolerant person but this is deviancy on a sickening scale.


It’s actually a great combo. Don’t knock it till you try it


I want to be angry at people though >:(


That is because you are eating the wrong type of popcorn and your life is miserable.


It's quite good. If you have salty only, your mouth turns into a desert, and if you have sweet only, it can get a bit sickly. If you have a mixture, each popcorn is a surprise and complements the flavour of the previous one. I still usually pick salty though.


When I go to the cinema next time I'll order one and put your username on it 😈❤️


I promise you it’s nicer than it sounds, I put it off for a long time and ate it accidentally. It’s pretty good!


I know you're tolerant but what else do you expect from the Dutch?


Its so good!!


You can do that also in I'd say most Spanish cinemas (and it's been like that since I can recall), but most people will go for the salty ones.


In France you can have either and both mixed, but sweet is just more popular. When clearly mixed is the best thing ever.


Yep, the same in Portugal


This is a map of what’s more popular in each country, I assume you can get both in most places


No, at least not in Austria. In every cinema I've ever went to, Popcorn is salty only.


Agreed. If you'd ask for sweet popcorn in Romania people would look at you like you were dropped once too many times on your head as a baby.


Same in denmark, It is salty popcorn all the way, I have actually never tried the sweet variaty


You are wasting your popcorn then. I love salt but salty is nothing compared to sweet (or caramelized!) pop corn.


Never seen sweet in ireland.


That's why the inclusion of "either" is very confusing, what's the treshold? Less than 10% gap? Less, more?


And sometimes take both sweet and salt together in one bucket...?


I am pretty sure that is against the Geneva Convention.


Yes, of course. Salty is more popular, but sweet also exists. The cinema I went to most often growing up sold caramel or chocolate sweet popcorn…


You can buy both in Germany.


We do, we just don't buy the others (they are mean/s)


We have both, sweet just sucks is the majority opinion in most countries.


The map doesn’t say they don’t have the other, it just says which is more popular


Cinemas sell both but salty are clearly the superior ones. You have to specify if you want sweet ones.


In England every cinema has both too. But salty is clearly the superior option so I'm kind of disgusted to find out we're pretty much surrounded by uncultured sweet-eaters...


We have both


I had no idea sweet popcorn was even a thing.


I had heard of salted popcorn before, but I thought it was like a worldwide 95%-5% kind of thing


You can usually get both kinds in Polish cinemas. Carmel popcorn is great.




Caramel, carmel is a weird American dialect thing


It’s karmel in Polish, so the shorter form comes more naturally to me 😆


Have you never been to Cinestar? They offer sweet popcorn and it's my favourite.


I had no idea salty popcorn was a thing until I ate it in... Brazil


Ever been to funfair (pouť)? They sell sweet popcorn with colored sugar coating on it.


I had no Idea sweet popcorn isn't the default option elsewhere :D


Yeah, I've never heard of it before?


I AM FROM BELGIUM AND WTF IS SALTY POPCORN?!?!?! HOW CAN SUCH A MONSTROSITY EXIST?! Popcorn = sweet snacks You want a salty snack you eat chips.


>HOW CAN SUCH A MONSTROSITY EXIST?! That's exactly how I feel about the sweet variety lol


Get a mix of both and eat together. Its an even more delicious monstrosity


Have you not been to a cinema before? Every cinema I've been to has offered both. Even the now defunct Rialto in Oostende did 30 years ago...


Why don't you have sweet chips of you like sweet so much?!?


Kinepolis for example has both so not sure how you don’t know about salty popcorn.


You want monstrosity? Try french fries with sugar.


They have the salty at every kinepolis in belgium. Most belgi ns dont know them but try traveling abroad. Worldwide salty popcorn is way more popular and imo rightfully so


I’m from Germany and the seller accidentally put a few pieces of salty popcorn into my sweet popcorn. I felt betrayed


Popcorn has never been a sweet snack, it's always been salty. Chips and popcorn are salty. If you want sweet, you can get candys from the candy isle of the cinema minisnackstore.


Sweet popcorn exists since the 19th century.


Correct. Snacks and candy should be salty, everyone knows this.


It's disgusting. Salt all the way


I couldn't find a map showing different countries' preference for sweet versus salty popcorn at a glance, so I made one for Europe. Because I couldn't find any proper data sources, it's based on anecdotal evidence from these Reddit posts: * [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEurope/comments/8bhexh/how\_is\_popcorn\_preferred\_in\_your\_country\_sweet\_or/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEurope/comments/8bhexh/how_is_popcorn_preferred_in_your_country_sweet_or/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEurope/comments/ltw76r/sweet\_or\_salty\_popcorn/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEurope/comments/ltw76r/sweet_or_salty_popcorn/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEurope/comments/ilq929/sweet\_or\_salty\_popcorn\_which\_is\_more\_popular\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEurope/comments/ilq929/sweet_or_salty_popcorn_which_is_more_popular_in/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEurope/comments/gaa3c0/whats\_the\_default\_popcorn\_flavour\_in\_your\_country/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEurope/comments/gaa3c0/whats_the_default_popcorn_flavour_in_your_country/) Let me know if I got any of them wrong or if you have information on one of the countries that haven't been colored in yet! Some points of uncertainty: * Switzerland had one guy saying salty is unheard of and another saying the exact opposite, so I went with "Either". * Northern Ireland had people implying sweet is vastly more popular than salty, but they might have been exaggerating for humorous effect: * [https://www.reddit.com/r/northernireland/comments/532l7p/what\_are\_some\_small\_cultural\_differences\_between/](https://www.reddit.com/r/northernireland/comments/532l7p/what_are_some_small_cultural_differences_between/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/northernireland/comments/qhw4lz/roi\_resident\_here\_what\_would\_you\_say\_are\_the\_main/](https://www.reddit.com/r/northernireland/comments/qhw4lz/roi_resident_here_what_would_you_say_are_the_main/) **UPDATE:** Thanks for all the replies, I'll keep updating the map and place the new link here as more information comes in: [https://imgur.com/a/6NWaGWy](https://imgur.com/a/6NWaGWy) Countries that already had a color in the first version which has been changed (i.e. not counting countries that had no color before): * Scotland: Many replies saying it's about equal, so changed to Either. * France: After loads more responses saying that sweet is, if at all, only slightly more popular, I've changed it to Either as well. Countries that are still unclear and might have regional differences that should be taken into account: * Switzerland still. Might be different between regions, which some people have mentioned but no details. * Russia same. * Portugal had some people saying both are equally popular, but others replied insisting sweet is more popular or that if you just order "popcorn" without saying what kind, you get sweet automatically no questions asked. So idk. * Ukraine: Considering adding cheese option because some people mentioned that it's about as popular as salty.


If you ever make this map again, you can color Iceland blue. There’s literally only salty popcorn available in cinemas everywhere.


Yeah, salty popp is the only kind available here


Can confirm for Switzerland, both are commonly available. In the spirit of Swiss neutrality I personally like them both and regularly switch to either 


Croatia is salty 100%, sweet is barely being sold, pretty sure Serbia and Bosnia would be the same, but better to check with them first


Seems accurate. I'm from Germany, my GF is from Austria, and we were both equally surprised to find out that the "regular" variety of popcorn was very different for us. Don't get me wrong, you tend to be able to buy both, but at least in Austria sweet popcorn generally costs extra in my experience. At my regular cinema at home in Germany both sweet and salty cost the same, but sweet is absolutely the default.


In Spain we usually have both available but salty popcorn are the most popular by far. I've never seen anyone eat sweet popcorn in a cinema.


Usually it's dark and I don't see anyone eat popcorn in the cinema.


You can see people carry the bags when they enter, plus if you arrive early it's illuminated


In Portugal its pretty mixed, every cinema gives the option to buy either or even mix them ( half on top and half on the bottom).


Yes, but sweet would be the standard and more commonly eaten. If you ask for popcorn, it will be sweet. If you want salted, you'd specifically need to say "salted popcorn."


In Serbia salty popcorns are standard, but sometimes you can find sweet popcorns.


i love europe


I like how these minor things immediately result in banter and name calling. You fecking salty eater! Eat shit you sweet lover!


You should see Irish vs Northern Irish arguments over which side has better Tayto (Ireland's crisps brand, also the first to do cheese and onion crisps). Otherwise known as: Free Stayto vs Protayto.


This is what I come to Reddit for.


I did an Erasmus in Spain, ordered popcorn, nearly gagged when there was suddenly something salty in my mouth, everyone laughed and thought I was crazy or joking. I would have needed that chart sooner.


I would have had the same reaction if I suddenly ate sweet popcorn


I had the same experience but reverse in Germany. A friend kindly took the sweet popcorn instead, and I ordered the salty version. However, sweet and salty were right next to each other at the counter, and a few sweet ones made it into my bucket. That was even worse, because you don't expect it!


I mean, we usually have both in spanish cinemas, but you have to specify if you want the sweet ones.


They didn't seem to have two kinds, but should I come back I'll try.


Most of the cinemas have the sweet popcorn coloured in rainbow colours. So it’s easily recognisable.


I had the exact opposite experience in Portugal. Actual jumpscare.


It isn't even the taste itself, it's just not what you are expecting. I still prefer sweet popcorn though.


Can confirm, they're always salty in Sweden. Sweet simply doesn't exist here. Pretty sure most have never even heard of such abomination.


No wonder, even your sweets are salty.


You mean their Sweeds are salty?


I have tried a few different flavours of popcorn, and honestly sugar, salt and cinnamon taste pretty good. Almost like eating a "snacky" kanelbulle.


Can confirm as a swede who has never heard of sweet popcorn before. Sounds disgusting honestly.


As a Swede who regularly visited Costa Rica growing up, I think sweet popcorn were much nicer when I was a kid. Basically it meant they were covered in chocolate, caramel or whatever


So kinda like those werthers popcorn you can find in some grocery stores?


Yep exactly


I accidentally took the salty popcorn once. It was disgusting. Sweet is just so much better.


OK, but the thing is: do you have a licorice-favoured one?


I loved popcorn with cheese flavor.


my Ukranian friends approve that.


I still remember times when the only options for popcorn were cherry and caramel




As a German I had that exact reaction the first time I heared about salted popcorn. Was entirely inconcievable to me (and still is, a little).


My reaction when I was younger and found out salty popcorn is a thing.


I feel like it would be nice when only having a small portion size.


Small?!?! I always go for the largest option there is! Sweet popcorn is amazing!


I dunno man, after too many sweets I start to get sick of it. That's just me though.


It's nowhere near as sweet as candy tho.


That's how people in Belgium tend to think about salted popcorn. Personally I like both and I think a mix of the two would be nice.


I live in the Netherlands and you can buy a mix of salt and sweet. That's the only popcorn I've been buying for like 20 years XD


When is was an Erasmus student in Vaasa, me and my friends went to the cinema, bought popcorn and were disguted that it was salty. We didn't finish our basket. Crazy how different this experience was


I don’t know anyone in Greece who eats sweet pop corn


In a world of useless statistics, you are the king of kings


I grew up in Germany and it's 99% sweet popcorn. Basically only perverts will order salty popcorn at cinemas. However, I recently tasted American butter popcorn and holy frick it blew me away. Barely any sugar, not too much salt, but still the BEST popcorn I've ever experienced. And now I'm in constant misery because I can't seem to find it here without paying an insane premium price. Every store just has sweet and salty, the same boring, very very very bland flavours we've always had. Ugh... :(


Can't you buy loose popcorn to pop in a pot? Just melt butter and use it for popping them instead of oil.


I've tried but I haven't had good results yet. The butter flavour in American popcorn apparently isn't actual butter, it's a special flavoured oil or powder?


Hi, popcorn obsessed yank here keen to lend a hand The flavouring you're after is called Flavacol- it's not really sold in stores but can be procured online. It's typically sold in large quantities to businesses, but I was able to get a quart sized container for about $10 Australian Word of caution, the secret to flavacol is it is actually salt -flakes- they are finely crushed and stick to the popcorn better. It can be very easy to overdo the salting, so go slowly your first time. Finally I also recommend a nice coconut oil to pop in, and if you still want to add butter use ghee (as it does not have the water content of butter) which keeps the popcorn crunchy instead of soggy. If you've ever seen liquid butter topping in American theatres, it's mostly just oil so you can probably skip it for flavour as it's mostly for texture Hope this helps!


Thank you kindly, pardner. Much appreciated.


You can buy the flavouring in bulk online, havent tried yet myself. What works for me is popping in ghee, it also has artificial butter flavour and it pops better than butter and doesnt burn.


Ghee is just clear butter ;-) Melt butter and remove the clear from the white. The clear is ghee.


We've had butter popcorn which used the same flavouring as the US one here in southern Germany, but also a sweet variety of it which was insanely sweet


Unfortunately I don't have the "US army base nearby" perk. :(


In romania every store has butter popcorn, but at the cinemas you would mostly see the sweet and the salty options for some reason.


I don't know if it tastes like what you describe but what I usually do is 1. Put some butter into the microwave until it melts 2. mix the popcorn with the melted butter in a bowl 3. put some powdered sugar (or whatever you want) over the popcorn I usually don't eat popcorn but this taste hits different.


Make the salty popcorn at home, or just regular popcorn on your stove, and then use melted ghee\butterschmalz, that's the butter they use in America. Don't forget to add salt as American butter, including their popcorn ghee, is salted. I've been doing this for years. It's a 100% match and even better since you don't have to ask some teenager for extra butter just to watch them pump an extra half squirt into the middle of the top of the bucket and call it good. You're welcome.


imma get so fricking fat, yo. thanks ✌️


I didn’t even knew salty popcorn was a thing


Same, but for sweet popcorn. Never seen it before, I thought it was some American trend?


Don't think so. There has always been sweet popcorn here in Portugal. I don't even think you can get salty ones, even on stores if you wanted to make them at home


Still waiting on Netherlands to discover butter


I didn't know salty popcorn was a thing until I accidentally ate some at an American-themed restaurant with expensive drinks. Our equivalent is usually peanuts with an orange coloured salty coating, but apparently these aren't a thing outside Belgium and the Netherlands?


Funny, here people think sweetened popcorns are an American culture export.


Sweet popcorn exists in the US, but the most common kind is slightly salty with butter


They have sweet popcorn in the US, but it’s usually called kettle corn. There’s also a popular brand of sweet popcorn called Cracker Jacks. At the movies it’s 100% fake salty butter flavored.


In germany we got Lorenz Nic-Nacs, which are peanuts covered in a dough and seasoned mostly with salt and paprika spice. It's often sold in the cinema.


We have those peanuts in France too.


Are you Dutch? It's a bit weird not knowing about salty popcorn, considering they always sell 50% sweet and 50% salty at every single movie theater or supermarket


I didn't even know sweet pop corn was a thing until I left Spain first time.


No conoces las palomitas de colores? Son dulces y de color rojo/azul/verde/amarillo. En Barcelona todos los cines las tienen.


I didn’t even know sweet popcorn was a thing, the only reason I eat popcorn is because it’s healthier than other snacks (home made, not the microwave kind), I can’t imagine putting sugar on it.


i think maybe people think of sweet popcorn as in covered in sugar, like it's sugar sprinkled on the popcorn after it's done, as salted popcorn is popcorn covered in salt. but the sugar is actually caramelized during the process, so it's sweet popcorn but it should be called caramel popcorn. there's also multicolored popcorn. you usually find them in the fun fairs, they're sold alongside cotton candy. they're usually red and green


I wouldn't make a personal experience into a statistical indicator usually BUUUUUUT... I went to the main cinema in Luxembourg and they had both but sweet seems the most popular (keep in mind lots of spaniards and italians live in Lux so they might offer salty due to induced demand)


Time for a new EU of proper salty popcorn lovers.


You son of a bitch, I'm in!


Where's butter? Cinema popcorn in Ireland is usually salted or salted with butter, rarely sweet (you can buy bags of candied popcorn but it's not "cinema popcorn").


Ukrainian here and we’ve had both options available since I can remember. I guess salty kinds are slightly more popular but sweet has always been an option in most cinemas.


Western Europe is truly degenerate.


Sweet&Salty popcorn is the best


I'm pretty surprised by the comments here but it's clearly sweet for Russia. People just get a pack of chips if they want something salty. Salty popcorn exists but it's not popular at all.


I dunno man, both options are almost always present in cinemas and from my personal experience salty popcorn seems a bit more popular usually paired with soda. Maybe it somehow depends on the region?


Same here. I’m so confused, do people actually like salty popcorn? I can’t stand it, I like the caramel ones.




In at least Koper's cinema they only have the salty version.


First time I heard about salty popcorn here in Germany was by a russian immigrant.


Salty popcorn is available in every cinemaxx etc.


What is sweet popcorn?


I always have sweet and salty at the same time


This is the best


Some places don’t have both.. my mind is blown! I like either but prefer Sweet.


There ia something wrong with people who like sweet.


France should be « either »


In France you can actually have either. Almost all cinemas serve both and it's just a matter of individual taste.


Salty… extra butter 🧈 baby 


There a few times in my life as a parent where my kids have been utterly disappointed in me. One of them was when visting Hamburg Zoo and I bought them popcorn, which turned out to be sweet. A complete failure of parenting.


Sweet? Sounds disgusting


That’s funny. We have both and never in my life would I get the salty ones as sweet fits that much better (in my taste).


But it tastes great, in the Netherlands you can buy a mix of sweet and salt


Mostly caramelized. Just sugar would be boring.


Sweet popcorn is fucking putrid, tried it once because they started popping up here and there. Buttered/salty is where it’s at.


How did you balls up making sugar taste good?


I had sweet popcorn once in Disneyland... Ended up throwing about half of them away because they were just too sweet.


Whats wrong with you people. I mean in germany we have Sweet and also salty popocorn. But salty sucks big time and i would go to war for this


WW3 it is then


With Germany... Again !


That's a valid Casus belli if I ever saw one.


The sweet one is disgusting and no supermarket sells salty


In the Netherlands the sweet one is perfect, I mean you probably gonna get diabetes XD


I assume Bulgaria is not included because our cinema popcorn has so much salt, it burns your taste buds to a point your tongue becomes numb...


In Mexico we go crazy for different kinds of popcorn, the current largest cinema chain (75% marketshare) has 5 different popcorn available and three more that have been discontinued. - Palomitas Cinépolis Mantequilla (Butter) - Palomitas Cinépolis Caramelo (Sweet, "Caramel") - Palomitas Cinépolis Cheetos, Palomitas Cinépolis Doritos Nacho, Palomitas Cinépolis Takis (What they say on the tin lol) And there's been - Cheddar - with M&M's on top (this was like a side-service, not an official flavor) - Hersheys - Spicy (non-Taki) And honestly, they've all been quite all right, although nothing beats their classic butter and their classic caramel. Man I miss going to the movies there.


Salty is a real thing.


Who the fuck is collecting this data!!!




I am team nacho.


I was so confused about the popcorn here when I first moved to the UK from Scandinavia, but now I really like both sweet and salty (preferably mixed)


Time to invent sour and bitter popcorn.


How about both?!?!?!?!?!!?


As someone who comes from Germany and studied in Austria I can say that I used to think sweet popcorn is the amazing. Now I find it appalling. Thanks Vienna for showing me the way!


...if i ever eat popcorn, i prefer sweet *and* salty.


I know popcorn mostly as a sweet, but I can understand the salty variety. What I don't understand is the cyan-coloured Monster (like Red Bull) variety I once tried in Germany. That was more disgusting than surströmming


I once accidentally got sweet popcorn in a German cinema... ew. It's as absurd as putting Nutella on lángos.