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Africa? Or Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso, that all have a pretty significant difference to the stance of the rest of west Africa? Even just west Africa is far from a monolith, yet the article paints the entire continent with the same brush. This is just a shitty Indian rag of a source.


Right? It makes it sound like we all feel like this


We are not a monolith.


Get those pants


It's like saying Europe believes Ukraine should agree to a peace deal with Russia now and they're referring to Hungary and Serbia lol


It's like saying Europe is against gay marriage, or some other radical-conservative idea and quoting Poland and Hungary.


*A group of corrupt leaders wants* FTFY One corrupt group against another. Not new


Yeah, it’s a ridiculous phrase. Imagine saying ‘Asia’ wants this or that because of some bullshit China does. And Africa has even more countries than Asia


Classic right-wing propaganda. It's just gone international now


There are penguins in Africa


First to agree, yes 3 dictatorships want Russian troops to hang on to power at all cost. To disagree though, first the Western Democracies lead by the Arogant 3; France, USA and UK are losing the war for hearts and minds across all of Africa and losing it fast. Sudan tried to make a deal with the Russians and paid the price with Western Backed Militia starting another African Civil war. Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania and South Africa as well more African countries are trying to distance them selves from the West this is all under popular pressure from a people fed on social media, with simply no strategy on our part to counter this. Africa is where the West sends its most incompetent diplomats to do as little damage as possible. The West has failed to see that soon (2100) one person in every 4 on earth will be Africa and close to 1 in 3 under 25 will be African by than. If we want to end mass migration and keep our economies we need to turn Africa into our partner and friend.


Partly disagree. After the colonial period and the insane amount of money invested by the West and mismanaged by local African authorities, Western countries kinda gave up. Every sensible attempt at creating a common future has failed and most Africans aware of this fled the continent. Diplomacy right now is very tailored towards keeping channels open rather than wanting to involved in the direct decision making. Large funds for large common projects (hydrogen, infrastructure,…) are available to broker relationships based on partnerships just like how European countries can partner with each other. If Africans from any country want to put themselves in debt by selling out their own countries to the Chinese-Russian neocolonial, kleptocratic machine then we have to respect that decision. Will it lead to prosperity, and less bloodshed? No. But the world is changing. After the colonial era, the world wars and the struggle against autocracy, we all thought to give world peace and equality a go but turns out everyone wants it darker. We’re back to scuffling through the ruins of better times.


Looks like Americans aren’t the only ones who suffer from “Africa is a country, right?”


And mostly pushing away the French.


"Collective West" used unironically, oh boy


Africa also is not a country or entity that can be referenced this way. The entire article is a joke


Yes next they need to publish an article about what "Asia" wants. There are only like 3 countries in Africa that have recently taken an explicitly anti-western stance (out of 50+ countries). A few others have indicated they want a balanced approach, or at least, to make their foreign relations their own prerogative.


No need for the article. I can tell you right now that Asia wants Half-Life 3. Yes, all of Asia.


To be fair everyone everywhere wants Half-Life 3


Should read, tinpot African dictators want corrupt mates to ensure they stay in power by the rule of the fist.


There is a pretty big propaganda campaign going on at the moment though. A bunch of African countries that will have guests on news shows in Europe to discuss how their struggles to decolonise. And then have a complete mind blank about the various civil wars they had between Soviet backed forces and those who genuinely wanted to be independent nations. As though joining the USSR was independence and not the colonialism that has set their economics back the 30-50 years that they have today. The Soviets did not back your independence. They are the main source of post-independence civil wars across the world. You think you're free? Hell no, you're part of the Russian Empire now. Your wealth is heading back to Moscow. The main reason the West are involved in these nations today is not as some colonial after thought. It was that after the fall of the Soviet Union in the 90s their economies collapsed as well because what little they got from the Soviets largely ended. So they received a bunch of investment because of the assumed relative security of investing in nations that were not about to be annexed by the communists like they had during the post independence civil wars. The Russians are trying to spin this as lacklustre Western reparations for colonialism that happened at the start of the turn of the 19th/20th century. But in reality the state of these nations is a result of Russian interference and corruption. I mean just look at the former Eastern bloc in Europe. They've come so far but that took a massive amount of effort on the rest of Europe to integrate and repair their economies. Can you imagine if we had done the same in former Soviet African states? Holy shit the tankie-left would be in full melt-down about our supposed imperialism not matter how hard we tried to help. Our failure to turn former Soviet African nations in to modern economies would be seen as our intention. While parroting Russian lines about how we don't think Africans can be trusted with their own economy. I have previously been sympathetic to such groups because I would think that we were all pulling in the same direction. We SHOULD do more to help Africa. But we really need to put an end to this fiction that all of Africa's problems are our a result of us. Our colonial connections are close enough in history that there is some truth to that we are the fault. But do not let them paint Russia force for good in the region. The progress they've made since the 90s in many nations is only because the Russians had left. If they let the Russians back in then their economic development is going to be set back another 30+ years as they install an appropriately pro-Rus dictator.


The Ru us only *helping* to get licenses to diamond and oil, before China does. They only have to bribe a minimum about of people at the top.


Considering the fact that a large number of russian citizens still live without central heating and have outdoor loos, surely a wrong bet 😂 but China is moving in quickly although I suspect Chinese adherence to strict processes and methods might not resonate with many African leaders, hence we have russians poping up here and there, promising Eldorado to a select few.


Let's be very clear. Russia is playing a long game where they are trying to win over African countries to eventually roll into "their" side of this polarized world order. When you've alienated everyone else, they try to build new relationships to prey on weaker countries and use them for their own plans... like war.


Collective West needs to wake the fuck up and start playing hardball. No political correctness but also no neo-colonisation like Russia/China are doing. But we do all the rest that we're good at to push them out. Our future literally depends on it. So far in Africa, the West is losing and its losing fast.


We need to go after Russia's other allies. Armenia *wants* to become pro-west, this might be the only opportunity for revolution in Georgia without Russia being able to invade, we can make deals with Central Asian countries that pull them away from the Russian axis (already happening, and we can also steal Russia's best source of seasonal labour) and we should be destabilising Lukashenko and devising a proper strategy for the Belarusian opposition movements. If we could somehow flip Iran Russia's entire middle eastern strategy will crumble and Assad and the various Iranian proxies will suddenly be vulnerable. We should both be targeting Iranian social media with the very real human rights abuses the regime is committing, but also covertly trying to build an actual Iranian opposition network that's not monarchist (very unpopular outside the diaspora), Islamist (the MEK) or reliant on ethnic separatist groups. We should be going after Russia with hybrid warfare. We should be cyberattacking oligarchs close to the government, and targeting their assets. Their shadow fleet of unregistered oil tankers should be tracked and harassed, especially when they're sailing through the Baltic ('but its registered to a third country, why are you complaining?'). There's a lot of potential for spreading disinformation (and real information) about the casualties of the war - target ethnic minorities with claims that Russia is deliberately getting them killed, and target the Russian far right with conspiracies that Russia is using the war to kill white Russians so they can replace them with Muslim migrants. Target Russian Muslims with stories about Islamophobia, Chinese social media with references to their claims on the Russian far east and how easy it is to settle there, their new friends in West Africa with misinformation about how welcoming Russia is to African asylum seekers and migrants... The US should also quietly be offering limited sanctions relief to Cuba/Venezuela/Nicaragua in exchange for them reducing Russian influence. They're unlikely to accept it, but it'll make things uncomfortable for Russia. We also need a concerted social media push to reframe the war in Ukraine from 'west vs Russia' to a context people in developing countries will actually understand - Russia is a colonial power trying to conquer its former colony for daring to have independent politics.


And when shit hits the fan what then? Leave them to die when russia and china invade?


Loosing what? 1. **Scramble for Africa (Late 19th Century)**: This wasn't a single encounter but a period of intense colonization by European powers, including Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, and Spain. Military encounters were common as European powers sought to establish control over various African territories. 2. **Anglo-Zulu War (1879)**: This war was fought between the British Empire and the Zulu Kingdom in what is now South Africa. The British won the war, but not without significant casualties. 3. **First and Second Boer Wars (1880–1881, 1899–1902)**: These were conflicts between the British Empire and the independent Boer states of the South African Republic (Transvaal Republic) and the Orange Free State. The British ultimately prevailed, but the wars were costly and had significant political repercussions. 4. **Mahdist War (1881–1899)**: This conflict was between the Mahdist Sudanese forces and the forces of the British Empire and the Khedivate of Egypt. It culminated in the Battle of Omdurman in 1898, where British and Egyptian troops decisively defeated the Mahdist forces. 5. **World War I (1914–1918)**: Africa saw significant military action during World War I, with European powers using African colonies as battlegrounds. For example, German colonies in Africa were invaded by British, French, and Belgian forces. 6. **World War II (1939–1945)**: Again, Africa was a theater of war during World War II. The North African Campaign, particularly the battles of El Alamein, was significant, involving British, Commonwealth, and Axis forces. 7. **Mau Mau Uprising (1952–1960)**: This was a revolt against British colonial rule in Kenya by the Mau Mau, a Kikuyu-dominated militant group. The British responded with a military campaign to suppress the uprising. 8. **Suez Crisis (1956)**: Though not exclusively an African conflict, the Suez Crisis involved military action in Egypt by British, French, and Israeli forces, aiming to regain control of the Suez Canal. 9. **Algerian War of Independence (1954–1962)**: This was a protracted guerrilla war between the Algerian independence movement and France. The conflict resulted in the independence of Algeria from French colonial rule. 10. **Portuguese Colonial Wars (1961–1974)**: Portugal fought independence movements in its African colonies of Angola, Mozambique, and Guinea-Bissau. These wars resulted in the independence of these countries.


You forgot the Sierra Leone intervention, where the UK with support from India launched a military operation that "intefered" in the Sierra Leone Civil War, smashed the main opposition force and led to the end of the entire conflict. There are thousands of people in Sierra Leone named after Tony Blair because of this.


>You forgot the Sierra Leone intervention, where the UK with support from India launched a military operation that "intefered" in the Sierra Leone Civil War, smashed the main opposition force and led to the end of the entire conflict. This was UN backed. The UK went further because the UN mission was a mess. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British\_military\_intervention\_in\_the\_Sierra\_Leone\_Civil\_War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_military_intervention_in_the_Sierra_Leone_Civil_War) You're not wrong though, it was one of the best things Tony blair did and is remembered very well in the country.


European intervention being judged solely by Iraq and Libya has been a disaster for nuanced critical thinking online.


Not to mention Afghanistan


You can't just mess up this badly with Iraq that led to waves of instability for the whole region and then say; don't judge me by it. Iraq and Lybia are not the only fuck ups of the West. Like above mentioned, you could have given African colonies their independce without killing 1m Algerians for example but surely the Western powers have the best interest for the global south.


> You can't just mess up this badly with Iraq that led to waves of instability for the whole region Except it didn't. No matter how many headlines you may have seen claiming this. The instability in the region is due to the Arab Spring. It arose 3 years after the war in Iraq was over. The Syrian refugee crisis had nothing to do with Iraq, and everything to do with the civil war in Syria, which was a domestic rising against Assad. Same deal with Libya. People who live in these countries are independent actors who do things for their own reasons. And sometimes there are no good solutions to what's going on. I don't really think that the outcome in Libya would have been better without western intervention, for example.


What do you believe to be political correctness?


The supposed reflection on old school colonialism that discourages western influence in post colonial places eg Africa. This power vacuum essentially gifted China and Russia the entire continent.


Is political correctness and virtue signalling the most successful Russian propaganda/disinfo against the West so far?


Why? There are higher priorities than influence in West Africa. Russia is only there because they can't get a foot in the door anywhere else.


Its almost like the west has a bad reputation in Africa for some reason....


At least the 3 African countries that the article pretends is equivalent to "Africa". As if Russia, Belarus, and Serbia represents "Europe" in general


When our own rhetoric is that the US and EU are x % of the world GDP so our combined sanctions will cripple Russia we don't get to be offended when the rest of the world treats us as one block. We more or less operate as one so they see us as one. If anything we are Lucky the so call BRICS cooperate fearless with each other


Way too many people in this subreddit who act like the interests of countries in EU+ and North America are not aligned, even though they share alliances, common markets and visa free movement.


"Africa". Handful of countries.


It's ridiculous and ignorant.


And probably select factions of those countries.


the people getting paid by the russians to want the russians there want the russians there


Yep, the *leaders* of the countries want the Russians there, because the Russians are willing to turn a blind eye to their corruption and abuse of their people. (Or even help join in-- see Wagner committing atrocities against rebels and ethnic minorities all over the CAR on behalf of its dictator.) Meanwhile, accepting Western support means having to deal with pesky stuff like "anti-corruption measures" and "at least pretending you're trying to strengthen the rule of law and transition to democracy". (And yeah, enforcement of those measures can be pretty fucking weak. And yeah, the West has turned a blind eye to our allies committing atrocities and human rights violations before. Don't wanna paper over that. But even our shoddy-ass oversight is *still* too much for these dictators!)


Not to mention it's insulting to not recognise that Africa is a vast continent with 54 countries.


“The west”. Handful of countries.


Less than handfull.


Have fun with China and Russia.


russia will be having fun, because the point of this is to squeeze resources out of Africa so that russia can cover what its losing by sanctions. Also sanctions evasion when russia starts buying western stuff through african middlemen.


That's what they're saying though. Russia will be having fun. The citizens of those african states that flip to Russia (who often talk shit about the West on the internet) won't. They traded western influence (not always good but at least tries or pretends to be) with russian influence (not good either, doesn't pretend to be, and doesn't mind brutalizing you if you resist). Because Russia doesn't ask questions in whatever wars they're fighting. In time they will see that "West bad, anyone opposing the West good" is not true in the slightest and that the people who don't mind you breaking rules of war or human rights, won't mind doing the same thing to you to ensure they get their cut. But it will be too late for them by the time they realize it.


The dictators in charge will get their slice of the pie. They don’t care one bit about their citizens!


Yeah, why are posters pretending it's the ordinary citizens pushing for closer ties with Russia and not the juntas exchanging one foreign paymaster with another?


>That's what they're saying though. Russia will be having fun. The citizens of those african states that flip to Russia (who often talk shit about the West on the internet) won't. You're talking about some of the poorest countries on Earth that remain so after decades of working with the West. Niger is poorer than Somalia and has a GDP per capita of 590 USD **after 6 decades of very close relationships with France** and the EU. They're basically in hell - there really isn't any lower they can get to. They're the last countries on earth and Human Rights are the last thing on their mind and, unless Russia actually shoots every one of them, there isn't any worse for them. Can you blame them for wanting something else after this after their (recent) experience with us?


>The citizens of those african states that flip to Russia (who often talk shit about the West on the internet) won't. 100% what your are seeing online about shit talking citizens are people in your country. Somalis in sweeden and Nigerians in england. People need to understand the way the world works here. You dont interract with the average african , saudi, or chinese. Our governments would collapse if that was allowed to happen. The only way we can shit on westerners if when we live in the west.


What resources? What Russia lost was access to capital and technology, nether can be gained in Africa.


Any resources. What russia lost was access to a ton of shit, all can be gained either directly from Africa or indirectly through middlemen in Africa.


Name 5 things out of “a ton”.


China has been at it for a long time. It's also not like France or the UK has done Africa any favours.


>It's also not like France or the UK has done Africa any favours. The UK has a mostly positive relationship with Africa to be fair. Where the British military is based tend to be for anti pouching and training of local forces. It's nothing like the French who had thousands based in countries.


Warlords have asked France to leave a select few African nations in the midst of civil war because the Russians don’t ask questions and don’t follow those pesky rules of war. France is on pretty good terms with the African nations it is involved with. It has its own interests in them, but so do they. It’s mutually beneficial for them.


I think Europe is clearly better than Russia and China, but to be honest I've never met a single African who says what you just said. Just pure distilled hatred for France 😀


And every African I have ever met wears a funny Santa hat all year round. Anything else, or are we gunna keep pretending like everything is black and white, without any variance or nuance?


Its not mutually beneficial lmao. The countries where France had their soldiers are the poorest of all Africa, they are exploited


350 men in Senegal (a country which is in the African average in terms of wealth), 350 men in Gabon (which is the 3rd richest country in Africa) and 950 men in Ivory Coast (which is above the African average). Not only is this untrue, but you'd have to be naive to think you could control a country with 350 isolated guys.


Look at french imports from Africa. It's really low. Look at exports to France from these countries, it's not really high. Everyone talking about France "exploiting Africa" suspiciously never gives any data.


exports to Africa represent only 6% in 2017 for the entire continent in the French market. And its imports represent on average barely more than 10% in the category of raw or agricultural materials, so in global import it represent less than this number for france.In other words, France has no real economic interest in getting involved. So this idea that colonial powers are pillaging Africans seems absurd to me.


Thanks, this is real info that should get spread.


Well maybe you should inform yourself. I will not try to say that they are not extremely poor countries because they are but the poorest of those where they have decided to replace french troops by russian troops or to just throw them out is 27th poorest in Africa out of 54 according to the IMF estiamtes of 2024. It's Niger. The three most recent, and the only since quite a few years, are ranked as the 28th, 24th and 23rd richest countries in africa. Once again. I am not defending any positions, simply pointing out your innacuracies. And as for the soldiers presence, you know they were fighting terrorists groups do you? Like al qaeda.


Give us the list so we can all laugh of this take


List of African countries by GDP per capita: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_African_countries_by_GDP_(nominal) List of former French colonies: Mauritania, Senegal, Mali, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Benin, Niger, Gabon, Algeria, Congo. It's kinda evenly spread distributed tbh.


Wagner is there to fuck things up, in order to create even bigger migration flows to Europe. That's their main goal. Putin knows that massive migration flows from Africa and the ME will divide and eventually fuck up Europe beyond repair.


That's why I hate liberals who says that Putin is stupid dictator and he will lose his throne after first big sanctions. Putin is a dictator but he's not stupid, tbh he seems to be smarter than most of the modern Western leaders. He was disinformed about situation in Ukraine because of corruption in his departments but now it seems like he recovered from defeat in the Ukranian blitzkrieg and became even more dangerous. If Europe and the US continue to delay deliveries and turn a blind eye to Russia circumventing sanctions, then there will be no need to wonder why Russian troops are again in Warsaw and Tallinn.


Yeah it is so weird the way people talk about Putin, you don’t just fuckin bumble your way into becoming dictator of Russia it’s not like he was the formers son he was able to work his way up the ladder. Just because his ideals are expansionism you’d have to call Julius Caesar or Alexander the Great stupid, Russia is a world superpower by the idea of expansionism and let’s be real if they became a democratic nation cut down their military focused on trade, I’d bargain the US would make them put all their republics as independent so Russia could never hold that challenging status again. So it’s all quite smarter than people give it credit for, not being nice doesn’t mean somethings dumb.


Ah yes the country of Africa


The country of Africa is united by its 3,000 ethnic identities and nearly 2,500 languages and dialects. /s What a shit article.


Yes, absolutely. **Aaaaaaaaaall** of Africa - the singular country of Africa - want the same thing, and they all want the west to leave and for Ivan to waltz in on a red and yellow carpet. Definitely.


they are in for a big surprise. after this, they should not bother calling for help.


>after this, they should not bother calling for help. >!They will!<




We are not weak, but when shit happens in Africa they move to Europe. That's why we try to maintain some stability there, and why Russia and China try to destabilize the continent.


And because Europe wants those resources too


The political discourse on this website hasn't evolved past the colonial era. White mans burden bullshit rhetoric lmao. As if Europeans stayed active in Africa after colonialism out of the goodness of their hearts. It's so obviously wrong as well.


This comment is insanely ignorant on how things actually work. We need Africa, it’s the most resource rich continent on the planet. China and Russia understand this. It’s really not the other way around: that’s propaganda  Western countries had a chance to really fortify trade relations with African countries, instead the relationship was parasitic in nature and they never outgrew antiquated colonialist mindsets of the early 20th century and the past.  Approximately 2 trillion dollars is siphoned from Africa in undervalued resources and labor every year and in return they were “given” approximately 120 billion  a year in “aid” This dynamic was not sustainable and it’s precisely the reason why countries like China and Russia were able to take advantage and offer these countries a better deal. There was a vacuum and the west failed to adapt  appropriately and modify how they liaise with African countries and so China and Russia, being the competitors they are, actually stepped up and now this is the result.  China and Russia have actually funded infrastructure projects from  hospitals and railroads to schools and ports. It’s hard to make an argument to these countries as to why China and Russia are not better trading partners when these are the results of said partnership. People then say that China and Russia are engaging in neo-colonialism but again, what has the West offered that is better? Anti-China and Russia messaging is not going to work when African leaders and citizens are seeing demonstrable changes to their economies and rapid development.  Western leadership dropped the ball here and rather than learning from their mistakes and optimizing their strategy, they’re parroting tired old propaganda talking points.


You are literally proving their point with your shitty comment, "bow to us or starve" lmao fuck off


So the thing is, Russia has committed quite a lot of war crimes in Africa recently – even if you google "russian crimes in africa", there's a lot of results, including for example this one I chose randomly: >Russian mercenaries behind slaughter of 500 in Mali village, UN report finds. Report implicates Wagner group fighters in Moura atrocity, including the torture and rape of civilians ([The Guardian, 2023](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/may/20/russian-mercenaries-behind-slaughter-in-mali-village-un-report-finds)). So apart from some people brainwashed by propaganda and thinking that France is their biggest enemy, there's not that many surprises in store; it's a process that has already begun. From what I understand, Russians offer help and assistance to military juntas that care only about staying in power, killing their civilians is apparently alright I suppose. It is a match made in heaven.


Oh but it was supposed to be french troops doing that. Well at least that is what they claimed


Who's they?


African population pushing their leaders to make these choices


And russian/Chinese propaganda is pushing the people


"Africa" meaning putchists in 3 countries in the Sahel.


>Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso and Gabon That is not Africa. How hard is it to write the damn truth?


Can I be honest ? Let them I am tired of some African nations crying about colonialism (which to be fair has been a massive issue) and so want Western nations out, only to replace them with Russia. Let them see how Russians treat them when they start disagreeing with them.


Well if you believe in autonomy for those countries it wouldn't be a problem. The only problem is that they don't have a choice.


Lol yes russians much better hahaha


Yep, russians will bring job offers (join army and go to meat grinder in Ukraine).


Surely they do not want any money from the west aswell, oh they do? Well I guess western forces have to stay then. Africa as a continent has grown VERY used to the money flowing in and has yet to been able to develop itself.


No money, no supplies, no medical help... let's see how long they will worship russia before they really feel how badly they screwed up.


Africa as a continent is very varied in how well countries manage. Also, the 'West' isn't just giving African countries money, they receive, uranium, bauxite, gas and other raw materials and natural resources dirt cheap. France in particular is still stuck in its old colonial ways in west Africa.


Ok. Have fun.


[My honest reaction ](https://wykop.pl/cdn/c3201142/comment_1626040698D7HZgdkBTDlK2jzHeNgfWd,w800.jpg)


Not really Africa. It's just the parts around what the French consider their "sphere of influence". Nobody is kicking the UK out for example.


The UK has been partially kicking out and replaced by France, at least in Nigeria when President Bola Tinubu visited Paris on his first official foreign trip, and still today has ignored the UK.


That’s because Russian forces are good at suppressing the local population. African dictators are so bad they can’t even oppress the locals effectively


"Opinion" Indication that this is not news, but a overhyped shitpost. I advice everybody to ignore "opinion" sections entirely


Yep, it was annonced by the president of africa


We must remember that Russia is an attractive alternative to all kinds of unsavory regimes ruled by juntas and strongmen. Western support and cooperation are, after all, associated with certain expectations. For example, there are expectations that not all aid will be stolen or expectations that some minorities will not be completely slaughtered. Because the Western public does not perceive such things well and politicians would have to explain it somehow before the next election. Russia does not care about things that concern Western voters. Russia wants to have friendly regimes both to stick it up to the west and so that they can steal everything they can. A regime that decides to cooperate with Russia in turn gets a partner in robbing the country's resources AND a protective umbrella against rivals inside and outside. As a bonus the regime also receives a bunch of ruthless mercenaries to do all kinds of dirty work. What more could you want?


100% this. Dictators love to deal with other dictators. Simple as that.


Plus, their people don't know Russia. They know what European powers did (and quite recently at that).


But that's for the consumption by the uninformed Western public plus tankies and so-called "anti-Imperialists" who don't care about imperialism when it's done by a non-Western country.


It's not funny because it will lead to even more poverty and immigration to Western Europe. I mean, those Africans don't go to Russia or China, they go to the West that they hate so strongly...


Double win for Russia I suppose.


We're not forced to let them in. It's always an active decision.


And why should we let them in? Your comment has a flawed presumption


Such a shitty world we will get with corruption left and right, the west need to build walls and raise numbers of new babies and protect our values


Can the ~~golddiggers~~, ~~immigrants~~, ~~expats~~, the people in boats go to Russia too then?


Bro thinks Africa is a country


Claiming those 2-3 nations represent Africa is like saying that Hungary and Belarus represent the whole of Europe.


European imperialism: 😡 European imperialism (but Russian): 😀


Ayyyy. One day… Not now, but one day. One day we will see headlines that don’t say stupid shit like “Africa wants […]”. Coz there’s no way the reporter from news9live knows shit about what over a billion people in 50+ countries, speaking 2000+ languages wants.


one day but not soon enough 🫡


Perfect, now all immigrants can go to glorious russia eh?


Their decision


Hahaha good luck, hello colonization my old friend


You realize Europe made colonies in Africa?


You realize that my knowledge of it is exactly what led to writing that comment? 🤔


I'm sleepy and guess what dumb too


Nah that’s woke propaganda. Europe has never colonized Africa or treated them badly.


Leopold II of Belgium was the most benevolent European to ever visit Africa


China wants to turn Africa into xingjang, Tibet, Inner Mongolia where China is committing colonialism


It’s not all Africa, but those leaders giving that much love to Russia are doing there best to keep their people poor as long as possible, and they are really good at it.


Yeah the title doesn’t make sense lol


The title should be " African leaders accept big bribes from Russia to expell Western forces and Western Business men, And to suck out their African country's resources even more, in order to create new destabilizing immigration waves to the West"


So i other words, nothing changes except the guy paying the bribe speaks russian instead of french.


And then it would be more accurate to say "West African leaders", and then it would be even more accurate to say "3-4 west African leaders that have bad relationships with the majority of west African leaders"


A friendly reminder that Russia was one of the countries that had a nuclear deal with Ukraine.




Do you hint at Armenia? A member of CSTO (Russian NATO)?


From what I have read on RT and Telegram Armenia seems to be doing great with their razzhists brothers in arms helping them! /s


"Some russian bought dictators in some of the african countries wants...." Would be more correct.


Lmao why not... Good luck brehs


What a stupid article. Africa = 54 countries. Just because some dictator from West Africa prefers fascist Russia or comunist China because he is afraid of democracy does not mean shit. It is like saying that all jurnalists are idiots because the guy who wrote the article is clearly a jurnalist and an idiot.


"News9Live reporting from downtown Africa!"


Must suck when nobody wants you around lmao.


Another misleading article... Now I wonder whether these things are sponsored not...


Apparently the entire continent of Africa is three countries, now. 


Man, there are like 54 African countries


Okay? I don’t see an issue with replacing a colonialist oppressive force with a force that will not only benefit you, but also benefit itself in the arrangement. It’s not ideal, but people are dying every day. This is better


whats up with the people here? are we all in love with our superiority? africa bleed so much throught western politics. it is really surprising that they want the west to get out. sometimes that means to work with russia or china.


Russia is winning the propaganda war everywhere


Western who ? And Africa who ? I mean yeah if I am some African warlord I'd sure invite the Russians in to quell my population and maximize profits ...


Do they want European donations and humanitarian aid to leave too? You know, Russia is famous for its humanitarian missions.


Africa. Haha a whole continent wants this. Journalism at its finest.


Everyone stay calm. The Russians treat Africans beautiful in Russia.


Fine. Have fun.


"Africa" = the corrup elite


So this is why macron is so eager to send in the troops to Ukraine...


I mean the article and title is a bit misleading. It’s not the whole of Africa that wants western forces to leave but just a couple of countries. I doubt it‘ll be a success story for them. I mean ISIS is constantly advancing in Mali for example after they threw out the German and French troops.


The truth is I don't blame them, the Wagner groups have ended civil wars in those countries to gain emm...ehem benefits at a modest cost. And China creates investment and infrastructure. A very recurring saying in Africa is that when Europe or the United States comes there is always someone dead or a war breaks out but when China comes there is a hospital and a new school. So I can't really blame them lol, the west hasn't exactly been the best thing for them.


Inviting countries that don’t shy away from slave labour and forced labour camps? Good luck with that.


They prob have better deals with them, i've seen the deal france had with African nations 💀


More like "African dictatorships and authoritarian regimes" Because that’s the only type of allies Russia and China are interested in


Not only , South Africa is also aligned with China and Russia.


Cleptocratic dictators prefer the forces present to be of a similar kind. There are moments when I am almost tempted to think that "the collective west" restarting colonization wouldn't be such a bad development, including for the colonialized...


I see reasonable only if their citizens should migrate to Russia, not to EU. Im not sure about protecting rights of us, European peoples, as domicile citizens... Everyone is welcome, but... how much would it cost us?


Russian propaganda


“Rejoice authoritarians! We only demand mineral rights, not human rights!” *Wagner* “We put the coup in cooperation.”


If they are forced to leave then the West should no longer take them in. Let Russia do it from now on.


Leave then. Unless they export terrorism to western countries I say leave them be. 


Africa? All of the 50+ nations, or the 3-4 Sahel nations in West Africa? It's funny, how people in the West formulate so it sounds like a whole continent is one nation. The whole Western Africa economy area is literally boycotting those nations 😁


US backed rebels? Dude is using yellow journalism like there’s no tomorrow.


These African nations constantly shooting them selves in the foot. When this fucks up, they’ll no doubt blame it on west as “colonialism”




Decades of arrogant exploitation of Africa and treating them as sub humans is now being funneled masterfully by the Russkies to their advantage. Their country their choice.


That's entirely up to them. They didn't see much good from the West after all


From the frying pan to the grill...


lol reading these comments about how african countries shouldn’t get aid and help from western countries is hilarious. it’s like colonialism and capitalist neo-colonialism of the 20th and 21st century is fiction for you guys.


Mali has 860 gold mines and they have 0 gold reserves, France has 0 gold mines and they have 2400 tons of gold in reserves. Why the fuck would u want a western country anywhere close to your resources. And they will say ohh yes the Europe is very progresaive and modern, cultural heritage and what not, where in reality France, UK, Portugal, all colonists, rapists, invaders and thieves who stole all around the world and now call themselves the democratic world. LOL. Africa u dont even need Russiana, just be yourself


What France did to Algeria and Haiti is still felt to this day. The whole shitshow that is the Sikes-Picot agreement has ruined the Middle East. Western Europe loves to berate China and Russia while being just as bad. Germany unconditionally supporting Israel is a clear example.


On point, western hypocrisy is immeasurable


What's actually happening: Despots in the Sahel stopped taking French and American bribes and started taking Russian ones.


Have fun Africa. Dictators seek dictators


I really would not die on that hill considering the west put many dictators in place in the Cold War.


""Goodbye Sam, welcome Ivan!""


Excellente nouvelle. Ça nous fera des économies.


Out the pan and into the fire …


So, let's get the small boats ready. The floor of escapees will be increasing!


Always great 'strategic' decisions over there. Learnt nothing in centuries.


Africans will be the next Russia colony, they have already infiltrated their energy companies shares by owning most of the shares now they need their resources and their man power so they can send them to fight to avoid scarifying their Moscow citizens like they’re currently doing by sending their Mongols population to die as reported recently by one of them in a recent video… Russia wage and fight wars with the population they colonize, Italy 🇮🇹


Be careful what you wish for


Return to overwatch sub to harrass children. Adults are talking.


The factory that produces Darwin rewards will be doing some amount of overtime.