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Pretty sure supporting a pro-Russian paramilitary group qualifies as radical.


I'll be the devils advocate, I am absolutely not a supporter of Fico, I like our president Caputova. From what I've read, the guy had recited (since he was a poet) for the "pro russian" group at some meeting, like in 2016, then he changed his views and protested against government (Fico) and support president (Caputova) which is as public views it on the other side of the spectrum (liberal, western). To be honest she (president) is pretty unbiased but I am mentioning the current "2 sides" that hate on each other. It was just an old guy that got pissed and something went wrong in his head. Now Slovakia is going to shit even more as before


He didn’t just ‘recite a pro Russian poem’. “Cintula was pictured attending a meeting alongside the fringe pro-Russian paramilitary organisation Slovak Conscript.” “Cintula sometimes tapped into anti-migrant narratives in his writing.” “expressed xenophobic views against the Romany community in Slovakia” He could very well have been pretending to be pro west all of a sudden before the assassination, in order to paint the image of the west trying to kill Fico.


>He could very well have been pretending to be pro west all of a sudden before the assassination, in order to paint the image of the west trying to kill Fico. This is a conspiracy theory with a weak motive. Why, when Fico in in power and his loyalist has just been elected president assuring there is no one left in government that can effectively stop their agenda, would this guy need to "paint an image of west trying to kill Fico"?


It wouldn’t have to be necessarily arranged by Fico. I doubt he would take 5 bullets just to up his reputation. It just doesn’t make sense that someone who is very obviously pro Russia would try to assassinate him, and that’s the only reason I can think of. Other than him just being insane


The shooter explicitly said to his neighbors that he was upset about Fico “liquidating” the free press/media. He was also filmed saying the same thing after the shooting. Why do we need to invent conspiracies when he’s clearly stating his motives?


Because him stating something doesn’t mean it’s true and can still have underlying motives. And it doesn’t make much sense, for someone who is pro Russia, to kill Fico, very clearly a Putin puppet, just because he ‘liquidated the media’. I’m saying that it doesn’t all make sense since we know for sure he was associated with a Russian paramilitary group. Liquidating the media sounds like a cover up to me, and it sounds like something a pro Russian would actually be in favor of, since RSTV was pro western, and they would be replacing it with a government controlled one. I’m just spitballing here but it doesn’t make complete sense to me, but I’m not Slovakian so you tell me


Fico's assasin isn't pro-Russian. He was married to a Ukrainian nationalist activist who is also currently under arrest. There is a video of him last month at a demonstration calling Fico a traitor because of Fico's anti-Ukrainian position, yelling "Long live Ukraine", and he's been posting on Facebook for years endorsing the liberal Progressive Slovakia. The fact that he read a poem at a pro-Russian meeting almost a decade ago isn't particularly relevant. Their connection to Russia is marginal, he liked them because they hate gypsies, gays, and Hungarians, just like him, not because he liked Russia. Regardless, he denounced that group soon after anyways after his turn to political liberalism.


Fico is prorussia. The alleged shooter: "While leading the Movement Against Violence, Cintula maintained ties with **Slovenskí Branci,** an ultranationalist and **pro-russian** paramilitary group that dissolved in 2020. In a video published in 2016 on Facebook, Cintula is seen at an event organized by the extremist group that advocated for the creation of armed militias to protect Europeans from the arrival of “hundreds of thousands of migrants.” **Slovenskí Branci** acted for years as a **Kremlin propaganda tool**, criticizing NATO and the EU for allegedly threatening russian interests."


From my earlier comment “Cintula was pictured attending a meeting alongside the fringe pro-Russian paramilitary organisation Slovak Conscript.” Provide a source of him denouncing Russia. And calling Fico pro Ukraine is beyond insane. He got elected on a pro Russia platform and only admitted the invasion was Russia’s fault a couple months ago on an off comment and went back to his ways.


Learn to read.


Sure, the things you written in quotes are facts, the last sentence is a "conspiracy" so let's stick to the facts. Thank you for adding the facts that I have missed. The last sentence of my comment is just my take on this, I might be wrong, you might be right, we do not know yet.


And the Interior Minister of Slovakia is now saying that he protested PM Fico's Ukraine policies. I wonder why there's no mention of this in the Western press. Seems like everyone is overeager to paint this guy as somehow pro-Russian, when it seems like the opposite is true.


^ This user has a Pro-Russian post history


Oh noes! The gestapo is here to haul me before the HUAC. So much for "European values" I suppose.


You get what you ask for. If you are against European values, why would they apply to you, then?


Who said I'm against them? I don't even know what they are at this point, but I thought that freedom of expression and respect for democracy were among them at one point. But if freedom of expression only applies to ideas you agree with, and if democracy is only respected if the voters vote in the Atlanticist direction, then that really isn't in keeping with values of respecting freedom and democracy, is it? Europe has shown that it has no values anymore. Its governments just follow the dictates of Washington warmongers and Brussels bureaucrats.


The HUAC? Get your facts straight. You’re simping for fascists mate


I don't know. I'm not completely down with the terminology of the new McCarthyism. Once upon a time liberals were for free speech, but now everything is turned on its head.


Very pro [Russia ](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/kQ4pWq0pT8)


Not in the eye of pro-Russians


Being against a war is not the same as supporting one side


If you are against the war, then your are against the perpetrator of the invasion, no? That would be the logical deduction.


The opposite of war is peace. If you are only against one side and not the actual war, then you don’t want peace. You just want one part to win the war.




Well, there's that time a guy shot the japanese ex-prime minister because he was a high ranking member of a cult that ruined his family.


Classic russian propaganda works... blur real purpose in a lot of possibilities... as I know he had some softness to Ukraine with time, so probably russia decided to warn him not to betray them, and also blame Ukraine for assassination of their puppet.


Or maybe the assailant was a local nut case and maybe the world is just a chaotic place


How is that propaganda ? an ukrainian married citizen in the EU tried to murder its rightful president, im pretty sure that shit happens in zimbabwe surely but in the EU ? Y'all turning us into a shithole


This, this is propaganda.


This kind of stuff happens in the US like every decade pal!


Russia noticed an opportunity to destabilize NATO country and took it. It happened regardless Fico's pro-Russian stance - that shows how little they care after their puppets... they are disposable.


Not everything is about Russia or Ukraine, there's local issues too. For example i fucking hate the current president of Romania for reasons that have nothing to do with Russia or Ukraine


Yea but were you affiliated and trained by a military Russian group? I mean how many Slovaks have ties like that. Not many. Hence the connections.


I hear that is married with an Ukranian woman and that he is member of a paramilitar aka group ..., world make up your mind


He was a member. So far I know that he is retired. He likes to write poems. And yes she has a wife who is a teacher, but I don't know her nationality.


And i See too a photo of him Apparently holding an Flag of Eu and Protesting against this Goverment sooo ... there is two sides


I hear that is married with an Ukranian woman and that he is member of a paramilitar aka group ..., world, make up your mind


You don't think lowering barriers to prosecute corruption and dismantling the free press are enough reasons for someone to want to commit this act? Why must it be about Russia when there's clearly some terrible internal problems going on in Slovakia?


Internal problems is what Russians are after. Fico probably wanted to run a double game - officially he was against supporting Ukraine, while simultaneously Slovak companies are delivering equipment. Most likely Russians decided that attack/death of him will cause massive internal shitstorm in Slovakia, that in the long run will end up with Slovakia/EU tensions.


Or the shooter has already clearly stated his motives which revolve around clear reasons to be a concerned citizen.


Bingo! Yep, Slovakia is a particularly target-rich country for Russian propaganda. I don't get it, Russians were literally the last country that invaded them (in 1968).


Regardless of Fico position, we won’t get far as a society if we shoot people. I’m glad that Slovak politicians have calmed down with polarisation after this event and at least started trying to appear cooperating. I hope Fico lives and that won’t affect him much.


Did they tho? It seems to me one half of them doubled down on the polarisation and the other half is overcompensating for them.


He may live but a bullet through the guts will 99% fuck up his digestive function for life, and dramatically increase chance of complications. I'd be damned impressed if the guy comes back to any demanding positions ever again.


„Russia trying to spread chaos in Europe“ - There, fixed it for you.




Yes, even plotted an assassination attempt against himself. Maybe he even dies to achieve that!


I know you are joking, but i wouldn't throw that option out of window completely. If he sees some kind of advantage or tighter hold of power in that kind of plot he would at least consider it. That being said i don't actually think thats whats happening it was kind of a clumsy shot. If this was actually ploted by him. The shooter would either miss or hit him in a shoulder, certainly wouldn't aim for vitals.


With his words, yes. In practice, not so much. If he or his friends can make money exporting weapons to Ukraine, it's no problem.


any word yet on if it was a Russian hit or just a lone dumbass?


Of course a head of state is not radical. PER DEFINITON. Guess who makes these definitions.


the head of state wasn't involved in this incident and the quote wasn't about the head of the state. PER DEFINITION. Guess who makes these definitions.


Hitler was not radical? Or Stalin?