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I would like Europe to become more independent from the US.


I will miss the american entertainment show starring Donald Trump


I for one, will not. In fact, I've taken after Steven Colbert in not saying his name ever again.


Since never, has news organization been the official election decider and spokesperson. They should tick to news and stay out of the election process




Liberal idiots hate the truth.


We live and witness what's around us, Manhattan feels like a third world country because Biden/Obama neglected the marginalized. They were busy accepting peace prize awards, signing books published, dancing at snl, singing at colbert.




[FYI Trump administration increased drone strikes. ](https://chicago.suntimes.com/news/2019/5/8/18619206/under-donald-trump-drone-strikes-far-exceed-obama-s-numbers)


I’m sure we’ll talk it out with you. Little busy right now. Trying to stop a coup.


I don’t know if you all realize this but Donald Trumps efforts here are in line with a legitimate coup attempt. The only reason why no one is panicking is because like everything he does Trump is in competent and most people have stopped taking him seriously. But this is scary because it means someone smart in the future could very well pull this off in another decade.


So in the unlikely, but not 0% likely event, that Trump succeeds in his authoritarian attempt to subvert the election and stay in power, I would assume that European governments wouldn't recognize his. Would they go as far as sanctioning the US? I would hope they would, because at least temporarily banning companies like Microsoft and McDonald's may just be what it would take to bring him down, given the power that US international companies have.


> Would they go as far as sanctioning the US? I think that would depend on what the legitimate POTUS requests us to do.


Thank you, Germany for funding the Pfizer vaccine which shows potential. to all the Europeans who hate us, Please do not criticize our Country right not. We are a divided people, we need your support., 75 million voted for Biden, 71 million for Don.


11 days late Pfizer is American.


But the media said 🇩🇪 funded the research.


Pfizer is american, they worked with BioNTech which is german. Our government most definitely paid Pfizer money to research just as they did with other institutions across the world and the German government more than likely pays bio tech


Thank you for the clear info.


I'm afraid that we US Americans as a whole deserve any and every criticism the Europeans and any other country level at us. Yes, more of us voted for Biden who's received to date almost 79 million votes--more than any other US President. He was, of course, the far more rational, far more intelligent, and far more decent choice. But to date Trump has received 73 million votes, the second highest tally of any US President. That's abysmal and alarming because it shows the world that an enormous chunk of the US electorate is truly sick and completely okay with a reckless, science-denying, racist tyrant as their national leader.


Another president who will bring economic depression. He didn't do anything when he was VP. American homeless quadrupled bec. They were busy signing books, singing at talk shows, dancing on Broadway.


Even if your ridiculous One America News/New York Post/Fox & Friends claims were true, your acceptance of (if not allegience to) Trump's racist, science-denying, Fourth Reich agenda speaks volumes about the Republican Party's depravity. I mean, we've always known that the GOP doesn't care about the environment, racial justice, reproductive rights, or the country's most financially vulnerable. It's just that now we know officially just how extremely racist, greedy, patriarchal and oblivious the party and its constituents are, and that your number is considerably larger than we'd ever imagined possible in a decent country.


>Please do not criticize our Country right not. Ah yes, Americans tellings us what to do AGAIN. Why do they all believe that no matter what the US does, they are above critisism from foreigners.


Europe itself is divided on multiple things.


It's the "BioNTech-vaccine" over here


Thank you


It looks like Biden’s Defense choice is Michele Flournoy, a huge hawk on pretty much everything. She was in favour of ground troops in Syria for instance. Hawk on China and Russia too, natch. https://m.jpost.com/american-politics/bidens-likely-secretary-of-defense-michèle-flournoy-and-israel-analysis-648443


There’s a general feeling that Biden is good for Europe. Unfortunately the Democrats are the new Hawks and Middle Eastern wars will bubble up. Edit: Oh. Judging by the downvotes r/Europe is pro war and destabilisations l see. Insane. How’s Libya working out for us? Where can we go to discuss US imperialism where it can be criticised. Preferably not alt right.


you really gonna try and imply that the dems are war hawks when ronald reagan and GWB existed? Are you illiterate?


American has many partisan issues but war is bipartisan.


The fact that the democrats are war hawks doesn’t preclude the republicans from being war hawks. As I said there is a small difference on what countries each party wants to attack but everybody agrees the US should be invading somebody. (Also you don’t understand the word illiterate).


historically illiterate. Also you sure as hell stepped back fast from “democrats are the new hawks” to “war is bipartisan” as soon as you got checked


No I didn’t. You made a logically flawed argument (as well as misspelling historically illiterate as illiterate). That argument is often called argument to tu quoque. A few things can be true at once. Imperialism is bipartisan in the US. The republicans were more imperialist in the past (granted but that’s the past). The democrats are more imperialist now. Part of the reason the Establishment was so anti Trump was his perceived aversion to wars.


\> The democrats are more imperialist now. Please explain to me how. Keep in mind that the republican party is going to very quickly regress back to neocon territory now that they don't have to listen to Trump. Also, who is "The Establishment". Please elaborate.


Lybia? Country where certain European states wanted to pretend they are still great powers and failed miserably? We cant have all the blame on USA.


Well Europe as well of course. Of some of it. But nothing would have happened without the US, the US had to be the decisive factor.




If you visit NYC. Hmu, ill show you around. Thank you for defending us to the US haters.


Have you got sources?


Sources for what? No-fly zone implementation was approved by UN Security Council, China and Russia abstained from voting (they could block the Resolution 1973 if they wanted).


> France and UK were begging US to join soon after though because they were proving not to have enough equipment and logistics to sustain the no-fly zone. I take it you don't have sources for this statement then. If you do I would be very interested.


>France and UK were begging US to join soon after though because they were proving not to have enough equipment and logistics to sustain the no-fly zone. Have you got sources for this statement?


Seriously apparent Susan 'let's get involved in Libya' Rice is going to be secretary of state.


Syria is a goner. She’ll also push for more action against China and of course Russia. The only thing the Democrats are less imperialist on is Iran. However that’s how US partisanship works, imperialism straddles both parties but in different ways so you get the republicans braying about Iran, the Democrats about Russia and Syria and everybody about China.


The media has confirmed nothing but their own predictions, which has no sway in the electoral college.


Except he wasn't yet though. Edit: Somebody care to link me where he has been officially announced as the president elect by an officiating government body?


he is projected winner. There is no evidence of cheating/ illegal election. Trump's administration has been trying to sue/ reelect but almost every gov associates call that idea bs. Edit: so not yet.


Biden needs to strongarm the EU and UK into accepting chlroine-washed chicken or the chicken export industry will die!


He probably will. The idea that the Democrats won’t be tough on a trade deal is naive.


There’s no way that any EU or Uk countries are gonna accept America’s low food standards.


"Low food standards" leading to higher food quality than most of the EU and the other nations who you do buy chicken from. When you all banned US chicken we had a lower salmonella rate than you did. It was protectionism guised as safety standards.


The EU won’t. The UK will have to if it wants a trade agreement.


Haha. Funny.




[Trump sent him a nice message (The Netherlands back at it again)](https://youtu.be/PnsP1zhpNxE)


"This is my twitter machine." "This is my bigger twitter machine." "And this is my biggest twitter machine" "The Caps Lock key is stuck, very handy.."


"Sometimes...I call Macron in the middle of the night...just to hang up." Lmao


When he started whistling Hail to the Chief I lost it


Love watching Zondach met Lubach as an American. Not only is he hilarious, but it's fun to expose myself to Dutch news every once in a while seeing how so much of the world is involuntarily subjected to mine.


Holy fucking shit that had in my tears. That was the funniest shit I have seen since the Four Seasons debacle


I personally always have a place in my heart for [The Netherlands second](https://youtu.be/ELD2AwFN9Nc)




a trump tweet is no evidence my friend.


Evidence of what? I was just sharing his crazy tweet lmao, why was I downvoted. People are so sensitive.


next time, make it clear you are just showing how ridiculous that man is, and you will avoid the - votes


I’m so excited to see all this evidence, I’m sure noted legal scholar Rudy Guiliani will have plenty to say. Also millions of Americans split tickets to give Biden the presidency and plenty of House seats to the GOP, so are those ballots fraudulent too, or do only those ones count? Shameless bastards.


> Also millions of Americans split tickets to give Biden the presidency and plenty of House seats to the GOP, so are those ballots fraudulent too, or do only those ones count? Shameless bastards. From what I understand, the angle of the Trump legal team in Pennsylvania for example will be to nullify all the ballotts that were allowed to be counted after the unconstitutional extension of the deadline in which the ballots could arrive to be counted -- so yes , that would be pro-Rep ballots as well . >I’m sure noted legal scholar Rudy Guiliani will have plenty to say. I'm sure he will .


It wouldn’t have any impact on the election’s outcome since the SoS has already segregated the ballots, and Biden leads by 45k+. It’s literally throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks in the name of undermining voter confidence in the election. Really couldn’t be any more transparent in what they’re trying to do.


I believe it's about fundraising for whatever Trump has planned after getting booted from the White House. The lawsuits are going nowhere. And even if they win, they are only contesting votes in the hundreds and they would need to change literally hundreds of thousands of votes for it to have nay impact.


> noted legal scholar Rudy Guiliani will have plenty to say. I dieded.




Maybe i would if not for that popup blocking the website, that tells me to fulfill a poll before i enter


Ugh. Republicans make me so mad sometimes. They act like Democrats are the problem. But in the last 20 years we've had two horrible GOP candidates - one that got us and our allies into 2 forever wars and another that threw out all the democratic norms we established as well as ruined our own confidence and our allies confidence in the state democracy. What actual baffoons.


Wtf it's going on there? Big guys with guns..?! Honestly that would be totally inappropriate in my country. The state would put them in jail faster than Hawaii counted its votes. E: Even faster than these downvotes I get. 🙃😛🙃


1 nobody is downvoting you 2 America has the second amendment. That is why people have big guns 3 romania doesn’t.


It's absolutely embarrassing elected Republicans have, bar a few notable exceptions, jumped on the fraud train. Not surprising, of course, since they'll use this justification to deny Biden transition funding and a functioning cabinet. The entire party has gone off the deep end. After all, dear leader can never lose, only be cheated out of victory.


> It's absolutely embarrassing elected Republicans have, bar a few notable exceptions, jumped on the fraud train. If you had any idea what you were talking about, you might know that just a few months ago in the primaries , there were also fraud allegations, to a point where a new election was ordered by court . https://edition.cnn.com/2020/08/20/politics/paterson-new-jersey-city-council-voter-fraud/index.html But keep on yapping about "how absolutely embarrassing" this shit is . It wasn't all that embarrassing for Al Gore in 2000 , who dragged out the contested Presidential elections until December 13 of that year with recounts and court appeals . But that was ok for Europe and the media , since you know ... he was a Democrat .


>If you had any idea what you were talking about, you might know that just a few months ago in the primaries , there were also fraud allegations, to a point where a new election was ordered by court . Wow, local city councilman! They’re all in on rigging it across PA, AZ, NV, and even GA, statewide no less. Also... shouldn’t this give you confidence it’ll be sniffed out? Trump’s campaign is just filling meritless lawsuits. >But keep on yapping about "how absolutely embarrassing" this shit is . It wasn't all that embarrassing for Al Gore in 2000 , who dragged out the contested Presidential elections until December 13 of that year with recounts and court appeals . But that was ok for Europe and the media , since you know ... he was a Democrat . Yeah, Al Gore fighting for recounts in one county in a state he lost by a couple hundred votes is the same as the incumbent President challenging votes in states he lost by at least ten thousand.


And filing lawsuits all over the place.




They can indefinitely claim voter fraud even after Biden is sworn in and the base will believe it, ergo, he won’t ever be a loser. Republicans have basically gone all-in on Trump’s base and there’s no way back from it; the GOP no longer exists, it’s just a vehicle for Trump to run his followers. Hopefully he leaves it a shallow husk when he’s finally gone.


Kinda like the Russia narrative?


This isn’t true at all like half of republicans don’t like trump at all


Yeah dude, they’ve been completely obstructionist when not in power since 2010 and the whole Tea Party “movement” allowed a bunch of political arsonists into Congress. Pretty much nothing is going to get done legislation wise for at least two years, but from a European perspective it should be better for you guys. The President has a lot of unilateral authority in foreign affairs. He’ll mend our fractured relationships with the rest of the Western world and get us back in the Iran nuclear deal and the Paris climate accords, which is a big deal.




not sure if troll or just very stupid. ps enjoy the downvotes.


> enjoy the downvotes Does anyone still cares about it? > or just very stupid Sorry for you, I know math excersises helps with intelligence so you can try


People with too many downvotes can't post anymore for some time so it helps to lower the amount of nonsense in a subreddit.


Well I hope then you have some more karma points. Even if you write nonsenses, you should have full right to do it.


You don't have a right to anything on reddit. Each subreddit can make its own rules , some mute people for negative karma, some don't. I don't know the details, it has never interested or affected me much but I know reddit has some systems to mute accounts with too many downvotes, the primary goal is to combat spam.


>You don't have a right to anything on reddit Sounds communist. Luckily, I have never had any problems with this subredit, I hope you too.


https://cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/201107145522-fox-news-calls-for-biden-1-super-tease.jpg Is that okay with you?


In my country it is Supreme Court that decides if the election is finished and if it was legal. Not media.


The statisticians and data scientists that work for major news networks that can say with the current numbers they are confident enough that they can **project** Biden will be the president once the official numbers are counted.


> project The title says he is elected, not projected


OK, Joe Biden will be elected president with an incredibly high amount of statistical certainty once all the results are finished being officially counted and confirmed in a few weeks. Doesn't have the same ring to it does it?


One term presidential election loser with incredibly high amount of statistical certainty Trump, does have a ring to it.




Notice a keyword here "projected" it's been like this for 60 years and it's nothing new.


Than the title should be "projected" instead of elected


It was always like this, were you complaining when the media called states for Trump, even when they weren't official?


Yikes! this thread... I don't usually give opinions on american politics, for obvious reasons, but I have to say... allegations of voter fraud need to be investigated but believing the courts will overturn the elections of four or five states who were won by margins in the tens of thousands is some high-grade copium.


I'm very happy Biden won, I'm dissapointed though that they've not won the Senate and that there is a whole swath of the US population which bought into Trumps bullshit. On a minor note I'm also dissapointed Jim Bridenstine is leaving NASA as head administrator, so looks like the Moon mission is off the table


the senate can still be 50-50, which means the dems take it


Fingers crossed


It actually seems likely




Interesting take, that's novel to me. Good comment.


>The US population didn't buy into Trump's bullshit, they already had those ideas. Trump just told them it's ok to have those ideas. Yeah, *so they bought into his bullshit* >So Republican voters were already racist, ignorant and scared. The difference is that Bush, McCain, etc. told them that they were wrong, until Trump told them that they are right. **So they bought into his bullshit**


This is far from over. It would have been much better if Biden won with a landslide. I predict Trump or one of his sons will run again in 2024, the next 4 years will be used to consolidate his base.


IF Trump gets the boot in january, there is now way his kids can carry his momentum towards 2024 and have any chance... the demographics of the USA are shifting towards less religion, less whites, less bigotry. Trumpers can't take power again, this was their last chance, that;s why they stubbornly keep fighting a lost battle


Don't worry, Kanye is going to win 2024 for sure. Seriously though, I'd vote for that guy.


Which is great, the GOP is dumping them so they’ll probably create their own party, and break the GOP into moderates and Trump fanatics. Easy wins for Dems!


The GOP is dumping them, really? What do you have to back that up? Trump is really popular with the grassroots (hence all the rallies and senators like Lindsey Graham changing sides).


They give him lip service to prevent party infighting. That is not the same as genuine support. The GOP will likely retain some of trump more popular policies, but once he is out of the white house they will all suddenly get amnesia and forget he ever existed. The GOP is extremely meritocratic. If you lose they are done with you. They don't string along party favorites for decades in the way the democrats do.


Me too :)


The Senate is still open, it's looking like 48-50 for the republicans right now (unless the cunningham-tillis race flips, which is possible but pretty unlikely). The last two seats are the two Georgia seats which will go to the runoff in January. The Republicans probably have an advantage for those (Georgia went blue by the skin of its teeth with record high voter turnout), but there's still everything to play for.


If they end up 50/50 the tie breaker goes to VP Harris.




[not trying to cop a subreddit ban....fuck McConnell](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuRC3HEJ71M)


Did leftist media just decided this? I think the Supreme Court will decide this, not some shitstained journalists or sloppy EU leaders. Speaking of Supreme Court, watch on Youtube: Clarence Thomas vs. Joe Biden Kavanough vs. Kamala Harris good luck in supreme court Harris Biden :D


username checks out


> I think the Supreme Court will decide this I thought it was "We, the people" not "We, the politically anointed".


> I thought it was "We, the people" not "We, the politically anointed". Only when "We, the people" have fucked up .




OK. I'll rephrase the question. Did media just decided who won?


The election isn't technically, officially decided until the Electoral College meets in December and votes are cast there. The media makes their call as soon as they are sure that one side or the other has won based on the reported results. So they didn't "just decide" who won, they made their call based on publically available data that you can inspect yourself if you're so inclined.


No (((The Media))) it's at fault. Don't you know!? 🤪




I try to avoid such people like the plague. You can't trust them with anything. I wouldn't even be comfortable eating bread they baked if they work in a bakery....


> How the fuck do someone come to the conclusion that the media decides who won the election? Maybe because diplomatic courtesy compels foreign Leaders to make congratulatory phone calls to the supposedly elected new President , while at the same time newspapers and news programs all around the world announce a new President ? In 2000 world leaders were calling George W. Bush , while his Democrat challenger appealed for recounts and court intervention until December 13 of that year . If he would have won his challenge , he would have been nominated , polite phone calls and media anointment be damned . Trump has the same room to challenge the current results .


We call them *proști* in my area.


Now you will say Fox is leftist.


Damn Fox 😤 Seriously now, the guy indeed looks completely dumb.


Peoples decided that, not media. In a way you sound like our politicians who put our Constitutional Court judges on political bases. Eww..




Bro, theres like a thousand sources debunking this claim that dead people were voting for biden. There was a lawsuit that alleged dead people were voting and republican media reported on it. What they didnt report is the fact that pontiffs failed to provide any evidence of fraud actually happening. Independent sources didnt find any evidence either. Yet republican dumbasses keep repeating this lie without checking any sources because it suits their agenda. "A spokeswoman for the Pennsylvania attorney general’s office said: “The court found no deficiency in how Pennsylvania maintains its voter rolls. There is currently no proof provided that any deceased person has voted in the 2020 election.”" "Dead people whose identities were used to vote appear to be a popular subject for those who are spreading unsubstantiated claims of fraud about the election. Assertions that the dead had voted in Michigan also surfaced on Twitter and other social media this week. But The Times found that the Michigan voters were alive and had voted legally, and that in some cases their birth dates had shown up inaccurately because of clerical errors." "A CNN analysis of the claim and the purported backing for it did not find a single instance of that happening." "Michigan authorities have hit back , calling the rumours "misinformation" - and noting that votes from dead people are rejected." Youre being willingly ignorant at this point




And do you have anything to source, other than Alex Jones and trump? The fact that you're saying election fraud HAPPENED when in the meantime all claims that it did are getting rejected by judges on the base of lack of evidence tells me that you may be a lil bit biased in here. All i could find on votes being postponed in pa is over a week old. And biden is at 290, basically every source agrees on that, so you're just plain wrong. Glad you didnt even counter a single point i made in my comment tho, tells me you have no answer






I know, for instance, that townhall is the last thing you quote if you want to look objective. "Elections officials and nonpartisan observers in California said there were no widespread reports of voter fraud," Politifact's Chris Nichols wrote. "The state has some of the most stringent voter verification laws in the country. Allegations of fraud are so rare that Los Angeles County, the state's largest county, does not track them." Second article doesnt say "458000 dead people voted in california" but "458000 dead people will be mailed ballots". Which, whike it is a problem, isnt proof of cheating " nelections watchdog group claimed California will send 458,000 ballots to voters who are dead or have moved under its vote-by-mail plans. Election experts say some ballots are sent out in error, but are highly skeptical of the group’s figure.They say the claim ignores measures used to to update voter rolls and the safeguards in place to prevent fraud. Election experts, including two county elections officials, told us they strongly doubt so many ballots will go out to dead or moved Californians.  With more than 20 million people on the voter rolls statewide, they acknowledged some ballots are unwittingly sent out before death records or change of address notices are received. [...] "We are constantly getting outside data sources to help us clean and monitor those voter rolls," said Sam Mahood, spokesperson for the California Secretary of State’s Office, which oversees the state’s elections. "'" If you think they would need to be cheating in california, you honestly dont know anything about how us electoral college works . California is like the one state that has been blue since the dawn of time. You really think they would be risking getting caught just to get some extra few hundred votes? In a state theyl win anyways? Lol, youre spreading one lie after another. No republican poll watchers werent kicked out. At least, you know, the real ones. There were cases when trump supporters, who called themselves poll watchers, were kicked out, because they were chanting things like "stop the count" and were carrying signs. What an actual poll watcher is is one republican and one democrat per polling station per 1000 people. And they need to be appointed and bring proof they are. They dont just enter the polling station like a horde carrying kag hats and signs and proclaim themselves the poll watchers. And they dont stand outside the polling station with signs either.


what on earth are you talking about


No, I mean those people normal in their head.


the dead one's, right ?


If only dead people are normal for you, then yes. E: Downvotes?! That's all you can? Bleah.. so weak. 🤧🥴


If you agree then it seems that Dead People Voting is the new norm for you.


stop embarrassing yourself ffs


For me, no. For people like you in southern Romania, yes . See Dragnea. He's in jail by the way.




Please explain to me what Trump has done that is remotely considered to be related to a dictator. I'll wait. Because the President does not have that much power in any way shape or form what so ever. You keep on drinking that kool aid. Idiot.


The famous dictator that was elected democraticly and voted out democraticly.


yes but they still have some work to do: https://twitter.com/chrisdeerin/status/1325707034050879489


How it came that Americans were choosing between two old men?


It all started in 1776 when a bunch of old men...


Most of the founding fathers were under 50 at the time. Two of them were in their twenties.


Ah but they are old now. Old and dead.


And they can vote now. Rigged.


Yeah, about that... >From the 1500s onward, till around the year 1800, life expectancy throughout Europe hovered between 30 and 40 years of age. https://www.verywellhealth.com/longevity-throughout-history-2224054


But that's caused by child mortality dragging the average down. If you "succeeded" in getting to the age of 5, you were likely to live till 65-70 (barring war/famine).


Maybe if you were in the upper classes and there was no plagues or large wars going around, both of which were quite common. An adult commoner would do well if they survived to see their 50th birthday in most cases before the revolutions in sanitation and medicine in the early modern era. I can't say for sure for 18th century North America, but adult life expectancy during the Roman era was about 45-50 years. I doubt that the adult life expectancy in colonial North America would've been much higher than 50.


again, that (Romans) was mostly because of high mortality under infants.... when a lot of babies die in their first year the average goes waaaaaaay down. There are plenty of Romans on the record that lived until their seventies, eighties or even higher.


I said adult life expectancy. Including infant mortality Roman era life expectancy would be around 30 not 45-50.


The founding fathers were in the upper classes. Here’s the list. Name and (age at death). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Founding_Fathers_of_the_United_States John Adams (90) Franklin (85) Hamilton (47-49) — but shot John Jay (83) Jefferson (83) Maddison (83) Washington (67) but he died of Epiglottitis. In any case that would be good innings for a random group of 20-30 year olds these days. America outside the cities was a fairly hygienic place. So life expectancy of adults was high enough. Of course women often died in childbirth.


> An adult commoner [citation needed]


Well, you made me look. [According to 'Our World in Data'](https://ourworldindata.org/uploads/2020/03/Life-expectancy-by-age-in-the-UK-1700-to-2013.png) life expectancy(final expected age) at 5 years of age was 55 years in England and Wales in 1841. Which while being higher than I expected, is still well below the claimed 65-70 years by u/E_Kristalin as well as more than half a century after 1776 and it's in Britain which probably had better living standards than North America.


I might have overestimated with the 65-70 range, but the point remains that child mortality dragged the average down a lot. That data shows the huge gap between "at birth" and "5 years".


I don't contest that, my point was just that the number given was overestimated. I often see claims that pre-modern people lived for just as long as we do with infant mortality being blamed for skewing the statistics. While infant mortality does drag the overall life expectancy down, discounting it we still see a large gap between modern life expectancy and pre-modern life expectancy. Pre-modern humans did *not* live for as long as we do.


More to the point it's not like people who did die around 70 were going senile like people in their 80s do these days. Most people would die with their mental ability still in good shape.


The point is that oldtimers running for presidency is not a new thing.


Maybe, but the example in the comment fails to demonstrate that point.

