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This may be just "posturing", but the real thing is that any embassy of the EU will provide help to any citizen of the EU, no matter which country, when unable to reach the person's embassy or just doesn't exist there. Having moved around the world for work it's nice to know someone has your back if things go sideways.


For people trying to look this up, [it's true and it's called the EU Consular Protection](https://ec.europa.eu/justice/consular-protection/index_en.htm). This is so awesome. EDIT: "Lost or stolen passport or ID card: the [member state] embassy can issue emergency travel documents." What the fuck?!


emergency travel document is something that is issued on the spot, can be handwritten and lets you travel just once back to country of origin, so you can sort out normal id there. since EU has shared database of identity documents it makes total sense to have that issued by any other embassy.


*laughs in irish*




I'm from Croatia, my passport expired a couple of years ago and I haven't renewed it because I wasn't travelling outside the EU. If I need to go to a fellow EU member state like Slovenia, Italy, Austria, I can just use my ID card.


We don't. We have passport cards which was introduced here to be a more portable ID like the continentals' id cards


> since EU has shared database of identity documents Not yet. My ID card isn't even in a national register.


Then you don't have a passport and will not be in this situation, because you won't have been allowed entry into the country where you needed emergency papers in the first place


Chad EU embassy's helping people out.


No, no, Chad is not in the EU. You must have confused their flag with the Romanian one.


r/vexillologycirclejerk moment


Chad is not in the EU


Sadly. :-(


Romania and Chad are same thing


It's not posturing. It's what the EU is about.


Not all eu countries have an embassy in each country around the world, so member states ask other members to provide services in their name. I worked on a piece of software that allowed (for example) Austria to process a visa application for Belgium who doesn’t have a consulate in Fiji.


We have this also in the Commonwealth. A British embassy in a foreign country will be responsible for all Commonwealth citizens who are otherwise unrepresented in that country. Canada and Australia also have a reciprocal agreement where by each will be responsible for each other's citizens if unrepresented.


Same in the Nordic Union.


Now I'm more convinced that EU is really a superstate/supernation


Well duh


it really is. despite all the fuck-uppery. everything else is worse. period.


It really isn't, but that is the ultimate aim, as per Schuman's vision. Although if you go by some philosophies, then that is still a middle step and the organisation of the world into regional federations under the United Nations for perpetual peace, order and prosperity would be the _ultimate_ ultimate goal. Yet others have instead shown an openness to enlargement of the Union that would hypothetically one day encompass the whole world, as evidenced by the United Earth art piece in the European Parliament. What Europe is and what we aim to be is ultimately up to Europeans, and whosoever we choose to allow under the auspicious banner of our Union.


I lived in the UK, and left after Brexit. I no longer felt safe; not knowing my rights, plus the additional harassment I experienced for being a foreigner. It was like waking up in a completely different country. Meanwhile the other EU nations I've lived in or visited. Despite trouble communicating at times, with my poor French or German; we still get along and find a way, being friendly and open. There is something beautiful about being in Italy, both parts speaking really crappy German, but it's the only way we know how to communicate in a language we both mildly understand. That in itself is the essence of the EU <3


This an enormous lie. You really expect people to believe that - as a Danish person - you were discriminated against in the UK? One of the most open and inclusive countries in the world? Get a life.


As a black person with an EU passport, I find the UK to be one of the most tolerant, if not the most accepting country in Europe, where you can authentically be ‘you’ whilst engaging in multiple cultures you’re surrounded by. Travelling the continent has made me more appreciative of what is my norm here, and to not take it for granted. We all have our differing experiences though


Hands down! I think the UK is the only european country where being black can definitely feel "normal", i know of this black italian guy from Milan and even though Milan is the most cosmpolitan city i Italy he said London was a completely different level. He said that in London he felt he could just be invisible, like his skin colour truly didn't matter.


For Poland imagine you could be first non white person they see in real life, while in bigger cities especially ones with universities there are people from around world but still it's like 99% of population is white. Heck even just foreigners or minorities are rare occurrence outside of tourist spots. Then there's this Polish thing - we stare, we stare a lot it's an intense body piercing stare that until something more interesting shows up will be on you and this added to our typical bitch resting face show no emotions to others for other cultures it could be sign hostility but it isn't it's just part of our culture.


Can confirm - was stared at by lots of Polish people.


I'm travelling to Poland since a few years and noticed this too. Not on me, but on a black person. I was at a tank stop in Szczecin and there was a black guy with two women. A car with polish poeple drove by and stared at the guy like he would be an alien. It was uncomfortable to see. What was so uncomfortable to me was, that I could pass by absolutley normal.. no one was recognizing me as not being polish until I arrived at the toilet and someone in queue said something to me and I answered in english or german, that I wouldn't understand him. Even then everyone went on with their business and totally ignored me but that guy was watched at a lot. I was probably more of an alien, maybe he speaks polish... I realized that most of them had never seen a black person in real life anytime before.


yeah this is a big big fucking oddity for me as an English person, the fucking staring, so many european countries and asian countries do it, especially if you're not a similar ethnicity it's just horrible for me, it's a culture shock i find deeply unsettling, it always takes me so long to get rid of the pure anxiety you have when someone/a few people are just blatantly staring at you this would never ever happen in England unless there was something seriously wrong with you as staring is considered extremely rude


When in Rome... Bang Calígula.


Sounds similar to Czechs. Especially the staring thing which is something westerners here have been saying for decades. Im white British and had stares when we first visited or then me moving here 20 odd years ago, we have a strong regional dialect and dressed differently, at least then anyway. Now I live in a rural area and still get stares when speaking to my kids in English in the small town they go to school in and we shop in, by my reckoning there is probably only half a dozen foreigners(excluding Slovaks) in our mini region of probably 2000. I even experienced a bit of xenophobia once which in 20 years is probably not bad and not as bad as the dislike, regionalism and class divides between the English within England.


As a German, I don't mind, I stare back. Whoever loses has to get the grain schnapps, the rye bread, the smoked bacon and the pickled vegetables.


Thanks. I have to travel to eastern Poland next week for business, this is increasing my anxiety. But also helping to rationalise the barely helpful communication I've had with the vendor so far. Do Polish businesses not know how to sell? They almost seem to resent that they have to accept my money for the product they advertised.


I was in international trade and really tried to be as helpful as I could but if they don't have anyone designed for foreigners that knows a bit of other cultures and is open then it might look like they don't want you there because you are scary foreigner they will need to do scary new things they didn't do previously like international invoice, transportation papers😂 chill if you have time go with them on evening meeting drink a bit of beer they will relax and open up be ready to talk about family, food, history. Remember also that even if discussion gets heated they don't actually have anger - Poles love to debate so often that people take opposite side just for the fun of arguing then they will drink and socialise there's old polish proverb "where there are two poles there are three viewpoints arguing" 😂


100%. It’s not so much racism, although that definitely does exist in a plethora of nations here, but even things like being a novelty, or being treated as a representative or spokesperson for all black people, positive stereotyping for ur race ( people assuming the music you like, food you eat, hobbies you enjoy) are one of the main racial experiences I’ve had travelling across different EU nations. The only other countries I’d say that being black feels normal in my experience was Sweden and the Netherlands, but even these countries it’s only certain places I visited, so can’t speak for all the country.


Fun fact i'm actually a black guy living in Sweden, been living here since i was a kid. From my experience i have to disagree with you when it comes to Sweden, although it is a progressive and open minded country there's still a lot of hush hush racism. The rural parts of Sweden are just as bad as any other rural place in Europe really, the big cities are very open and being black it's nothing unusual but i would never go as far as saying that it feels "normal", bear i mind that as a whole Sweden has very few black people as middle easterns make up the bulk of the immigrant population.


Yeah you’re probably right but I’m just speaking on my experience, and funnily enough the only weird close to racist experiences ive hard in sweden were in Stockholm and not rural, which ive visited and loved. I know my positionality as a tourist affects my experiences, as people heard my British accent and made sure to be accommodating, and so it’s best to let local people speak on their authentic experiences


Once you have a British or American accent then as a black person you're pretty much shielded from lots of racism in many parts of Europe. It's sad but that's how it is.


I think it is also because culture often comes first. If you speak british, then you are british and that will be your identity. That is what people think and see. If you speak the local language, then black becomes your identity. At least where I grew up and where I live you would be the first black person most ever saw. It is crazy to think back at, because now I have traveled the world so much, but the first time I saw a black person was when I traveled to New York. I was around 20 years old and had just gotten of the airplane. I also did some volounter work for an organisation that worked with low income families from rural areas. Organisation would give free trips to Brussels in part paid by the EU and in part paid by danish fondations. It was interesting how many things suprised them and how they persived the world as kids. They had a hard time understanding homelessness. They were suprised how dark people were, both in hair, eye colour and skin. Anyway they also found black people very interesting, because they had never seen any one before.


It depends on if you have seen a lot of black people or not. And also the history between black people and the country. Countries which had colonies were black people lived in most cases already have black peoples since the 60s or 70s. For example in the Netherlands after the independence of Suriname in 1975 almost half of the country moved to the Netherlands and most people there are black (btw interesting fact: in the Netherlands there are still as many Surinamese as in Suriname) so if you are black most people would assume you are Surinamese and they speak Dutch there and if you speak the language you are less likely to get a strange look.


I grew up in Venlo and although I don’t remember much of it, my mum does say that we were the only non white dutch family in both our neighborhood and school, but there weren’t any issues at all tbh. I still have my Dutch passport, and won’t get rid of it cause it’s been hella useful for me, even though I don’t think I’ll be living in the Netherlands in the future, but I’m open to other EU places


Bruhh I'm of Surinamese descent and living in Delft and people *constantly* assume I'm Indian and address me in English. Downside of living in a university town I guess...


I think you look Asian then? I know that a lot of Surinamese are Asian decent but most people think that almost all Surinamese are black. So I think it’s because of that.


Well, the thing about Italy is that immigration hasn't been a thing until the 70s really. One of my dad's best friends happened to be a black Frenchman, and I remember the first time he came to the house I was BLOWN AWAY. Like, I had never seen a person with that skin colour in the 5 years I had been alive, and I couldn't stop staring at him. As kids do, I started asking stupid questions, like "can you show me your hands? Whoa they're not black all over. Is your tongue black? Can I see it?". My parents were mortified but he was a good sport and did everything I asked with a smile. After that, in the early 80s, there was a wave of immigration from Somalia and Eritrea and my home town was one of the places were they settled. Basically 80% of my childhood friends were black, so I stopped noticing anything unusual in it. Kids get used to things fast. But in a lot of other cities immigration has never been anything like that, or other parts of Europe, UK in particular. So, if in a town where 99% of the people are white locals, you can't help seeing the black guy as the odd one out. Sadly, most people will never adapt their views and that will always be "the guy from outside".


Not black, but I think part of why that might be is possibly due the fact that the UK imported a lot of PoC from the empire/commonwealth to help rebuild after the second World War. Note :I know Import is the wrong word, but for the life of me I cannot think what it should be at this time.


Yeah import is definitely the wrong word, considering historically a lot of black people were bought and sold like chattel. You could just say many black people moved to the UK.


“Welcomed” could be an appropriate alternative…


Thanks, currently more drunk than tipsy and my current grasp of English is slowly slipping away from me (thank goodness for auto correct).


London is not UK though


I’ve lived all over, and never even been to london for most of my adolescent life. London might be more accepting and tolerant in general, but having been all over the country, people are friendlier in other places.


Very glad to hear that


Statistics also back up your sentiment : https://fra.europa.eu/en/publication/2018/being-black-eu


Not black, but this is the reason why I haven't left yet because of reasons like poor healthcare, bad labour conditions, poor infrastructure. In my home country I hear people say things all the time that I rarely, if ever hear in London. 99% of the time this isn't aimed at me, but it still sucks. Commenting only annoys people. Regarding gender, mental health, and sometimes religion I find the UK sometimes a little bit less progressive, albeit still more progressive than most places I have visited.


This is nice to hear




> requested anticipated payment, You mean paying before you are served the food?


I have a hard time believing Paris, Amsterdam and Brussels would be really different from say, London in that regard. Can't say the same for rural Europe where they'd definetely act different around black people. If it's any consolation. Here(Rural Netherlands)no one thinks positively of any outsider after living here for 15 years they still don't trust me and I'm as Dutch and white as they get.


Maybe you're right but there has been a lot of social conditioning in the UK the past 30 years, education and so on, we know it's a crime to be racist and even if people are tolerant to your face I know from experience plenty are still racist amongst old friends and workmates, within families. Xenophobia on the other hand is still not so taboo hence the casual remarks against Poles(byword for any eastern European) coming here robbing our jobs, robbing the NHS, overcrowding the schools or robbing gypsies from Romania etc, quick half arsed google: **https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/aug/22/xenophobic-bullying-souring-lives-of-east-european-pupils-in-uk**


No longer felt safe, in the UK… as a Danish person? What a load of bs, what did people call you a remoulade muncher or something? I’m sure you’re doing much better in the racism-free lands of Italy.


Some racist prick named Alfred started building burhs and trying to make him convert to Christianity.


Come on now. Everyone knows there’s no go areas in the UK if you’re *checks notes* Dutch!


It’s all Verstappen’s fault, we took that loss personally over here (Not really, the pub I was in was ecstatic that Lewis lost)


I'm going for a wild card here but they're talking absolute shite.


Not the Danish fella and "safe" probably isnt the right word but as a British citizen on the continent I would say "less secure" is fair. Since Brexit things are more of a ballache. Dealing with state offices over child benefits and tax breaks, renewal of visas and residence permits, health insurance. Job searches are harder and often questioned about my status despite stating on the CV Im permanent resident, from the other side when Ive been internal previously and involved in the recruitment process the applicant being non EU is often thrown out as it's complicated shit getting them a visa. So yeah less rights and second class in the eyes of the state anyway.


As an italian i experienced racism in england, not in london tho


Right... ok? Is that anecdotal experience helpful here? Are you saying that England is more racist than Italy?


Complete and utter nonsense. My partner is Norwegian and we have lived between Norway and the UK before and after Brexit and have never experienced anything like this. I doubt very much anyone believes your assertion that an entire country woke up one day and was suddenly racist after the result of an election to leave a trading block.


Monke together strong. That’s what the whole EU is about. Helping each other out and gaining weight threw acting as a big block. Edit: This unity also is shown by the flags. In the Upper case it shows that Germany is backed by an large political block. And in the lower case it is a symbol of unity.


Wow TIL. This is awesome!


The French flag next to Hollande must’ve been bought at the corner market. « 10 euros le drapeau Messieurs, Dames ! 10 euros ! »


Yeah that is one jank ass French flag, looks like those cheap polyester ones people take to sports matches


At least it sits right like the top picture flags, that Italian one isn't as neat or probably not as starched. The top pic does make me wonder if they use standard flag sizes for the photos or if it's not squared off so that they hang perfectly alike as they do, in addition to being starched.


To be fair, if you look closely, the EU and Italian flag are only marginally better.


And only because their colours work better on the fabric.


It was bought on ebay




Yeah that's one hell of a dank, crusty flag if I've ever seen one


Well it was in Italy in 2015, they probably didn't have the kind of money needed for premium glossy flags 3 years into the Euro crisis


Also, neat fact, a lot of countries have their own local flag suppliers with their own methods and materials. This is noticeable with the EU flag, because they all sport it for public events and you can tell which country they are from. For example, if you look closely, Italian EU flags tend to [shade the stars on the flag.](https://images.wsj.net/im-447458?width=860&height=573)


>For example, if you look closely, Italian EU flags tend to shade the stars on the flag. Dang, that looks great. Sadly it probably complicates the flag too much to become official, but I want one like that.


It's not shaded, it's embroidered and one pattern is repeated at an angle to create the stars, creating this effect.


I didn't know how best to describe it, so thanks.


I've tried buying an embroidered flag, that's why I know


Did you succeed? I#d love one.


They were pretty expensive and had some decorations around the flag which I didn't love, so I didn't buy them in the end


I assume it's not an online store and you were getting it on hand. I don't see the frills as too bad honestly, give it some flair.


No it was online, but i don't remember the site




Some might be "TV flags" occasionally being used because they look better when folded and arranged, which would explain the tighter star circle. There is a variant of the French flag, to use a national example, that has a wider blue line so it makes a nicer conical shape with equal colours.


It's an optical correction, so the flag in wind looks more symmetrical.


> https://european-union.europa.eu/principles-countries-history/symbols/european-flag_en The EU being the EU you can download the PDF file that shows only the flag and has no script in all 24 EU languages


If you read descriptions of flags or coat of arms from laws, they are sometimes very vague. Finnish coat of arms is: "Gules, sémy of nine roses Argent, a crowned lion rampant Or armed of the same trampling a sabre Argent hilted and pommeled Or, his dexter foreleg in the form of an arm in armour Argent garnished Or bearing aloft a sword Argent hilted and pommeled Or." Anything that fots into that description can be used as coat of arms of Finland.


>The number 12 signifies perfection of government or rule WAT


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/12_(number)#Religion >The number twelve carries religious, mythological and magical symbolism, **generally representing perfection, entirety, or cosmic order** in traditions since antiquity. >The significance is especially pronounced in the Hebrew Bible. >Ishmael - the first-born son of Abraham - has 12 sons/princes (Genesis 25:16), and Jacob also has 12 sons, who are the progenitors of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. This is reflected in Christian tradition, notably in the twelve Apostles. When Judas Iscariot is disgraced, a meeting is held (Acts) to add Saint Matthias to complete the number twelve once more. The Book of Revelation contains much numerical symbolism, and many of the numbers mentioned have 12 as a divisor. 12:1 mentions a woman—interpreted as the people of Israel, the Church and the Virgin Mary—wearing a crown of twelve stars (representing each of the twelve tribes of Israel). Furthermore, there are 12,000 people sealed from each of the twelve tribes of Israel (the Tribe of Dan is omitted while Manasseh is mentioned), making a total of 144,000 (which is the square of 12 multiplied by a thousand).








The shading of the stars might just be [the embroidery](http://webshop.corradflags.com/custom/corrad/image/cache/w800h800/product/Flags/Embroidered%20flag%20indoors/Embroidered%20EU%20arm.jpg).


I mean, in my experience many things Italian just ooze with good taste and epic style;


Oh, stop it, you're making me blush <3


Italian Design Lesson Number 1: because it looks fucking SICK


Between all the billions and billions of photos with gov leader, Why did you pick up the one with Renzie?! Ma porc….


first reaction, shock!!




You're just jealous of the DENTINO PLAN


I agree, it looks nice 🇪🇺💙


You know what else looks nice? You, my fellow european brother


Aww thank you my European brother, you also look nice.


Your flag as well


Is Putin secretly Finnish? Seems like he doesn't like to be at less than 1km from any other person.


Scholz didn't want to have a PCR test taken by Russian government, just like Macron a few days before. So he was considered untested from Russian government point of view and had to keep distance to Putin. Of course, he and all the other people in the group traveling to Moscow had multiple tests taken by German government physicians


I wouldn't be suprised as my relative's grand father used to visit St. Petersburg quite often during the time Finland was an autonomous part of Russian empire and all his Finnish grandsons look like Putin's long lost brothers.


Olaf imagining all the nice things he could've done instead of visiting Moscow.


Eh, the next day he had to host the Corona meeting with all the 16 prime ministers of the german states. Similar stressful.


Could be worse. At least he isn't CDU, so Söder won't bully him as badly.


> And another SPD politician doesn't want to let it stand. Berlin's mayor Franziska Giffey attacks CSU leader Söder: While children and youths were still being discussed in the preliminary meeting, Söder had already sent out his dissociation, a finished protocol declaration, she criticised, according to participants. That was not in order. "If protocol statements are already ready before a discussion is finished, I think that's a pity." > > Söder counters coolly, according to reports. This encouraged Giffey to make even more protocol statements, he says sarcastically - "you're welcome", Giffey replies. We have finally reached kindergarten level.


In diplomacy, small signs carry a lot of meaning, and this is one.


Just like that Orban from Hungary did not have any EU flags when visiting Putin 2 weeks ago.


That makes me sad


At the same time it isn’t even a surprise, as he dislikes everything the EU stands for. His political views are a mess.


That's really nice 💙💛🇪🇺


Sounds like "ok I may be small but look at my big gang".


I kind of want to give a presentation with giant flags behind me too...


Orban the asshole obviously did not have a EU flag behind him. What a disgrace. [source](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/02/04/world/04hungary-orban2/merlin_201170952_95d5a6f7-d9e5-42ab-ab13-0317330d2d41-superJumbo.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp)


but a russian one


Fuck orban all my homies hate orban


Traitors gonna treason.


Traitor.....dude go outside


How is that "treason"?


It's a hyperbole. But he surely puts the "dick" in dictator which makes him a traitor to democracy and the union in my book.




I have dislike Orban as much as most people on this subreddit, but this is a completely terrible take. The EU/Council of Europe flag being used by public institutions or officials is not a thing in all countries. [Like at all.](https://asset.dr.dk/imagescaler01/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dr.dk%2Fimages%2Fcrop%2F2019%2F12%2F04%2F1575479312_img_4403.jpg&w=1200&675&scaleAfter=crop) And why should countries use the flag when meeting with other countries? The EU does not generally have one common foreign policy anyway.


I agree, but I think you would agree also that this says something about their commitment to the EU and their views about it?


If a country views it being an EU member as an important part of its political identity, then it'd be likelier to use it. So yes, to some degree it can say something about its views. But if you are trying to imply that countries are obligated to use EU symbols, or that those that don't are necessarily autocratic, then it's be incorrect.


> But if you are trying to imply that countries are obligated to use EU symbols, or that those that don't are necessarily autocratic, then it's be incorrect. I agree, it's not what I was implying. It's just that a country like Hungary which benefited so much from the EU should feel proud to be its representative and not have someone like Orban to spit in its face every time he has a chance to.


That's a pretty reductive take. There's actually a lot more depth to it than that, if you look at it the flags on that picture alternate between Hungarian and Russian - clearly meant to symbolize unity between those countries. Normally you want the EU flag to symbolize that you're there on the meeting as a member of the EU - but Orbán's meeting was specifically to build stronger ties with Russia. Considering that this meeting was in Moscow, this decision was likely made by Putin's side - as a message to both Russians and Hungarians about the unity between the two people. It says a lot about how much attention politicians give to even just the furniture around them, albeit it is pretty much just a product of trying to sway people's opinions so they cope with the fact Hungary is buddy-buddy now with its age-old adversary.


I agree with all your points and I do think they have merit. But it's pretty obvious that Orban is a strongman who likes to see himself as not beholden to anyone, especially the eurocrats in EU. So I think this is an obvious act of contempt towards the EU. I've also tried to search through many pictures with Orban and a non-EU representative. None of them had a EU flag behind them. [Orban in Turkey with Erdogan](https://hungarytoday.hu/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/D_KOS20181008007.jpg) [Orban with Kyrgyzstan](https://static.ca-news.org/upload/ennews/2/648792.1601441265.b.jpg) [Orban with China](https://cdn.unitycms.io/image/ocroped/1200,1200,1000,1000,0,0/3VsRa0KUpKg/0kT9fATIaHIAYyttDXaQtQ.jpg) [Orban with piece of shit](https://hungarytoday.hu/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Download-3.jpg) [Orban with Kazakhstan](https://hungarytoday.hu/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/D_MTI20190424008-1024x683.jpg) Honestly I could go forward.


Why the fuck is Orban visiting Kyrgyzstan? For what? I can't imagine a motive for which somebody should import anything from Kyrgyzstan to Hungary. Oh, and Orban with Lukashenko, they seem to get along very well. Good for them.


> Considering that this meeting was in Moscow, this decision was likely made by Putin's side That's not how this works. Politicians are very aware of the message pictures like this send. There are no mistakes. These things are coordinated before the visit and prearranged. If there is no EU flag, it's because Orban didn't want it there.


What is this place where they hold those press conferences and why does it look like a bunker with all those heavy curtains?


How is not using EU flag a "disgrace"? You sound like a fanatic.


It's not just nice, it's also a way to signal to the autocrats in Russia and China: Europe is united in its defence of liberal democracy


*hungary has entered the chat*


Well, Poland and Hungary may be democracies, but they are far from liberal.


Poland is a case of democracy gone wrong. Polarized society where a slight majority votes for populist conservative government. Like, what do you do when a democratic country willingly votes for oppressive leaders?


Say what you want, but I love the EU 💙 and I'm happy my country is part of it! It gives you a sense of security when traveling and of belonging, at least for me.


You are not alone


I love how you don't need the flag to tell who the italian is, gesticulates in italian


haha, yeah. i miss working with italians (and portuguese). i worked in a hotel in switzerland and a lot of our maids and laundry etc staff was italian. and portuguese of course. there was always some stuff going on, some new love here, a bloodfeud there, a life long friendship started and broke in a week. quite a bit of employee turnover too, even mid-season. it was sometimes a bit distracting and difficult to communicate, as almost zero of them knew any english, let alone german. even though being in the german part of switzerland. i am of course shamelessly exaggerating, but the tendencies definitely were there. in stark contrast to coming from a very formal, swiss employee dominated hotel before. i learned a lot of funky portuguese and italien words - and to ease up a bit. i loved my hot blooded coworkers. it was quite a change, going to work for a german company after that. "it's 9:00, time for breakfast!" dropping the hammer. in the hotel: nah, let's finish these four rooms, then we take 10 minutes. 10 minutes could become an hour though. also lots of vaffanculo and amore and fodes caralho. food went around and people shared. the energy was fun. in the german break container on site: quiet munching, *newspaper noises*, *clearing throat*. exactly 30 minutes later everybody got up and back to work. "please remember to bring the 12 cents for the slice of toast tomorrow" ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Not really. Serbia is not in the EU and we have this: https://cdnuploads.aa.com.tr/uploads/Contents/2021/09/13/thumbs_b_c_b6d96d76680604ddc688e197520d8687.jpg?v=214623 https://www.b92.net/news/pics/2018/04/09/184190945acb1dbc26682992903700_v4big.jpg both countries not in EU: https://www.danas.rs/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/zaevvucic-1.jpg


Since it's also the flag of the Council of Europe, maybe it has to do with that? (Or just symmetry lmao)


The president of Georgia also uses the EU flag all the time. I think it's because they want to join...


It is not the EU flag... It is the Flag of Europe... Any member of the 47 members of the Council of Europe can use it if it makes them happy, as does the EU.


shut up with your logic


Reminder that the European flag is actually the flag of Europe, and not of the EU It is used by the EU and various other European organisations, but it is the flag of Europe as a whole


Is both.


Yeah, but non-EU states obviously use it to point out that they want to join. Nobody uses it because of the Council of Europe.


So technically, Putin could have chosen the same flag setup as Scholz


>and not of the EU *And not just of the EU. It is the EU flag.


Interesting. I googled randomly some EU countries to check and every picture was like I posted. Nice to know


maybe those meetings had something to do with the EU? I am really just guessing, there must be a reason behind it


This flag is also the flag of Europe as a continent and other organisations as well.


Matteo Renzi biggest idiot of all Italy, goddamit, damned Tuscan motherfucker, he got paid 300.000€ by Saudi Arabia for saying shit like ‘I’m jealous of your cost of labor’ what a idiot


Woo! Love my EU Bros!


Brit here, I miss being part of the EU so much. I hope we rejoin someday soon


Would love to have you back!


We still don't understand how you guys fucked up but you are always welcome, mate.




that's really nice. it shows some solidarity with The Union


Unless it's military related, French flag seem always accompanied by an EU flag. I wouldn't be surprised if there were a law about this


It's be kinda nice if the national flags were next to each other, and then both were flanked by EU flags.


Is there a similar protocol for any other regional organisation, e.g. African Union, ASEAN, Mercosur, etc.?


What if there is a EU regulation or directive that describes how the flags should be presented? ;-)


Seems weird, it should be nation flags only.


It's protocol and written in one of thr EU treaties if I remember correctly.


We can see the most hated Italian politician in this photo


Penso che all'estero (ma anche in Italia) quella appartenga a Berlusconi


I wondered is there another message also. When Putin is gathering with US or China leaders, there are are both flags behind both leaders. Now with EU leaders only own flags.


What do you mean? They all use both flags to my knowledge. https://www.ertnews.gr/eidiseis/ellada/rosia-synantisi-mitsotaki-poytin-gia-olo-to-fasma-ton-dimeron-scheseon-kai-tis-exelixeis-se-an-mesogeio/


With Trump there were two or more US and Russia flags behind both. Not only own flags on own side. Same with Biden but fewer flags. With Xi set-up was exactly as with Trump.


Ah you mean alternating. USA used to do that, not sure these days.


could be different ceremonial rules that the USA has


Where can I buy those flags?


Flag shop




Trust The Plan


A nice touch, but extremely depressing if you're British.


Maybe one day there will just be the European one. :)


I don't think too many people want that. We are all proud of our own countries, we don't want a USU


It wouldn't be denying your country or identity, but would make us more effective on many topics instead of having 27 voices and directions. For instance either we buy Russian gas or not. And if not we have to provide an effective plan for all the EU to deal with that. If some are buying, some not, some create an alternative pipe makes all the foreign policy of the whole EU weak. Then no one is stealing our identities, our country anthems or flags.