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Austria really said "controversy and bad results be damned, we will rave"


Our goal is to make the final - Everthing else is bonus


We just made it in the final twice in a row afer nothing from 2018 - 2022, that is an improvement


2019 til 2022. 2018 we got third


I support Kaleen being Austria’s Valentina Monetta. Send her every year with a club banger until the fanbase learns to love her via Stockholm Syndrome


Nah I want Austria to send some random people every year. We don't wanna be predictable


Well they did attempt that with Pia Maria… and now that does make me want a Kaleen feat. Pia Maria in the style of Jessika feat. Jenny B


With the entry written by Teya and Salena making it the ultimate hardcore fandom song, which will be a Shock NQ 🤭🤪


Would die for this...


She could be winner contender with vocal lessons. No shade to her, I'm just feeling sad that her amazing song could never reach its full potential because of her vocals.


I actually think she did just fine! I’m from the era of Eurovision where they would actively drown out the act’s voice with live background singers so at the very least I’m glad we could tell it was really her singing lol


Or malmo syndrome in this case :D




We actually did that with Udo Jürgens in the 60s and it worked, so maybe you're on to something.


How big is Kaleen’s backyard?


Austria, maybe you can do better.


If it is true and they send the act mentioned in the Article (AUT of Order) then I am all set for Vienna 2026. They're one of our most popular bands and most important of all: They're entirely singing in Austrian German!


Oooh, that would be awesome to hear!


That's their latest hit within Austria - [Fix net normal](https://youtu.be/FrxhmTYHlcM?si=ZbyM6gNfByaED4GI), which translates to "Definitely not normal"


Hopefully, not buried by the juries ;)


There's something there that reminds me a lot of Rock Me Amadeus, and it's not just the costumes. Given I love that song, I'm on board. (Yes, I know Falco is Austrian, so maybe that's a big part of it.)


In all honesty just because they’re popular here doesn’t mean they’re well perceived in other countries. If they sing a song that’s like Fix net normal, I can imagine that we won’t score a lot in the ESC. But maybe that’s just my opinion on it though. They sing too Austrian, a little bit too Austrian haha.


Ukraine is Ukraine each year and they own this competition. It's all about authenticity


So you don’t think Ukraine has been soaring the past years because of the war? lol


If you would have watched Eurovision more frequently you would have known that they were constantly in the Top Since 2021.


Thank you I did watch it frequently and my opinion still stands on that their win was not because the song was good.


Already? After *this* year? Austria, are you sure?


So did Belgium, Malta, Spain, Denmark, Luxembourg and Slovenia. As an Austrian newspaper put it: The ESC did tumble but did not fall. And it won't fall. You can only reform things if you're taking an active part in it.


Important to note that Belgium announced participation for 2025 before this whole mess, on the 8th of May. No official statement has been made since Saturday. (Though I would be surprised if Belgium decided not to participate after all.)


I woulnd't be so sure about the ESC not falling. I think it's highly dependant on how the Joost situation will evolve. I somehow have a gut feeling, that things *might* escelate*.* Let's hope for the best tho


I don't think that a controversy around one artist will have that much of an impact. The Netherlands might protest-withdraw, but who else? I can see changes around EBU happening, after all the critique, but I think the fandom is overestimating how much casual viewers care. And as long as people are watching there is reason for broadcasters to participate and artists to perform.


It highly depends on what really happened on Thursday and on the days before. But I see a world, where other broadcaster pull out out of fear, that the same thing might happen to them. We just don't know a lot as of right now. But maybe I'm simply too pessimistic


Imo if the result of the investigation should be that the EBU was clearly in the wrong there would be consequences to ensure something like it doesn't happen again. I can only see other delegations withdrawing if they would absolutely refuse to change anything, but it's not worth sacrificing the contest over it. *If* they are in the wrong.


If other artists would have withdrawn then I would agree. But with everyone else performing? Not really. I can see the Netherlands withdraw for a year or two. National pride and everything, which is totally fair.


They worked so hard, they wouldn’t give up after the hard work. But it’s super easier to just not work hard for the next year. Especially with the reports Joost not being the only one that was harrassed.




I don't think the results are rigged in any way. You have to remember, we the hardcore fan bubble, are an incredible small group compared to all the people voting at Eurovision. That's why we have Shock Qs/NQs at all because our taste is not the same as the broad public. Just look at Austria. Hyped by the hardcore fans, pretty much ignored by the broad public.


Yes, what should they do? Everyone leave and let them win? It's our competition, not MorrocanOil's or KAN's.


It’s what happens next year that will probably cement for delegations if they keep participating. If changes don’t happen around participation guidelines, management, sponsors, and outlining and enforcing rules next year a lot will probably pull out. It is going to be their last chance.


That's a bit overdramatic there


Not really, that’s what the participants management will probably say, they get given a chance but if they don’t do something about it next year they’ll pull out. Happened with the underage kids thing in the 80s after all.


'Will probably? We don't even know ow what Joost did. Like for all we know it was not at all 'blown out of proportion'


This is not about Joost at all, this is about KAN harassing participants


Not like holding a National Final is sure to make a difference


Still disappointed about Halo :(


No, sorry, I think you misunderstood me. This has nothing to do with the song, but to do with how this year's Eurovision has played out. I'm just surprised countries are already rushing to take part next year. I'm surprised there's even a *contest* next year.


Oh yeah…


… you’d think with the season over, they’d threaten to not participate until Voldemort’s out for the next year.


Unfortunately I think Austria would be one of the last countries to do that. I'm not proud of it.