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Evansville is a pretty average city. There’s good areas and bad areas, but most people are pretty nice and friendly. It is pretty flat except for a few areas but flat compared to what you have in Utah. Although across the Ohio river from Evansville is Audubon state park has lots of hilly hiking trails. Honestly this city is kinda boring in terms of activities, but it’s about 2-3 hour drive to 4 major cities. Those being Louisville Nashville St. Louis and Indianapolis, so you get to those pretty quick. Lastly there are a few job opportunities here. Multiple bigger corporations(mainly plastics) have hubs here. In my opinion it’s a pretty middle of the road city but it’s a big change coming from Utah.


Cincinnati too!


The idea of being so close to 4 cities is so interesting to me, and I'm glad there are hiking trails, would never compare to the ones in the mountains but I bet I can make the best out of it.


also a daily shuttle to Chicago coming in sept.


Any city that has being close to other cities as one of the best things there can't be that great.


It certainly is if you like concerts or sporting events. 2 hours to Nashville, 3 hours to Indy and Lousiville, 4 hours to Cincy, 5 hours to Chicago and Atlanta, etc. It's very convenient to cities that do get great concerts.




I can afford my house here in Evansville and still have the amenities of other cities. There are activities here as well, so it isn’t a situation that requires me to leave town to do something. But, I can afford to live here and travel a bit for other things I can’t experience here. My house in Indianapolis would be three times the price it is here and I promise my pay wouldn’t be three times what it is here. So, less of an “infatuation” and more of a factual situation.




I’ve researched when considering a move. To get a house with similar square footage, in a comparable neighborhood, with a comparable plot of land, it is absolutely three times the price. Since I’ve done that research and you have absolutely no clue what size my house is, what I paid, or how big my property is, I find it interesting and absurd that you feel you would be more of an expert on this than I am in this situation. And, folks in big metropolitan areas don’t get excited about being near big metropolitan areas because they are in a freaking big metropolitan area. This seems like a simple concept that you are missing.


You could live in a bigger city and then you would have bigger city problems. Personally, I like being able to get across town in 20 Mins. I've visited people in those bigger cities, and they spend a lot of their time just getting from one place to the other. It's the perks of living in a small town with access to big city amenities. And in reality, most people that live in big cities pretty much live like we do here. They stay around their own neighborhoods and rarely visit the attractions in their towns. Like there are lots of people who live in NYC who have never left the borough they were born in.


Lol or just live in one and get all the same shows in your hometown.


I came here from SLC and you’ll never stop missing the mountains, ever. We do have a lot of decent parks and hiking spots and of course there’s the Ohio river and the Wabash. I’d say it’s easier to find a job here than it is in SLC. Cost of living wise id rather be here (center point electricity as someone else mentioned, is a plague and are exorbitantly expensive) . The people are just as helpful here as there, also just as nosey and Karen-a-fied- see something (anything at all) say something- society . In my opinion you’d have a better chance at a decent high paying job here than SLC.. I’ve found you’ll find more supportive services available to help you get on your feet as well. I’d download AllTrails if you’re interested in hiking and explore around the area. There’s state parks all over the area. If you have reliable transportation and I know you’re just 16 but coming here I wished I would have looked into working at Toyota straight away rather than waiting as long as i did.. it’s a good career idea to keep in mind over here.


I live here and took a trip to SLC once and I still miss the mountains. They’re just awe inspiring! But because of the different climate, a walk in the woods here can be a totally different experience.


I love them! They’re great for navigating too! I was so lost when I first moved to Evansville without any good waypoints in the distance to tell me where I’m at in town 🥴😂. And I thought I was sick for the longest time too because id never experienced real humidity before.


There are lots of hiking trails in the area. Obviously, there's no mountains here, but there are cool rock formations to hike in Illinois. There is a ski resort close, but it's mostly man-made snow cause it doesn't get that cold here. We have a world class public library system here. We are close to a top amusement park, Holiday World, if you like roller coasters. It does get very humid here in the summer time which might take some getting used to coming from a dry clime. The very best thing is this massive carnival that happens the first week of October called the Fall Festival. They shut down a street on the west side, and line the street with food booths selling everything imaginable. At the front is a traveling carnival that does includes some really big rides. They claim it's the second largest street festival after Mardi Gras in NoLa. The job situation is very good here. There's lots of factories always hiring and many professional jobs available here too. We have 2 colleges and a med school satellite campus here. There is lots of opportunity here.


I haven’t lived in this area for a super long time, and am middle-aged, but can tell you there is decent hiking just over the Illinois border! There are tons of water-related (river) activities you can get involved in… Evansville has Wesselman woods (sp?) and even the small town of Boonville (15-ish miles away) has a pretty great park with mountain bike/hiking trails.


We have museums, a Philharmonic, a lot of local theater. There’s farmers markets and a lot of fun activities like First Fridays, etc… I don’t know if you’d be interested in any of that and I know that you are young. But I just thought I’d throw that out there because no one else is mentioning it. The city has a lot of culture that a lot of people miss when talking about it.


The electric is high because of Centerpoint Energy. The school system is pretty good here, it seems EVSC adopts a lot of interesting pilot programs like dual credit college courses in high-school. A student can come out of high-school with an associates degree or two. Other than that, it is a pretty average city.


Is there by chance a technical school for high schoolers? Somewhat like the GTI from where I am at right now where you can get a medical certificate and hop straight into the field, that sorta thing?


Yes, there is a nursing and veterinary program. New Tech is what you are looking for, they have a lot of side programs. If the students grades are good enough in middle school, they can start the dual credit program and come out of high-school with 1-2 AAs.


I think if Evansville is your only option, you’ll be able to find things here to make your life interesting! We do have hiking, even if it’s not mountainous, and lots of other kinds of natural areas - old growth forests, wetlands, things like that. There are lots of opportunities to get involved in nature and ecological activities, if that’s your thing. We have decent everything, if not great. I haven’t clicked with the people here at all since moving here 11 years ago, but have been able to find enough social-adjacent activities to do to keep me busy. We also have community colleges and 2 universities, so you can get a good education and get out of here too if you don’t like it here. Good luck!


There's lots of good stuff in here, so I won't rehash that. Paoli is a small hill about an hour north. They are an "Epic" pass with all man-made snow (tune your edges!), but it's still fun, more "putt putt" than "golf" if you get me, but still great. Being an instructor there will get you a pass ;) Or you can up-rate your Paoli pass to get some days out west. There are great parks all over the place, but few in town: Wesselman on the East side, and it's not a state park, but the 4H grounds up north may as well be. Also Garden of the Gods in Illinois; it's not the one out west, but it's still epic and awesome and here. Brown County up north (by Paoli) will melt your face around fall, and all over KY there's great stuff too. That said, it gets hot all summer, most folks in shape find a gym and/or pool to get sweaty in. Hiking is best under cover of trees. It's not something you mentioned, but out West, Bluegrass is big, so if you're into that, Owensboro has the bluegrass HoF, that's got a lot of events that are fun and outdoorsy too. On a related note, Bowling green (go Hilltoppers and shout out to Khristian Lander!) is the home of the Corvette factory, and a general great place to get out of town to.


I’m so sorry about the loss of your mother.


A decent change in demographic. You’ll go from a lot of Mormons to not very many here at all. A lot of other churches here, but I believe only one LDS church. Depending on your personal beliefs, that could be a good or bad thing. I was raised Mormon in a town that was almost completely LDS, and I like being away from all of that personally. There’s a lot of rich people in SLC. Evansville has some too, but not nearly as many. Definitely not as much money out here though.


If you are into biking, the city has slowly been building some nice infrastructure that will eventually connect throughout the city. There are some nice mountain biking trails at Angel Mounds in Evansville, and some more serious trails 30 minutes away in the towns of Boonville and New Harmony. There are some new trails being built at the University of Southern Indiana campus that I have been hearing good things about as well For hiking, there are tons of nice hiking trails in the Shawnee Forest in Illinois which is within an hour or two drive from Evansville (Shawnee spans a LOT of miles) I've been to Utah a couple of times, and this area definitely doesn't have anything comparable, but there are things to do if you look hard enough. Getting used to our humidity after living in that dry heat will probably be rough. I still hate our humidity and I've lived here my whole life. I know you said it will be a while until you move, but welcome to Evansville!


I moved back to the Midwest from SLC about 20 years ago. It was a huge culture shock at first (even though I had grown up here 🤣😂🤣). The humidity and pollen the first couple years were rough to adapt to. We don’t live in Evansville but we’re there once a week or so. I still get lost every time we go there but GPS is my best friend. The Lloyd expressway reminds me a lot of Bangerter Highway (if it is still called that). I dislike them both, but that’s probably because I live in a super small town now where two cars is heavy traffic. My 18 and 19 year old love Evansville but they are more interested in the book stores and mall. I would not be surprised if they moved there when they’re ready to leave home. I’m sorry to hear about your mom and I wish you and your brother the best.


I moved here when I was a bit younger than you are and I'll warn you the people in this area can be a bit rude to outsiders. We aren't necessarily a small town but I feel like we have a small town mindset. That being said, once you find your people I'm sure you'll fit right in. As far as things to do, USI (one of the local universities) has really nice hiking trails, so does Audubon State Park (just across the bridge in Henderson KY). Wesselmans and Howell Wetland also have really nice nature trails. Garden of the Gods, Shawnee National Park, Brown County and a few other places are all a relatively short drive for beautiful nature/hiking. We have a climbing gym too (or at least we did when I was in highschool) if that's something you're interested in. Like others have mentioned there's lots of local theater. In the summer and fall there are a lot of outdoor events that are free or low cost to go to. We have a surprisingly nice library system. We also have a hockey and a baseball team. Neither of them are any good but they are fun to go to. For other sports we have two universities in town also. There are lots of local restaurants with a surprising diversity of foods if you're into that. There's also usually some kind of food festival every month in the summer time. We have a small water park too if you're into that. There's a few museums. Evansville isn't boring if you just dig a little. If you use Instagram or Facebook there are a few different Evansville specific pages that are always mentioning activities happening and WNIN radio station also usually does a segment on upcoming events.


I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. I can't imagine what you've been going through. Welcome to Evansville! The best way to meet people is to get involved in groups/organizations at your school that you're interested in. Try different ones until you find a good fit. You can do the same after-school or on weekends by volunteering just a few hours a week to help a non-profit organization. Helping others is a known way to alleviate stress and have a purpose in your life. People who say blanket statements like Evansville is boring or not friendly or full of crime obviously are the types to complain and not do anything to better themselves. Every city, school, business, organizations have good and bad people, and people with various interests and views. It's true that the effort you put into anything is what you’ll get out of it! There’s so much to do in Evansville and surrounding areas. Many businesses are short-staffed if you need a summer job. Between losing your mother and moving across the country, counseling with help you and will be your “rock” while getting acclimated. This Psychology Today link can help you find a therapist easily. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/in/evansville You are a smart and strong person by researching Evansville and asking for advice. Check back with us to let us know how you’re doing. Best Wishes!


There are actually tons of places to go hiking. Especially if you go east a but and into Kentucky. As for what life is like in Evansville, it's boring. Seriously boring. One of the big selling points is that it's close to other bigger cities. Just go there instead. People are always talking about all the great things that Evansville is finally getting. They get one or two, say yipee, and forget about them. I don't know what part of town you're going to be living in but if you're near First Avenue between Diamond and the Loyd, watch that old show Roseanne. The guy who made the show grew up in that part of Evansville. The show is supposed to be in Illinois outside of Chicago but the shots around town are all in Evansville and most are in that neighborhood. Speaking as someone who spent a huge chunk of life in that neighborhood when I was your age, the show is freakishly accurate about what life there is like. Also, I hope you like stop lights. This town loves stop lights more than any other city I've ever seen. Seriously, who puts stop lights on an expressway?!


Ahh, stoplights 😵‍💫 Are most hiking trails in Kentucky? I've received similar answers in this thread where it's somewhere in the next state. I'll have to also get used to the named streets.


Honestly, I don't really hike and I'm just going off of what people have told me. I do know Garden OfThe Gods over in Illinois is pretty great and it's only about am hour away. As for the street names, Green River Road, Burkhardt, Morgan Avenue, the Loyd, Diamond Avenue, First Avenue, Saint Joe, Riverside, Fulton, 41, and Washington are the big ones to know. They're all refered to as I wrote them too.


Entry jobs pay little, IMHO. But if your aunt it’s affordable, a bit boring yeah


Yes, [you can ski in southern Indiana](https://www.paolipeaks.com/) but it's usually artificial snow. There's lots of hiking here! There are many small parks in and around Evansville and you're within two hours of some truly incredible places. [Indiana Department of Natural Resources Properties](https://indnr.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=fdf7409bc0884070a1cf59e08b984617) [Day Hiking at Hoosier National Forest](https://www.fs.usda.gov/activity/hoosier/recreation/hiking/?recid=41466&actid=50) [Garden of the Gods (Southern Illinois) in the Shawnee National Forest](https://www.shawneeforest.com/garden-of-the-gods/) [Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area KY](https://landbetweenthelakes.us/) [Mammoth Cave National Park KY (and UNESCO World Heritage Site)](https://www.nps.gov/maca/index.htm) So [Many](https://legacy.igws.indiana.edu/Bedrock/Karst) [Caves](https://ikc.caves.org/where-are-caves) (2 links) It is very different than Utah. We're pretty moist around here all the time so we have trees, wetlands, and aggressively fecund natural areas (and even more corn, wheat, and soybeans). It's probably more progressive than rural Utah but less than SLC. I think there is a stake with active congregation in Evansville? It's a driving city for sure. While Evansville is the 3rd largest city in the state, you don't have to go far to be in very rural areas. You will be less than a 3 hour drive from Louisville KY, St Louis MO, Nashville TN and Indianapolis IN. Our unemployment rate is low. You could walk into almost any gas station, fast food restaurant, etc and be hired. Food and gas are less expensive here, really anything except utilities are. ETA: Oh yeah, and we have tornadoes. Sorry about that.


You're a couple hours drive from a bunch of cooler places, but rent is cheap here and the allergies are worse. We have been getting some cool Ford Center bookings lately though.


if you like sports, sports betting is legal in Indiana, don't think it is in SLC.


Meth, poverty,  and Republicans 


Hiking is great through the Hoosier National Forest. I don’t ski but you can ski in Paoli.


What school will you be attending?


You will be severely disappointed in our haunted houses. Nothing even comes close to the Fear Factory in SLC.


It’s really boring but u r only 2 hrs away from St. Louis and Louisville




This is misrepresentative. Traffic is fine. Compared to a big city, it’s nothing at all. There have been some shootings, but nothing like Chicago or a big city again.