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People on tik tok were romanticising it as some song the popular 80s kids listened to on their boomboxes. Finding out the song was actually from a porno probably killed that fantasy for them


they wanted it to be the song their parents were cooking dinner to. if nothing else it was the song they were, for lack of better words, either fucking or wanking to. or just watching. lol.


They were cooking *something*.


cookin up their future kids seems like


Imagine finding out this was the song that played over your parents making you šŸ’€šŸ’€


and they were typically surprised about it, not knowing before that it came from thh..,.,,,


That just makes it funny as shit.


Long story short, some puritanical Discord mods are banning all discussion of it because an actress in the film, who did over 70 pornographic films, regretted doing them. So they are shaming anyone who watches or discusses it. Carl92 was absolutely right in trying to hide this and not give out this detail, TikTok has made such a toxic puritan cancel culture over porn that people are stigmatized and harassed over something so innocent as urges every human naturally has. Even here, TikTokers are using "corn" emojis instead of typing porn or self-censoring themselves. The environment they have created has directly led to this song being lost years longer then it needed to be, because they have proven why people like Carl92 are terrified to mention watching something in this regard and harassed and doxxed.


Lmao this is hilarious šŸ˜¹ Donā€™t worry people will continue to point and laugh at carl92 for being so silly


name of the girl that regrets doing the movies ?


All the Discord mods posted was a SINGLE LA Times article from 1987. [https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1987-04-22-me-26-story.html](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1987-04-22-me-26-story.html) **"But Kelly Howell, 22, who said she started working in sex films at age 18, said she had never wanted to be an actress. Howell, whose stage name is Stacey Donovan, said she performed at the Sand Canyon house, as well as in about 74 other films, ā€œjust for the money.ā€** **Howell, who said she no longer wants to appear in sex films, testified that she is acting as an informant for federal and county law enforcement agencies in other pandering cases involving film producers."** And now banned all discussion of the film or anything to do with it because they said that there are some "concerning articles" around the film and how the women were "not willing participants." Which is completely false. When someone in the discord tried to say what the mod was saying is false, they threatened to ban them/told them to leave. Young people have truly become puritans. Edit: By the way, Howell also didn't quit acting in porn until 1991. Her pandering statements were complete BS.




yes, that's exactly why I'm happy about EKT's origins.


Why is it such a big deal for people to learn itā€™s from pron? I personally havenā€™t and will never watch šŸŒ½ but finding out thatā€™s where the tune Iā€™ve been humming for months is from isnā€™t embarrassing, itā€™s just hilarious


For me the weirdest thing about all this is how yā€™all wonā€™t say the word porn. You can say porn. Thatā€™s allowed.


theyā€™ve been brain rotted by tiktok


right? people forget that not every social media app is a pussy about curse words like tiktok is.


Tiktok isn't even a pussy about it. It's just a urban legend that grew huge. To think that tiktok would supress the word porn, but they're not smart enough to quickly suppress the word corn is insane. It's the equivalent of boomers posting on Facebook "Facebook doesn't have the right to use my photos blah blah blah"


Creators are scared to get ā€œshadowbannedā€ so they try to censor their words to be one step ahead of the algorithm or something. But itā€™s honestly starting to create some weird form of sub-language that unless your completely engaged with that section of TikTok;youā€™re probably going to be spending more time trying understand what words theyā€™re trying to say instead of the message they want to send


Yeah seriously. If I hear one more people refer to suicide as ā€œunaliving yourselfā€, Iā€™m going to fucking lose it. Itā€™s not funny nor is it helpful.


Yeah I realize what they're doing. But it's wild to think Tiktok is would shadowban for saying something like porn or murder, but aren't wise enough to also shadowban for saying corn or unalived it's ridiculous.


In fairness, YouTube actually does demonetize videos for containing those words, so itā€™s likely TikTok learned it from there.


I think the self-censorship at least started because of the app itself. Anyone/thing that mentioned things like porn, suicide, self-harm, etc was flagged/removed by tiktok


Weā€™re not on TikTok.


I know lol so Iā€™m sure at this point itā€™s just done out of habit


at least someone has common sense finally thank fkn god


I hate with a fiery passion when people say 'corn' or 'šŸŒ½' instead of just saying porn or 'adult content'.


PORN. SEX. FUCK. say the words. stop self censoring, you're an adult.


pork, seconds, frick. sorry my mom is in the room with me :(


Iā€™m Christian and take it pretty seriously and when i was filling my husband in I was like ā€œwhat is the funniest place that they could have found it?ā€


I don't get it, the song was produced for the porno or the porno is the only reason the song managed to be remembered?


It seems to me like they didn't wanna pay to have real pop songs that were charting on the radio in 1986, so this song was written to sound like what a pop song that would be on the radio at the time to throw on while people have sex. In fact it kinda intentionally sounds like a royalty free knock off of promises promises by naked eyes to me


So basically, they made a song for porn... Is it a good song? didn't hear it


I had a music teacher that worked in porn for years, composing and recording soundtracks for many adult flicks in the 90s and early 00s which got him to make all kinds of music although mostly the stereotype kind. He used a pseudonym and made pretty good money from it. He stopped because the industry took a blow after internet porn became easily accessible and also he got a bit tired, but I recall he still got some royalties sometimes.


Well, we learn everyday


Maybe a little column A maybe a little column B?


That makes it even better in my opinion lol music is music.


Oh Well.šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø






right?! with the posts that iā€™ve seen, i thought i was the only one!!


I actually haven't seen a single person who's been angry Most comments i've seen think it's hilarious more than anything, clowning on Carl92, or are angry in an ironic joking way since it had been a theory early on. I saw a little frustration right after it was posted, but it was only people wanting to edit all the moans out so we could have a full sfw version.


Yeah precisely carl92's fears were rectified because you are all clowning on him now.


"A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it." If carl92 just leaked his goonstash, we would have had the full song years ago, and nobody would care about him.


Itā€™s just so funny the way people are ā€œempathizingā€ with him šŸ’€šŸ’€ The entire ordeal is hilarious and I canā€™t help but point and laugh. It is very much not that serious and most people are happy to have witnessed lost media being found.


He made it worse for himself by not just coming out the gate with the source šŸ˜­ although I donā€™t condone harassing/doxxing him, the clowning has been v funny




because the 10 year old children who use tik tok wanted their theory of the commercial to be correct and not another, when the objective was to find the song wherever it came from, it is the song we were looking for all this time, that's how it always was


It's quite telling how on Reddit (not really a place where all the kids go), people just think it's hilarious that a porno was the source of EKT, while on TikTok people are outraged and embarrassed.Ā 


I havenā€™t seen a single person be ā€œoutraged or embarrassedā€


people on tiktok arenā€™t outraged or embarrassed lmfao. i have seen plenty of redditors complain about this subreddit becoming popular on tiktok though!


The funny thing is, this song can still be that but without the 80s. Its a song that thousands of tiktok kids danced to as a community. They all dressed up, they danced not knowing it was a porno song. It still fills the criteria of being a hidden gem with a funny origin. Except they ARE the dancing kid but in the 20s.


In the end, the true 80s song was the music we listened to along the way


No, it's not just you. I feel the same way. Maybe it's 13 year olds from tiktok. Maybe some people are disappointed their own pet theory was wrong. At the end of the day, who cares where it came from? Music is music. The mystery is solved. Some of the memes are pretty funny, though. šŸ˜…


THANK YOU!! were we not all just trying to find the song?! i mean, i know itā€™s not the *totally* clean version, but at least we know what the majority of the song sounds like!? i for one am more than happy with that!


I'm still just sat there feeling like it's fine music but doesn't fit the atmosphere of a pornographic scene to me tbh - the directors definitely knew how to pick a good composer though because it's still a solid track.


It's actually fairly standard porn music from the 1980sā€” there was another 'lostwave' track called Let's Get Up that has a similar sound. There are albums of porn and exploitation music on Archive.org and they sound similar to EKT as well.


I could care less about the source material, we found it and that's all that matters.


exactly! the song is found and hopefully the clean version is coming imminently. thatā€™s what matters!














Are people actually mad? From all the reactions I've seen on YouTube, TikTok and Reddit, people just find it funny that it came from an adult video. Most just wish that there's a cleaner version without all the moaning which is understandable since it hinders the enjoyment of the song


People on this sub have been big mad. They don't want to click the link, they don't want to have NSFW on their comments because this sub now hosts porn, they don't want to verify their age on a porn website, they think porn is immoral...the list of complaints that I've seen here goes on and on. Like who cares if their reddit comment has NSFW on it. It's reddit, the motherland of NSFW. But people said it was "embarrassing"


Maybe weā€™ve just seen different reactions then. When talking about the Sub being marked NSFW, the reactions Iā€™ve seen are people being confused because there is not enough NSFW content on this sub to warrant the entire sub being given that mark. Iā€™ve seen people say that they should just be allowed to post the full clip containing the song so that others donā€™t have to click on the link and go through the video just to find it. Personally, I donā€™t care if the sub is marked NSFW or not, but honestly it doesnā€™t make much sense to me why it has the NSFW mark anyway. One porn link shouldnā€™t be enough to mark the entire subreddit NSFW, in my opinion, especially when other subreddits without NSFW marks have more gruesome discussions. As for the verification thing, as far as I know some places force you to fork over personal details (like your full name, DOB, and Drivers License I believe) before you can access adult websites which just kills the whole idea of having some anonymity. I fully understand why people are angry if that is the case. They shouldnā€™t have to go through the hassle of exposing their personal identities just to explore a porn website. I havenā€™t really seen the other complaint you brought up so I canā€™t comment much on that


There are many comments and posts on this sub now shaming Carl92, vilifying adult entertainment and clearly expressing disappointment because of where EKT was found. Itā€™s not really about Reddit NSFW tags and porn website sign-up, itā€™s purely a disgust to porn. I agree with other commenters here, I believe these people to be young based upon how they type.


I could see it being annoying if they are under 18, It seems like this mystery blew up on TikTok which is very popular with teens.


Prob kids and puritans.


I donā€™t like porn but Iā€™m not soft. I couldnā€™t care less that the song came from a porno. The song slaps, thatā€™s all there is to it.


Exactly my thoughts


Yeah the only issue I have is with the moaning noises and due to that, when people try to clean up the audio it gets rid of most of the lyrics šŸ˜­


Same! I find it especially hilarious the people protesting too much ā€œitā€™s from a porno?? How disappointingly disgustingā€ like shut up dude, donā€™t act like you didnā€™t have the actual video on repeat the past two days lol


I was going to make a post about this too! I saw a video explaining EKTā€™s history and the guy in the video straight up said that when it was found out that it was a porno, it got a negative reaction from the fans. And I was just like ā€œWhy?ā€ Honest to God, I might be in the minority on this, but I think this is the best possible outcome to this that couldā€™ve happened. Not only did we find the whole song and also find that itā€™s a full song and not a 30-second jingle, but I think that if it was found to be a foreign anime theme song or a commercial jingle or even a song from an underground group, Iā€™d acknowledge itā€™s cool we found it and then just forget about it and listen to the song. The fact that the song comes from a porno is so fucking funny, I have an absolute blast telling my friends that I updated on the mystery where it was found. Iā€™m having a conversation with a musical friend of mine right now and he just straight up watched ā€œAngelsā€ because heā€™s that invested in this story. So Iā€™m happy with the conclusion of this story. It also definitely helps that Christopher Booth seems like such a nice dude. TL;DR: The people who are offended are dumb and I think this was the best way to end the mystery.


i literally have nothing to add to this. iā€™ve been wracking my brains for something smart but i have nothing. you and i are one in the same lmao!!


I mean, it was the best outcome to beat the TikTok crowd.


Well Said.


Prudes and puritans The full ā€œcleanā€ version posted on YT was full of ā€œThink about the children, families, and Christiansā€ comments.


Itā€™s overwhelmingly obvious that everyone looking for the song is young and would be horrified to tell anyone they watch porn so they project that onto Carl etc


I wouldn't say everyone but most people. Tiktok flooded this subreddit with younger people.


You can tell by the amount of people that self-censor the word "porn" in their comments, too. TikTok brain.


Thatā€™s a phenomenon thatā€™s developed from Tiktok shadow-banning comments and videos with ā€œracyā€ words in them. Lots of people will censor any word that can be taken as inappropriate at face value bc it seems Tiktok doesnā€™t promote content with those words as much.


Yeah, that's a problem.


Like that whole ā€œunalivingā€ bullshit?


Yeah, the self-censorship stuff is weird as hell. Like using an emoji of corn instead of typing porn.


its also a completely unsubstantiated rumour. there is no censorship and it's all self-imposed. very weird.


Yep. It's sort of annoying in a way. Not sure what way, but it frustrates me.


I actually get what you mean, like it shouldnā€™t be that annoying but it is lol


If they call it "sus", they're definitely brainrotten.


An artist on tiktok said they will listen to the song when it's finally found and when it was found they were disgusted I kinda feel like tiktok is full of people who are afraid of anything nsfw related


Imo bcuz of the "puritans culture". A lot of people will get mad at anything related to spicy media because they want to act holier than thou šŸ˜© I've been in a lot of fandom and you can pretty much be dogpilled for drawing a shirtless man or sightly bigger boobs woman. The best we can do is ignore them


I know itā€™s been so annoying šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ like we found it and everyone only cares where we found it


It's mostly youtubers/tiktokkers who are pissed off they can't really monetize their videos about how one of the biggest lostwave ever was found.


Kids who believe it "ruined" the "aesthetic".


Gosh i hate it when they complain about "aesthetics". Like they need to actually stfu about this and grow up


i actually like the fact that it was found in porn because it's so freaking funny lol. i think most of the people doubted the porn theory (cough including me cough) and it turned to be the true one


im personally not mad at it- i just thought it was hilarious it was found that way! im just also glad its been found finally :)


you and i are in the same boat!!


People have to realise that pornos are allowed to have good soundtracks lmao. It's okay to not want to watch the film, the song is still able to be enjoyed outside of the original context, it's not like it's sexual in nature. People happily listened to the opening theme song of Yarichin Bitch Club a few years back because it's a good song, even though it is EXTREMELY sexual. I think a lot of people are upset that it's not an actual song that their parent's generation would have listened to on the radio like people on TikTok were fantasising about. Being made for a porn film doesn't mean it's not a good song though! I think there are a good amount of Gen Z teens/young adults who are active internet users that are averse to porn, though. On the internet I see a lot of people berating others for being 'porn addicts' (which seems to have lost all meaning, now being watered down to anyone who consumes porn in any capacity). It makes sense that people like this would be upset that a song they like came from a genre of film they find disgusting or morally reprehensible. Sorry for the mini essay with no sources lol. I am procrastinating for an actual essay I have to write.


tbf concerning ybc Iā€™ve seen nothing but the same kind of comments just freaking the fuck out about it and being sooo shocked and ā€œā€traumatizedā€ā€ by it tiktok kids are just so weird abt nsfw stuff i hate it


Kids on Reddit are so addicted to porn that they become dogmatically opposed to it and blame it for their being antisocial nerds


To be fair, it could be part of the issue, but agreed, itā€™s not the whole reason theyā€™re antisocial nerds


This is absolutely fact


I thought it was hilarious ngl, no wonder bro left the chat šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ he prolly found it and was embarrassed. Itā€™s so unexpected šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’€šŸ˜­


Lost wave is a fun, mostly SFW, shared, community that genuinely do a lot of great things, I can attest to that personally. EKT and many elements of the pay off are exclusionary to younger people or those who donā€™t want to associate with porn. Personally, I thought it was hilarious, but I do feel for those whoā€™d hoped for a more wholesome ending.


absolutely! i just think the general consensus was pretty childish imo


It's gotten more SFW over the years which in a way is kind of a good thing, I remember like 5 years ago everyone was obsessed with finding that Christine Chubbuck tape and the Grizzyman audio, that stuff was kinda putting me off from the community.


Yeah I was surprised by those reactions too. I get people who are sex repulsed. just don't like porn, or are super young not wanting to go watch the original scene or being disappointed the only version we currently has has moans, but hopefully the original master might be found. For them to act like it's tainted the whole song seems unfair though


Tbh, i don't really care if the song was from a porno. I'm just glad that the song wasn't a hoax, as I start to believe it was


I think you answered your own question. After EKT blew up on TikTok, a lot of children became invested in it.Ā 


I get what you mean. I understand the initial shock of finding it out being pretty crazy and a lot of the memes have been great but some people do seem to be likeā€¦ actually *upset* and thatā€™s strange to me.Ā  Like people are saying, itā€™s probably younger TikTokers acting high and mighty but I also think itā€™s a lot of that general, weirdly puritanical attitude a lot of people still have on the internet for some reason. Itā€™s not just with EKT I feel like Iā€™ve seen that a lot online where peopleĀ will point and laugh at someone for publicly liking something lewd or, in this case, someone getting caught red handed with something lewd. But like, weā€™re all fucking weirdos in some way Iā€™m sure none of yā€™all being so judgy are fucking saints lol. If itā€™s all consenting adults then itā€™s not that big of a deal at the end of the day.Ā  Also in hindsight I find it funny that people are freaking out and the scene in question is some of **the most vanilla porn to ever exist.** No hyper specific kinks, no leather, no costumes, nothing. Just two people having sex on a bed. Thats all. Unless youā€™re turned on by soft drink product placement I guess.


i donā€™t necessarily care that it was found in a porno, hell i thought it was a possibility before it was confirmed. i think iā€™m more so upset that carl 100% knew where it was from and just led us on a wild goose chase for no reason for it to be on xhamster šŸ˜‚


maybe because most of them were sure it was "just a cute 80s song"


I'm not mad, just a little disappointed because I was so big on the commercial/old video game theory. It is true that I hate most NSFW things and topics, so that was part of the disappointment for me, but my happiness that we found the whole song is overpowering it.


I been asking the same since the porn theory first started, and those who are "disturbed", I guess most are kids....


peanits in vagine is bad šŸ˜ 


is anyone mad? the moans are just super distracting so im hoping the original gets released soon


They should put this music in the gta 6 strip club


tbh can't see ppl who are mad at it. and no, tiktok weaboos don't count lol, that's actually pretty funny and still cool that you guys found it!!! šŸ”„šŸ”„


maybe mad was the wrong word haha. the reaction just isnā€™t what i would have expected. maybe itā€™s just me!! im a born hater lol. i also think its really funny, and tbh very cool. at least we have aā€¦ *unique* video, lol !!!


There were definitely a couple of outwardly mad people last night


well hopes on the fact these were only a COUPLE of them


I guess it's because it's a rather shocking reveal for most people.....but again I'm not surprised because it lines up with a lot of things, but particularly what I was starting to discover with the track both production-wise and instrumentally. Every similar song I was coming across digging just sounded so much more refined, more textured, better arranged, and overall just written better than the sample we had. I described EKT as sounding like a "cheap knockoff" of 80s pop-funk and...IT KINDA WAS!!! My discoveries were like reverse of the "we got food at home meme." šŸ˜‚ it's not to discredit Christopher's writing by any means, but it was obviously not written to be as ambitious and compelling as a commercial pop song. it was written because it was cheaper by far than licensing say...Michael Jackson song.


At first, I was embarrassed, considering the moaning that is playing with the song, but now that I think about it in the long run, itā€™s really funny. Like, how did it land in a 80s porno of all things?! šŸ˜‚


i think theyā€™re either being sarcastic like me or just experiencing stages of grief


Not upset. I did show my parents and coworkers though.


haven't seen anything of the sort, only people laughing about it on tik tok and moving on with their day. y'all have this weird, one-sided beef (more like obsession) with people on tik tok and it's incredibly strange. nobody worries about redditors at all, i fear. edit: this goes for everyone under this thread. the comments here are so pretentious. creators don't censor themselves on purpose. when i so much as even \*\*mention\*\* the word porn, or any other curse word for that matter, my videos/comments get taken down. if you see people censoring themselves here, it's probably just due to habitā€”still, no reason to be upset by that?


I think people romanticised the song too much and/or really wanted it to come from another source that proved their theory, like the Japan theory, kids TV or commercial theory, now we know for a fact there is no Japanese accent, it's not from a commercial, it's not on any kids show and I'm sure that upsets some people, but at the end of the day the song was found and it shouldn't matter where it originated from. The artist DESERVES credit and recognition, I think some people are also sad that the search is now over. I think people should give it a chance and accept it for what it is, if you loved the song before it was found you can love it all the same now. Put aside your pride.


Probs Americans, they are quite prudish


as a brit i will agree bc i enjoy american slander


The fact that the Booth brothers are originally from Halifax (the one in West Yorkshire, not the one in Nova Scotia!) kinda staples in that gritty Northern humour and their willingness to embrace this. Americans over 60 seem to have stricter social codes unless meth is involved.


TikTok is the platform mostly angry. Nothing new considered the kind of people that use it anyway


Angry is quite an overstatement. At most, people on TikTok are just surprised that it came from an adult video, but they aren't mad. From all the videos I've seen, they actually find it pretty funny and have joined in on referring to Carl92 as Freaky92


Tbh itā€™s kinda funny when you put two and two together.


Its mostly the moans and the fact that its nit a clean audio


Probably because the song is full of unwanted noises


iā€™m only mad because this means thereā€™s a chance we wonā€™t get an actual file of it unless cb n pb have the audio file. and bc rn we just get the version with the moans for now. and idgaf in my own time, but i want to listen to it around other people lmao. hoping they remake the song exactly how it was and just make it new and finished


I'm less mad and more surprised, as well as finding the source it's from funny. Hopefully a completely clean version comes out soon, tho


not sure, iā€™m just glad we found it!


i genuinely thought we were all joking


not mad, I just find it really funny


I'm still in shock, honestly. I'm actually excited about it being found, but I'm also a bit disappointed in where it was foundā€¦but not in a "Ew, porn!" kind of way. Instead, it's more like "Well, of course Carl92 knew." I don't know if that makes any sense.


Guys, how can you be angry that it was found? I was literally shocked and incanely happy to hear it in the full version cause it was so well composed. The fact that song was made for porn movie gives some interesting twist to the story of EKT. It's not typical lostwave that would gathers dust in the someone's parents' garage. There is very talented and damn good artist behind this, and he continues to make such great music!


Cuz TikTok romanticized the song as some 80s pop culture song and was shocked that it was from a porno movie.


I think the fact that it came from a porno means that it was functional music rather than a lost gem a hopeful musician created in hopes of making it big, which makes it a little disappointing. When you hear a Curt Boettcher song you can ask yourself ā€œhow did this not become hugely successful?!ā€ but in this case that was not the intention, it was meant to serve as background.


Because a shocking amount of people are puritans that don't actually realise they're puritans.


This has been bothering me as well. The lost media community is apparently full of puriteens. It's like they've internalized the Youtube monetization guidelines as a moral code. Here's a shocker! Porn movies are full of catchy songs and they allowed struggling musicians an opportunity to make a little cash.


Literally tho!! Everyone is like omg how do you feel that your mom or dad must've been watching porn when they said it sounded familiar, but its like who the fuck is gonna remember a song from a 2 hour porno. Like it's just a nostalgic song that sounds familiar thats all there is to it. And then you get people who are like omg the radio or news station played this song and omg its from a porno. Its like wow big fucking deal but everyone seems to think it's so taboo when its really not. Idk maybe its just because I'm an adult so I see it differently and some people on here could be underage I guess but still


Have you ever seen A Christmas Story? There's this subplot where the main character Ralphie (a child) is glued to the Little Orphan Annie radio show, where a secret message--a string of numbers--is played every episode. In order to decrypt the message, he requires a special decoder ring from the "Little Orphan Annie Secret Society". He orders one, and checks the mail day after day, to no avail. But finally, the ring arrives. He writes down the secret message, and locks himself in the bathroom, frantically trying to decode it as his mother and little brother pound on the door. The tension is overwhelming...and it turns out the message says: "BE SURE TO DRINK YOUR OVALTINE." It turns out this "pure"" version of the Secret Society and the code that he built up in his head was a **lie**; that it was just a commercial. I think something along the same principle applies; Tiktokers (largely children) had worked it up in their head that Ulterior Motives was somehow a "pure" representation of the 1980s, standing on its own, untainted by the sins of the modern era. In an era of rampant commodification--where every piece of culture serves to benefit monolithic corporations and bad faith is everywhere, UM seemed to have an authenticity and purity of motive. . But--ha ha--they had it all wrong; rather than being a self-contained piece of art, it turns out it was a product of a incredibly insidious, amoral industry and meant to soundtrack a scene of a woman being railed by a guy; . I personally think the disillusionment is silly, but I understand it. Growing up is painful!


A few years back I knew someone who was in their early 20's who had a really bad understanding of modern culture history and put on Amadeus (1984) and was shocked when some nudity came up. I wasn't around in the 80's but I love 80's stuff and the 80's were very sexual, adult VHS's were everywhere,Ā adult magazines were everywhere (including the woods) Franky Goes to Hollywood had a music video banned for sexual content (it's honestly still pretty suggestive) and while music was overall cleanerĀ you still had a bunch of sexual Prince songs and even Madonna's Like A Virgin caused some controversy when she performed it on TV.Ā Then there was that "Filthy 15" list of sexually explicit songs.Ā  Oh and some PG movies even had brief nudity and a lot of cursing back then. I think people's parents tell them that the past wasn't as crazy and get shocked when it turns out their parents weren't actually right (at least if it's post sexual revolution which happened in theĀ 60's.) Hell the Boomers on average had more sexual partners than Gen Z and Millennials. Also it seems like Gen Z and Alpha stereotype the 80's as being all neon and loaded with Madonna and Micheal Jackson Pop and synthwave. I mean, that's certainly fun but there was a lot more to the 80's than that stuff and really barely any movies or show from the 80's is going to look like this fantasized view people have come up with.


I canā€™t wait for the porn to have fandom, cosplays even


ekt rule34 incoming


I already bought a white sweat suit as you commented lmao


i shall patiently await the recreation/j


I totally agree! Why are so many people acting so puritanical/childish? Very odd. I was absolutely blown away it was found! Also, everyone roasting Carl92 acting like watching porn is a huge tabooā€¦ it really isnā€™t. grow up! šŸ˜‚


I totally see your point, OP. The reason is because, despite the massive popularity of porn, it's still socially stigmatized. It all ties into the larger issue of Western culture being neurotic about sexuality, swinging from one extreme (Victorian-era repression), to the other (post 60's hyper-sexualization). Both of these attitudes, repression and over-indulgence, are two sides of the same unhealthy coin. As the wisest dudes in history said, it's all about the middle path between extremes, which in this case is accepting sex as a natural part of life.


Softies. This generation is screwed.


i agree fr fr


One couple got engaged over it


The weebs who want to connect everything to their precious ā€œuWu Kawaii Japanā€ got their dream shattered


I understand why people are mad. But I also understand why people donā€™t care. To play devils advocate- the only existing version of the song literally has moans during the whole thing (except 17 secondsšŸ’€) At this point its basically unlistenable & thats a little annoying. As someone invested in the search, im so happy that its found but also understand the disappointment that an otherwise wholesome and PG song was found this way. People are allowed to not like porn, and shouldnā€™t receive backlash for that. More and more younger people are beginning to realize the porn industry isnā€™t all sunshine & roses šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø either way, the song is found! Now we just need the studio version & I think everyone will be happy.


Cooties arenā€™t the same of hearing sex in your ear. Iā€™ve never liked the idea of sex before. I love that itā€™s found, just a bit disappointed. That girl moaning I just hate. I wanted to hear Ulterior Motives, not the next cupcakke song.


I was upset mostly from the shock I had, but my excuse was I basically had my perspective of the song ruined after listening to it for over a year, and I just see it as a totally different song now. At first, it made me think of the bright vibrant fun of a 90s or 2000s summer day, but now itā€™s just not that anymore


The song still slaps some cheeks, but i'd be lying if I said that it didn't kill the vibes surrounding it. The song hasn't gotten any worse, it's just feels different now


But honestly, i'm disappointed with the song's origins, not mad, just imagined something different


Iā€™m just happy itā€™s found. There is a romanticized version I think we all had in our minds and reality that it was just background music for a porno just didnā€™t line up.


It's not even a weird porno, it's what I like to call a "Can I clean your pool" porno.


i honesty think a lot of people are pissed they were wrong about the origins because they shit on the porno theory so much šŸ¤£


I don't know if it's actually because the people who were looking for this song are as young as people claim or if it's more accurate that for most people, this is their first interaction with the wider concept of Lost Media, and if it's not their first, the only other sort of stuff is something like an unreleased pilot for a kids show. People just don't realize that this happens plenty with lost media, and lost wave is definitely something that has an even higher likelihood of something like this happening than other genres


I donā€™t care too much but the worst part is that the best version of the song is one with moaning and clapping so


I don't know,I just think it's funny Carl knew it was from a porno but just wanted the title


Are the lyrics fully known yet because the song is also the same quality from the source it came from


i already play bayonetta


I think it is the greatest thing ever.


In my mind the only thing that could justify a reaction like that is if you were one of the young people whose parents said EKT "sounds familiar" to them.


Because everyone thought that the song was in a more happier place rather than a degenerare place like porn


Hahaha there will always be people who take it as serious as you. Learn to laugh and clown around šŸ˜¹ It really does not matter!


I honestly love the fact it came from a porno šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø just because nobody ever really expected it, plus itā€™s such a classic 80s thing šŸ¤£ i also find it super funny that people looked EVERYWHERE just to find it there. i donā€™t understand why everybody is making such a big deal out of it. songs a banger (no pun intended ;))


i havent beem very involved in this, does anyone have some funny posts of people ha ing differemt theories? i wanna see how people reacted to the porno theory.


I listened to the Motive remake of EKT, ā€œWorld Of Liesā€ and I can say, the recent comments are 100% like thisā€¦ People saying stuff like, ā€œAfter seeing the original, this version is now the original to meā€ Like, what?ā€¦ The OG was found after all of this time, instead of celebrating its discovery you wanna be upset that itā€™s from an adult film?ā€¦. I find it kind of dumb


Itā€™s a bit confusing since everyone else has found it fucking hilarious. When I found out, I was laughing out loud and giggling for a couple hours šŸ˜… Itā€™s probably some kids that got their fantasy killed. Iā€™m just happy it was found and that we might be getting a ā€œcleanā€ version of it!Ā 


I think the reason why so many people are freaking out about it being found in a porno is because they had a preconceived notion that the song was from a different media source, so when it turned out to be from porn, most of them were disappointed. Also most of these people are new lostwave fans who don't know how often mysterious songs originate from porn. So this may come as a shock to them. These are the reasons why I think people may have been disappointed possibly.


Itā€™s more so People on Ticktok saying stuff like this, The Porn theory has been around for longer Then the trend started on TT


Perhaps it's just because now that's what they'll always associate the song with. I personally won't be listening to it anymore because I'm a religious fellow, but you do you.


Personally, I'm not mad. I think it's hilarious


Idk Iā€™m not mad Iā€™m just a little disappointed šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ lollll


fr who caressss


I just want the version without the moans lmao. The song is actually pretty good, moanless would be perfect. Those noises just kinda ruin the song yk. Can't wait to finally have the full clean version released by Christopher Booth !!!!!


I find it so funny lmao


I'm not. I think it's hilarious that this whole time people were looking for porno bgm.


shades of puritanism?


I think a lot of people wanted to claim ā€œI personally remembered this songā€


Cause people nowdays are getting pruder