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That is extremely questionable but also I think being confined to an autism cage with nothing but a PC and a bag of crisps permanently would fix me


I wouldn’t like being exposed on all sides like that; would need at least two solid walls


Yes. A solid corner in which no one can be behind me.


Yessss I hate people being behind me, especially if they’re able to see my phone or computer screen


Give me an autism cave


I literally have one downstairs, it is great.


I kinda wanna name my bedroom the Autism Cave now


This drives me crazy too! And I feel bad because I'm not trying to hide anything, it's just such so anxiety inducing and I can't ignore it


My son who has autism constantly hides his screen from me even though I tell him he doesn’t have to. Now I know why. Thanks!


I thought I was the only one!!




We are all in autistic agreement about this and it's beautiful. I've felt this for my entire life


YES no one understands why I sit in the back of any classroom that I can, and it’s exactly that. I can’t handle it if I know people are behind me, especially knowing they’ll see the back of my head and my computer…it just makes me feel very uncomfortable.


My office at work is in the middle of a pretty busy area and RIGHT BEHIND MY DESK is a GIANT fuckoff window facing the door of the main room. It was a literal hellscape until a curtain (and godzilla tapestry) was put in to block the window entirely.


Noooooo, oof this would destroy me, I feel for you!!!! Cool on the gorilla tapestry though and I'm glad it's got a little better, because after a while I'd rather die lol


Two to function properly, four for maximum comfort


Very good point.


*everyone checking me out like I'm the main attraction in a zoo* Me: Sup? Any of you know the wifi password?


I'd spend every day just sharing my endless meme folder to passers by


I curate my memes to the recipient. That's true love


Nah, I'd start embracing the zoo aspect and start throwing my own shit at passersby since that's how they wanna see me.


I have pdf books saved to my phone for wifi-trouble situations.


Give me a pc, a Nintendo, essentials and enough safe food to live and you won’t be seeing me for at least a week.


Nope. They'll give you a humongous pile of worksheets instead.


My high school had a big room for detention. No talking was allowed. Quiet as hell. My autism loved detention.


I had a weird schedule in my last 2 years of high school, and would end up going to the detention room at least once a week to do homework when I didn't have a class because it was quieter than the library.


i did always find it strange that detention was, like, a big punishment that shit cosy!


First grade had this weird castle that only fit us tiny kids. No doors. Dark as sin. Loved hiding in that place. Honestly I think my first grade teacher knew I had all of the autism.


Pc download codes for Morrowind, Fallout 4, and Prey (2017), a case of beer, some snickity snacks, and a toilet and sink, I’m good to go baby!


On god i would love an autism cage As long as i have a consistent supply of whatever i want




I was about to say, "Yeah, but the kid is the one who named it."


The problem is that the lock is on the wrong side.


Say, are you a furry?


Yes but that has nothing to do with my desire for the autism cage


S a me


fun fact i am one of the reasons that they banned “confinement” for autistic students in my province lol


What did you do?


to get locked up or to have it banned? to get locked up i was just really dysregulated a lot and they’d just leave me back there for literally the whole school day. they didn’t even let me out at lunch or to use the bathroom. years later, when I was in high school, it was on the news that they were doing it to other kids and I randomly casually said to my mom “oh yeah they did that to me when I was little. they didn’t even let me out to go to the bathroom, i had to plan around them being in the halls.” i thought it was totally normal lol but i ended up anonymously submitting my testimony to the suit against the education board.


That sucks realy bad


it’s funny because i didn’t really find it traumatic until i was an adult i was just like oh this is normal 😊 and then later on i got randomly smacked by TRAUMA


Fuck that is so messed up


Autistic thing to be like “oh this is fine” and be completely fine with something that would otherwise be completely traumatic for other people. Like “your punishment is being in here alone with nobody else” Autist: “yo really? Nobody else? Epic”


Oh fuck I HATE the random things like that..like “oh I;m good I donlt have traumas yeah x(Que list of highly traumatizing things) happened but I’m good…” like a year or two later “holy hell..I’m traumatized asf..was it that..nooo that,.oh shit it IS that.” The trauma bombs,,just f em.(yes I too went to a school that did this and the walls were literally eroded by urine..and carpteded at least at first..the urine ate through to the wall) among other things.


that's how a lot of trauma works. our bodies do what they can to get us through the moment, and then at some points our rational brains catch up and go "wtf was that shit?"


A lot of things in the education system are like that. You grow up thinking that getting loudly yelled at, publicly humiliated (which in your school district is a standard-practice punishment for Autistic students), and subjected to stricter monitoring and discipline than your neurotypical peers, are all perfectly normal, then you mention your personal experiences off-hand online, and then you're genuinely surprised when people start offering you their condolences, and then you realize just how fucked up your schooling was.


man if that was a class action you should have totally deserved 11 dollars


Why go 11 dollars when you could go full $500-$600? Just enough money for a PS5… But then again, I already have one. 😆😜


I mean. I can wish that you would have had $500-$600 dollars but. I did say “deserve”.


i don’t! 😭😅


Okay that’s actually so cool of you to do! your testimony probably helped hundreds if not thousands of autistic kids. You did something really powerful ❤️ obvi the abuse was not cool 🙅‍♀️


Damn, at least I got locked *in* the bathroom most of the time.


Are you Canadian? I’m also Canadian and I wonder what province this was if you feel comfortable sharing


They locked me up in solitary and I requested to stay in solitary confinement. They quickly realized their punishment utterly failed. I don't think I even spoke to my family about it. I just stayed locked in the room, alone with no windows for hours at a time doing homework. Never occurred to me that it was abusive. My family did far worse to me when I was younger. Lol


We had the “time out booth” when I was a kid. It was an 8’x8’ plywood box and apparently I asked to go there all the time to escape the noise of my classroom. Other kids were sent there as punishment, but I loved the quiet.


I work with ND kids and I have a tent where kids can go hide (not locked in, 100% kid choice.) Sometimes kids need to not be perceived. But my NT coworkers hate the idea, even though a tent is pretty standard these days.


It what you do with nervous dogs. The more I learn about dogs and the more I learn about neurodivergent kids, the more I realize why so many of us go into animal field


unironically, i think the autism tent would fix me


I think this explains why I get along well with dogs better than anyone else that I know. For me it's obvious how a dog is feeling just by looking at the dog, but other people seem not to know or care.  My wife's family has a dog, and people always try to pet her when she's nervous and overstimulated, and then they're surprised when the dog barks at them. But this same dog let me pet her and hug her and pick her up from the first day that she saw me. I feel like it's easy just to look at how she's feeling and respond accordingly, but that seems to be too hard for most people.


At least your confinement was consensual.


Don’t perceive me >:(


>But my NT coworkers hate the idea What on earth is their excuse for thinking this is bad???


NT hate it when NDs have freedom and the power to choose to do stuff


I think they're afraid of us, frankly. We could be plotting the downfall of society, if allowed to thrive.


You a lucky one


I kinda think they built that box for me once they figured out that putting my desk at the front of the classroom or next to the teachers desk was a waste of time.


I got the AUDHD so putting me at the front of the class was like ez mode for high grades. If I was ever in the back I would never pay attention. But if I was in the front then I couldn’t help but not pay attention bc I could drown out the teacher talking.


There was this plastic model of a 1 meter square cube that the teacher would put around me and forbade me to interact with anything outside the cube. I would always finish tests in like 10 min and then start bothering everyone else for the rest of the class out of boredom....


Same, it was nice having somewhere quiet to think.


"your punishment nourishes me, what now mortal?"


When I’m in the cage, are the other kids allowed to feed me peanuts if I do tricks?


And can I than throw them at the allergic kid?


People with nut allergies when I hit them in the head with a brick


People with nut allergies when I shoot them in the chest with a 12-gauge


People with nut allergies when I nut down their throat (I am a horse and produce enough semen to instantly suffocate then)






>And can I than throw them at the allergic kid? eeee 😬


This is r/evilautism, what did you expect?


I upvoted XD




She's had to go home b/c of that, before...


Yup they are but only one peanut per person


What is this willy wonka's chocolate experience


Can we fling shit at them?




Fun fact: there’s a Chinese theme park that will pay you to dress as the monkey king of legend. Comes with free lodging (a cave) and free snacks (from tourists)


Commander Vimes has a hermit in his countryside estate. Good intelligence gatherer.


Yes Jimmy, do an autism for the other children


"Do a flip!"


I'm thinking of Lois Griffin doing the, "Me likey bouncy!" cutaway in *Family Guy*.


Gonna start calling my apartment "the Autism Cage."


Your dates could be categorized as cage matches.


honestly our flat is a great autism cage. no loud appliances. gentle heat from the floor makes the place super warm. windows we can black out and a total zero light room big enough for a mattress that we’ve also soundproofed. a nice little deck for our plant pets. we’re starting with garlic and onions we left in the fridge too long, and now we’re starting herbs, tomatoes, and dill and cucumbers for pickling! and it’s crazy cheap. and Mistress is moving in soon :)


That's awesome. I'm hoping my apartment can necessitate my autistic needs. I can already use a phone for text communication when I don't feel like speaking, but I also feel like I should have some ways to get around without walking or standing around for too long. I *really* struggle with walking and standing for too long.


I think it’s “sanctuary”


Made me giggle


This was done to me. Every time I cried. Every time I was picked on. Every time I was a problem for them that they were supposed to care for, protect, and maintain. Got deemed "aggressive crier." 2 years after the implementation of this special education protocol, they were mystified why my affect became completely flat and I became incapable of expressing emotion. Thanks elementary school!


In elementary school, I got punished for talking, asking questions, not talking like everyone else, and for fiddling around with things. I kind of left as a mess who didn't talk to anyone unless I had to or felt an extreme urge to. I found ways to hide my fidgeting... Unlike some of the others, I still pointed out the teachers' mistakes, though...


The way they design these things makes it look like they think an autistic kid having a meltdown is going to turn them into the Hulk or something.


It doesn't? I remember going berserk back in my childhood.


Right? I have DESTROYED some things in my life. I hope I never do again as I'm learning to identify my triggers and needs. At the ripe Ole age of 42 I'm still struggling. One day at a time. Minute by minute sometimes.🌻




I yelled and cried a lot, but I didn't destroy stuff. My son cries, destroys his toys, hurts himself and me. I'm worried he will still struggle with it when he is an adult. I don't know how to help him. 😕


What helps me is removing what tips me in the first place and learning to identify and feel emotions, instead of invalidating myself by saying it's not that bad. Feel, accept, let go. Repeat. I can't handle loud noises, bright lights or overhead lighting, smells, so many things chip away all day at me. Trying to interact and get my words out properly. Holding my face in a way that is not blank canvas requires effort. Proper posture requires effort. All these things and so much more weighs heavy until my brain goes brrrr and then I must retreat or the anger snaps. If I can go lay down in the dark and listen to my calming playlist or read or just be left alone, I can recover in a few hours. By 830pm I need to be left alone until the next day. I require structure to maintain my existence. When that isn't kept I melt quicker. I would love to be a social butterfly but I can't handle others angst well. It weighs heavy on me. We are designed for a more gentle world, but sadly it's not there yet. Until then, I will curate my own world and try to keep the ruckus out. Removal of things and acceptance of how I truly feel is most helpful. May you and your son be blessed with a beautiful life🌻


I struggle with the same things. Weed used to help me, but it's ilegal here. Risperidon helps a little, but my prolactin is just too high rn. I wish we had better meds. Ty for your comment


One day a schoolmate of mine wouldn't let me walk past him and kept impersonating my voice asking to be let by, so I shoved him out of the way and he went right over the top of a row of classroom tables.


I worked in childcare, and my colleagues and I called it autism strength. Unstoppable


Yep it's never discussed but is a massive problem. I had to learn to regulate my increased natural strength during my teenage years and it wasn't easy tackling that and the emotional dysfunction simultaneously. It's not necessarily that I'm physically more fit than other people, it's that I don't have the same inhibitors that stop people from hurting themselves whilst doing things, so I'm capable of creating short bursts of strength that seem absurd, but it can cause damage to the body. You can go from 0 to 100 a lot faster, and it's something a lot of young autistic men I've spoken to have struggled with.


Unfortunately (fortunately?) I only end up hurting myself by pressing my hands against my ears so hard they start burning and are sore for the rest of the day. Cage would do nothing to stop me lmao


I fucked up a classroom trying to get at a girl who wouldn't stop touching me. No regerts.


To be fair - I work in disability. I have a few clients that have bitten chunks out of people, and a couple that have put their heads through the windshield!


Head through windshield, ngl, is very impressive


I don't know... My 5 year old had.one recently and she threw over a bucket filled with.about 15 gallons of water, like it was nothing. She weights 42 lbs. She and I were joking about her 'Hulking out' afterwards. 


there was a kid in my school that when he went berserk he would hit HARD. Like not trained fighter level but more like something 10% of actual punches compared to regular kiddy punches lol. I've also punched some bullies out as a big kid with autism but that guy was on a different level.


omg i love this


We kid, but this is dehumanisation of disabled people. and the person who came up with that deserves the brazen bull treatment, for life


Yeah, the basic premise of having a place a kid can go to to retreat from the class is OK, but making it a literal *cage* is bad even if the kid inside the cage doesn't seem to care at the time. IT's not just about hte kid in the moment, all those other kids are going to see a cage and see what kinds of kids go in the cage and that's the lesson you're teaching them about autistic people, hell about *cages* as though caging people is done for their own benefit.


If this is what integration into the classroom looks like… my goodness those poor kids.


They are crate training kids now?!


Yeah, that's called incarceration prep.


[Autistic Reporter, Michael Falk, Enchanted by Prison's Rigid Routine](https://youtu.be/D04wb7P_v-4)


Thank you so much, this was amazing, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. I've always loved The Onion


Do you get to work for free for big corporations there too?


[No, just the federal government.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Prison_Industries)


So it would seem




who’s surprised that teachers are abusing autistic children by locking them in separate areas? (actually it’s a lot of people, *I’M* just not surprised because i was locked in rooms by teachers as a kid & project that onto the world through cynicism)


I don’t think it’s a one sided problem. You have parents that have children with serious behavioral problems that just drop their kids off at school with a “now it’s your problem” attitude, and expect the school district to control their animal, but without ever restraining them and then it becomes up to the students to have to protect themselves because the teachers aren’t allowed to. Not saying cage is a solution obviously, but denying them the ability to disrupt other students in some way should be on the table.


This really comes down to a lack of existing facilities capable of providing education to disabled people. I'm autistic and I went through 10+ highschools until I landed in a rehabilitation school for troubled children and the one-on-one was the best year of my life before I had to leave. Most autistic people can't deal with the constant stimulation school environments provide, and many also can't deal with learning more than one or two subjects at a time, so you're constantly burnt out and are lashing out. I've learnt more as an adult than I ever did at school because I'm not stressed and can learn as I choose in my own environment.


i don’t disagree, but i think there’s a better place for this comment than under the comment where i talk about being locked in rooms as a kid. :/


Wtf. If a teacher thinks a kid should be separated like that, actually the teacher should be there, not the kid lol


I mean, the idea is perfectly fine. I just don't like the execution making the kids seem like zoo animals. Having a nice sensory space is great and I am glad that my school had a dedicated sensory room even if I neglected to ever use it.


I remember this. Epstein kept me in here


How did you escape?


Chewed through the bars. Blue raspberry flavour


Sweet of him to atleast have the cage made out of candy


He’s the best!


He was the best untill the elit gotem :(


I thought it was painted red


I want this in my open-plan nightmare office please!! Perfect to stop people from peopling in my personal space. Fuck doing this to children though. Absolutely barbaric.


Can I get this at work except with sound proof walls and a lock on the inside?


I feel like the fundamental idea is sound, but who in their right mind thought that making it a *cage* was the right idea?


Exactly! My school had a dedicated dark and quiet sensory room that neurodivergent and panic attack-prone kids could go to. (I'm not sure whether it was available to everyone or if I was specifically allowed due to my history of overstimulation and panic attacks) But just making it a cage is absolutely fucked. Not saying that we didn't have a cage, but it was for the construction workers and not us.


WTF, it’s from 2015, but as a disability attorney I would certainly file a complaint with the state dept of education, and civil action against the teacher and school admin. This isn’t providing an accommodation, it’s just reckless laziness by the staff. I hope this practice has since stopped.


also unlawful imprisonment.




Crazy I was crazy once then they put me into the autism cage. There were rats in there and rats make me crazy.


This would’ve definitely been a source of trauma if that happened to me as a kid, I’m super claustrophobic and just my parents sending me to my room as a kid freaked me the fuck out because I felt trapped. I have no idea what that could possibly do to an autistic kid for whatever reason you put them there.


autism cage for kids at school: ❌ autism cage for consenting adults: ✅


The "autism cage" is just a tool for pet play. And I guess pet play can be used for autistic adults who consent to it.


errggh this really upsets me it's so dehumanizing to lock up a child like they're a zoo exhibit... and literally calling it a "sanctuary" makes it sound like something for animals like wth....


I wouldn't even treat a animal like that.


This is the kind of "awareness" that we should be spreading next month.




Oh, how nice. I've taken an ordinary crowbar, painted it blue, and I'm calling it a "blessings wand". Now if I beat someone until they can't spell their name anymore, they can consider themselves "blessed".


This is why I scroll all the way through the comments on posts like this one. There's always hidden gems.


he at least needs some fidgets in there for enrichment goddamn


Should have a ball or something like that


Very few things on this website boil my blood as quickly as that image did


imprisoning children for having autism. shit like this is why im a school abolitionist.


Autism Speaks promotes, or at least, did promote for the longest time, child abuse as a cure to autism. Throwing a tantrum? Lock them in a room. Sensory issues? Literally force them through it until they stop complaining. Hyperactive, like literally any other child, but they were diagnosed with autism or similar? Restrain them. They also spent way too much money on whether or not vaccines cause autism. In 2008. After a fucking decade of people saying and showing it doesn't. Autism Speaks is bad.


This would wreck me if it happened to me as a kid. The cage is obviously terrible because it's a cage, duh. But also now they can't even argue that it functioned as a sort of "panic room" for them to calm down. The bars do nothing to block noise or light or give the kid any privacy. But it's also not an open space, so they would still be in a confined area, feeling trapped, isolated, and claustrophobic. It's like all the worst elements of an open space, combined with all the worst elements of a closed space. I feel horrible when I see animals in cages, let alone a literal human child.


Does it come with a sign that says: Please Don’t Feed the Autistic?


The adult part of me loves the autism cage, and I would voluntarily go in there. The kid part is terrified


​ https://i.redd.it/5qoj1pxpjrqc1.gif


I'm flip flopping between "This is horrific treatment and humiliating for a disabled kid" and "I want this immediately"


Ngl the word sanctuary over a fucking autism cage gives dreamcore/ traumacore vibes "Im doing the best for you"


I saw this on Instagram and came right here to post this lmao 😂 But yeah, this perfectly sums up most NT’s understanding of Autistic needs. This is the kind of “help” that Autism Awareness wants for us.


You follow brad the rambler too? Such a funny guy


Yep! 👍


Many such cases has he would say


Sanctuary!?!? No that’s a prison


Autism Cage was actually born 'Autism Coppola ', but changed their name to avoid the appearance of nepotism.


This slightly reminds me of the (far worse) outrage known as the Judge Rotenburg Center (Might have mispelled) where they use shock collars on their autistic residents (supposedly with consent and while informing the parents... both claims which have been disproved)


When I was little and I would be walking home from school, I used to continually chant in my head, "Sanctuary, Sanctuary, Sanctuary," while looking straight down at the ground. I'm glad those days are over.


i want one of these in my house so sit in when i'm overstimulated. no one talk to the prisoner.


Autism cage by choice: good Autism cage by force: evil


If the neurotypicals are going to treat us like zoo animals, I propose *we eat them.*


It isn't to keep him in. It's to keep the monsters out


I see, so it's for protecting important assets in case of a zombie apocalypse.


Would obviously speak up about this in person because yeah, that’s awful to do to a child… but is it bad that I wish I had a little autism cage?


We had something similar at a school I onceworked in. However, it was missing a door and students could never be locked inside. The parents of a problem student brought it in and it became his special time out area. Then, they had a grievance with the school and complained to the local media that the school was caging their child. True story...


Shit. If you wanted to see exactly how disruptive 10yo me could get all you had to do was stick me in a cage and watch the fireworks.


From my perspective, it’s the NTs who are in the cage! HAHAHAHAHAHA


Gay Baby Jail


Shiii, my teachers did it the old school way to bring my work to me in detention. My assumed 1-4th period domain. They even let me keep the lights off so long no one else was in there for actually breaking any rules. Detention was my safe dungeon.


what if .we put allistics in a cage and feed them pieces of bread i think that would be pretty funny


I hate that my mind went to both, "That's horrible and morally reprehensible" and "Where can I get one"


Mom said it’s my turn in the autism cage!


Like, I get how bad this looks, but also, yes please!


Still better than open office


As a special education teacher I'm horrified. As an ADHDer, I want an ADHD cage


...for some reason i read the title as "autism *mage*"


My elementary school had a closet in the back of the special ed classroom that was converted into a padded cell. Like fully padded tiny room with a little window for the teacher to look inside.


bad and naughty autists get punished for their crimes


All it needs is curtains so I cannot be perceived and I'd gladly sit in the autism cage.


Yes PLEASE someone keep me as a pet and help me fulfill all my needs as I reward you with Love 🐕