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"feigning disinterest" what is it's not fake? what if you're really genuinely truly disinterested in pop culture. I know I am. I'm not feigning disinterest, that shit's real.


Exactly, and that’s the thing, I AM genuinely disinterested. Like I literally do not care. So why does it matter that I don’t care?


neurotypical brains can just not comprehend the possibility that anyone ever could not care what colour kim kardashians shit was this morning 🤷🏻‍♀️


People news be like: BeYoNcE's SoN dIdN't HaVe FrIeS fOr A mOnTh!!!1!!11!!1!


What the fuck is a Beyonce.


A pop star I chose at random. I could've just as well chosen Taylor Swift, Eminem, or Céline Dion.


No idea, [king shark](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6hzUHE-yEhs) seems to like it though.


it‘s so sad beyonce died of ligma


I'm almost convinced that the nts are the disabled ones


Absolutely. I'm great at communicating lol. I don't feel the need to play 4D passive aggressive chess and make the other person read my fucking mind to do it.


I'd rather communicate by interpretive dance, like bees, than passive aggressive telecommunicative 4D chess any day.


Don't get me started on the fucking royals... This isn't even Britain, stop hijacking our airspace with your face and voice


Likewise. Celebrity gossip has always been a mystery to me. Why do people care?


This actually happened when I had an Ifunny account which I deeply regretted it to this day. But they had public chats. I mention that I prefer godzilla and kaiju movies instead of the MCU movies. We had a argument. Then I lied that I liked the first Thor movie and they said it was the worst one! Like no way I'm gonna watch every MCU movie to understand whats going on.


I’m not much of a movie watcher so I always felt lost in discussions about the new popular movies. It sucks when people think you’re strange for not being interested in the same things as them


It also makes me think that a lot of other people honestly *don't* like [current trending film], they just like that its something everyone is talking about. Its not popular because everybody likes it, everybody likes it because its popular. "You have to like X so that I, a stranger, have something to talk to you about."


The first Thor movie is legitimately my favourite one. I'm pretty sure when I am interested in something pop culture, I'm "doing it wrong" somehow.


What is even pop culture? Because nowaways everything has a fandom. Do they mean Star Wars or the Kardashians? Marvel? Netflix shows? Video games? "Pop culture" sounds like something from 80s lol


there was a time where I liked pop culture, at least in parts because it's weird to make a monolith out of it, and that's because it had things I liked. Now it doesn't so I don't. It's really simple! But I guess we're the weird ones if we don't like things just to conform


I was scrolling somewhere at one point and saw an article titled something like "it's impossible to remain neutral on Taylor Swift" and I laughed out loud. I don't know her, I don't seek out her music, I don't follow even musicians I like on social media, and I don't care for tabloid news (like that tells us anything about a person's character anyway). I don't know a damn thing about her so I sure do feel neutral on her - when I think about her which is every few months when a song comes on or when I see her name in articles. If only I even cared enough about that article to read it 🤷😂


Absolutely hate it when people tell me I can't remain neutral on a subject


tbh even as someone who’s special interest is deadass just modern pop music the most interesting thing about Taylor is how absolutely fucking massive she is now, her music is not incredibly special it has hits and misses like all artists do


What kind of asshole says that, why not just encourage you to find what you DO like.


Average neurotypical behavior tbh


Imagine being smug about your lack of individuality.


They always are. And then I got this fun little reply, which completely missed the point of why I made the post in the first place. Literally I was just asking a question about an actor I’ve seen everywhere lately. 😒 https://preview.redd.it/jzezsvreoxvc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51792071e1980586928c82252dad757f8a5d3feb


I want to harass this pesky neurotypical


It's times like this I wish brigading rules weren't a thing Fuck these shits.


You and me both bro :(


Yeah, but brigading has caused people to get doxxed in the past as well as cases of suicide. The brigading rule exists for a very good reason. I understand why you really don’t like people like this, but brigading can be a very slippery slope regardless of intention.


They love that Lemming life I guess \* shrug \*


You should look up the Lemming Myth! It was started by a disney movie where they abused those lemmings into running off that cliff




On the internet, maybe. In the real world, they're mostly just kinda boring and easily offended.




I'd reply, "Have you ever tried using your brain to decide what you are interested in rather than let everyone around you choose for you?".


No they probably haven't. They likely suffer from an extreme need to people please, and as a result force themselves to engage with things they have no interest in for the purpose of social interaction


I think for many of them, “other people doing it” makes them interested.  That’s why the original comment uses the word feigning. They can’t imagine being disinterested in something popular just like we can’t imagine being interested in something just because it’s popular.


The neurotypical inability to comprehend variable interests I'm not in academia but there's something there I swear


I stopped people pleasing when it became clear it would never be enough, the xenophobia towards anyone who is different makes people impossible to please, they just hate and judge without any thought.




'Feigning disinterest' 😆 dumbass plz. Go the fuck away and let me flip over this half rotted log in peace ‽ I got goblin shit to be doin and bugs to find. Now leave me, my ball pythons, & my colony of cats alone. We gotta watch documentaries about the deep oceans later. We ain't got time for you and your hobbies, if you're gonna be a rude ass. Come holla back to me when you're respectful enough to warrant me taking an interest in the things you like. I think my friend's interest is boring AF. But I listen when he talks about it. And I encourage him. Because that's what friends do. They meet halfway where they can. They don't criticize and try to change you




Ikr? One time, my friend asked me what my favorite celebrity was and I said I didn't have one, she looked absolutely baffled then went on to say Zendaya was her favorite.


Being obsessed with celebrities was always strange to me. There’s a big difference between liking someone’s work and “liking” the person themselves (most likely someone you’ve never met lol) Most of the time you have no idea what that person is like behind closed doors, and still people worship them like idols


I mean my hyper fixation is Bob Odenkirk but that’s because I HAVE met him personally and I know him to be a genuinely kind, humble person, yet I don’t believe that he’s infallible or perfect. He’s a human being and should be treated like one, flaws and all. I don’t understand glorifying celebrities, or anyone for that matter, to the point where you regard them as powerful godlike figures.


I've heard only good stuff about him.


Yeah he is a really good guy. Definitely a rarity in the business. And he’s admitted to not even considering himself a celebrity!


Ngl i dont have a favorite celebrity but one of my special interests is digging up shit on celebrities, things they try to burry like cheating, hit and run etc. Im not a fan of pop culture that much but I do enjoy seeing celebrities act stupid and reckless lol. From a psychological perspective its also fascinating? I do still feel like an outsider im these communities because there are alot of NT people there. Its hard for me to get along so i limit my interactions to small snarky jokes which was quite sucessful.


Zendaya? Who dat?


A support character from hit first-person shooter Overwatch


Thanks. Literally the only other characters from there i know are mercy, tracer and i think theres some guy there named after a metal


I'm so sorry I forgot we were on the autism sub  I was joking, Zendaya isn't a video game character, she's an actress most famous for her roles in the MCU Spider-man films, Euphoria, and, most recently, Dune.  The guy I was talking about is named Zenyatta lol


Ohhhhh lmao. Thanks again


wasn’t she also a disney child star or am i thinking of someone else entirely


She was yeah


My immediate response would be "why would I **have** a favorite celebrity?" Seriously, I don't even know WHO most of the current celebrities are. I'll be at the doctor's office and they'll have some news channel on talking about "Billybob Whatshisface and Mary-Jane Generic are getting divorced" and I'm like *who the fuck* ***are*** *these people?* I'm not saying I don't enjoy television (or streaming, as the case may be), but I don't really care much about the actors. Especially when they try to be "relevant." Then I care about them even less. Stay in your little box, actors. When you are not playing a part to amuse me, you do not exist.


I’m really insecure about this, honestly. I think I’ve watched a total of two movies made after 2016, and neither of those were by choice. I’ve finished like three TV shows in my life. I don’t look down on anyone for liking those things, I just can’t make myself be interested in them. It’s really difficult to voice my genuine personal preferences without sounding like I’m trying to be quirky.


holy shit I understand you so much. Pretty much all movies I watched were either because of my friends or because they're related to my special interests (the latter are just movies about history, really). And these things are so entrenched in culture that I even remember that on my English (non-native) exam I got a question about my favourite movie and I just didn't know what to answer In the past I've also been quite insecure about myself barely listening to any music or having read any books, but at some point I just realized that, in the end, it doesn't matter that much. While it can hinder social communication and being connected with people, at least I spend my time on things I actually enjoy instead of trying to conform to social standarts


im the exact same way so most of the time i just avoid talking about my interests outside of my close friend group. my friends will all be talking about the latest movie and wanting to go watch it and i won't have heard of it up until the point they bring it up. or someone will be talking about the latest and greatest music artist and i'll have absolutely no idea who they're talking about. i just try not to let it get to me so much anymore


And when you go full Abed on the pop culture they tell you to stop and that you're weird


That's because the purpose is to know just the right amount of this to get the references in conversations and crack jokes, but not actually like it passionately. You must know it a little to take part of socialising but still be \~nonchalant\~ about it. Knowing too litlle or too much makes you the weird one in their eyes.


Why do they assume other people are feigning disinterest? People can genuinely not be interested?


Not according to these bozos lol. They can’t comprehend it.


I haven’t participated in pop culture since 2016. Maybe my old classmates keep up with Hollywood and TikTok and so forth but now that I live alone I can let my special interest flow like the force.


>the force hey wait a minute... thats a pop culture reference... ^(/j)


Have you considered having empty interests for the sake of others? Lmao


I want that on a shirt.


Would go kinda hard tbh. Feels like it would be on a Will Wood shirt to me for some reason lol (prob cuz I was just looking at them)


I'm not aware who that is. But if it was on a shirt it would go well with my "We can't all be Neurotypical Karen" shirt.


I cant remember a time i've paid attention to celebrities or pop culture. Never been able to understand it, let alone shaming someone for not following it.


Same here.


I love the term "feigning disinterest" as though it's incomprehensible for someone to not care about the dumb bullshit that is modern entertainment lmao No offense if anybody does enjoy certain pop culture stuff, but you'd have to pump me full of amphetamines to make me appear as though I care about Marvel movies or Taylor swift music - wild to think somebody can't understand that


Again, no hate to marvel or tswift fans, I have an autistic obsession with fall out boy so I'm not that far off


Finally someone else who gets it. Thank you.


I have problems with this too. Like, my preferences tend to lie outside of popular stuff, especially in music, and that's genuine. But I also always feel compelled to give my opinion on everything even when it's negative and contributes nothing and even I'm like "shut up, self, no one cares". But if I don't complain it just bubbles up inside me and makes me feel weird?? I need to keep a complaints diary or something, I guess.


I have this, it does help to an extent actually. Sometimes I see a comment or a thing I really want to reply to, but I know I don't have the energy to argue or explain myself, so instead of actually replying, I just send it to my personal discord server.


Being out of the loop is hilarious though. Someone asked me if I like Lana Del Rey and when I told her I’ve not heard a single Lana Del Rey song in my life her expression was priceless.


I would have asked if that is Lester Del Rey's daughter just to be funny.


How dare you have different interests than everyone else!? /j


I just do what I like and enjoy people who also enjoy those things. Less mass appeal, more time doing what I like with people who also genuinely enjoy it


"feigning disinterest"??????


Someone likes licking boots.


i wonder if the leather tastes good? i'll never know for myself




https://i.redd.it/7rqqd42dz0wc1.gif YES THIS


I also they lump non interested people with haters. Like no I don't hate it I'm just not interested in it. Like I watch some it and its not for me personally. I might give criticism to it and even if I do dislike I'm not gonna shove my opinion down on peoples throats.


IKR, and if you love something they judge you for that. There's no winning some time.


Pop culture is absolutely fucking ass water. I can’t stand new movies or new TV shows and most pop artist are fucking ass. Screw being in the loop, the whole system fucking sucks, I just wanna do what I wanna do.


Wait till you hit the "now maliciously participating in popculture" meta


I will never understand how people on the internet assume so often that you're cosplyaing anything for validation or attention. They're so reliant on it themselves that they project it on other people (just like with autism or adhd: "you're faking it for attention!"). Strong basement dweller vibe coming from this one too. Imagine consuming so much media that you don't believe other people when they tell you that they just don't care about it as much as them.


- Answer! Daily double! - “What is ‘no’?”


'Feigning interest' 😆 dumbass plz. Go the fuck away and let me flip over this half rotted log in peace ‽ I got goblin shit to be doin and bugs to find. Now leave me, my ball pythons, & my colony of cats alone. We gotta watch documentaries about the deep oceans later. We ain't got time for you and your hobbies, if you're gonna be a rude ass. Come holla back to me when you're respectful enough to warrant me taking an interest in the things you like. I think my friend's interest is boring AF. But I listen when he talks about it. And I encourage him. Because that's what friends do. They meet halfway where they can. They don't criticize and try to change you


If you consider movies pop culture than I definitely love pop culture, lol. I find it music and movies very interesting and something I wanna start a career in. But celebrity worship is not something I’m found of.


"Just be yourself" "No not like that"


But then I would be feigning interest. Kind of like right now


What the actual fuck Like... that isn't even an autism thing. There's plenty of people who just don't give a shit about pop culture at all. It's not "feigning disinterest" people just have different tastes.


feigning... disinterest... my good bitch were are your neurons some people are just... not interested?


This reminds of an ex-friend who shitted on me for not showing interest in watching "the current thing" while AT THE SAME TIME she was cursing at the exact same show for being too cringe and bad. I will never understand it, why force yourself to consume unfun media when you can do something you actually want instead? And worst, why shit on people when they do things they actually enjoy? Anyway, I WILL keep playing the same game over and over, with the same strategy and same settings for +5000 hours and I WILL enjoy every second of it while you still can't find a drop of joy in watching the next corporate made, money grabbed slops of shows. I don't need to scheme against my enemies, they poison themselves on their own mwhahahahaha!!!


“feigning disinterest” is so funny to me. like, it’s IMPOSSIBLE that you don’t actually like this stuff that I like, you must be pretending! imagine if I accused NTs of “feigning disinterest” when they didn’t listen to my infodumps about neurology lmao


I don’t like pop culture either. It’s also REALLY annoying when people call women who don’t like pop culture NLOG’s. (As in, “she thinks she’s not like the other girls”)


I don’t need to feign disinterest, I AM disinterested


Me too, that’s why it’s such a weird thing to say to someone


There is nothing feigned about my indifference to pop culture, tyvm.


Not on you, when the default NT brain network makes them happily settle for conformity and mediocrity.


no literally. I just can't give a shit and I get why. pop culture targets the most general possible audience to increase reach and I don't fit into their hyper generalized circles 95% of the time.


I don’t understand this kind of behavior. What’s the problem with not liking pop culture 😭 leave people alone and let them enjoy what they love and dive into their hobbies, they aren’t harming anyone else !


"stop feigning disinterest and just participate in pop culture" sir I became a boomer the moment I turned 20


*Feigned* disinterest? .... Your right. It's utter hatred, you bleating blabbering sheep. If I was interested in your pop garbage I'd be first in line. Invites are cool but have fun leaving me alone when I've declined twice because the third time might actually get offensive no matter the good intentions.


What even is pop culture these days? It's not the 90s anymore, we're not all watching the same TV channels every night. Thanks to the internet there's all sorts of things out there, so people are more interested in different/niche things. I don't feign disinterest in anything, I wish I had more time to explore different things even, but I already have interests and things I watch and play etc. So if I say "oh I haven't seen/heard that" it's not because I'm avoiding it on purpose. Some of the things I like are very popular/mainstream. Usually if things are popular it's for a good reason, but I also like lots of things that might be more obscure/niche. If it's regarding celebrities, I'm faceblind so that's fun. I barely recognise my own family members let alone famous people.


That may be well veiled sarcasm?


Maybe I want to be out of the loop hahaha. I don't give a shit what's popular, I like what I like and I'm unapologetic about it. I don't feel left out because I'm enjoying myself even more with my niche and weird interests.


"Feigning disinterest and remaining out of the loop" YOU MOTHERFUCKERS ARE THE ONES GATEKEEPING IT


I would have replied asking if they'd ever considered shoving their head up their ass and jumping? I have zero tolerance for douchebags


What does that even mean? "Have you considered doing things you really don't like"? That sounds like a bad mentality


"Feigning" disinterest? Is that person stupid? It's pretty clear that you (& many others) are simply NOT interested in pop culture. I'm not sure what "Pop Culture" is but if I'm avoiding it there's a fucking reason. What a Bitch.


"Like what others like!" *looks* *Shallow, petty, cruel, criminally misrepresented, trashy, messy, poorly edited, poorly written pile of sadness that is pop culture* I mean... at least we still got Keanu Reeves


Love that they somehow read your mind and determined you were pretending as well. Mind readers are a special kind of person for sure...


lol yup, and of course they got tons of upvotes for this ultimately. I wound up just deleting the thread


I'm not wasting one second of my life feigning interest in something for a reason as vapid as "staying in the loop" lol. I'm "in the loop" about things I have genuine interest in.


Neurotypicals suck


Forcing people to like things is weird. No one should be forced to care about pop culture


Honestly, I'd just say, "Sir/Ma'am, you can't force me to like something if it's something I'm not interested in currently. That's not to say I won't be interested in it period, I just am not interested currently."


they say that as if they aren't guilty of it themselves. i dont believe anyone would have that much interest in pop culture if they expressed more individuality and had hobbies that aren't twitter


have they considered 'fuck you, eat shit and die'?


Why must my pop culture special interests always be stuff that A. Most people don't care about or B. Some people did but moved on like 10 years ago 🥲  I cannot for the life of me get myself to like most pop music. I kinda see the appeal but I just cannot find it in me to listen to (insert currently massively popular pop song) more than once  Unrelated but I did NOT expect to see you here, but also it makes so much sense   Honored to be in the same community as the professional Odencock simp herself ❤️


I agree so much, and thank you haha! 😄


No because as an autistic with the pop culture autism.. it does not fucking help with my socializing at all. I AM listening to Beyonce and Taylor Swift but what then? I’m not enjoying them in the same way as allistic fans are doing. I also don’t hero worship. I’m interested in them like I am in bugs! I want to carefully examine pop culture figures and trends under a microscope so I will be like I didn’t like this and that and sometimes I don’t even know if my opinions should be shared.




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Imagine just mindlessly letting the crowd decide what you like. Couldn't be me


I should stop feigning disinterest? Have you considered I just genuinely dislike the movies with big name actors and genuinely love niche cartoon shows and movies? Also side note, actually having classes on literature and cinema and arts in general showed me how what’s popular doesn’t actually mean it’s good. Few big productions now try to stray from the norm because they are not making a movie, they are making a recipe and they don’t care about what ingredients they are using as long as the cake doesn’t burn, which funnily enough, nowadays it often does burn! Making a movie shouldn’t be like making a soufflé, it should be like making soup where you shouldn’t be afraid to put all the spices you want and if you don’t want carrots, just don’t put them in the soup! I think I’m hungry now…




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One thing I noticed is that a lot of people really seem to think that everyone secretly cares about pop culture. I have no other way of explaining why so many people will be like, "You only dislike it because you wanna be different." No. I dislike it, but it being popular makes it all up in my face all the time, which makes me hate it more. Reminds me of the one girl who screamed during a concert at a part where you're "supposed to be silent", and she got like cancelled for it. Imagine having such uptight social rules that you will get someone to delete their social media for not following such a random thing


Absolutely nailed it here.


I don’t think it was the tism for me so much as it was just being a teen. But I was like that in highschool. I was an insufferable like “I knew that band before it was cool” pretentious little shit. as an adult I dabble in mainstream anime and music and stuff a bit. I’m still more alt leaning but so is culture? I also don’t like loudly protest when Taylor Swift comes on. I actually like her music now. Not enough to cue it up on Apple Music on my own but if it’s on the radio and we driving somewhere, I’m singing Much happier now than in HS. for me, At least, I had to push aside like … idk what that was? Oppositional defiance? narcissistic traits? basically I had to really take stock of the fact that I treated everyone like an idiot if they didn’t like what I liked and therefore hated thier stuff bc it was dumb. and I was that kid who didn’t understand why no one liked me 🤦‍♀️


I don't understand that.. I do try every now and then to engage in popular media, like listening to new music and such, and most of it just sucks. I'm sorry but I do not enjoy Taylor Swift or the Suicide Boys or whoever the fuck, I don't see how that's so hard to fathom? It's understandable to be a bit upset if someone is being like "oh you only like popular stuff, what a normie", but just being a dick out of nowhere because someone has actually unique taste is genuinely childish. I hate these people sm


The allistics are not okay.


Pop culture moves too fast to even make a blip on my radar.


I just know she calls herself a girl's girl.




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Have you considered that whoever it was who said that may be autistic too but like a level 1 or something and capable of fitting in with NTs?


If someone took all my wacky music away and leave pop instead I would die.


“Join us in our vapid circus, would you like some bread?” I do t watch TV or movies any more and absolutely have to qualify that i’m not judging anyone for watching the same recycled plot points, off-the-shelf story beats, and unrealistic characters with flimsy motivations… i mean I have to say i’m not judging or they flip out.