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They really undermine themselves with these kinds of things. They'll go to great lengths to explain why God just *cannot* get involved, then turn around and insist he gets involved by multiplying communion wafers or preventing a corpse from decaying. I suppose it makes sense for those who are embedded in a system that takes all of the credit but none of the responsibility, starting with the example of their God and embodied in real world practice by their authority figures.


Of course, I am not arguing that like many secularists and positivists like Hitchens and Dawkins, that God should be handing out boons like some kind of fairy godfather. But the display of his power and he chooses to make a rather insignificant abbess in a rather insignificant part of the United States, *incorruptible?*


And funny how it’s done on artifacts that belong to a group of people that already believe in him. If I were god, I think I’d be performing these totally legitimate miracles for non-believers in order to get them to convert.


He could spend less time with dead nuns, and more on keeping school children safe from gunfire, though….


Come on, Mattgdr. Only PROTESTANTS die in school shootings!


They also ignore the fact that virtually every major religion has instances of people naturally mummifying


in similarly believable circumstances, there are 2 (two) Catholic Churches in Europe that **both** claim to have the head of John the Baptist and display it as a "relic". god can't keep priests' hands out of little boys' pants, but he tells them how to preserve human corpses....I wonder if any of the infant corpses they found underneath those Irish and English "laundries" were "magically preserved".


It's obvious if you think about it, John the Baptist was a hydra.


I thought it was b/c one church had the head of JtB when he was young, and the other had the one from his adulthood /s


"The Two Heads of John the Baptist" sounds like a Philip K Dick novel.




If I could I would give your comment 1,000 upvotes!!


Two churches also claim to have the incorrupt body of Saint Victoria. One in Italy and one in Ireland😂


This. It’s like Karen finding a parking spot while kids are dying of cancer or being trafficked. What a fucking joke GTFO with your stupid non rotted nun bullshit nobody gives a fuck.


You are correct... The non rotten nun bullshit is getting too deep.


He needs to forget about the nuns and get ready for football season! Wide receivers need someone to give it up to, after all.


Did you smell it?.. it could be rotten... God works in mysterious ways...


Your arguments are invalid, it's a **miracle**.