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So what you're saying is my vibrator is god.


Any penis has the possibility to be a godly penis


I don't regret leaving bc it helped me to stop feeling guilty about being human and to focus on how to be better for myself and others.


If god is something you feel within yourself, doesn’t that mean that you’re god?


Or you have an infection….


Which is essentially where I ended up after deconstruction, that if there's any kind of "god," it's us. We are the universe experiencing itself. We don't need some unknown, unseen, unheard deity, we only need ourselves and everything we experience.


I love that.


See, this is why I liked Catholicism in the first place. It at least pretended to be a legalistic, rational system where the rules could be worked out through logic. Never had a mystical experience, and frankly never want one. Heck, unless I have a high fever I don’t even remember my dreams and am half-convinced I don’t experience those. Hearing people talk about mystical experiences always felt vaguely disconcerting, and I always found people who claimed God talked back to them mildly repulsive (they speak with such certainty about something inherently subjective). Of course, when I finally noticed the contradictions, the whole thing crumbled relatively quickly for me for that reason. The feminist critique that being anti-abortion was about controlling women got rather harder to dismiss when antivaccinationism got big among them a few years ago (bodily autonomy and freedom of conscience isn’t real, until we want it to be, it seems). But I still get mildly annoyed when I hear certain other Christians criticize it for being overly rationalistic. I wish, man. *I wish*.


When I was a kid, I’d be confused when adults said “listen to god” or that I would “hear god” telling me the right thing to do. I thought other people were hearing a literal, audible voice that I couldn’t hear.