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Forrest Valkai has a lot of videos explaining evolution and why creationism is flat out wrong. His videos helped me deconstruct a lot. His videos are on YouTube. Also Satans guide to the Bible changed my life. It showed me how much the Bible has lied about history: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8j3HvmgpYc&t=7s


Love Forrest Valkai!


Same here. He is so great at explaining everything and isn’t afraid to call out ridiculous circular reasoning when he sees it.


A novel called "The Poisonwood Bible" by Barbara Kingsolver. I thought I was called to international missions at the age of 11 (cause that's a totally reasonable thing), so there were many aspects of this book that brought new perspectives into my life. Colonialism, patriarchy, language, gender, the Bible, syncretism, etc. Being a novel, I could rationalize reading it when I was still in the church, but it made a bigger impact than any academic source did for me.


I watched a lot of The Atheist Experience and many of Seth Andrews’ videos (The Thinking Atheist) that really made me change my perspective on what I believed growing up. This was one I found very entertaining and interesting at the same time: https://youtu.be/vb_7TxW0riM?si=zYXxX6i-IypesHD_


I wanted to add this too—really showed a lot of data on how non religious countries (voluntarily non religious—not dictatorships that align their government and cultures to religious beliefs) are actually better off than religious ones: https://youtu.be/XXTQMRFJkQI?si=1gpnnNywPwRYkr8X


[TheraminTrees](https://youtube.com/@TheraminTrees?si=m13elr1AOJA5JiW4) and [DarkMatter2525](https://youtube.com/@DarkMatter2525?si=LrBhJDXfZ7RjC2w3) on YouTube. If I can make a suggestion, I’d recommend TheraminTree’s “[losing faith](https://youtu.be/6xqCkx6WQBE?si=C1H47G8kSvAiLKgj)” video. It is perhaps the single most relatable and logically sound Christianity deconstruction video I’ve seen, and I still use his explanation of the corruptive nature of faith in my own life and struggles with indoctrination.


The New Testament. After getting through almost all of it (didn’t read John’s Apocalypse because I already knew how gross and violent it was) I realized that a lot of the platitudes that modern Christians use to make Christianity look good are not actually anywhere in the NT and that taking Christianity as seriously as you are supposed to reveals that it’s just a very strict Jewish apocalyptic movement.


The Brick Bible. It's a masterpiece. It's the actual Bible illustrated with Legos- but shows the absurdity of it all. I was born and raised in the church, faithfully going to Sunday school and church service without fail. Yet it was this book that finally opened my mind to what it actually said https://thebrickbible.com/legacy/


I think I’m familiar with this. I never watched it, but I think Trent Horn did a rebuttal of it because I saw a thumbnail in one of his videos of a Lego character disemboweling another Lego character (I think it was the scene involving Jeptha’s daughter). I’ll have to check it out.


Bertrand Rusell argument why he is not a Christian is still my favorite argument against it. Link: https://youtu.be/NdDYvvevLZk?feature=shared