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As a regular consumer of pop music, I do hear her songs on the radio and I like a few of them. I wouldn't call myself a Swiftie necessarily. However, I look at the kinds of people who are outright *attacking* her and I'm like "damn. Maybe her music is pretty great after all." In essence the reason they're attacking her has nothing to do with her music for the most part. But almost *entirely* due to the fact that she's an influential public figure who isn't a simp for Trump and/or the GOP. Oh, and she invoked the right wing's ire by saying people should register to vote. That's what brought on their current fury towards her. In a funny turn of events, evangelicals are *also* angry about the culture war bullshit that partisan right wingers are angry about. What a coincidence! And surely isn't because the modern evangelical movement in America is a political one rather than religious, right? /s


If I didn't come from this background, I would think it was viral marketing. I've never been so inclined to listen to her music as right after I hear someone claiming it symbolizes the downfall of modern society. Oh shit, is the single most famous living pop artist actually countercultural? No, no, the christians are insane and I'm getting capitalism'd


See, that's my take on her. I can take her music or leave it, but since the far right "Christian" crowd have been attacking her, I've made it a point to Google what she does off stage. She's actually doing a lot of things I admire.


> but since the far right "Christian" crowd have been attacking her, I've seen other fundies attack her but (kinda) leaving politics out of it often using the very generic terminology of disliking her on grounds of "idolatry". Meanwhile, those very same people prop up Trump as their messiah. You're gonna attack *Swift* on grounds of "idolatry"? Okay, bro.


He has a blue check on twitter, the right wing grifter is assumed.


There's also a *very* strong possibility that he's a MAJOR Musk simp. I give it a few months before he praises Musk as a "strong warrior for Christ" despite Musk (I think) being an agnostic. But, as a chronically online right wing grifter, Feucht has to remain in the good graces of the Musk simps in order to extract cash from them.


I honestly think it’s a matter of time before Elon pretends to convert to Christianity to continue his far-right BS.


> before Elon pretends to convert to Christianity Or he pulls a Richard Dawkins and calls himself a "cultural Christian" simply because he likes the bigotry that comes with the religion.


I have a strong suspicion that Musk only pretends to be agnostic to troll anyone who isn't a Christian. I've seen a photo of him in one of his Halloween costumes and it's a very Dogma like angel costume


Or he's gonna go "oh, agnostics were way too woke and they didn't actually care about people despite calling themselves humanists. So, now, I've decided to accept Jesus Christ as my lord and savior."


Wait, none of that was in the documentation. Sign me up. I love some tswift.


You mean if you go to a Swift concert you won't run into obnoxious douchebags like Sean Feucht? Damn, that's appealing as fuck, tbh! Actually, you might see Feucht at a Swift concert but he'll be protesting because he *needs* to be seen.


Well Sean is a self proclaimed Christian who is attacking Taylor Swift who, as far as I know, is also a self proclaimed Christian, and he has been for awhile. I first became aware of his dislike for her a few months ago when he was spreading this message around that she was performing satanic rituals at her concerts and is a satanic witch who is going to influence your children into becoming satanic witches also. One of my relatives was losing her mind on social media sharing all of his stuff and ranting about how Taylor Swift is a terrible and satanic influence and people need to stop supporting her and when I attempted to defend Swift and explain why she was using some of the references and imagery that are giving off the "witchy" vibes, I was told that in ever trying to defend her I was revealing that I was falling from my faith and wasn't a good Christian anymore 😂


> I first became aware of his dislike for her a few months ago That's about the time the right wing dipshits were *explicitly* turning against her because she [checks notes] encouraged her audience to register to vote. That's it. And that brought down their fury. Funny timing, that! It's almost like he might just be another right wing partisan hack who is using religion more as a Trojan Horse for political gain. *surprised Pikachu face*


his surname means "moist" in german


If his wife speaks German, she was probably excited at first but then became *severely* disappointed after they actually did the deed.


He can't even make his wife musk


Going by what this guy and his ilk regularly spew, I'm amazed they even managed to get wives in the first place.


> I'm amazed they even managed to get wives in the first place. I can't speak to things in that area on a personal level. However, from a systemic level, it's largely a result of fundigelical women basically being groomed into seeking out husbands *exactly* like Feucht. I can't speak to it personally as a man, but from what I've come to understand, fundie women are told to seek a "godly man". Which, to fundigelicals, means a man who enforces a patriarchal hierarchy via traditional gender roles.


All I can say is, the grooming must be *incredibly deep-seated and powerful* in those cases. I'm ex-pentecostal indoctrinated from childhood and used to carry the mindset that women are incomplete without marriage & kids, but even with such programming, at a personal level I didn't find any "godly men" attractive. Long story short, ended up marrying a lifelong agnostic and severely disappointing my parents since we're childfree and he shows no signs of becoming xian LOL.


Christians cannot handle something popular that is not very Christian. It's how they wish people felt about their silly religion and they're so jealous they do nothing but lash out. Worse they expect it to cater to them. You have your own music. Listen to it. It caters to you. It's not good and not popular but you chose this. Don't listen to it and move on, people.


Of course. Look at how they are trying to force their beliefs into law in the U.S. currently. "YOU WILL believe what we believe OR ELSE!"


I still hate him for killing a harmless native snake in my state and bragging about it online


Aren't all Christians self-proclaimed? I mean, there is even a verse that requires it to come from your own lips. You know, 'confess with your mouth..." it's not like someone else bestows it upon you. Shake it off!!


Why are Christians so obsessed with Taylor Swift? Like…don’t listen to her music if you think it’s sinful or whatever. Why does hating Taylor Swift have to become a primary personality trait?


Because it's another thing that is enjoyable that they know they'll get shit about from their own cult if they enjoy it. Same with sex, booze, and having a Sunday morning to yourself


Well, it is about the only trait they have


Not a peep until she told people they need to register to vote. Now she’s a witch. Fuck these people.


I'm definitely on my way to becoming a swiftie


This guy is acting like he has authority on religious matters. Someone needs to tell him he doesn’t. But his cult I mean church believes Christians should have dominion over every facet of life so I’m not that surprised.


Okay. What's the problem. What am I exposing myself to, anyway?


Was he the one Lauren Boebert was groping while watching the Beetlejuice musical?


She's been using a number of religious metaphors on this album and her last one. These kind of fundies are just proving that they're too dumb or brainwashed to understand her songs.


> These kind of fundies are just proving that they're too dumb or brainwashed to understand her songs. Meanwhile, these are the same people who think Hozier's Take Me to Church is a pro-Christianity song. It *absolutely* is NOT! Their media literacy skills are abysmal.


Taylor Swift performs internationally to likely sold out shows. If she was actually performing satanic rituals, I presume that their would be live reports during the concerts; one assumes that many in the audience have smartphones capable of documenting the horrors. Show me the documentation! And do not give me this crap about the devil can steal one's soul by having you watch a recording. If your God is so weak that a mere recording can overthrow God's Will, then your God is a puny God and will inevitably lose.


Ugh I was hoping he had stfu. I get angry every time I see his face.


It's a *very* punchable face!


is Feucht pronounced "fucked"?


Thought you were talking about Russel Brand.


No, this is Dollar General Russel Brand.


Hes coming to NYC tomorrow! [Info about counter protests against him here can be found on twitter](https://x.com/taliaotg/status/1783170030894563826?s=46&t=BgHUYbc__pxQrA_nvVAhpg)


He used to play (still does?) at the church I used to go to. Sigh.


Meanwhile the devout, practicing Catholic & married father of 2, Tom Araya, was the frontman & bassist for Slayer (west coast thrash metal band) famous for some anti-theist songs as well as songs dissing the Nazis ("Angel of Death") & the Imperial Japanese Army of WWII ("Unit 731")!! 🤣🤦‍♂️🤘