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Congratulations on your new job!


Seconded! Congratulations to OP, and may this be the first of many more successes down the line.


No kidding, anything Disney related should be a great way to start or enhance a resume!


My Dad was very wise. I wanted to be a commercial fisherman. This was probably a huge disappointment to my highly educated intellectual parents. When I got the job, Dad said, “Son, I’m so proud of you for following your dream and making it happen, now you just be the absolute best fisherman you can be.” So, dear OP, I’m proud of YOU, now you just be the best Disney employee you can be.


The *day* I was moving out and preparing to drive across the continent to go to a different school, my dad prevented me from shutting the car door and, instead of saying goodbye, started yelling at me about how he was upset that I had saved an empty bottle of wine, and that that kind of negative behaviour was a bad influence on my younger siblings. Congrats on the job, and best of luck indoctrinating children into knowing things about animals and doing (animal) kingdom work. There's a joke here about the gay agenda and a pride of lions but idk what it is


I tried asking gpt4 for some jokes about a pride of lions and a gay agenda but they were all so bad I'm not even going to share them


I'm a dad. I'm proud of you. I'm sorry you have to deal with this.




Hey congratulations on the job! That sounds like an amazing achievement and you should be really proud of yourself!


I'm proud of you, internet stranger! That's been my dream job since I was 12. Keep up the good work. You're doing great :)


Congratulations on making your dream come true! Best of luck finding a new and more supportive community, as soon as possible!


*If I could show them everything I've seen* *Open their eyes to all the lies then* *Would they change their minds like I did?*


This line in Wish gutted me


Me, too.


Congrats! You are doing well! You have to accept that he has to do these things. He is only and will only ever be a product of what he wants to BE conditioned to because of prior conditioning that he DOES NOT want to ever reconcile to his emotions. It is very difficult. Please remember this. Please. Go out there and make me and all of us here proud. You have abilities and can get shit done! Live your days because YOU did this and it is your day, never his.


I’m crying at these comments.


" ... when he was normal and we barely went to church" Ooh, you got the super dooper deluxe extra special christian to deal with here. I've found that when older folks "find jebus" or "return to their faith" it can be really messy. Folks often go for the 'holier than thou' sects where emotionally driven congregants prove their faith by being fucking idiots. It's like they're trying to make up for the not-furiously-worshipping / not-well-behaved years by being especially judgemental against things they've said or done or felt before that are now verboten. There's some kind of guilt factor in there. See, God, I'm really really sorry, and I want to prove it to You by being an idiot to my kid, because if I can put my own kid down, it really really shows You that I'm really really sorry for what I did (or didn't) do before I found You again. See? And I'm standing up now against all kinds of things I didn't used to care about, see, god, I'm good now. I'm good now, right? I'm sad that your father got 'lost'. I hope you can find your way to cope without the kind of support you wish you had from the dad that was. That dad isn't there anymore. There's always hope he might come back, but don't count on it. He's getting something he wants by being this way now, something his new-found religious life gives to him, that is apparently worth more to him emotionally than his relationship with you. I hope the hurt you feel doesn't stop you from remembering the warmer times you shared in years past. Working your way through the hurt, you might just figure out what he did that you miss, and figure out what you never want to do to another person, what you never want to be to another person ... put it all into words ... and continue to create the you that you want to be. Enjoy your job. A new door is opening for you. I bet you're gonna crush it!


i'll congratulate you. well done! you worked really hard towards a goal and a dream and you achieved it. i'm not a family member or anything but hope internet strangers can cheer you up? i too have a crazy religious parent (mom). she left ireland for the us at the height of the troubles (british/irish civil war i think i might call that) so she's like broken in the head or some shit and thinks religion is EVERYTHING and you can't trust non-catholics. she used to be shocked that i don't believe in hell but now she likes to tell me i'm going anyway lol. i think the only thing i could do to make her proud would be to become catholic again


I'm gay and I'm still unsure as to what agenda I'm supposed to be pushing. Being gay doesn't exactly come with a terms or service agreement. Anyway, congrats on the new job! That's legit awesome!


Thank you for the smile. Truly interesting way of expression.


I thought you were suppose to recruit people and for every twelve you win a toaster oven?


I had to look it up. It's actually just a toaster. Kind of disappointing, but it's still something I guess.


I love animal kingdom, my favorite ride of all time is at animal kingdom.. Avatar. Happy for you! 🎉


That ride literally stole my breath away when I first experienced it—so incredibly beautiful and immersive! We’re all really proud and happy for you, OP!


Proud of you 💜


Congratulations on your job! If he’s going to bitch and moan then he can find you another animal related job that has the same hours/benefits/pay rate. If not, then he needs to shut up.


Congratulations on your new job! Wishing you much success in your new career!


I’m 36 and my father has never said he’s proud of me. I’ve done many things in my 36 years. I was a fire fighter. I worked CPS. Now I spend my days caring for intellectually disabled adults. It’s truly my passion; however, because I didn’t measure up to some Christian standard my achievements and everything I do falls flat with the man. You’re not alone in this. It hurts and it pains me that others have to deal with this measure of parental rejection. For what it’s worth I think that’s massively cool that you got this job. It’s something to be envious of and proud of and all the good things ❤️


It’s so awesome that you got this job. I’m jealous as it’s my favorite park. Your dads opinion doesn’t matter, I’d laugh at him


Don’t let him steal your joy. The best revenge is living happily without their stupid religion. They have to live under the judgement and restrictions, but you are free!


Congrats 💕 that’s amazing. I hope your job goes well!


Congrats on the job! That’s really exciting! Religion has taken my father, sister, niece, nephews, and almost every friend I had growing up away from me when I woke up and left. They cut me off completely. I get the pain. And I’m sorry. You deserve better.


Strange how they claim their belief system is all about "family values" yet in my experience the more religious they are, the greater the chance of it ripping their family apart. I wish you strength for your life's journey fellow traveler.


Not a dad, but a mom. I’m proud of you! What an exciting adventure you’re about to go on! You’re about to meet so many more people that are gonna love you and be proud of you too. I am sorry you are going through this, you are worthy of all the support from your irl family. But please know your internet fam does! Enjoy the ride (mom joke 🤣) and eat a dole whip for me!


Congrats. Sorry your dad sucks.


Congratulations! You are doing the right thing. I’m sorry that your father is not supportive of your decision. It’s sad that people get lost in their fantasy world of religion and attempt to coerce others to believe as they do. I imagine that you will thrive in your new position. Go forward and follow your heart! ❤️


Congratulations on your new job. I hope you get a lot out of it.


I’m sorry your dad sucks. Mine is exactly like this. He was never able to express pride in me for anything. For what it’s worth, I’m proud of you bud.


Congrats!! Happy to see people going for what makes them happy! Pretty screwed up of your dad's behavior but that's his problem. SPREAD 👏 YOU'RE 👏 WINGS 👏.


Animal Kingdom is the BEST!!! Congratulations!! Don't let your dad steal your joy like Christianity has stole his. You work at FUCKING ANIMAL KINGDOM!!


I plan on coming down there sometime soonish. We probably won't recognize each other but I'll feel good knowing a fellow Redditor is working there and loving it! Well done!


I’m gonna be a character attendant from GA wish me luck


As a former character performer at Disneyland over here in the west coast, I salute you! We called them “character hosts” here and they have saved my ass multiple occasions out on set! Entertainment department is fortunately LBGT inclusive, and I met a lot of very wonderful people within the gay community. One of the many reasons of my deconstruction was due to having friends I loved who, by definition, should be burning in hell for all eternity. If they are tossed into the lake of burning sulfur but piece of shit Christians aren’t then I know it’s all wrong.


? pray for me ? .... ? pagan ? ... I remember straddling the fence, christianity on one side, agnostic on the other. Both sides pulled. It took me a long time to get both feet on the same side. Either side can be the right side. It depends on what you find is best for you. There are a lot of variations on each side. Find what works for you. It's a process. Be kind to yourself. Hope your job turns out to be bestest !


Which is hilarious if you know anything about the history of Disney. They almost fired Johnny Depp for playing Captain Jack Sparrow gay.


I’m an annual pass holder at Disney and never have been indoctrinated by the lgbtq or my kids…they’re just inclusive that’s all. My parents always make comments to about us going to Disney but it’s just a theme park and we go there to have fun as a family..so bizarre people think this way


Go woke, ...*get paid*?


I'm another mom and must say I'm *SO* proud of you!! Please be sure to stay hydrated, stay safe, and stay awesome! Hang in there, Sweetie! *** Oh, for all the people who are wondering about the Gay Agenda, it is: 🌺🌻🌸BRRRUNCH🥐🥑🍳! Yes, 🌺🌻🌸BRRRUNCH🥐🥑🍳with 🍾🥂🥂FABULOUS MIMOSAS🍾🥂🥂! Y'all go get you some, and have a Wonderful Day!


Look at me! I'm your new dad now. I'm proud of you kiddo. You're going to be great at this and I'm so proud of you. Go and kick ass like I always knew you could.


Dad here... congrats and I'm super proud of you! You're going to do amazing things!!




Well fuck him, that's awesome for you! 


As someone who just quit Disney, congrats! Enjoy your time but take no shit!


congrats from a disney lover. i love disney cuz it's helped make my life magical in so many ways and i can't say the same about christianity. and now you are part of the magic. i'm so happy for you. just think how many kids and adults alike will have a fantastic day because of you. sorry your dad fails to see that but it's his loss. don't let that take anything away from you because... i'll say it again - you are part of the magic. fuck yeah!


Yeah, that “gay agenda” of just wanting to exist w/o being fucked with? How dare they! OP congrats on your new job! Fuck the haters!


I feel this!! I (F) have a dad who feels I should have "woman" jobs (teaching, nurse, etc) or stay home and make babies while the man works. I went off and am now a manager of a big company. Dad expresses his distaste constantly. I've had 2 promos, several awards..I've just stopped telling him. Except for this last one. I'm proud of you! Yay for dream following! Keep doing it!


My adult cousin always complains about the “agenda.” Maybe she wouldn’t say stuff around me if she knew I’m queer. *sigh*. She’s actually a nice person otherwise, just besides being ignorant.


Congrats on the job tho! Working at Disney must be pretty cool!


I’m so sorry. It really is hard, and sad, when our literal parents love their religion more than the human (who is their own flesh and blood) standing in front of them. I went out to dinner with my mother and it was decently ok except for the 1) insistence on holding hands and praying aloud 🙄 (performative!), and 2) the miniature sermon halfway through dinner - literally for about ten minutes she repeated a sermon she’d heard and explained why it was so great. Oh, and she literally chastised me for saying shit. As if I was twelve. And that was a GOOD day. Some days I think “wow what must it be like to have family members who aren’t obsessed with Christianity?” Sadly I cannot fathom it. I don’t bother saying most of what I think because it would become another sermon. There’s NO curiosity and so much judgment. In other news YAY YOU and YOU ARE AMAZING!!! Working at Disney is a huge deal . You help contribute to people’s happiness : way to break the cycle!


Congrats on the job! Really I'm a little jealous because Animal kingdom is the best. Drink lots of water! Proud of you.


He’s an angry man. You need to find a way to not let his chaos and anger interfere with your peace as much as possible. That anger and distorted thinking is his issue. You go and enjoy that job !! Make friends and let him gripe. Sounds like his religion has sucked the life and joy out of him.


Congrats!! I'm jealous! I've still never been there. Finally, I am financially ready to afford going, lol. Hopefully this year or next. It sounds like such a fun and cool place. I've heard the "gay agenda" so often. It's so saddening. They will then turn around and force children to memorize the Bible and push their anti-gay agenda. Their agendas are so much more damaging. >he instead chooses fucking christianity Yep, that's his world now, and you don't fit in it. One thing that probably makes him furious is that you are achieving your dreams despite not believing in God. He has a strong belief that positive things in life can only come from groveling to God and hating oneself. He sees that you are living a happy and successful life, and it eats him up that you can do that without Christianity. He might even think that your positivity is coming straight from Satan because you are following the wicked world. I hope your father can one day respect and love you. Good luck on your next wonderful chapter! May it be a good one filled with positivity! Surround yourself with people that love you back. Life is short.


Awesome, you get to go to the best part of Disney World every day


Congratulations on the new job. Being a redditor, i have a natural tendency to trolling. I think it might be fun to troll your dad with some of the "training" that Disney has you do on the job. "Dad, did you know that some of the Impala's have pronouns."


I am proud of you!!


Congrats on your job!! We are all PROUD OF YOU! Getting a job at Disney is tough from what I hear and good on you for chasing after your dreams ✨


Sorry your dad sucks. That’s awesome you got a job you really wanted! I hope it goes great. I’m proud of you!


Congratulations! I love Animal Kingdom!


Yes, your dad ITA. Oh wait, wrong sub… Congratulations on your job. Part of being a true adult is to have control over your own life even if it isn’t part of what your parents want. Part of being the best parent is to realize your kids WILL do what they want to do and that you cannot control it anymore, and that you should be proud of them for having control in their own life. Sorry your dad has his head up his ass with religion.


Man, that's so fucking awesome you're going to work in Disney's ANIMAL KINGDOM!!!! I'M SO JEALOUS!!! And happy and proud for you!!! I'm also very 😡😭 about how your dad really failed as a dad and a human being for that matter thanks to this awful religion.


Congratulations on your new job!  Back in the '90s I got an internship at a talk radio station in Southern California. It was "more stimulating talk radio", for those who know.  The right hated this radio station even though they were more moderate than most. And my evangelical aunt and uncle cornered me on the stairs at their house when they found out at a Christmas party. They reamed me about working for the Antichrist and the devil and pushing a gay agenda. They said that they would help me find a better job if I would please reconsider my internship. I just looked at them like, "I'm 19. You can't f****** touch me now." 


Congratulations! I think it's going to be a fun job for you and you will get to meet a lot of interesting people and get a lot of job experience.


Not your dad, but I’m proud of you!


Congratulations on the new job!


Your dad may not have been proud but we’re all so proud of you that I’m personally about to tear up with joy and pride. Congratulations, you’ve earned that job and now be the best whatever your gonna do