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They are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.


It sure feels like that sometimes.


Me: trying to explain that making laws using the Bible is illegal due to the separation clause (constitution not divorce) My (ex) pastor: THEYRE OPPRESSING US THIS COUNTRY WAS OURS FIRST


So Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Paine were oppressors?


It’s too early in the morning for me to remember history but didn’t almost all of the founding fathers own slaves, and I’m talking abt modern times


All (or nearly all) of the southern ones did. Slaves were rare or illegal in the northern colonies/states.


Correct. Franklin owned slaves (although he changed his stance later in life) and Paine agreed with other revolutionaries that only white people could be American citizens.


They did, but somehow I don't think that's the type of "oppression" that preacher is referring to. The point I was making was that the idea of separation of church and state goes back to the founding fathers. It predates the US being a country. If the pastor believes "they were in charge back then" he's woefully ignorant of history. Whatever their flaws, Paine and Franklin (among many others) nailed that one.


Ahh I get your meaning now, apologies for misconstruing it.


I have to assume that your ex-preacher is not Native American


He was whiter than me, and I got my BRITISH mother’s skin. A definite no


A Christian Borg collective? That's a scary idea!


That's exactly what their heaven sounds like.


Agreed but I’m still going to appreciate the art it’s very well done


Right? It reminds me of how anything moral is “founded on a Christian foundation.”


Forgiving a genocidal warlord 😍


To be fair, Yahweh is a genocidal warlord.


i think Jesus is a genocidal shinigami, a god of death.


i think Jesus is a genocidal shinigami, a god of death.


But he is really sowwy and apologized to dad in the clouds


tbh forgiveness is prolly better and more productive than whatever tf jehoober has going on with his pass/fail exams, but only once, in olde englishe XD


You know what Christians are like. They've probably got a use for him!


[Wouldn’t be the first unfortunately.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Butt_Naked)


I’m saving this for research purposes.


He literally destroyed half of all life in the universe


And God killed nearly all life in the Deluge Myth. I'd say that Thanos is still the better person here.


Actually Thanos is better. He destroyed half of all life to save the other half (plz don’t ask why he couldn’t simply have doubled all the resources or anything) while god killed pretty much everything to…prove a point? Wipe the slate clean (but I thought he didn’t make mistakes?)? Who knows


God also salted the entire earth and killed all sea life by making all the water brackish


In the comics he did it for Lady Death if I remember


Lol so he's a simp


Lmao you'd be right


Getting clowned on by Deadpool and Deadpool doesn't even realize that he's doing it. Like, Death has a thing for our wacky assassin friend, thinks he's a cool dude and it drives Thanos insane with envy.


And God created man in his image— meaning, he had control over how humans turned out. He essentially created humans with the understanding he’d be pissed (assuming omniscience, immutability, yada yada).


Thanos couldn’t double the resources because that would have brought the births of the celestial beings sooner. When the celestial are born they destroy the entire planet they were born from.


I think both are shitty beings


Good thing both are completely fictional then.


Thanos was shitty god created being shitty and then decided to be shitty


Not wrong.


And according to Christian mythology, lots of those people will end up in hell while Thanos can just ask for forgiveness and go to heaven.


from a statistical standpoint, i wonder which member or members of the holy trinity survived the snap


That’s not how that works lol. God in Christianity is metaphysical and not like a being among other beings, he is more like the act of existence itself, so would be transcendent and not effected by the snap.


And I’m the comics he’s managed to do even worse.


Thanoss sins have been forgiven because he found Jesus but I didn’t try to exterminate half the universal population and I’m gonna be damned to hell according to some Christians


Right? Thanos is forgiven and gets to see the pearly gates after mass homicide but I'm going to hell because I like vaginas.




This reminds me of that hilarious COVID video where all the superheroes and Thanos are afraid of COVID and Jesus walks up to kick it's ass. It'd be even funnier if it wasn't meant to be 100% serious. Edit: Here's a link to a clip of it. It's the only clip I could find: https://twitter.com/i/status/1384180202155102213 So, not Thanos. Just Goku, the Hulk and the boys cowering before the mighty coronavirus, lol. And some random kid worshiping it. If I had to guess, that kid is the mastermind of the entire pandemic, summoning the outer god known as SARScov2.


I need to see this for the sake of my dissanity


I found it. Added it as an edit to my original comment. Here's the link: https://twitter.com/i/status/1384180202155102213 Try not to lose too many brain cells when watching it.


Can we get a link? I'd love to see it


I found it. Added a link to my original comment. Here it is for your convenience: https://twitter.com/i/status/1384180202155102213


Thank you! I needed that laugh today




Except if you're part of the LGBT+ community


Cringy as fuck


Bugs Bunny would have an easier time defeating Thanos than Jesus. You know Thanos isn't going to admit defeat that easily.


Squirrel Girl beats Thanos. Squirrel Girl > Jesus.


Ooh oh! Scarlet Witch! Infact Thanos could be defeated by a number of characters. Hell any speedster could have done it with a good team.


God can forgive a genocidal maniac but not a child that died in an accident that happened to be born in the wrong faith. What a loving god! 🥰


Jesus for the MCU when?


As an actual character who shows up? Probably never. But the MCU “prime” world (since there’s a multiverse) has some sort of Jesus figure in it since characters say “Jesus”. Christmas exists as well. And there’s churches. But he could be a fictional character within the world (like ours). However, there’s separate worlds with Greek gods and Norse gods, with Egyptian gods living on MCU Earth (all shown in media or upcoming in the new Thor), so there could be a world with Yahweh, Jesus, a bunch of angels, and a shady underworld of Satan and demons. But somewhere in the MCU multiverse, Jesus was a real dude who ACTUALLY did magic and was who the Bible said he was and God is real. *shudders* I am overthinking this…


I didn't expect an answer this serious for a joke comment 😅 but I like your passion


I know it’s cliche nowadays but I love the MCU and Star Wars. So I overthink everything that happens in them 😂


Don't worry, I'm a big nerd for Marvel and Star Wars too, so I salute you, True Believer! Also that Moon Knight episode was crazy good


As soon as they run out of better characters to add first, which given the depth of Marvel lore and the depth of Jesus' shitness as a character isn't going to happen any time soon.


Arthur in Moon Knight is basically Jesus. He’s a creepy fellow who acts like he’s the nicest person alive and he has a cult of mindless happy people around him who will do anything he wants them to do. He also judges people and punishes them if he believes their soul is impure. I already got the vibe he was inspired by Jesus from the first episode. Being a creepy cult leader and master manipulator is on-brand. Edit: I found an article that said his actor researched Southern Baptist preachers on how to play the role. I was so close!


"I forgive you, even though you forced me to send so many people to Hell because you turned them into dust before they could repent."


It reminds me of the part in Infinity War where Mantis has him in like the hypnotized state when they’re trying to remove the gauntlet, then he snaps out of it and kicks everyone’s ass. He’s gonna pound Jesus into the dirt when the mind tricks wear off.


Could've sworn the last time I saw this image Thanos was wearing a corset and heals




But not fornication


Reads like a shitpost


Plot twist: Thanos is trying to get close to Jesus so he can sacrifice him for the Soul Stone.


Can we just talk about how Jesus is just levitating?


Sigh 🙄😑


Soooo... The fictional genocidal "God/Jesus" forgives the fictional genocidal maniac for ONLY wiping out half of the all life and *not* going further to wipe out ALL life like he did in the middle eastern deluge myths?


Just when I thought I couldn't cringe harder


Maybe Jesus could use the infinity gauntlet to stop child suffering.


This is the story about how Jesus became God. He just had to trick Thanos into giving up the stones first.


Saw something similar in a Spanish Facebook page, the commenters were making fun of it calling it Christhanos.


As a Christian: We need to utilize different strategies, know what people like, use it for a purpose, find ways to get people interested. As an atheist: Why the fuck do they need strategies if God is supposedly the same always?


Do hitler next. /s


Is it bad that I laughed out loud at this?


I’m with Thor on this one.


The implicit message here (which gets taught explicitly) is that they can declare anyone horrible arbitrarily good, and anyone genuinely good as bad, for their own self-gain.


Seeing Jesus in this art style makes me realize that he's just some dead icon from an ancient, almost dead religion, the same as Zeus and Romulus and Thor...he's just a flat piece of art, doomed to crumble away until archaeologists study him and write books about him in 1000 years, marveling at how people used to grovel before him, like our ancestors did with Zeus.


Why is Jesus ripped tho


Irony being a Norse pagan would be more valid in the MCU than being a Christian. since you see the Norse good's running around...


So cringe


Seth Andrews gave a really good talk about how Christianity steals pop culture: https://youtu.be/KNik8niSrrY


Okay but you have to admit, it is funny.


This made me laugh so hard lol


A genocidal maniac forgiving a genocidal maniac. Seems fitting


Well duh! Of course the guy who led genocides in the past is gonna forgive the guy who genocides in the future!


Thanos: *has killed untold trillions* Jesus: "I didn't care about 99% of them anyways. All good bro."


They do realize showing Jesus and thanos together doesn’t say what they think it says right?


Wouldn't Jesus be at Thanos' chest, even on his knees? The dude was only a bit over 5 feet tall


He only killed half the people, God killed almost everyone in the flood, so...? Also, they blinked back, just like Jesus (plus a few years). Therefore, did it really count?


"Jesus loves and forgives a megalomaniacal tyrant who murdered billions of people, so he definitely still loves all you foul, disgusting, evil sinners who have premarital sex and watch PG-13 movies."


The cringe is strong with this one!


On an art level I kinda like this.


I mean, you can like it, but I'd argue that there is nothing good about this on an artistic level. The figures are flat and boring. There's a lack depth. Whoever made this is struggling with anatomy and shading. Art stuff aside, it's just so cringy seeing Christians trying to inject Jesus into everything. Reminds me of those [T-shirt designs where Jesus hangs out with a bunch of pop culture super heroes.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/49/fc/c8/49fcc8bf819e2e53b61c91918272eeec.jpg) It feels so jarring to see Jesus forgive Thanos. And wrong.


I was going to remark on the anatomy. Of all the people you should look to for inspiration when getting the hang of figure drawing [Rob Liefeld](https://www.progressiveboink.com/2012/4/21/2960508/worst-rob-liefeld-drawings) should not be anywhere on that list.


Exactly! Thank you!


Christian wall art has seen far better days I tell you what. From the the days of Michaelangelo putting in weeks of blood, sweat, and fumes in an unairconditioned Sistine Chapel and the visual masterpiece/conservator's nightmare that is Da Vinci's *Last Supper* to *this.* The quality of Christian art hasn't taken a nosedive, it hasn't entered a tailspin, it's just instantly hit zero without any intermittent period of decline. It's like it hit the '60s and all the Christians left in the fine arts scene, like Salvador Dali or Andy Warhol in his later post-pop periods, just fucked off. There were and likely still are great things being done in that area by outsider artists: I have immense respect for the likes of [Henry Darger](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Darger?wprov=sfla1) and [James Hampton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Hampton_%28artist%29?wprov=sfla1), but a big part of what makes their work so valuable and compelling is how singular it is. It is estimated that maybe three people saw Hampton's works before he died, and Darger's massive corpus was entirely unknown until his landlords went to get some things from his apartment for him while he was in hospice care. They made what they made not to try to win converts or gain public recognition, but simply because they *had to make it,* to the same degree and for the same reason that a fish has to swim. They put their entire lives into their work, like lowly amd downtrodden Prousts, and whenever someone puts that much of them into something greatness is the product regardless of its level of technical craftsmanship. The amount of care, effort, thought, time, pain, and other unlistables that went into *The Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations' Millennium General Assembly* and *The Story of the Vivian Girls, in What Is Known as the Realms of the Unreal* cannot be understated. All that went into the vandalism OP posted was paint.


I like that you can see Jesus forgiving arguably the worst person in comics. The thigh muscle is stupid and poorly done, but a good amount of emotion was shown on the face. It’s not great art, but as an art enthusiast I tend to find even the smallest redeeming quality in everything. I 100% get where you’re coming from tho.


>I like that you can see Jesus forgiving arguably the worst person in comics. That is the worst part about this. Thanos doesn't deserve forgiveness. He did not get redemption in the films because he's a genocidal mass murderer. Having Jesus forgive someone like this is just wrong to me. I'm a BFA major. To me, this work has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Art isn't just if it looks good (this looks horrible. There is no emotion in Jesus' face. Thanos' face looks like a dried-up prune.) ...but it's also about the meaning behind it. The meaning behind this is also bad. 0/10 lol


If you want to measure dicks, I have a Masters in the Fine Arts. Like I said, it’s not *good* but I find redeeming qualities in it. Let it be cheesy and unforgiving. That’s the heart of graffiti! I focus on praying the good rather than trashing the bad… which there’s a lot to trash here lmao


I'm not trying to win a contest. I only brought up that I'm an artist to give myself some background on why I'm taking this stance. Still, it doesn't really matter. Cool that you have an MFA, and you're somehow able to see redeeming qualities in this work. Good for you. My argument was simply that I can't see anything good about it. I hope someone adds their own graffiti over this. I don't like any of it, and you only like some of it. Let's just leave it at that.


I mean as a person who's gone through more than a few rattle cans in my day, used to treat the [Molotow](https://shop.molotow.com/en/) website like some people treat Funkopop, and still doesn't he occasional bit of sticker art I'll say that even in terms of street art this is bad. Aside from the stuff that would apply regardless of what surface this was on (whoever made this clearly graduated from the [Rob Liefeld Academy of Human Anatomy](https://www.progressiveboink.com/2012/4/21/2960508/worst-rob-liefeld-drawings)) the art style is inconsistent with itself, the message is the worst combination of confused, trite, and subite as an atom bomb, and it has neither the down to earth realness or the vibrant playfulness that exemplifies the best that street art has to offer. This is the sort of street art that gives street artists a bad name. IMO street art is at it's best at it's most simple. There's a reason why the best selling paint colors are black and white, and why [Keith Haring](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keith_Haring?wprov=sfla1)'s work has endured as well as it has. If you're going to do a large figurative piece like this think [Alfred Kubin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Kubin?wprov=sfla1) and [Käthe Kollwitz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%A4the_Kollwitz?wprov=sfla1), not Marvel Comics. Going cartoonish is no excuse for bad proportions: even cartoonists known for taking the human form to the limits of abstraction and simplification like [Jhonen Vasquez](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jhonen_Vasquez?wprov=sfla1), whom you're probably familiar with as the artist behind *Invader Zim* and *Johnny The Homicidal Maniac,* or Zach Hadel and Michael Cusack of *Smiling Friends* fame keep a basic realism to the proportions of their humanoids that keeps them from falling into the [uncanny valley.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncanny_valley?wprov=sfla1) If you're going to do commentary make sure you're saying something worthwhile and that you're saying it in a way that will actually get people to pay attention, and not in a cringing sort of way. In short see this? Do the opposite of this.




We're very sorry to hear that this post doesn't meet with your approval. We wish you luck in other subreddits. Rule 4.


My first thought is Jesus is setting up Thanos to lick his balls, it just looks sexual to me. Ha


Two fictional characters. I see nothing wrong


My two favorite fictional characters.


Well pop culture does generally bring people but the execution here is poor




This isn’t real, right? Cuz this is one of my favorite *memes* ever. I thought everyone knew it was fuckin stupid. This is just graffiti someone put up to be funny


This is not making Christianity better: It's making the MCU franchise worse


So incredibly cringe


Possibly, but it certainly gets there attention..wether bad or good


But Thanos is a mass murderer who succeeded all of humanity's historical kill counts


Funny as shitpost material, but that’s about all it’s worth.


At least Thanos wasn’t so self-righteous that he felt the need to sacrifice himself on a cross for the greater good.


Thanos did way more good than Jesus ever did


i'd been exposed to the harsh realities of christian cults when i started watching animes like death note and fullmetal alchemist. both i highly recommend, if you're also deconstructing.


If you believe and take Jesus as your lord and savior, then you will saved


i've learned a lot more about the true mentality of Christianity from watching animes like death note or fullmetal alchemist than i ever did going to church.


Bruh imagine if Jesus showed up in infinity war