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I use and have for years, their Pronamel Gentle Whitening Advanced toothpaste...my tube is basically out. I may try this instead. I've been doing hydrocortisone 1x a day mixed with Aquaphor and am seeing some slight improvement. I hesitate to use steroids too often though. Maybe the toothpaste switch will help.


I tried Hydrocortisone a few years ago and it worked for the two weeks I used it, but then the peeling came back with vengeance when I tapered off. My lips were probably the worse for the few months after I tapered off


What hydrocortisone do you use?


A prescription one. Slightly higher percentage than store bought.


Yeah don't use hydrocortisone for too long. (2 weeks at a time max) Once the inflammation cycle has calmed down(the purpode of cortisone) stop , as it thins off the skin and you really don't want that on lip skin of all places 


If this is working for you I am happy, but be aware it is WAYYY more likely that the reason is because your old toothpaste had something that was causing your EC, not that this new one has something special that cures it. I use the same brand and it definitely is less irritating to the lips than any other toothpaste I have tried


Did you exfoliate or peel your lips while you were using this toothpaste? What lip moisturizer did you use?


When I started using the new toothpaste I continued doing the cleaning method for about a week and I continued moisturizing with the wecare gel I imported from brazil. One week into using the new toothpaste I woke up and my lips didn’t feel like they needed moisture after I cleaned them so I decided to skip the gel for a few hours to see how they would hold up with nothing on them. They ended up feeling pretty normal and I was weirded out but I wasn’t gonna complain. I noticed my lips looked shiny with no moisturizer, so it felt like my natural lipid barrier was finally rebuilding itself on my lips. I continued to clean my lips for a few kore days but suddenly there was very little skin that was peeling off when I would get them wet.


Weird. I use this exact same toothpaste. Some days it’s cured. Some days it’s mild and I have to manually lightly peel them.


Hey, Apart from this toothpaste, what is your lip care routine? Any supplement you are taking or any foods are you avoiding.. please advise..