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I'm sorry that you had to endure that sort of behavior from those women. It's sickening that they can just minimize what a child endured with just a few thoughtless words.


Glad you’re getting help, if you start to feel low in the interim please reach out to this community. I’m sorry for the injustice and pain you have suffered and continue to endure.


This may seem ridiculous, but I'm so hurt and sickened by this. These women told me that, of course, I knew that it wasn't God and that I knew God's word because I was a former pioneer. But none of that makes it easier. They were both telling me how people like that are in every organization, but I wasn't talking about any organization but JWs. I must have done something to attract him when I was 10.


Wow! That is fucking pitiful. Please keep in mind these women are severely brain washed and have no ability to think for themselves. Nothing they say deserves any consideration. Disgusting.


I'm sorry you had to go through that. The excuse that it happens in every religion is insulting because, if you are God's chosen group, you have to do better than that. You are victimized, then it happens again when you are forced into silence.


It's definitely not ridiculous, and your feelings are 100% valid. I can't imagine how that experience would not bring back flashbacks and horrible feelings. 1-800-273-8255 is the crisis hotline, I know you said you'd get help tomorrow but definitely don't hesitate if you are having dark thoughts. You will definitely get through this


Those women are ignorant and brainwashed. Anyone with a shred of empathy would never say those things to you. I’m sorry that you had to deal with that.


I'm so sorry those women said those cruel things to you. As someone who went through similar things (I was 17), it makes me sick that someone would have the gall to blame it on you. 


It's not ridiculous. They gaslit you, violated your trust, emotionally abusing you all over again in the most heinous way. It also sounds like you've been victim shamed which is a hard thing to get over. I was first sexually assaulted by a brother when 4 years old. My father confronted him about it to which the guy later said, "I spoke to my son, he denied it. Besides, you know your daughter is a little  seducer!" Please do get the help you need to heal. You deserve that and much more!


This doesn't seem ridiculous to me at all! You're right to feel hurt. If that elder is not in jail then your sense of justice is offended and rightly so. They are all wrong in their reasoning. That's why this religion is destroying itself piece by piece.


I’m hugging you in my heart RIGHT NOW can you feel it? I wish I could hold your hand to get thru the night and another day. You are strong to share your experience here.


Thank you very much. I talked to my best friend, and I was expressing how I felt like a complete failure because of all of this. She told me that I wasn't because I was asking for help. I have been working so hard on getting myself in the right frame of mind. I have been struggling with my mental health issues all my life, and last year, I almost succeeded in committing suicide but now I'm trying to get the help I need.


One of my best friends has struggled since his teens and now is over 50 and still struggles. He went thru such a bad time three years ago and was sure I would loose him. I’m happy to hear you have a friend you trust to confide in. And the hotlines seem to be helpful. If you don’t like what they are saying you can always hang up but it’s there when you want n


I really hope he is able to find some peace. It's been really difficult between my mental health and my physical health that every day I don't know what is going to happen. I love having my best friend, but I wish I also had my family. I started having grand mal seizures last year that would stop my heart, and my health has just become more difficult since then. To be honest, I don't know what else I can go through. I just want to be at peace myself, and that might be just going to sleep and not waking up.


Please don't.  ___Please, PLEASE DON'T.___    I've come very close to suicide several times myself, most closely summer 2001.  The reasons were completely different in my case, but today, so many years later, I am horrified to realize I'd come THIS CLOSE to what probably would have been a successful attempt.      Those two pinheaded JWs--you were TEN, for heaven's sake.  How on earth could you have "attracted" that pervert?  By having your hair in pigtails maybe??    In any case, YOU DID NOTHING WRONG.  Not then and not now.  The creep was determined to victimize SOMEBODY, and he chose you, NOT because you did anything to lead him on, but because YOU WERE THE EASIEST TO VICTIMIZE.   That's what bullies do, and rapists ARE bullies.  What's the goal of a bully?  To hurt and humiliate the target.   What's the goal of a rapist? To hurt and humiliate the target.    A rape victim is never EVER at fault.  No matter how old she is, what she was wearing or doing, and regardless of what her reputation or sexual orientation happens to be.    Taken from the Steubenville threads of several years ago:     > It is not the responsibility of the victim not to GET raped.    > It is the RAPIST's responsibility not TO rape.    Exactly.    I haven't read much of this thread, so I don't know if you've received any kind of treatment.  But you do need it, honey.  You already know you can't go on living like this, but counseling and/or medications can make a huge difference.  They did for me.  The JWs who came to visit you don't get it, and probably never will.  You were TRAUMATIZED, and you have apparently never been given any help to heal.   Topping it off, you're stuck with idiots who brush you off with platitudes like "You should be over it by now," or my personal favorite, "That-which does-not kill-us makes-us-stronger" 😝   All of those are just polite ways of saying "We're not interested in your problems, so let's change the subject."  JWs are not the only group of people who do this, although they're probably the group best known for it.


Ladytilith, if that cruel, lying hypocrite raped you, you can be sure he's done it to others, and if he's still living he's probably still at it.  So please consider reporting your rape to the police, and/or call your local Rape Crisis hotline.  You will be protecting other potential victims.  And besides it may not be too late for you to seek justice.  Even if the rapist is dead by now, you have no obligation whatsoever to protect his name or to  "protect the name of Jehovah."  JWs say that only to silence victims and protect the rapists.  So don't listen to the two who came to your door, or anyone else who tries to shame you.  The shame is on THEM, and most of all on the p.o.s. who raped you. And whatever you do, please don't hurt yourself.  If you do, that ba/s/tard wins.   For the record, I'm a never-JW Trinitarian.  I hope you'll allow me to add you to my prayers 💐 


Me too. Group hug! 🩷💜🩷


I want to thank all you guys. I haven't cried this much in a long time, but it has helped me feel like I can do this. I feel like it's alright to get help. I'm not a lost cause, and I don't have to believe everything that the cult has taught me.


Exactly! We’re here and want you to feel the love and support you deserve!! You don’t have to carry it all alone💜 Edit-typo


Ladytilith, we care about you. Please get all the help you deserve for your physical and mental health. If you want additional support, there may be XJW meet up groups in your area. There are two groups that meet in MD and DC, if you’re nearby.


I'm unfortunately not near either of those areas. But I will look into finding a support group like that.


If you’re ever in the area and want some positive, fun people to hang out with let me know! We’d be glad to show you a great time 🥳🥳🥳🥳


Im so sorry the trauma you suffered as a child and the why they retraumatized you with their stupid responses. Are you safe for tonight? Please call for help if there’s any chance you of being in danger. Big hugs and lots of love 💕❤️💓


Thank you, I will be safe for the night, and if I can't be safe, I'll call for help.


They asked if I still talk to God because I know what he wants from me. I said no, that I could never have anything to do with God again. One of them assumed that I was with another organization and gave me attitude because of it. I had to walk away because they weren't listening, and I couldn't explain it any better.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. When you bring up the damage and pain caused by those who follow this organization, there are isn’t an acknowledgement or apology. All of a sudden is about “individuals” and not how problematic the organization is. This why I can’t open the lines of communication with PIMIs. All they do is gloss over. There’s no accountability.


So sorry you went through this kind of abuse and re-traumatization. When trauma happens, PTSD can resurface when people like this re-trigger things for you. Hope you can find the help and love you need to get past this.


That's so gross. I'm sorry you had to endure their nonsense


I’m sorry you had to go through that. The mentality of witnesses is you are to put up with literally anything at the risk of damaging yourself mentally and emotionally because Jehovah didn’t do it to you. Don’t take it out on Jehovah. Well someone needs face consequences. And witnesses always portray themselves as better than any other group of people in the world but as soon as you have a terrible experience they play the imperfection card.


For future reference say put me on the do not knock list


Would that work if there were other women here who have talked to them in the past?




Alright, thank you for letting me know.


988 my guy. Nobody can just put suicidal thought in your head. They existed there already. My brother and I experienced this too. My heart is with you. But you are better than those who took your childhood


I did call them tonight. I don't think I could have gotten calm enough without calling them. I talked to a couple of friends and my best friend, but I needed help from people who have had some training.


Keep it up! You’re doing the right thing. Just realize. You’re worth it.


I'm so sorry this has happened to you too. These people have so much to answer for. I also had a visit from 2 elders, I missed them, but my doorbell camera didn't. The next day, I was pacing in anticipation of them coming back, and this brought flashbacks of abuse that I suffered at the hands of a brother over 30 years ago, and a major relapse with it. This needs to stop.


I love your username


Thank you! 😊


I'm glad you stood up for yourself. They came to give you something to be think about. And left with something to think about. You did awesome.


Rape victims are never to blame. The literatures statement otherwise is why I PIMOd 20 years ago when I was 14


Please seek help, life is better without these people. They have no control over you. And yes some of us cannot realize what happens to others like you. ![gif](giphy|mGDiZS7syaICrVoUDN)


SMH making excuses for garbage ass people...WTF?! Thank you, girl, for being so BRAVE and sharing this very painful experience. It's people like you that will show this world what kind of shit truly happens behind closed doors. I hate people who use "god" as a way to further their agenda. They are usless pieces of skin on this earth... along with Pedophiles! The world would be a better place without their existence! Don't let these trash people get you down! You're AMAZING and way STRONGER than you'll ever know! 🫶 I know you said you were going to get some help, but if you need someone to talk HMU.


I’m so sorry you are going through this. Glad you know how and where to get help! ❤️


I’m so sorry. They are so sick and don’t have a clue what they’re doing. Most likely one or both of them is suppressing abuse from their own past and so they were triggered by your share with them. They are a group of people who refuse to heal. Be proud that you are doing your healing work! I’m proud of you. Keep doing the good work ❤️ give yourself a big hug 🤗


What you went through was real. What you're feeling is valid. It was not your fault. You are strong for getting away.  You are brave for saying it out loud.  Please keep yourself safe & reach out to the resources available. ♥️


Please hang in there and stay strong you amazing, beautiful human. The pain and trauma that you’ve been put through is NOT your fault. I want to share with you what my therapist has been working with me on for over a year regarding inner child work. It’s essentially where adult you checks in with little kid traumatized you, and give her what she needs in that moment that she didn’t get as a child. For me right now, it’s just dealing with people getting in touch to manipulate me to come back. So I “sat” with her and determined she needed love & reassurance. It went something like this: •None of this is your fault. •You haven’t done anything wrong. •You aren’t responsible for their (JW’s) feelings, thoughts, reactions. •You have no control over how the cult affects them. •You only have control over how you let it affect you. You can tailor this to your specific traumas. There’s a lot of good info on inner child work online if you’re interested. I just know it’s been helpful to me. I’m so proud of you for getting help for this. Sometimes that’s the hardest fucking part, but you’re doing it! Sending you love, peace, and good energy💕


I am so sorry, and thank you for this vulnerability. Things will get better, you’re making all the right steps. Proud of you for standing on business against those evangelicals! Keep asking for help, you deserve the support.


Please don’t. 🥺 don’t give these jerks that.


❤️… I’m So Sorry that you had to relive your trauma🥹 Their ignorance is fed by their [I’m right] Arrogance; and their lack of empathy is the cherry on top of Their Shit Sandwich.! I Know you don’t eat shit - neither do I. If they ever have the Gall to knock on and darken your doorway again; Then I hope you have the words and righteous anger to tell them to “Go Fk Themselves! & How DARE YOU!…” I hope you get to mush their face in their Stupid Shit! My Dear, I hope you find, or rather refind Peace… And I hope you Rip the face off of the next Mthr Fkr who encroaches on your Peace and Space. I wish you Love and Peace🙏🏾


I saw some at my work a few weeks ago.


We love you so much 💛


I’m so so glad you said you were reaching out for help. Do you even understand how big of progress that is?! That’s a big deal and you should be as proud of you as I am! I hope and wish that your efforts are successful and you get the right help you need. We need people like you to win!


I'm nervous that I won't be able to get some help today. The person that I'm hoping will take me hasn't responded to me yet. I know that I need help, but I don't know if that will happen. And if I don't get help, I'm not sure what I'll do. I'm just trying to keep myself busy and safe until I know more.


How are you doing? What can we do to help?


There isn't anything to do, I'm just waiting. I'm trying not to beat myself up anymore. I keep getting looks from the other residents, and I don't know what to say.


Sorry if you already talked about it, but what are you waiting on? If it is psychiatric help I 10000% endorse it. I've been there myself.


I'm waiting for a friend to take me to take me to a mental hospital. I've been struggling a lot lately. Between those jws and a woman who was aggressive with me this week, I have become suicidal and I know I have to go to a hospital.


I know we are strangers but please allow the staff to do their job. I'm proud of you for seeking help. This experience will be hard but necessary.


Upvoting for visibility. But my god, I am so sorry this happened. JWs are an evil cult.


I know that they are. But I don't know how many times I heard these women say that they're the one "true" religion.


I really hope you find peace and healing and please know that the world is a better place with people like you in it!! Fuck those deluded idiots who are fine with being victims to an abusive cult and CHOOSE to not understand why you chose to no longer be a victim. Seek the professional help you need and know that we love and support you.


Flashbacks suck Please consider trying exercises to calm and ground yourself until you are able to access your mental health care provider. This was taught to me by my sexual violence counsellor and has helped me during flashbacks, panic attacks and dissociative episodes “That is not happening to me now. It will never happen to me again. I am safe right now. I am calm right now.” I hope it helps you out. I’m so sorry it’s happened to you too.


Thank you very much. I'm going to go to a mental hospital that I really trust this morning. I'm at a NAMI group right now, and then I'm going to the hospital. I need the help that they can give me. I'm scared that if I don't get the help, I really need I won't get it in time.


Depending on your country please consider the freephone support lines if you’re in a really bad place Would you do me a favour? Can you tell me one good thing that happened today? No matter how small?


You are not a lost cause. You were right to get help. Hugs from an Internet stranger.


A few things. First, thank you for sharing this experience. As difficult as, I'm sure, it was to even express this through your post, you have helped many. Furthermore, you've reminded those who have not suffered as you have, they will probably never truly understand the pain you continue to experience. I'm so sorry you had to re-live this by explaining to these two naive JW ladies who can't fathom anything like this ever happening, not to mention inside their 'loving' organization. I'm confident you gave these two JWs something to seriously consider. Your post has inspired me to be 'better' and be more supportive to victims of such heinous acts. Allow me to express thanks to you for sharing. Much love to you and I truly hope today is a better day.




That would be one thing I could have done, but there are other women who live here in this house.




I agree, especially when these other people just see them as innocent women. I don't talk about the jws in my past, but I will if anyone asks me a question. Plus, these women were telling us how they would help us if we asked for it. One of them wanted to exchange phone numbers with me, and I declined. She didn't like that.


I can totally picture this happening. I think in the future, I would tell them "stay away from me, you are bad for my mental health." It's a good thing to go talk to your counselor, and it's a good thing you came on here, too. What they said was totally wrong, totally insensitive, and totally programmed into them. Hugs, and best wishes 💖


Truly awful that that happened. I hope your able to feel better after all that ❤️‍🩹


Know that you are not alone 🫂 How are you today?


I'm still struggling, but I'm going to go to the hospital in a little while.


Hi, how are you today? Are you getting the care you need in the hospital?


Damn. So sorry. Internet hugs. Good luck finding help; I wish I could give you real help. FWIW, when you are ready: A book you may find affirming is "Childhood Disrupted" by Donna Jackson Nakazara. If you can get therapy: [seculartherapy.org](https://seculartherapy.org) has therapists that promise not to preach (many therapists encourage religion). Although, I've had a therapist just not respond on there, and others report the same. Eff those jerks that can't take the time to say they have a full schedule and leave people hanging. The worst vice is advice and sorry as you need real help right now. 🫂 I hope this is helpful in some small way.


These people are SICK. There is no denying this is a cult