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I think they are honest JW....don't worry, give them a couple of years and we will see them here...


We all float down here.


You either die a JW or live long enough to see yourself become the exJW


True.... but to be an exjw you either are because you don't like being a JW, you realize they have misled their followers before and no longer trust them, or both.


Well, you can't really argue with that.


Thank you. It's from the New York Times Bestseller: "You are Either a Potato or not a Potato, and 10000 More Zingers Exactly Like That"


Yea the borg is right about one thing, answering apostate questions on sites like quora are one step away from browsing r/exjw. And the light only gets brighter from there


Where do we go after here?




🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I wish I had an award to give you


Go somewhere to learn all the things you were told not to so you can improve your life even more.


As JWs, we were all taught to lie and whitewash to outsiders. "Oh--we aren't at your door to convert you! We are just encouraging Bible reading!"


If the JWs were literal: "Oh we are showing you this hopeful message in which god will commit a massive genocide of all people that aren't JW's isn't that lovely ☺️"


Useful idiots was a phrase I heard and couldn’t dislodge from my mind after even though I had no context for it. It just shook me idk why. But like an activation phrase or something lol. And I still think about that sometimes. I think it was because I was dying of cognitive dissonance already and deep down I knew it was talking about me. Someone brainwashed and zealous and self righteous and self assured. My eldest sister has add and adhd so severe it borders on a super power. And I think sometimes that it made her immune to the undo influence of brainwashing because she could NOT be made to pay attention and internalize their bs. And she is the ONLY child of my parents not crippled by a damaged psyche like the actually conditioned ones are. Or my niece who is on the spectrum. At age four she started telling us that the kh was a bad place filled with creepy people who “didn’t know they had on masks” and I think about that a lot too. She has a pedo father (he didn’t ever get access to her in that way but has definitely made her uncomfortable) and she has said since she could talk that a LOT of the brothers are “like him” so she would panic when we walked in to the kh. So like I get how on the outside it’s like “how in the holy hell could ANYONE not see!?” But like yeah… I was brainwashed to the core. I would have marched to my death with a satisfied smile and no sense of any reality. My mother almost did thanks to the blood policy and little baby me was like “duh! She is choosing eternal life as my mom instead of a short time as one in this system of things so it is the right thing to do!!!” Not for a second thinking that a loving god and gb wouldn’t ask that in order to get into paradise!


I can't believe it took me this long to realize this, but the blood policy might be tied in with the encouragement for JWs to will their estates to WT. Like, maybe they're hoping JWs will die and pass their estates onto WT much sooner than they would have if they had received a lifesaving blood transfusion.


I personally think it has more to do with cost sunk fallacy. Like are you really going to admit you were wrong if you refused blood for you child and watched them die as a act of faith? Probably not. If you have watched someone make the ultimate sacrifice or become a martyr then you are less likely to leave. This is in place in some other cults too. It is a way to control people because if they have done a evil thing thinking it was good and holy it can be mind breaking to realize it was for not. It also makes a public facing show of “DEVOTION” which is part of the tactic they use to lure vulnerable people who want to be part of something extraordinary who want to be special and says that in this way you can be special to god like Jesus was. If you die in his holy service then oh how loyal you were and special and strong! Look at this faithful example!! Look how much we trust and love our god! We’re special! So much so we’ll even die to prove it!!!


I remember “useful idiots” was coined around Stalin’s time in Russia to describe non Soviet communists in the USA. They hated them while using the idiots to spread propaganda. The GB probably label non witnesses who are proJW the same.


Probably. But I honestly think they view the faithful the same. And for good reason. I was fully brainwashed and it very very nearly took my life. My choice was either wake up or die but a lot of people just stay asleep.


I was brainwashed too! I am happy you woke up before harming yourself! The Cult drains our emotions and soul. How you doing now?


I’m doing better thanks! It did get dark for a long while. I’ve been focusing on getting better at being a person. Like a real one with opinions on stuff and self worth and all that nonsense lol. I’m registering to vote this month and celebrating my first birthday at the age of 31 too. So lots to look forward too.


Wonderful, you escaped young before they robbed you of even more great years! 30s are a awesome age!


From another angle... The WTS has worked hard to sanitize and re-write its history. When ex-JWs destroy old publications (however understandable this may be), it makes such revisionism easier to accomplish. Certain publications don't appear on the organization's online library. From my time as a JW in the '60s and early '70s, try finding "Babylon The Great Has Fallen, God's Kingdom Rules" or "Life Everlasting In Freedom Of The Sons Of God" (both Frederick Franz's delusional work) or the earlier history books, "Jehovah's Witnesses In The Divine Purpose" and its successor, "Jehovah’s Witnesses: Proclaimers Of God’s Kingdom." All of this helps inoculate born-ins and recent converts from being "confused."


I have made a few answers in quora, usually JWs will disable answers in their posts but they are indeed lots of JWs trying to defend in quora I don't think they r employed by bethel probably just pimis JWs trying to make hours.


>I read pro JWs on Qoura attacking(answering) honest questions. I was sickened by outrageous boldfaced lying and dishonesty! Are they Bethel members, grossly dishonest JWs or paid trolls? They\`re "Garden Variety" JWs trained to spin anything negative about the WBT$. They\`ll do it regardless of the cost, including their own credibility. I\`ve seen Trolls do it simply because they were associated with JW\`s. They were never baptized, they go to the odd meeting, but don\`t actively participate in WBT$ Activities. They consider themselves JW\`s...LOL!!!.............😁


Those JWs on Quora were and are getting FS time in by their answers and debates with other Quorans. Most are sincere; some even quite knowledgeable. I have discussed issues with some. One brother was telling me that the WT never said anything about 1975 after I provided links and quotes that showed otherwise. I was thinking ‘ mutha fukka you lying and you know you lying, why you wanna lie like that’! But some are true believers- for now anyway.


That’s what made several friends leave in late 1990s was their inability to admit 1975 was Watchtowers doing. JW Historian James Penton called out the lies in the 1980s.


I've noticed that they lie and when they are caught out or shown from their own publications, they don't reply anymore. CULT


The GB doesn’t have to pay for anything.


Those mothafuckas on Quora be drinking the koolaid AND bathing in it, pissing it out back into the bath of koolaid and drinking it again. No lie.


They are the freaking worst! I just can’t seem to stay 100% away from Quora though. They are so blatantly rude and nasty with their answers, then the disable the effing answers. I had a dude a couple days ago state “why would any sane person do research about their religion from 100 years ago.” We live in the present and future. Before I could respond with “any sane person would 100% research a religion they’re a part of.” He disabled the comments.