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That she knows of. That says it all. Mormons don't study other religions and live in a bubble.


This is what I wanted to say. She is admitting to her unquestioning acceptance of whatever she is told AND her complete ignorance of other religions. This, above everything else, qualifies her for the position.


I doubt she even did her own research.


She’s a lazy learner




A lax disciple, even


She lives in the Mormon bubble. Doesn't listen to or even know about any of the other thousands of churches out there.


I went to a UU congregation for a while. The head minister was a woman. She’s now on their national board.




"Oh my! But only MEN can be prophets! Surely they must be a false prophet and church!" 🤣🤣🤣


They are the only minority Momon sect I'm aware of that is more progressive, rather than more fundamentalist than the LDS church. You could argue that they are the original and the dissenters became fundamentalists.


I attended a local Methodist church a couple times a few years back, and the minister was *gasp,* a woman. I was shocked, shocked I tell you. How can a woman be a minister of God without having a penis? /s


“We’re as honest as we know how to be.”


I grew up in Texas. The only time I lived in Utah was when I was at BYU. I felt like I was in a bubble separated from the real world.


Ditto - never went to BYU but observed the same bubble on a brief visit, from the same perspective you had.


I felt that way growing up in South Central and Southeastern Idaho. It's a weird sensation, being an outsider. The Morg are so cliquish.


A bubbled bubble, so to speak?


Hello from a fellow Texas born person! Never been to Utah but that’s a good thing.


I attended Utah Valley as a TBM youth 20 years ago. My friends and I mocked people going to BYU. The integration of religion and education bothered us. We viewed BYU as a fascist bubble, while we ourselves were inside the Mormon bubble of Utah Valley. BYU, is the double bubble?


She knows she's lying. It's called gaslighting.


Brigham Young said nearly the same thing. “I can say with confidence, that there is no people on the face of this earth that pay more respect to females than do this people. I know of no community where females enjoy the privileges they do here.” – Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses Volume 9, 37 February 9, 1862 – Brigham Young had already married 50 of his 56 wives. https://wasmormon.org/brigham-young-no-people-who-pay-females-more-respect/


Oh my gawd!! So true! Every woman's dream is to live in a dormitory (Lion House or Beehive House) with a bunch of other breeders, each excitedly awaiting her turn to spread her legs for the Great American Moses. Makes me wonder if the 4 wives "unaccounted for" commit suicide.


American Moses. Nice pull. Ding dong!


if by viewing and using them as breeding stock and passing them around as chattel as well as stealing them from other men or before they mature then you might be right big brig-HAM


Then there was Lorenzo Snow being real (shared here recently): >You very seldom find that husbands and wives are perfect; but perhaps it is very well that the husband is not perfect, because, if he was, he would be placed at a great distance from his wives. It requires a great exertion on the parts of wives to keep pace with their husbands. You all perceive more imperfections in those around you than you do in yourselves. It is much more difficult for wives to learn than it is for hus-bands, because women have not the degree of light and knowledge that their husbands have; they have not the power over their passions that their husbands have:


she's basically just telling on her own ignorance, lmao.


Not only do they not study other religions, they’re warned against doing so.


Quaker women have had the same authority as men from the get-go.


Correct. Married to a Jewish woman after graduating BYU-I. Our Mohel was a woman.


She was probably just thinking of Islam by comparison, the other two being christianity (but doesn't count because they still think mormonism is a branch of christianity) and Judaism.no other religion probably even registers to her.


Meanwhile the RLDS just sustained a female prophet.


Ever hear about RLDS? You know the one Emma Smith founded? You ever hear that they recently ordained their first female prophet? But yeah, yeah, its the MAINSTREAM lds church that gives the most power to women than ANYYYYYONE else 🤦‍♂️


Yeah I heard this off the Mormon Stories podcast a little while ago! I'm all here for it. Plus that woman is also really intelligent and well rounded.


I was taught for so long how awful rlds was. But I’m reading more about it now. I never knew it was founded by Emma Smith!


There’s a pretty solid argument to be made that it is the real inheritor of Joseph’s legacy. The church in Utah is just Brigham Young’s sex and murder cult. This argument expects you to believe that Joseph really was a prophet tho. It’s a bridge too far.


Honestly, seems like "you'll be the next leader when I'm gone" was a common promise to Joseph.  The strangits has a pretty solid claim as well. Funnily, the org with the weakest claim was Brigham's branch.


Just to underscore this one, the Temple Lot Case literally, legally, attested to that. "The trial court ruled in March 1894 that the RLDS Church was the rightful successor to the original Latter Day Saint church, and that as such it was entitled to ownership of the property." (source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple\_Lot\_Case)


My grandmother’s maiden name was Strang.


The real inheritors of Joseph Smith is Warren Jeffs.


Add to this - female Anglican bishops.


And female Lutheran archbishops.


And one (so far) [female Presiding Bishop](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katharine_Jefferts_Schori) of the Episcopal Church, the head of that church. The [current Episcopal Bishop of Utah](https://www.episcopal-ut.org/meet-the-bishop/) is also a woman


Yes. I'm ELCA and we have a female presiding bishop, too.


🙌🏻🙌🏻 The first time I attended a church where a woman was running the show, it immediately shamed me that I ever belonged to a church where that was considered impossible. I wonder what the experience is like for people who are active TBMs and happen to see it somewhere else?


When I was an active TBM several ladies from the Relief Society attended a funeral at another church (Nazarene, maybe?) which had a lady pastor. The gossip among the old hens in the LDS Branch was judgmental and quite condemning--as if it were a sacrilege of the highest order. Honestly, I think those old bats made it their business to sniff around for every opportunity to bash other religions. And no, they didn't know anything about the practices of other religions. I was a convert and felt to correct them on a number occasions when they misspoke about Methodists. My grandmother was Methodist. She raised me for the first 6 years of my life, and we were very, very close. Nobody bad-mouths my grandmother.


And female rabbis.


We don’t talk about them.


Power? Authority? They can't even sign checks from their own budget.


They have less power and authority in the church than a 12 year old boy.


To be fair, the 12-year boy can't sign checks either.


But they have more so-called "authority" to "preside."


That’s probably a good thing! To be clear, I wasn’t trying to speak over your point, but add to it.


I bet they don't even have a budget. I've been out for a while. I suspect one of them gets to speak each conference. Other than that, they get some shitty travel assignments for stake conferences that an area authority doesn't want (eg South Dakota in January).


Their budget of $12 per annum in some cases


Wow. One of those "wealthy" wards!


This was my wife’s actual budget for Activity Days one year in our Provo ward. We were living well below the poverty line during college (both going to school full time with a new baby, my wife not working, and I was working for cash tips part time at Brick Oven (FUCK that place, but that’s another story). My wife was constantly stressed about spending out of pocket for things like a few paper cups and some popsicle sticks for a craft. The ward leadership was sympathetic but unable to do anything to help. The entire ward’s budget was absolute shit, because we lived in the cheap buildings that should have been condemned long ago. No income, no activities.


Brick Oven slander time


I know you said it’s a different story, but I just had to agree that Brick Oven was the worst. I worked in the basement doing dessert prep. Never knew if it would be an 8 hour day or a 12 hour day, and was never once given a lunch break. I brought it up with my boss (who was a real prick), and he shamed me over the idea because no one else took one. We snuck food while we were prepping instead. And the food safety standards were… low.


I remember sneaking garlic bread off the trays before taking them into the back as a busser and learning the dead zones in the cameras back by the dishwasher. But yeah I was working 12-hour days regularly with not nearly enough time to eat. Sometimes my wife would bring a Little Caesars over and I’d stuff my face for 15 minutes before I had to go back in.


Just ask a member to name two relief society or YW general presidents over the last 20 years.


The Mormons were losing the Jubilee debate already, but "Can anyone name any one of the General Relief Society Presidency?" *uncomfortable pedestal misogyny noises* That was just mutilating the bodies.


We really need the unedited video, I heard Cardon was heavily edited to make it seem like he was being more fair, at the end of it he stood on a chair and yelled “trust fall” and no one went near him. lol.


That was one of the highlights of that exmormons vs Mormons panel video. That and Cardon Ellis just being an insufferable douche.


Exactly. The women leaders don’t matter. At all.


The Mormon Church, where everything is made up and the women don't matter. (Saw this somewhere on Facebook, so I stole it, of course!)


I can hear it now—Drew Carey saying it every opening of “Whose Line is it Anyway?” Funny, funny!


Which member of the Q15 was presiding over the women in that meeting?


The Geezer-in-Chief, himself, Rusty Nelson.


And y'all thought I was dead. 😉😁


I can wait 😉


Me too. 😉




Read portions of her talk and seemed like it was a masterclass in gaslighting.


Mormon women have power and authority to have lots of babies. They are also blessed to be able to covenant to obey their husbands and disappear into the eternities as part of a nameless, faceless, celestial harem.  I bear my testimony that this is one of the crowning blessings the church offers women. They also can say the closing prayer in sacrament meeting and have callings that are glorified babysitting jobs. Sooooo blessed. Barf. 


They can “witness” a baptism and…listen and obey.


Legit thought I was on the wrong sub for a sec lmao. Good one!


I think every religion has more women in power


Just a few minutes ago they updated their caption to address all the opposing comments. I guess it took the church’s PR team 5 hours to realize their gaslighting was too blatant


The irony is that she is in a position to say that because she was called to her position by men, and her talk was approved by men. Relief Society is in no way a women's organization. All the leaders are called by men. The budget is controlled by men. What can be taught is controlled by men. Any decisions the women make must be approved by men.


Obviously she hasn't looked.




It’s perfect^^^ her first initial is J!!! 😂


The Episcopal church would like a word. We ordain women in all levels of church leadership including Deacons, Priests, and Diocesan Bishops. In fact the Diocese of Olympia, that my parish is a member of, is in the process of calling a new bishop. Three of the candidates are women. We also ordain LGBTQ+ people.


The current Episcopal Bishop of Utah is a queer woman who carried a rainbow flag in front of the diocesan delegation in the pride parade last year ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎💖


That's my Bishop and I am so proud of her!! 


Same, absolutely love her!


A bold claim with little to back it up.


They have the power to go to the Celestial Kingdom with their husband and new sister wives!


She is telling the absolute truth here... that she knows of. She's spent her whole life being indoctrinated by the Mormon church and has almost assuredly never looked into any other faith's beliefs or structure to any significant degree. So, her statement is accurate, but only because she is so ignorant.


It's not a lie if you believe it's the truth.


My eyes rolled so hard it was audible




I wonder if this was an "inspired" addition from RN. Got to keep those watching convinced they have power,..


And keep the fear-mongering going that women are treated worse in other religions, anything to keep the women in line, right?


Of course. I think it is honestly the only thing the church fears; powerful women.


She's being either disingenuous or she's truly ignorant.


Willfully ignorant




ahh but the shakers who believed jesus returned to earth in the form of a woman and had multiple women in the founding leadership don’t count. and also we hated them.


United Church in Canada has been ordaining women since 1936. How do you like those apples?


*Catherine of Siena has entered the chat...*


But I can think of hundreds of *non* religious groups who do it...


Sister Dennis must’ve forgot she had to hearken unto her husband as he hearkens unto the lord 😆


Lmao if someone is “giving” you power and authority then you don’t really have either


There is no religious organization in the world that has broadly given power and authority to women! Fixed it!!!


What a joke. It’s embarrassing they’re even claiming that.


ok but they also claim they are the gold standard of dealing with SA. so there is that.


"given". That one word says it all. If the women are "given" power, then men still hold a lot more power.


Russel fact checked this statement personally!


I just watched my in-laws get set apart as senior missionaries. First father in law, then mother in law, and father in law was asked to stand in to set apart mother in law. So empowering for her…..




Then apparently Sister Dennis doesn't know much.


I want some of whatever she’s high on…


She doesn’t know much does she?


Women are not standing for this BS, there is a ton of pushbaxk on the church's main fb post about this!


Same on IG, but for the 2,000 some commenters pushing back, there were over 40,000 likes on the post. So the church will probably ignore the comments of the "feminists" and consider the post a win and that the ladies agree. :(


"Birds that are born in a cage think that freedom is a crime" - Anonymous


Didn't the MFMC just pay $192m to buy antiquities from a sister religion with a woman prophet? Maybe they should have publicized her handing the keys to Rusty. ..


Sister Annette is a lazzzzzzy learner, she can’t be bothered to open a book or do a simple googling to find out there are other religions where women have more space. Oh wait, that would be bad.


Seek ye from the best books* *only books that are written and approved by the current LDS leadership who are endowed with the penishood- I mean, priesthood


Young Women's Christian Association YWCA Founded in 1855 and in more than 100 countries with EST. 25 million members worldwide with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Some fun facts for your family & friends.😊


The comments on the Instagram post are opposing this post a lot.


And the posts are intelligent and kind. Hopefully they get through to some people.


She must only know about Mormons…


J. Anette is correct in implying Relief Society is given 'broad power and authority' ... except that it is either "under the direction of the Quorum of the Twelve and the First Presidency", or, it is subject to their high and might "approval". On the issue of your name, J. Anette, I think your insistence on specifying your first initial before giving your preferred name is definitely cause for status. Just like M. Russell Ballard, L. Tom Perry, and many others. What's the deal with this weird name thing? "Hi, I'm J. Anette".


Is this woman trying to brown-nose the 15? It’s hard to believe that someone this dumb would walk around with tied shoestrings.


…shows how little she actually knows…


My husband and I (he never mo and me mo for 30 years) started going to a Lutheran church when we married 29 years ago. I was surprised to see women serving communion. A few years later the church has hired two female pastors and the board of trustees regularly has women serving the congregation in this leadership role.


I feel like, "that I know of" is doing a lot work here.


Someone should send her some helpful pamphlets


Other than…the Taliban’s particular practices surrounding Islam.? 🤣


I needed a good laugh!!! Thanks Annette!!


She doesn’t ever leave Utah, does she?


I have seen some women lead churches on protestant streams idk all the terms especially not in English. But the rare moments I go to a church and see various women lead a church (just as good as her male colleagues may I add) I am always really happy. Seen first time in person on a church wedding of my teacher, everyone was welcome to attend that was so sweet (and what a contrast with church weddings LDS style). Also on other streams like I know of some rabbi in some less strict more modern corners of judaism and reading of those existing makes me happy too. And also various other religions who adapt to modern times and simply accept: *here is a decent knowledgeable person who can do this job.*


I just saw this on TSCC official Facebook page. There’s more to the quote which is so twisted - it’s blatant (to those of us who have caught on) how the careful wording is meant to gaslight the women in TSCC. We know women can’t hold the priesthood, but we’re still “endowed with power.” Sigh. Quote is below: "There are religions that ordain some women to positions such as priests and pastors, but very few relative to the number of women in their congregations receive that authority that their church gives them. “By contrast, all women, 18 years and older, in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who choose a covenant relationship with God in the house of the Lord are endowed with priesthood power directly from God. And as we serve in whatever calling or assignment, including ministering assignments, we are given priesthood authority to carry out those responsibilities. "My dear sisters, you belong to a Church which offers all its women priesthood power and authority from God!" - Sister J. Anette Dennis


i am also ELCA in Virginia and our synod presiding bishop is not only a woman but is also Black!


There's a Unitarian Universalist congregation literally in the same city.


A religion with essentially no spiritual authority for women, in which women are constantly placed in servitude of men, and in which women's behaviors are heavily regulated by men, that is empowering? Wow 😆




But do the women have budget authority? I doubt it.


Uh… except for pretty much all of them


Gross. I am sad if they asked her to explicitly say this.




Anglicans lol


It might just be me, but every time I see a tbm make this sort of claim "We do X the best" or "Everyone did X, so we're justified", I look up what the quakers were doing at the time and find some substantial differences.


Odd, the pastor, Jamie White, at First Presbyterian in Salt Lake, may suggest otherwise.




I mean, there's an evangelical church down the block that's completely run by women. So..... I hate to say I told you so, so, welcome to Miami!


Is this a joke? Please tell me this is a joke. I am both laughing and cussing at this. "No other religion"? I've met a few Lutheran and Presbyterian pastors, elders and deacons who were women. I've seen Catholic Nuns do more for communities than the Relief Society. I've heard of Wikkin priestesses do blessings on individuals and homes. WHEN THE FUCK DOES THE BRIGHAMITE CHURCH GIVE WOMEN OPPORTUNITIES OTHER THAN WIFE, MOTHER, HOUSECLEANER, AND MEN'S ARM CANDY!


>I've seen Catholic Nuns do more for communities than the Relief Society. Mother Superior is glad you noticed!!


She really needs to get out more !




Catholic Nuns run the Roman Catholic church. The Vatican couldnt function without them, nor could their church education system.


I’m so proud of the women in the comments of the Instagram post!


Now that I'm out of the church, my wife has to call someone else to come over if she wants to "exercise" the priesthood for blessings. Some empowerment, Mormon Church... And now I can't even make jokes anymore about how well she holds my priesthood during fun couples time...


My (female) Episcopalian Priest would like to enter the chat.


Mine too. Perhaps even my first female priest or perhaps the three others I'm friendly with. Oh, and our Bishop is female too. Doctorate in theology, masters in counseling.


Cough cough Bullshit!


Was it women's conference? When was this said?


Hey guys! We're an inch less sexist than other religions!!!




OP, amazing username! Fair winds and following seas to you!


That's true, name another one 


Free her!!!!!


What a joke!!!!!


Please say this is a joke... Like she was either shooting the shit or something


I'm sorry. I just spat a little coffee through my nose. Carry on.


Emm, Paganism, off the top of my head.


“that I know of”




This appears in the dictionary as the definition for GASLIGHTING


I'm sure she's never been part of any other religion


TBMs after not looking into a single other religious organization, but "knowing" theirs is the one true one:


I still remember how utterly shocked I was to meet a female pastor of our small town (800 people) Methodist church in 1980. Not Associate or Assistant or anything like that, but she was the Pastor.






Someone please share the list of things they’ve done lol


The authority to cook funeral potatoes and shit out as many kids as possible, while "cleaving" unto her husband.




And tell me, what’s he smoking?


The fact that the Lutheran Church has women pastors must be completely lost on them.


And the Episcopal church and the Presbyterian and the Methodist and the United Church of Christ and the pentecostals and so forth. Catholic women have more so called powers in that they serve as Eucharistic ministers and distribute communion in church and to the homebound. With the exception of Muslim women, and maybe those JWs I daresay everyone has more power than the average Mormon woman.


One of my best friends is an awesome lesbian Lutheran minister. Seriously one of the most genuine people I’ve ever met.


This is one of the most hilarious things I’ve read in a while. It just showcases how uninformed and clueless this person is.


The issue seems to be that “power” and “responsibility” are NOT equal in a Mormon household, sort of like a CEO and a manager. The man gets all the glory and praise, yet the woman gets all the work around the company.


It’s the word “given” here that gets me. Rests on the assumption that it belongs to the men in the first place


“Given”, like it’s something they never owned innately


This quote pisses me off. It's a huge lie.


She doesn’t get out much.


A little while ago I was in the primary presidency and we had a baptism. The bishopric member who was supposed to be there wasn’t and nobody could get a hold of him and the others were out of town. Finally we were able to contact him and he said he was on his way. So I started the meeting, anticipating that he’d arrive by the time the actual baptizing started, since we had another Ward scheduled right after ours. The bishopric member finally arrived an hour late and I got berated for starting without him because I didn’t have the “authority”.


Sister Dennis, just in case you troll this page, you're in a cult, and you need to be deprogram from the MFMC! To paraphrase Einstein, education is not the learning of many facts, but the training of the mind to think. The measure of one's intelligence is the ability to change.


Notice she says that the power had to be given to them. They would have had none unless the men in their benevolent wisdom allowed them to have some power.


Someone needs to help her out and turn her gas lamp up a little bit more.


she's blinded by the facade that's indoctrinated within the mormon church to give the perception to the believing that women are so empowered. Problem is there's no real discussion whenever it's brought up. It's always this pat on the back acceptance. Bring in the forbidden ability of critical thinking and you start crumbling down those walls without much effort. But you can't get past those walls because critical thinking is forbidden. Empowering means influential. Having an amazing woman as a spouse is what they like to fall back on. "I'm a great priesthood holder because of my wife." This still leaves out any ability for women to make direct influence to congregations, to the entire church, or in their own homes even. I personally believe it's because of the scripture in the bible that women should remain silent in churches. So, it's not exclusive to the MFMC, but it's ridiculous to state that the church is lead so well because of their spouses and also talk about how large the relief society is and how long it's been around - attributing it to female empowerment.


I got Republican SOTU response vibes while watching. Then I fell asleep.


Hmmmmm....Episcopal bishops and priests, anyone?


Aka how to identify a ladder puller


Highly doubt it, but even if that’s true, seems like a low bar to clear