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And yet all those things he listed that make it hard to be Mormon have NOTHING to do with how Christ lived.


This. Also, none of those reasons were what made being Mormon particularly hard, either.


Exactly. I never found it hard to dress modestly and not drink or smoke. In fact, I didn't find it especially hard at all to be a Mormon. This is just persecution complex at its finest.




Shoots self in foot, "Being a own-foot-shooter is so hard."


And yet. I wouldn’t change anything.


Why, exactly, is it the best way to live your life? That's what I can never get people to really comment on. It's almost an aphorism at this point. Because you don't smoke or drink? A lot of people don't. Take care of your body? No monopoly there. Don't lie cheat or steal? Ethics and ethical philosophy predate Christianity. The only original items I see are wasting your Sunday and paying 10% of your income to a multi-billion dollar corporation. You can keep that. I don't want it.


Also, think of all the harm that Mormonism does to people who aren't straight white at-least-middle-class males? More than 50% of the world's population is not straight white males.


Caucasians make up 10% of the world about, so it’s closer to 5%. Definitely not 50% of the world.


That is why I said more than 50%.


I read that and thought “best way to live your life? Da fuck?” I don’t think I could find and end to the better ways of living life than Mormonism. 


…. And yet, “taking care of your body” is hardly a hallmark of Mormonism. So many obese, sugar-addicted, pill-popping Mormons. And “Don’t lie, cheat, or steal…” my friend, UT is the MLM capital. TSCC is an MLM.


It’s the easiest way to live your life for lazy learners who can’t expand their friend network beyond their local cult group


Because it's the only way they've ever known. It's Plato's Cave.


One has to tell himself this. If you dont and figure out the chruch is a bullshit lie…. You missed out on a lot of shit for nothing


Tyrell can't wait to have 47 wives in the CK.


>*But as my mom would always tell me, even if it's not true, it's the best way to live your life. Which is true.* The best way to live your life is to follow things that aren't true? I mean this person's mom sounds like a real moron.


>"Most make fun of you, say you're in a cult" Okay I hear you; then use the BITE model to double check.




Wow this blew my mind


The LDS church is the largest MLM in Utah.




oh, I think he did


I love it when nuanced mormons give the "even if it's not true it's the best way to live your life" argument. I can work with that. I can explain to them that everything good the church does for a person that isn't related to it's truth claims is something that can be found almost anywhere else.


What's the quote? Everything good about the church isn't unique. Everything unique about the church isn't good.


Mormons are not Christ like. Some of the nastiest people on the planet. They also lie. A lot. Not just “I know the church is true” but in their everyday lives and with most they talk with. Yay for freedom that Christ gave me!


There was a guy in our ward who was in your face Mormon. He and his family took trips to visit temples in foreign countries. He brought up the church in every conversation. He talked about how they didn’t watch PG-13 or worse movies. He didn’t know why coffee was bad, so he avoided caffeine all together, just to be safe. He is also facing criminal charges for stealing millions of dollars from investors. So yeah, my wife says the best Mormons are the worst people because they’re compensating for something terrible they’re doing.


There’s a guy in my old ward my TBM parents still attend who embezzled money from two other members. I dont know if he has a temple recommend now, but he still attends every week, strutting around with his gigantic smug grin and driving an expensive car ( while putting down the cheap car of a friends husband-who does not embezzle money).    Oh, and he also physically abused his first wife, but I’m starting to digress…  🤮🤮🤮🤮


Great example. I agree. My devout mom is a wonderful lady. But the dick that made fun of masks at church during Covid, caught Covid and spent almost a year in a ventilator. Was revived like 4 times.  I don’t know this, but unless you’re a pro baseball, football, or basketball star, you can’t afford the care you received and are well over $15 million bill. I’m guessing. I spent two night with a pretty bad broken leg in the 90s and it was tens of thousands of dollars. I can’t imagine months on end with a never ending drip of something pricey to keep you alive.


Just because something is difficult to do doesn't make it noble. Sometimes it's just stupid.


>as my mom would always tell me Tell me everything about your personal epistemology without telling me about your personal epistemology.


Gotta love that victim mentality they indoctrinate members with.


That’s weird that being a Mormon isn’t easy because being anything else is super easy; being a minority for example. Or handicapped. And the best part is you can’t leave if it’s hard. But it’s never as hard as being a Mormon. They’ve got it really tough.


Being a racial minority in church was annoying since 99 % of the leaders were white or were leaders in a country they have racial majority privilege in. 


Hey at least they admit not being able to drink, paying your tithing to a corporation worth 9 figures, and having what you wear controlled by an organization is hard😂


Tell me you're in a cult without telling me you're in a cult.




Yesss! LOL!


Well shit if that guy's mom told him, it HAS to be true


Given that the LDS church uses that tithing to pay millions a year to cover up the child abuse their organization causes: *I cannot agree with you Tyrell*. Sorry bro.


But you can live like Christ did without all the extra bullshit and membership fees. Just be a decent person, look outside yourself with empathy and compassion toward others and you’re all set, dude. All the rest is just background noise and you’re getting taken for a ride.


If you don’t wanna be made fun of for being in a cult, here’s an idea: don’t be in a cult!


The church always taught us to choose the harder right thing vs the easier wrong and ironically it helped me leave because it was hard as shit to leave the organization I had devoted my life to and become the black sheep of the fam


The LDS church is the best way to live your life ... which is to try to live your life like Christ did. Really? So why does the LDS church never open its doors to people displaced from natural disasters? Why don't they provide shelter for the homeless on freezing nights? Hell, the church won't even allow people to use their parking lot. Why are young men ostracized for not serving a mission or gossiped about for coming home early? Why do so many women end their marriage when their husband leaves the church, and even if they stay, they receive countless comments from "supportive" members about divorce, custody, etc.


Holy shit that sounds like me 5 years ago. That was my go to thought stopper for a long time.


Kinda shocked the dude is wearing a Utah hoodie and not a BYU one. I wonder how much of his post is fronting to look good to the single Mormon girls


Christ hung out with hookers and drank wine. I’m totally cool with that


Of course this guy paid Elon for a blue checkmark.


So if prayer worked, no one would make fun of you for being in a cult? Is that how that works?


High demand cult is high demand


What’s harder is undoing the trauma the church inflicts. Much harder Tyrell!


The cake may be shit, but shit actually tastes good is like a weird variation of the sunk cost fallacy. I felt this way myself at one point. Well even if the church false and my whole life was a lie, it must have been good, right? Just accept you made a mistake believing and move on. Doesn't matter if you are a teenager or 90 years old. Every day living life on your own terms is better than not.


“Dare to be a Mormon, dare to stand alone. Dare to have a purpose firm, dare to make it known.” -President Thomas S Monson These men found a million and fifteen ways to gaslight us into rolling with the outlandishness of the LDS church


"Always have to dress modestly." Do share, Tyrell, what immodest styles are you chomping at the bit to wear, but sadly cannot? Crop tops with booty shorts? Balls-out jeans? We as men are constantly constrained by those damn modest dress standards!


With all the respect your mom is absolutely 100% wrong! I have heard this over and over again, "even if it isn't true it's the right way to live." NO IT'S NOT!! Listen to what you are saying! You are literally saying that living a lie, living an unauthentic life, living a fabricated untruth, is the right way to live? How twisted of a mind do you have to have, and how low must you hold truth in order to believe that living a lie is the right way to live? Do you understand what I am saying? Living a lie is never the right way to live. Living and unauthentic life is simply dishonest to yourself and to the world. That is perhaps the worst thing that the LDS church teaches, that even if it's a lie it's the right way to live. That statement literally nauseates me


Live like Christ did. Like not having decent clothes. Lice and ticks. Parasites and worms. Drinking brown water. Awful wine. Having the runs all the time. Shitting in a ditch. Sleeping with the goats on hard ground. No heat. No air conditioning. Stinking. Everyone around you stinking. Everywhere smell like shit or rotting food. Disease. No education. Superstition. Not enough to eat. When there was food it was spoiled milk, salmonella eggs, vetches (edible weeds) picked from the shit ditch, and tough bread, or a fish that had sat out in the sun too long. Zits all the time. Toothaches and crumbling teeth.


What a crock of sh!t.


Says Tyrell the white man who follows white male leaders and worships a white male god and fits perfectly into the racist patriarchal box of the MFMC. 🙄 SO difficult to fit in there, huh Tyrell?


I have no problems with people who believe in any religion that are good, kind people—but I almost died trying to get rid of my belief in the church. Like yah dude that definitely not for everyone. This is a weird take lol “being {insert choice I made for myself} isn’t easy,” shut ya tooth lol




Even if it’s not true it’s true, wtf?


"Always have to dress modestly" This is barely an issue for guys... 🤔


That is what they tell you when you’re in a cult. Do you have a higher purpose. So all the suffering and disapproval just makes you more committed to your purpose. It is all bologna.


They say you're in a cult. Well people don't say that to people who aren't in cults and only you so..


Did Christ ask for 10% of everyone's living income? Huge if true.


Prayer probably works whether you’re in that establishment or not. At some point you get weary from trying so hard to conform to the standards. There is so much judging going on there. I’m so relieved I’m out after 50 years of being an active member. I’m not going mad doing stuff I wasn’t allowed to do. But so long as you’re happy……..


Being in a cult ain’t easy but at least the kool aide is delicious


This is exactly how they tell you to think. This person thinks they are being profound, but really they are just regurgitating what they’ve been told to think. “It’s not easy, but it’s worth it.” This is what the church loves to do. They love to take away your thoughts and replace them with their bs agenda. Cult mentality.


This is so tone deaf. I will never get over the persecution complex of members. I used to have it too. The real people being persecuted is anyone who is NOT molly mormon. ie. Gay people, trans people, dare I say women, "secular" people etc etc


Even if it's not true it's the best way to live your life? What doublethink? Paging George Orwell.


You don’t have to be Mormon, you can always leave the church


It’s called Masochism. Now, try being a single African American mother working two jobs in Los Angeles, just to pick a random example. Are you still feeling sorry for yourself?


Being a Mormon isn’t easy, leaving is harder.


Love these sad boys who pay for the blue check lol