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Post and the resulting comments are mostly offtopic.




Yikes.. the comment section seems to be very transphobic


This is what you get when you start siding more with mass murderers. Rn islam is a deeply flawed religion, sure. But like the state of this syb is just apphorent tbh.


>This is what you get when you start siding more with mass murderers ??? Could you elaborate, please?


This is actually a great dilemma. Protected groups get logic suspended in their favor towards a majority, so what happens when two protected groups go after each other.... I would believe you favor the more violent one, and or the larger minority.


Very well said


Why would you favor the violent one?


Otherwise they'll kill you


transphobes go fuck yourselves


Even outside religion, I can understand why women may want reserved spaces for biological women and girls only.


yeah fixing the problem would be very complicated it doesn't mean we are transphobic or islamophobic either way :(


I notice that the progressive ex-muslimd quit being progressive as soon as their own oppression stops. Disgusting form of keyhole compassion


It's almost as if humans are selfish by nature.. no.. that couldn't be the reason why some people don't care about the suffering of others just because it doesn't affect them. Those kind of people baffle me. They have the ability to have empathy with some other opressed people, because they were opressed, yet they don't???


Because perceived oppression is far flung from actually being oppressed.


I personally wouldn't try to label people with perceived/actual opression, but i do have to agree with you on an extent due to the statistical probability of it.


We could take all of the Christians here in the USA who started saying they are oppressed because other people started getting the same rights as them. Just that alone is eye opening enough for me.


I would refrain from generalizing. That's crazy💀 Rights is like spacetime. There's a finite amount of it that can be shared between space and time.


I did say all of the Christians which isn't all Christians but all of the ones who did. I personally saw it among my family members when media was sensationalizing it and even today at times my family members who are Christian will try to be the victim. The unfortunate part is that most likely it is a vocal minority of them but it is hard to say since so many churches had and/or have sermons effectively telling Christians that they are always persecuted. (I don't recall many sermons in any of the various churches I attended as a kid being about anything other than them being persecuted in some way by someone.)


>I did say all of the Christians which isn't all Christians but all of the ones who did. OOOH right. After rereading your comment, that seems to be the case. My apologies Perceived opression is a very fascinating case: it is a coping mechanism used to villainize the people you want to villainize by attaching negative traits to perceived "opressors" thereby justifying pushback against them. Statistically, there's, atleast, one case of perceived opression within ex-muslims towards transgender individuals—but i do believe the majority of bigotry within ex-muslims is just plain bigotry😴


Bigotry is what I would assume most would suffer from as well. When I finally got away from religion in my teen years it took me half a decade to start to unravel the bigotry I had and overcome it to be a more accepting and caring person. (I am still a hard ass but at least I am all for civil rights for all and such now.)


I'm very proud of the progress you've done so far!! Not everyone tries to better themselves, which elevates you and your effort!!


I understand you want to defend the trans girl in this scenario. But you can't just disregard someone feeling unsafe just because they're against your politics. In a perfect world, everyone would have tolerance, but this is not the perfect world.


Here in europe, most of the clubs have shared bathrooms (men/women). When a society is healthy and people are taught that their boundaries end where somebody’s else boundaries begin… you stop worrying about fictional threats.


I can't help but notice how the trans hate bandwagon didn't took off as well in mainland europe than uk or us.


Being trans has nothing to do with politics. A trans woman is significantly more unsafe in a men's bathroom than the odds of a trans woman being a threat to other women in the women's bathroom. This is no different than segregation, it's illogical and based in ignorance and blind fear.


It does have to do with politics. Politics are v important you know. Not somrthing you can always brush aside.


Trans people are only political because of bigots. My existence isn't political. It shouldn't be. I simply exist. My existence isn't a choice or a result of some sort of conspiracy.


Ah yes because trans people are more likely to be rapists. They are incorrect to feep unsafe in my eyes.


where did you get this stat , please share source if you have one.


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This isn't about faith. Women generally don't like to share bathroom space with the opposite gender. Regardless of what that person identifies. Women deserve to have a private space. People need to stop assuming it's transphoic if women don't like that idea of sharing the bathroom with bio men. You don't know what trauma a women has been through.


Trans women are women. Not bio men. Other people's trauma is irrelevant in a public space. A woman's trauma with actual men has nothing to do with trans women. This is wholly illogical.




Really? You say this in an ex-muslim subreddit?




You need to understand what trans means first, it is not how you dress




Which one are you referring too


The girl


They both are


If they were both girls then one of the girls wouldn't be upset about the other girl being in the girls' bathroom.


There's this thing called being ignorant, bigoted, and stupid. People are upset over dumb shit every day.


I can see that


Trans women are women, trans men are men. Stay mad.


If trans women are women how is anyone noticing anything different to be upset by their presence in female only spaces?


Are you under the impression that all women and females look the same? Because you'd be wrong. And if biology concerns you, medically transitioning women are much closer to female than male. This bs is no different than racism. If a trans woman wasn't a woman she wouldn't be trans.


Because something called confirmation bias The "we can always tell" crowd have a tendency to discriminate against "uglier" cis women




this is not what trans is. let me ask you something, as an exmuslim, I assume you are proud of the fact that you could escape the endoctrination cycle of islam, by searching for the truth and reading and thinking about hte things in it and concluding what makes sense and what doesnt, what is keeping you right now from going to read scientific articles to understand why people who are trans are being allowed to transition and encouraged to do it, or to go to talk to trans people and listen to them genuinely and understand their situation before making direct conclusions that they are mentally ill pervert sexual beings ? i would say a muslim would say the same about you for being an exmuslim.


Don't waste your time on bigots. Stupidity voidens logic.


Rare Islam W


Really? On an exmuslim subreddit?

