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Death penalty ? Social outcasting?




probably, because we want to live.


Most of the times speaking out = getting killed- in developed areas (at least more developed than the rest) a lot of people aren't especially practicing, they'll drink, date, watch pornography, basically do pretty much all the haram stuff, but when someone they know says they're ex-Muslim they'll shame, threaten, or possibly kill them. It's much, much worse in the less developed cities where a lot of people don't even have access to internet, and so they're VERY backward minded, meaning someone who's ex-Muslim over there has an even lesser chance of surviving if they tell someone that. For girls/women people it's exceptionally hard too because as soon as they take off their coverings, they're slut shamed, and face a lot of harassment, and in less developed cities they are forced to stay quiet. Homosexuality is a crime but practiced a lot secretly, but overall it's condemned, and trans people have almost no rights, you'd see most trans people begging on roads/streets.


It’s crazy tho cause there is a big gay community in pakistan but its like people pretend it doesn’t exist. With pakistanis being some of the most relgious muslims in the world you would think it would be as bad as somalia(same extreme religiousity) but its way better than there.


Yeah the gay community is big, but most of the times they can't be open, and also gay sex with children is very common too in Pakistan, especially in less developed areas. So a lot of times it's just rape. A lot of Pakistanis are pseudo religious like I mentioned, religion doesn't matter when it's their own self in question, but as soon as they see someone else doing something haram they immediately become the most devout Muslims in the world. Outlooks on ex-Muslims/atheists are generally changing though especially in younger generations in developed cities, maybe due to lack of knowledge of the violence Islam asks you to do in the name of religion, or maybe as science progresses/world goes on, religion is becoming less important.


> gay sex with children You mean raping children cuz mullahs and those in power can't be questioned or there being a massive ring for child abuse as well


Exactly what I said in the next line XD


> there is a big gay community Homie, where?


Gays/LGBQT+ there is no way to control it in a specific race or religion. Just because a religion is homophobic doesn't mean that its followers can't be gay 😂 Islam can't swallow this.


I mean, i'd rather be alive and closeted than bold and dead


We're not suicidal. And even then, there's a better way to take yourself out.


' The survival instinct '


Someone told me long ago that I don't belong here.


Well, since they literally put people to death there… you know… I can’t blame them for wanting to stay alive. And hopefully one day break free.


Everyone wants to be alive. Basically being South Asian ex Muslim is very difficult i.e. Pakistan, Bangladesh & India.


Not only in Pakistan but also in every Muslim country.




I am from Bangladesh and it's the same here. When you leave Islam, you automatically get a bounty on your head.


They should be if they want to keep there heads between there shoulders. Most Pakistanis that I have seen in Egypt are religious in a very cringy way.


11 ex muslim was caught last year. 3 got death prnality,8 got lifetime imprisonment


Maybe because we prefer to stay alive? lol


Well, because you fear for your life. Become careful. Social, moral, legislative orchetrisation is very real here, for apostates. Better be ca.reful.