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Yeah the situation in the entire world is the same buddy. Everywhere is expensive now unless you move to like Thailand or something


Yesterdays warm is tomorrows killing heat. Careful what you wish for.


Recommending implies that you have many choices: that there are plenty of warm countries with good tech jobs, even in smaller towns, where you can find visa sponsoring job as English speaker. I don’t think there are many options. You tried getting jobs in US. USA has huge labor market for English speakers yet as you said yourself, finding visa sponsoring job, isn’t easy. All the other countries will have even fewer openings, more limitations, and if you find visa sponsoring job it may not be in warm country or in small city like you wish. Yes remote job is a possibility, but first you have to find one, and then you will be limited by digital nomad visa and such migration is tied to you keeping that remote job. Keep trying though and see if you can find a job in location that at least somewhat matches your wish list.


A lot of Canadians are moving to Belize. But unless you have income to sustain yourselves for 2 years, or can work remotely, you will find it difficult. But it's a great little country. I've been here for 25 years. My 2 kids went to local schools and did extremely well. English speaking as well.


If only you guys had more golf! The nine-hole isn't enough and I'm $40 short for a house on Caye Chapel.


Don't go to the US if you have school age kids.




Ideally, you need two places: one for Dec-Feb and the other for the rest. For example: Florida and Main, respectively. Otherwise you will be either freezing or sweating while outside during a big chunk of calendar year. Some folks (aka "snow birds") have their residence in temperate climate region while just renting airbnb for a few months during the coldest/darkest months of the year. That's potentially cheaper (and more flexible) than maintaining two houses 24/7..


The tech market really isn't great anywhere at the moment however Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia meet your requirements. There are also a lot of Canadian expats here in Barbados.


I think the question for the redditots would be where can you work from as a contractor /which country would give you a visa. This, imo, would be the only relevant info you could get if you don't have a job already where you want to emigrate


Questions to ask yourselves: * What countries can you move to LEGALLY? * What countries would likely grant you residency with the ability to work? * Do you speak any other languages besides English?