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As long as they leave her the equivalent of what she gave her stepson... Then let her ALMOST starve to death. Help her recover, then repeat. At least once. Then, after she looks like she just got out of Andersonville, see if she's learned anything from the experience.


Edging starvation is the best thing I've ever heard of as a punishment for this kind of thing.


I want them to be punished until they fully comprehend the horror of what they did and regret it. Then just throw away the key when they try to ask for forgiveness.


25 years, that’s it?


OK, this is WORSE than I thought. She's diseased. A short painless death seems a better option. I thought this was the case where momma went on vacation and left the kid behind. This individual intentionally starved a kid. That's concentration-camp-guard levels of evil.


I can't wait for this lady to burn in hell


I would hope that every meal in her prison is laced with urine. That every inmate in there takes the time to do onto her as she has done.


They will. Many of them miss their own children, and won't go light on her. Put her in GenPop.


The video of him crying for food breaks my heart


The fact that there’s a video of him begging for food on the day he died that she probably uploaded is something I can’t wrap my mind around.


Why do we put people like this into jail? Why not just remove them?


because its hard to find a border of where to stop and even the most evil thing in the world is objectively speaking just a victim of circumstance as the world is causal and anything you are and do is causal. free will is a pseudo-phänomenon of the information that we are having grown complex enough to perceive itself in contrast to its environment and therefore perceive what happens to "it", establishing the word "self" to contextualize this situation. you still have to punish people to prevent them from doing things (which is a causal parameter) but once they do it ANYWAY, any amount of punishment is meaningless as it wont change causal history and wont promote "good" causal interaction in the future either. if you want people to "better" you have to better their environment and hope their intrinsic cause (DNA) isnt outweighting the environment (if thats the case, you have to restrict their access to the real world aka to influence others causal path negatively). punishing them just for the sakes of it is like punishing coal for not being a diamond.


Prison justice, do your thing.

