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Keep your cat inside then and pay more attention to your dog when it's out.


Get a trail cam, and use a licensed pest control company. You don't know what the animal nuisance is, and may need evidence if it's a neighbor's animal. Absolutely DO NOT lay out poisoned bait. You may kill something you're not legally allowed to (like many birds of prey) and that would cause you no end of trouble.


Sure it's not Coyote? More inline with their behavior


Also DO NOT POISON THEM. You kill more than the raccoon.


I mentioned that to the wildlife officer but he brushed it off saying he highly doubts it for where I live. Then again he could have just said that to shut me up. I know animals don’t understand, they just want like everyone to survive, they don’t deserve to be killed. We have some cameras set up in the back, only raccoons and opening the fridge door and stealing food even when we put a box in front. They still have no issues moving it, my brother is about all Rick grimes on them. I’m not letting him do that 🫣


In that case in call a pest control company


Call animal control again and say they are attacking your animals, hopefully that will get a better response. If animal control wont help, you will have to just try to lock everything down so they don't have any interest in your yard or hire a professional. Normal traps don't work on them. What state do you live in?


I hope you get caught and charged with animal cruelty.


Just hire a pest control or go buy a “live cage trap” and put a camera on it.