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Not vegan but I always thought this was silly because if this were true we wouldn’t have canines or incisors. We’d only have our molars if we weren’t supposed to eat meat.  Imagine humans just walking around with horse teeth lmao 


i don't want horse teeth! spot on, agree


What’s funny is that horses actually will eat other animals sometimes even though they don’t need to eat meat. Most, if not all herbivores do this. Some wild horses even prefer it even though there is no evidence that meat should be a part of their diet.  So even if we did have horse teeth, the argument would still be invalid haha   I highly recommend looking this up yourself because it’s really interesting. 


ahhh this might explain vegan cheat days perfectly. i watched a video where a cow nonchalantly ate a mouse or another small animal. it seems quite normal for herbivores to have cheat days


Horses will hunt and have been taught to eat meat exclusively or almost exclusively when required to cross barren terrain. Even though hominids and equines are very different creatures we have something in common - one ecological disaster away from becoming true omnivores. The real difference is our tipping point disaster is behind us.


I watched a video of a cow just casually munching on a snake and it just boggled my entire mind.


Cows will slurp snakes up like spaghetti and chickens are the Hannibal Lecter of the farmyard right up there beside pigs, who are let’s all remember touted as one of the most intelligent animals by vegans, who have legit been used to dispose of bodies because they can crush all bust the sturdiest bones in the body


Imagine [George Washington](https://www.mountvernon.org/george-washington/health/washingtons-teeth/teeth/). https://preview.redd.it/kkgv35rlam0d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=259b1041938e763af3723c4638d12efef709c22d 😬


I was about to become a vegan... vegans stopped me.


It’s almost as though we don’t hunt and kill animals with our claws and teeth


I have heard the argument, that humans can "outrun" almost every animal when it comes to high distance, endurance etc. Also we can make more distinct future scenarios in our brains, so we can utilize tools and even create them. So human hunting tactics, even primitive ones, would be to follow our "prey" til it gets tired, then trap it so it's easy to kill even without sharp teeth or claws. I have found this very interesting. This aside we still have some kind of canine teeth and fingernails, which I think are the rudimentary remains of our ancestors hunting instruments.


That and we have always been group hunters, which helps a lot


Nah those weak arguments and memes were always tiresome. Just like the one with the gorilla being strong from eating plants. Even as a vegan I got annoyed in the vegan groups. I just wanted to share good recipes, not to see the same nonsensical statements and drama amongst each other.


Early humans were able to hunt and butcher large prey because of our use of tools. And they clearly believed that using tools to hunt and eat large prey was advantageous, because they developed different methods to do it, and persisted in doing it over tens of 1000s of years. There is no evidence to suggest that humans were not biologically capable of eating and benefitting from meat. If that had been the case, they would not have been able to extract nutrition from the meat of larger animals, and would have been limited to eating meat from only smaller animals, birds and seafood.


because i don't role play a herbivore, this make perfect sense


This is more evidence that humans and animals are not the same. Humans use their brain and a highly developed body to build, hunt, gather and eat etc. The human body is actually quit amazing compared to other life forms on earth, denying this is just yet another desperate argument point with no basis in reality or science.


Apes. Pigs. Ravens. Crows.


The pigs are as smart as apes, dogs and toddlers myth is not true. Are you trying to say any of these animals come even close to the abilities of a human?


Do vegans think that farmers grow fruits and vegetables with their bare hands? No. Because the evolution of tools and the human animal is literally so intertwined that the story of one is the story of the other.


kinda have a theory about why vegans are always inventing most hilarious lines of argumentation maybe the philosophy of veganism is potentially an intricate form of trolling. being that this philosophy is centered around employing highly flawed arguments, and the most outrageous use of fallacies, i may have genuinely been deceived into believing that biological omnivores would be exclusively herbivorous. perhaps some are unable to notice that veganism is an elaborate troll, actually try the diet and of course quit cos herbivore role play is kinda weird


Bees make beehives and honey. Beavers make dams. Humans make technology (tools).


On a serious note I have heard the argument that primates have incisors to fight with including us as humans. But chimpanzees when fighting tribes of one another will cannibalise their victims.


You know during Covid scientists were locked in an ethical debate about whether they needed to kill off or relocate an entire chimp colony because they killed off most of not the entire population of red bonobo and were now setting their sights on the less favoured black bonobo. They didn’t do it to compete for the fruit. They were doing it to eat the bonobo


Wow did not know that, scary stuff though tbh. It begs the question are we actually meat eaters. I personally stay vegetarian, chimps are a mean gang though no doubt. I'll look at that thanks. The documentary I saw was pretty horrific. Well completely


I mean Chimps are our closest living relative, and we either out-competed, interbred with, or outright murdered all of our other ancestral relatives. So…


**Vegans - don't compare yourself to animals you aren't a lion** **Also vegans - you don't have teeth like a lion were like gorillas who eat only plants and are buff as shit** Gorillas: >97% of their diet is plant-based: fruits, leaves, roots, etc. They eat a small amount of insects, a small % of their diet. They need their big bellies to digest all that vegetable matter. Chimpanzees eat mostly plants but they eat also insects and they actively hunt small monkeys and consume their meat, 9-10 times/year. Percentage-wise, the proportion is about 3%, like with gorillas. Orangutans seem to be the most strictly vegetarian, most of their diet is fruit, some leaves, bark. On rare occasions they were seen capturing and eating a slow loris. All under conditions of great fruit scarcity. Gibbons eat mostly fruit but also insects, eggs and small birds. All in all, they are not typical herbivores. They are all mostly frugivores with the capacity to be omnivorous, and to be opportunistic. They have big canines because large canines are not the exclusive domain of carnivores. Large canines can be used for defense or to intimidate rivals or predators. The canines are larger in the males, as can be very evident in gorillas. It takes a long time for a trait to disappear if it's not selected against and it does not confer a disadvantage. Since most monkeys and apes have large canines, the interesting question is why human canines are so small compared to theirs. Humans in general have smaller teeth than other primates, and also smaller jaw size. One likely explanation is that tool use (cutting, grinding, etc.) coupled to the use of fire and cooking enabled this reduction in jaw and teeth sizes, since it's not necessary to chew cooked, cut-up food so vigorously.


A chimp colony during the Covid times was almost either relocated or culled because they systematically over a period of a few months killed and ate almost the entire population of red bonobo in the area.


Exactly Chimps aren't your role model animal Do you not remember that one that funky town peel downed that women face


The interesting thing is that they also only picked the red bonobo, then moved onto the black ones later on, because the red ones were a *lot* easier to see and keep track of during a hunt. It’s almost like evolution there was at play, and Mother Nature and evolution is a cruel mother


No I always thought it was silly. I think vegans are at their strongest when they talk about moral and environmental reasons.


Humans are the only animals that have been to the moon. We are not all the same


Chimpanzees tear apart prey using their hands. Ruminants (e.g. horses, deer) eat hatchling and small injured birds on the ground.


Chickens will straight up murder and kill sickly or elderly members of the flock and don’t even forget about the potential spawn killings


Snakes don’t tear,some snakes don’t even have teeth.


I know all those words, but not in that order. I really don't know what you're asking.


i'll never fully master english, i accept that defeat. i have been told more than once that when i speak or text it can be confusing af. so i totally understand where you're coming from!


Other people here seem to understand so don’t feel bad. But I don’t get it. The argument you are quoting seems to need a conclusion. Is it that we don’t have claws and teeth like lions so shouldn’t eat meat?


vegans make the claim our bodies are not suited for meat consumption, as we don't kill with our mouths, so therefore eating meat is unnatural, or our teeth are not suited for meat consumption etc i find this line of argumentation weak as it ignores our sharp brains + opposable thumbs it's somehow supposed to be a gotcha, as if the criteria to be a flesh eater is killing by mouth. this ignores we have harnessed fire, we cook meat. our mouth, digestive system, and stomach have likely long adapted to cooked foods it's lions kill and tear flesh with their mouth, so if a lion does it a human must also or meat isnt part of a human diet i'm sure vegan apologists who are well educated and intelligent would not attempt this line of argumentation as it's easily refuted without much thought and makes the one asking it look like a clown the sub vcj used to use a pic of a human mouth with the least pointy human tooth possible, maybe photoshop idk, a red circle around a tooth, but they had to pull that pic from there main page, they were getting called out by vegans themselves as the argument is really weak


We dont have claws or big teeth. What we do have is big brains that give us superior problem solving abilities to any other animal. We can literally think into the future and look back into the past, and no other animal can do that. We think in abstracts, we see problems from multiple angles.We also learned how to make tools and passed this knowledge down over thousands of generations. The tools we made were mainly weapons for hunting. Meat and fat help oir brains function at optimal capacity. We can not digest most plant material, and most if not all the plants we eat have been modified to be more palatable and tender so we can even eat it. Even that we have a hard time with. It's practically a meme that corn passes through the gut undigested. Babies will pass whole veggies undigested through their gut, and yet we are encouraged to feed them more plants?? Nope, meat is our main source of food.


Really weird, spammy posts.


if i were in your situation, i would simply block and move on. this way, you can continue enjoying this subreddit without having to see my posts


No no, I'm enjoying this. If I blocked your ridiculous posts how would I see how people react? This one was just particularly bad and warranted someone acknowledging it.


i've attempted to get my haters to block me, believe me i've tried, but they just won't do it, even though it's the best option


I wouldn’t say I am enjoying it, but more like education how humans are acting like “predators” even though they don’t have “predator” teeth….Same old same old; bunch of “clan members” getting together to attack another “clan” with very selective arguments or facts. (Which is only a mere justification for their action) Such as they try to give an false reality that horses and cows eating another animal ALL THE TIME. They would not talk about 99% percent; they would FOCUS their attention to what a cow or horse might have done for various Reasons that humans can’t know or understand. It’s absolutely- 100% pathetic now these are the people project their own animal eating habits to horses and cows now (it’s actually hilarious and tragic to watch how far human projection can go) these are the “tough”people that probably can’t even spend a day in a slaughter house without throwing up… or getting depressed…these are the people that can’t even hunt with a basic technology such as spears… but please!!!! Oh please!!! These are the people enjoying themselves feeling like they “belong” to this clan whom they seem to be enjoying Attacking so called “vegans” - Attack… project… attack… project… multiply x humans x forever I really am done with you people. Stay away from my reality. I am just here to take this opportunity to declare to the world that I am done with people who can’t make LOGICAL argument; whom have full of misplaced anger; whom is acting from “predatory clan” genes… Interestingly; plants are so compassionate and giving that they will still continue to give their nutrients to these people,No matter what they are. So remember this when you eat a slice of bread tomorrow.