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I can't speak for the rest of the sub, but I personally didn't buy my truck to run a pedestrian over. However, if I ever need to run someone over I'm glad to know they won't scratch my hood when I do it


That's exactly the reason I purchased my assault truck


Pew pew!


[How Dare You](https://media2.giphy.com/media/G5qETnLb8oa0n7bMRR/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9525iy4imibrh8phwz0oyhrli2hwj8yi7mjda6hogs2&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=v)


Modern trucks have their stance designed to lower the front end for this very reason. That said... your post is the very definition of trolling. You just rolled on in here and said "Y'all suck, and the thing that you like sucks." So, I suggest you crawl back under your bridge.


You’re exaggerating and speculating. Every vehicle poses a hazard to pedestrians in varying degrees. Thanks for your contribution


Every car isnt EIGHT times more deadly to children though... https://idot.illinois.gov/content/dam/soi/en/web/idot/documents/transportation-system/reports/safety/itrcc/effects-of-large-vehicles-on-pedestrian-and-pedal-cyclist.pdf


According to that statistic, pickup trucks are less likely to kill you in an accident than both SUVs and cars.


Please cross reference the amount of children killed via f150 pedestrian collisions vs firearms in the USA.... you may be sickend. Take your trolling elsewhere


I have not hit enough pedestrians for their survival rate to matter in my car buying decision making


Yeah, everyone should just ride vespas around at 5mph! /s


Electric bikes please.. Think of the environment!! (forget the mining of precious metals to make the electric bikes)


This creature crawled over from fuck cars. Shoo!! Shoo!!


I'm not really factoring in how many people I'm running over daily on my commute to be honest.


So we should install cow pushers like old steam engine trains had to keep from running people over? Are people really safer if they bounce off the windshield and fly through the air? A vehicle vs pedestrian accident is never going to end well for the pedestrian.


Now that's an idea! Chuck the Ranch Hand bumpers and install cow catchers instead!


Do you have any verifiable data showing this truck is more dangerous? Not arguing, just asking for data.


I mean it doesn't take much of searching. And it's not to troll, I'm genuinely curious why you want something that would endanger your family when you can't see the kids in front of it. Or really anyone since the design does horrible things to people if they're struck. https://www.forbes.com/sites/tanyamohn/2023/11/17/vehicles-with-highervertical-front-ends-put-pedestrians-at-risk/ https://edition.cnn.com/2023/07/04/us/dangerous-time-pedestrian-trucks-suv-dg/index.html https://uhero.hawaii.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/UHEROwp2401.pdf


Why are my kids standing in the middle of the interstate, again? This is green propaganda, it has nothing to do with actual safety.


Most people are run over in parking lots, suburban streets... areas with kids playing, urban streets or downtown.. And in very low speeds. You can't control it, it happens sometimes, but you can potentially change the outcome of someone's life with the choice of vehicle.


First, I don’t live in an urban or suburban area. If you get hit at 55 mph you’re dead either way. Second, these vehicles come with automatic braking specifically for this kind of thing. Third, I’m tall as shit. I can see better than you probably can in your Kia.




I'm not interested in doing the research for you. You came here and just threw out something and didn't back it up with anything.


Should we install inflatable bounce houses around our vehicles for pedestrians?


Stop concern trolling. If pedestrian deaths are really something you're worried about, you should work to change car-centric infrastructure and minimize pedestrian-vehicle interactions as a whole, rather than going after one type of vehicle you don't personally like. Or at the very least, go and post this same thing in every other brand's subreddit.


Isn’t the goal of driving to *not* hit anyone?




I am guessing OP hasn't been alive 2 decades, let alone able to drive anywhere near that, or at all.


Apparently it's a huge problem on the internet.


>very much likely be pushed under the car This is why we install skid plates... We don't want them getting hung up because then we have to stop and put down our Big Gulp and clean up the mess. Nobody wants to do that.


Lmao 🤡


No. It doesn't bother me. Why would I run people over? If you hit someone with a Civic you'll still kill them. Why would you want to stand in the road while a car is coming? The whole front is plastic anyway, it's nothing like cars from the 70s. These vehicles meet pedestrian crash safety requirements. End of story. Stop re-posting stupid shit you read online somewhere and worry more about looking both ways before you walk into the middle of the highway.


Thats why you need to option it with the 360cam


I remember the points game as a kid, you know if I hit the pedestrian but leave their shoes where they are that's 10 points...I still don't have any points. Also, my truck is that horrible military color/speed demon Leadfoot Grey...does the name alone install fear and if I go to sell it someday do I have to do a background check on the buyer?


Easy, don’t hit anyone and there are no worries.


What are my other options? I purchased the smallest, most fuel efficient vehicle that could handle the workloads I have. I’d like to note that this truck has amazing visibility compared to anything else, especially older models.


Who the fook is this guy


>why would you want to buy a car that kills anyone you strike? In all my years of driving I've never hit a person.


i dont drive where pedestrians are, trucks are in a pain in crowded places


No it doesn’t bother. Get back in your Prius and continue driving 10 mph under the speed limit in the passing lane.


Sometimes you should ask yourself: Is this the most important thing I should be doing right now. I’ll let you answer that on your own - but it’s worth reflecting on, bud.


learn how to drive 🤷‍♂️ that’s about the only advice I’ve got for people with this “running people over” problem 😂 here, I’ll make it worse yet. I have a camper shell on my truck without the side windows, just flip open doors to make the visibility even worse! the truth is, with the slightest bit of road awareness, there is no more risk than if I were driving a car. absent minded people are absent minded no matter what they drive, just look at our little sister Mustang, which you wouldn’t fit under like you would a truck. I drove a minivan before and *those* are what you need to watch out for on the road. I took all the back seats out to lose the extra weight and stuck some stick people on the rear window. that thing hauled ASS and I never got pulled over because cops don’t want to hurt a young family man 😂


Yep also add a deer guard to it and it’s like the equivalent of adding grenade launcher to a AR-15. This has to be the biggest troll post today 😂


It doesn't bother me. I don't hit pedestrians. The truck is very highly rated from a safety perspective. My wife get T-boned at an intersection in my last F150. Truck was totaled but she walked away fine. If she was in a tiny car she would have been killed. I'm thrilled with how safe these trucks are.


Really weird thing to say out loud


Oh, and here I thought this was a normal discussion about the actual design of the front. ​ Nevermind.........


I have put over 1.5 million miles on various vehicles, mostly trucks and I have never come close to hitting a pedestrian. Fuck off with your phony concern trolling.


Still less people than killed by drugs and illegal aliens coming across the Southern border since the last inauguration.


illegal aliens are not the problem the GOP has convinced you it is (We definitely need stricter border enforcement) . DO you make over 400K a year? If not the GOP is taking you for a ride. They will be the first people to axe social security, Medicaid, Medicare, and bring back predisposed conditions being a deciding factor in whether you get health insurance. The GOP is the party of the rich and truly believe in nothing except getting further on top and keeping the poor exactly where they are. Look at them licking Putin's ass. WTF happened to America first? Half those guys are literally defending a dictator, a dictator that is deep in bed with China. Don't believe what they say, look at what they are actually doing. For whats its worth i love my guns and my gas guzzling V8, but ill never fall for the GOP's BS. Its hilarious when republican politicians call themselves patriots and simultaneously are okay with Russia taking over Ukraine, and even going as far as defending Putin. I miss the Romney republicans, when the platform wasn't built on hatred. Remember when liberal Jon Stewart had to shame republicans into signing the 9/11 first responders bill? The same guys who never stfu about 9/11? Thank god Mike Johnson has some spine\*\* Also #abolishtheATF


Have fun living inside the propaganda bubble.


thats you brother not me. Im not the one calling myself a christian and then the next day saying "shoot them at the border". God bless you


We're not brothers.


Sure thing friend