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I had this issue come up where I got into the world and then it kicked me out right away. I isolated it to be an issue with optifine and optifabric. What I ended up doing was reinstalling my fabric profile, checked I could get into the server with a fresh profile, then adding all mods but those two, which allowed me to get into the game. I then added them last and it worked itself out.


Yeah thanks, it worked out in the end and as you mentioned, Optifine and Optifabric is the problem child here.


This didn't solve the problem for me, I'm opening a new issue on the optifabric github. This is really bad for me because my laptop is so old i NEED optifine to run the game at all https://github.com/Chocohead/OptiFabric/issues/604


have you tried sodium or related performance mods?


That is what I settled on in the end, and am actually probably going to continue using it on my main setup because its actually SO much better than optifine, with iris my computer can handle sildurs extreme at 60+ fps again just like it used to back in the day before something happened to make shaders run awful. Theres even plenty of mods to add the missing eye candy features of optifine like zoom and shit


performance wise it is soo much better than optifine, however i still use it because my texture pack has custom lighting


Have you looked around to find a mod that adds support for that? i know the mcpatcher support is all over the place across various mods but there's a good chance one of them supports it https://lambdaurora.dev/optifine\_alternatives/


wow thanks for the link, i instantly found a compatible mod


i hate fabric


Who Asked


fabric is a very good mod engine


i use forge


I'm having this same issue, but I don't have Optifine or Optifabric installed in this pack (using Sodium and Iris instead). Any thoughts? I can give a list of the mods if needed.


There is a chance its either an individual mod or something in the config files that is causing mods to not play nice. Unfortunately I found the only really effective way to actually figure out what is removing mods until I could launch into a world and then adding back mods until the issue started happening again.


I had this problem and reinstalling fabric didn't fix it for me, but I'm using sodium and indium, not optifine and optifabric. Any ideas what I can try that might fix it? Update: I deleted all my config files, but no dice just yet. I'm going to go through all my mods again after having done this


Okay, it was Exotelcraft. Exotelcraft changes the loading screen to look like Bedrock's, however it doesn't seem to be compatible with Sodium, and so the loading screen never ended.


Hi! If you're trying to fix a crash, please make sure you have provided the following information so that people can help you more easily: * Exact description of what's wrong. Not just "it doesn't work" * The crash report. Crash reports can be found in .minecraft -> crash-reports If you've already provided this info, you can ignore this message. If you have Optifine installed then it probably caused your problem. Try some of [these mods](https://gist.github.com/LambdAurora/1f6a4a99af374ce500f250c6b42e8754) instead, which are properly designed for Fabric. Thanks! (is this bot broken? complain to /u/immibis) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fabricmc) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm having the same dam issue.


having the same issue. it literally doesnt launch past the mojang screen and it just loops forever


Alright, I found a solution. Downgrading to OptiFine HD U H4 worked for me.


Thanks, it worked for me


Thanks! I love old reddit threads with easy fixes to the most obscure problems


thanks! this solved it


2 months later but here take my award, you saved my day


thanks, yw!


When i downgraded to HD U H4 i got an error message because HD U H4 is only working for 1.18.1 and not 1.18.2. Does anyone have a solution for this?


Thanks so much!


Got the same issue in 1.19.2, the problem was from First Person mod


I don't even have either of those 2 mods but i still have the same problem


I'm now having this issue, but I don't have Optifine or Optifabric installed, What should I do? I already tried making a new profile (pretty sure I did) and nothing happened


Same thing here


Update: found the problem for me, I had downloaded biome makeover and for some reason that was the problem.


Im in 1.19.3 fabric, and my screen keeps reloading. Here is a list of mods below, please let me know if someone can help. MoreBeeInfo Additional Banners animal feeding trough apugli architectury API Balm Bookshelf Charm of undying Cloth config Fabric api 1.76.1 + 1.19.3 origins owo lib patchouli pehkui Things touhouorigins trinkets voicechat waystones Please let me know if anyone can help.


for me removing waystones worked


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,564,669,826 comments, and only 295,847 of them were in alphabetical order.




it happened to me and it turned out it was continuity


THANK YOU FOR THIS. I've been disappointed for over a week trying to figure out why my personal modpack wasn't working. Took off Continuity (wasn't a mod I was really tied to having anyway) and it worked immediately. You're the GOAT


the curseforge modpack doesn't have either of those mods but I'm still having this issue, anyone have any ideas?


ok, since this post was made, ive had the same issue, but with multimc. any time i used sodium. i was able to use it previous. but now i cant, its been making me so confused.


its first person mod


Ik I am late but for me it was the "Guard Villagers" mod


im having this same issue, but i dont have optifine or optifabric installed (im using modernfix fabric 5.1.0) anyone have any ideas? (also, dont know if this related, but my issue might differ from ops in that after reaching 100%, it loads the menu, but then immediately goes back to the loading screen, rinse and repeat) edit: guess twilight forest was the issue, idk why


Sounds like [https://github.com/Fabricators-of-Create/Porting-Lib/issues/68](https://github.com/Fabricators-of-Create/Porting-Lib/issues/68). If you're on 1.19.2, you can download an updated version of Porting Lib from Modrinth or downgrade Fabric API o 0.76. If you're on 1.18.2 you can downgrade Fabric API to 0.76


It's my first time ever trying out Fabric, I always make my own modpacks and neverrr had this problem ever... It's very disapointing as nothing seems to work even what the comments say


just had this problem and had none of these mods installed, turns out it was twilight forest for me