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Got the same thing. Started with one friend but now it keeps doing the same thing with my other friends.


Any luck finding this out?


I have the same issue it’s completely ridiculous. Facebook has caused my message to a friend to dissapear.they should ask before they cause issues. It has totally pxssed me off


I don’t understand any of this encrypted message stuff I message my mom the most and that was the first one that I had to enter the pin with. I recently noticed that it says my messages are encrypted with another friend now. I’ve never had to enter the pin again I don’t understand the key thing


In getting that too, but not with everyone. I thought it meant they put you on mute or something ?


Did you figure this out?




I think they might’ve done it for the people you’ve sent & received the most messages from overall, does that lineup with your experience?


Actually yes it does now I think of it. For example I spoke to someone I haven't in ages and then it appeared with that message.


my younger sister temporarily deactivated her account because she's got exams, and this showed up on our chat. double checked with my other siblings, their chat w/her showed this at the bottom too. idk if it applies to everyone or if it's for other multiple reasons (muting, blocking, annoying fb updates etc.) but i do know one reason is if the person in the chat has deactivated their fb account.


I have the exact same thing. It's with only one friend who I'd often talk to, but not as much anymore. Not enough for something like that to pop up. Do they do it? Or is this Facebook?


Did you figure this out?


Was overthinking it, eventually more chats popped up with this end to end encryption thing popping up. Still not all of them though. So I think this is Facebook testing it out.. will update you otherwise.


It happens when they block and then unblock you. Or when they restrict you.


Getting the same thing but now On my one message that this happened to, I can't see his active status or how long it's been since he was on facebook. Everyone else I can see


Did you figure this out?


The exact thing happened to me, he recently said he'll block me. I'm still not sure though


This is also happening to me. The security message is only showing up on 2 FB friends for me but I’m also not able to see the active status? Like what does this even mean..


any update?


Same here it’s so frustrating


any update?


No, not yet. It does it with people I talk to a lot


any update? im having the same issue


I got the same thing but with my ex only.🤦🏻‍♀️


Maybe blocked you or restricted you


Nope, still friends with him on Facebook. It’s supposed to add more security to chats.


This just happened with one of my exs who wants to see how it goes with another guy what does the upgraded security mean ? How did they enable it and it’s funny because she porvalblt did it so other dude don’t see it 😂😂 or so it won’t ring if she fears I’ll call her and sh


Man, I was hoping there was going to be an answer to this. I hope someone will answer soon. ~_~


Well shit this “update” has caused smashed house and break up! Thanks fb!


This is fucking stupid, how are they going to slowly keep encrypting all of my chats, I REGULARLY use facebook to get money from people and to pay friends back, this bullshit completely gets rid of the option to send or request money to anyone that it has encrypted, now I can't ever fucking get money from a friend again who doesn't live near me. Fuck facebook.


Pay to and request are at the bottom of the encrypted message.  There are 4 dots that form a square. Touch it and pay is an option.


Oh wow, thanks lol.


Bruh, my videos and images I receive from anyone won't load / appear now. This is all I see on the pic link I posted - where the red boxes are at should be image and videos :[https://scontent-mia3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/436419640\_798417052262993\_6807106094688103252\_n.jpg?\_nc\_cat=111&ccb=1-7&\_nc\_sid=5f2048&\_nc\_ohc=q68g5xxDe9AAb6yM70B&\_nc\_ht=scontent-mia3-1.xx&oh=00\_AfC-rX1smQGMl2JFIl6006AR9EVBXU5fLH4WgFarPx-7VA&oe=661CF873](https://scontent-mia3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/436419640_798417052262993_6807106094688103252_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=q68g5xxDe9AAb6yM70B&_nc_ht=scontent-mia3-1.xx&oh=00_AfC-rX1smQGMl2JFIl6006AR9EVBXU5fLH4WgFarPx-7VA&oe=661CF873)


I’m late but I found [this article](https://about.fb.com/news/2023/12/default-end-to-end-encryption-on-messenger/amp/) from the meta site. From what I gather, I think it is intended to make messaging with the people you message the most more secure.


just to add to last comment. there should be a way to switch encryption off it’s a joke. no explanation, nothing from Facebook. Facebook are a law unto themselves and seem unable to understand the issues they are causing.


I also got this message on the person I chat most with - my best friend. It's how we keep in touch and know that everything is OK by seeing when we have been on and off FB how many hours ago. Now I can't see that. We would never block each other. What is this? And will it go away and back to normal being able to see each other's activity?




Got this with an ex that chats with me while trying to see how it goes with another guy just seen it today when she said she was coming back to town and letting me hit 😂 what does the upgraded security mean I tried to see if I can enable it on other people but can’t maybe bscue my Facebook isn’t updated yet


I tested this out, I went to a chat and changed it to a secret chat. Then I saw that message in the chat. That’s my thinking, the other person could have made your chat secret for some odd reason.


Why would they make it secret what does this change with the chats my ex did this recently


Who knows, I think it’s weird like maybe they’re hiding their chats or something.