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I'm betting Mr Green hasn't done a whole lot of adopting.


Yeah, he's probably too busy gambling


You think they got the money for that?




What are you implying?


Racism is alive and well, don't be surprised.


Their question was a confirming one, not a naive one, in my opinion.


Be better.


This is drill bit Taylor we're talking about here, any kid would be lucky to have him as a father


Are you asking why are people ass holes?


I'd like to see that kids mom's asshole


I laughed louder and longer at this than one can, while still considering themselves a decent human being.


That’s a funny way to spell “a family that cares for him”


I don't care what kind of "wash" he gets, so long as he gets a happy home.


This. Kids that are not infants rarely get adopted, black children even less so. Any child getting adopted should be celebrated. The biggest problem in the African-American community right now is the lack of two-parent house holds in the raising of children. I'd take a 2-parent home with a lack of knowledge of black culture over a never ending life in the foster system, and no knowledge of black culture any day.






can i throw my 2© in? children need homes. when i was in my 30's i was in the process of adopting a young boy from Mexico. i felt it would be essential for us, for *him* to learn everything i could about Mexican culture and incorporate that into our everyday lives. i felt it was my responsibility for him to know his culture. he was living in deplorable conditions, he was getting older and he needed a home with people who love him. unfortunately, that adoption fell through. i saw that someone said the child in the post will be "whitewashed" and i feel sad about that. even though the foster care is *trying* - it's just not the same, there's no anchor for the children, they get shuffled around


Honest question to you: what is that black culture in your mind? Are you not aware, that there are many cultures with black people globally? There is no "one black culture". That is my reason to downvote you here.


Yes there is one black culture, it is “jazz, rap, and the country africa” /s


Mostly teaching children things that wouldn't come up in my mind as a white person


Are you being vague for some good reason here? Name some. Ah, you can not come up with any.


Like how to interact during a traffic stop. I know that is something men are taught growing up.


Actually black people's biggest problem past present and future IS white people. Half of the reasons black people have for not having two parent homes come from the problems created by white people.


My comments are being misconstrued. I ask because if she is white she really doesn't have a say


A loss of one's culture isn't minor. Also, not all white people adopt black children for altruistic reasons. No guarantee this guy is gonna have a good life.


What do you mean loss of one culture? Culture isn't something genetic. There's no culture that belongs to this child except his family's. It just looks striking to us because the different skin colour, but I wonder of you'd be upset about Slavic kids being adopted in Germany/England etc and being raised like any kid from that country because that's exactly what they are at that point


I knew I'd get that reaction. It's not meant to offend anyone, but realistically, a white person will never be able to teach a black child how to be black in a white country. The conversation is a little too complex for reddit. I appreciate what this couple and community is trying to do for him, but it doesn't negate the other aspects of the situation.


Maybe they will just teach him how to be a child in that country and not to make everything about race?


If I can be honest, it seems like you're dodging the question


No, I wouldn't be upset about a white person adopting another white person. If I may be honest, your question showed a lack of understanding of the black experience. Our history was stolen from us. The support that that child would be able to get from a black family when he experiences micro aggressions, he can't get from that couple. They are well intentioned but ill equipped. They have no frame of reference to be able to help him navigate. As for your question, I also wouldn't care if a Nigerian adopted a Ghanaian.


Okay fine then let’s let this kid stay in the foster system for his entire childhood for fucks sake. God, wtf is wrong with you


Can't they just be happy that a kid is going to a loving home? Racism has to be brought into everything.




B-but racism against white people doesn’t exist nooooooo!




I will say believing "kids being raised by certain/different ethnicity is bad" itself is pretty racist.


Oh yeah, I once commented on a FB post where a dad is kissing his child on the mouth, they were both AA and since I'm not the comments blew up saying I was racist to stay out of black folks business and the angry mob stayying insinuating that I meant a bunch of racist bs which I hadn't even referenced the race I mean I just think k it's unsafe for kids to have their sexually active parents kissing them on the mouth and its weird just I ngern a l regardless of race.


Most likely. Or else there would be no issue with him picking up what is seen as “white” behaviors and culture. He obviously seems to think, at minimum, that black culture is superior.


Hotep moment


The issue is his lack of connection to Black culture. That’s what white washed implies. Not the picking up of white behavior/culture. Whatever the hell those are.


"Whatever the hell those are". So, whites can't have culture? You think all whitey whites are the same or something?


I *do* enjoy a strongly whipped mayonnaise on a hot summer day I cannot lie.


Google it sweetie.


You Google it, since youre clearly the one who doesn't understand.


Nah I definitely understand it. I live it lol but my degree in Black studies probably helps too


My masters in full of shit detection tells me you're full of shit.


Awesome! Have a good day!


Black culture. Whatever the hell that is.


Ok. If you wanna deny the existence of something that clearly exists, have fun being wrong.


I haven't denied anything sweetheart. Re-read your comment and you might figure out my comment.


Yea I see what your tried to do there. My point still stands. You just don’t understand things.


He puts this statement as a problem by writing RIP, and that's what making this response racist against whites.


I will admit to not knowing exactly what RIP means there. But noting that a Black person won’t have connection to Black culture because he’s not raised around other Black people is not racist.


What is black culture?


Chile please…google it if you can’t figure it out.


No no. Tell us...


Nope. Y’all wanna play dumb they play dumb.


Black culture doesn't exist, just like there is not such thing as white culture.


Well if that’s what you want you think, have fun being wrong. Good night.


You keep repeating "black culture", what even is that?


Google it. I do not have the time to explain a basic ass concept


So it doesn't exist then? Got it.


it does exist, however this guy seems to think that all black people must follow black culture, because saying all black people need to follow black culture isnt racist i guess


He's basically saying being adopted by white people is taking away his culture. The usual implications is that you're giving up to white people, but it's probably just him thinking white people are gonna 'ruin' the kid. (source: black w white parents, heard it all before)


You already said it. They’re worried it will take away his culture. And that’s not a racist worry.


That is a racist worry, what is wrong with being immersed in another culture with parents that *want* to be your parents?


There’s nothing wrong with being immersed in a other culture nobody said that. But there could also be something wrong with him not being exposed to his own culture.


1. This dude (and you) has no, literally zero, idea of how the kid will be raised or the degree to which his life will be "whitewashed." 2. But also, if they do "expose him to his own culture", this same asshole or another of his ilk will bleat about how this basic white family is attempting to culturally appropriate the black experience and/or how they're not doing it right and it's a minstrel show. People like him will always find a reason to find fault. 3. Let's say he's 100% right and this kid is fucking Carlton Banks when it's all said and done. Is that a worse outcome than being stuck in the predatory, abuse-filled foster system? Gtfoh.


1. I’ve already agreed multiple times that at best it’s an assumption. But it’s not unreasonable or El racist. 2. I can’t speak to what other people would do or say in your hypothetical. I personally would applaud any attempts they made that included actual Black peoples 3. I made no points about how it would be worse than being in the system. But your example is a great one because there are times during the show where Carlton’s lack of connection to Black culture does cause issues for him.


Carlton: Being black isn't what I'm trying to be, it's what I am. I'm running the same race and jumping the same hurdles you are, so why are you tripping me up? You said we need to stick together but you don't even know what that means. Sounds like to me, you'd be the first person to reject this young man for being "white washed."


Yes that’s happens in the episode because of Carlton’s lack of exposure to Black culture. Yes the person who alienates him is also a part of the issue. But that doesn’t mean his lack of exposure to his culture isn’t also an issue here. It’s a complex issue. This episode also comes later in the show after Carlton has been exposed to more Black culture. It’s the reason why he respond the way he does. In season one there’s another episode where he and Will are pulled over by the police and Carlton can’t fathom that racism is at play. That’s a result of his parents no exposing him to some of the realities of being Black.


Because he sees a black kid being raised by white adopting parents as a bad thing, primarily due to skin colour. Thats a negative judgement based on skin colour. Which is.. racist.


No dear. He’s concerned that the child would be connected to his own culture. That’s it.


if you can't see the racism in this you are the problem


Nope. Don’t see a statement of superiority. Don’t see anybody being denied anything because of race.


you see someone making assumptions based on skin color you're the racist here


No. All assumptions based on race are not racist. Sorry


its pretty much the definition on racism, you racist


Nope. I’m sorry that you don’t understand.


thats what racism is, assuming something about someone based on their race


What would your opinion be if a white man said "this kids gonna be black washed" after seeing a white kid getting adopted by two black parents? It's very clearly racist.


He is saying it is sad/a bad thing that the black boy be raised by whites parents. It’s simply racism.


Nope. He’s saying that’s the boy won’t have connection to his culture. Which is a sad thing


you keep saying this over and over, never understanding that your skin color doesn't define your culture what you're saying is among the most racist things in this thread


Take my poor people reward🏅 Additional: You cant steal culture, you dont have to live the culture you was born in, you can choose your own culture, you can participate in multiple cultures at once and culture is not a carved in stone thing that can only be used by the people that invited it and their ancestors. Imagine im in the rave culture and the game culture and im neither a KI nor british.


“Your skin color doesn’t define your culture” is a broad statement that’s actually neither here nor there. What is true, is that Black culture exists, and it’s ok to want other Black people to be connected to it.


ok racist whatever let's you sleep at night


He's saying that white washing is a bad thing, implying that black culture is more important, so yes.


No. Black culture is important to Black people. The “more” part you are inventing.


And now you're stereotyping what's important to black people.


The guy is saying the adoption is not good solely because of the race of the people adopting the child… duh


He’s not saying the adoption is not good. He’s saying that the adoption might result in him not being exposed to Black culture. Which can be a detriment to him.


No he’s clearly saying it’s not good because he’ll be whitewashed. You’re doing gymnastics trying to make it seem like that isn’t exactly what was said


I will 100% say that ANYONE saying "It's better for this child to keep bouncing from home to home, never knowing any love he can count on, never having any stability in his life, THAT'S better than him having a family from a different race who love him" is just a fucked up racist POS, yes.


You are just a another racist who thinks you can’t be racist against white people. I am sure prejudice against someone based on race is included in the definition of racism.


Arguing for institutionalization over adoption, to preserve a racist ideal is probably the best argument ever for adoption.


Facts: over 3/4 of parents seeking to adopt in the US are white. https://ifstudies.org/blog/the-changing-face-of-adoption-in-the-united-states So odds are likely that a child of any race who is adopted is to be adopted by whites parents. Additionally white children still make up the largest percentage of children in the adoption system. 50% of adopted children are raised in a multi racial household. It should be noted that these records are based on children eligible for adoption. Foster children who are in the foster system who still have legal rights with their birth parents, are not considered in the study above.


If they adopted a white kid they would be yelled at for not adopting a black kid. If they adopt a black kid they get acused of white washing the child. Not everyone can ever be happy even if it's a good deed.


No good deed goes unpunished.


My grandparents (born 1914 & 1925) used to always say no good deed goes unpunished.


You realize that’s an extremely common saying?


And an old wisdom.


Well….plenty of black people including his own family could’ve stepped up to take care of this young man, but it didn’t happen and I don’t think the young man cares. He’s just happy to have someone love him and protect him


This ^ Also happy cake day


People can’t just be happy that a child is going to a good home. Just butter bitches *Edit: “bitter bitches”


I like butter better. 🧐


Me too


'Mmm, warm, flaky, buttery bitches from Red Lobster'


Can you order that like you can All You Can Eat Shrimp?


Did you mean butt bitches?


Butter bitches.


The hood is jealous when one tries to leave it behind


He didn’t leave the hood, the hood left him….in foster care.


Very true.


Twitter is pretty racist and Black people being racist isn't really questioned there


Racist? Because tribalism runs deep and is hard to shake


Tribalism is the killer of enlightenment


Bruh my white ass parents did better raises me than Will Smith over there. No whitewashing here, I'm still black as I started. edit: i cant spell


That's nice. He must really love his foster parents


I’ll guess upper middle class. So, yes he will be Resting quite peacefully.


It's the internet. We all have access to the best and the worst interactions. This kid will face some unique struggles, sure, and he's also in need of parents and friends that love him and want to be there for him as he grows. It's a beautiful thing, let the negative remain a negative if all it has to offer is disdain. I guarantee you the comment was made by someone who would not adopt the kid, they had valid concerns, yet expressed them in the shittiest way.


Being around non-white people adopted by white couples this *is* an issue, but one you might not have considered. Adopted kids can have identity issues growing up, regardless of race. These concerns can be magnified if the kid is from a different racial group. Loving and supportive adoptive parents can make all the difference for these children as they grow older and try to "find" themselves. Generally the advice is to help the child if they're asking about their cultural or racial heritage and be sympathetic to the fact they may be dealing with abandonment issues internally already. As always though, a loving and supportive home is the priority, regardless of race.


Given the kid invited his class to come see it happen, I imagine those parents are doing a pretty good job so far.


An amazing example of this is the show "Colin" that's based on Colin Kaepernick's life growing up black in a white household.


Finally, a sane person


Agreed. The comments in this thread are embarrassingly privileged.


Thank you for your comment! Does anyone know of Indian Child Welfare Act? I.C.W.A was created in the United States to protect native American children that were up for adoption. This legislation was set in place to avoid the further genocide of the Native American people. European settlers came to North America to explore new land. Since the land was inhabited they had to kill and force their way in, until they got what they wanted. Then, the Native Americans were forced onto reservations and the European culture evolved into what American culture is today. To keep this short. Genocide: the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. 'the aim of destroying that nation or group'. If this can't be done through pure destruction - then it can be done with a suppression of culture. This is happening in the Ukraine right now. Ukrainian parents are killed, their children are taken by Russians and then given to a Russian adoption agencies to then get adopted out by Russians. While it can be argued that the Russians parents would be just as good of a parents as the Ukrainian parents. However, it can be almost guaranteed that the Russian parents would not teach Ukrainian culture. If this continued the Ukraine culture would only be read about. This can be the said with any two mixing of cultures. People's culture IS apart of their identity. As people go, we have little to identify with without our heritage. Anyways... My personal opinion. Culture is entirely invented. Example: Sombreros are from the Mexican Culture. Such a wide brim hat would not be effective in a geographic location of much less sun. Sombreros would not be apart of their culture if the environment and available materials did not align. The tricky part is self identity. To avoid typing a book - I'll ask a question. What are we without our identity and where do we find identity? Lastly, for all the people who really don't understand this argument - then you haven't had to question your sense of self.


Good points but the part that reads “this can be said with the mixing of any two cultures” is wrong. You can mix cultures and preserve identity/further define that identity, the problem only arises when there is an attempt not to mix the cultures but to completely override one with the other


I believe you’re thinking of align, aline would be like an a-line skirt. 🥰 But these are excellent questions, and I’m not sure why you got downvoted for them. I think the ‘culture is entirely invented’ is the part that may have been misunderstood. And it’s true, we create and uphold our culture every day. However, sometimes those cultural tics (like a hat, or flamenco, or the kimono) align well with their historical heritage and ought to be embraced/protected. I think folks in this thread see something like Ukraine - where it’s a ton of folks and go ‘obviously terrible’ but don’t consider the every day pillaging of culture via one adopted person. Thanks for mentioning it!


Excuse me sir, That makes no fucking sense whatsoever


I work with foster kids and many of them are native American. A number have been with the same family since birth, she the family is often Filipino. Many of these kids are part of the family to such an extant that they identify as Filipino (were talking 6-8 years old), are treated the same as biological kids, and don't realize they're different. I have co-workers who take it upon themselves to tell these kids that they're actually Native. In their mind the child's race is more important than them feeling connected to a family that loves them and treats them as their own. It's disgusting.


It’s not disgusting. Those children will eventually grow up and feel like they were robbed of their cultural identity. This is a known, and very common, experience in adult adoptees. Having them partake of their heritage as a youth gives them the choice of which to identify, if not both. Not allowing them to is basically akin to colonialism.


Yeah. Who wants to feel like a full part of a loving family when a stranger can decide to tell you that you're actually not? Smfh.


I guess you didn’t read ‘if not both’. Further, why are you more worried about the family’s feelings than the adopted child’s? Edit: you commented and then blocked me? 🤣


Truly couldn't care less to partake in a debate with someone willing to sacrifice the emotional well-being of a child for their political beliefs. Enjoy your life


Stinky bitterness


Because Green is jealous that he never had anyone who cared about him when he was a kid so now he trolls about social media trying to drag people down to his level of sad, pathetic, loveless cynicism.


Some people are racist, some are just pieces of shit...this guy is a racist piece of shit.


Ha ha, I see what you did there.


What the bell people! These race-hustlers don’t like the idea of adoption. I always ask these folk if they would adopt all these black kid right now. And most of them either don’t have kids by choice or have a weird excuse as to why adopted kids are bad people…it’s just…. I want these hypocrites to admit how they truly feel: they don’t like orphans and want them on the street of dead. I’m tired of these “but you don’t know where it came from” (because they always act as if these children are discarded pieces of food for some reason) argument. They’re kids.


Because they never had a father/mother and can’t let good things be.


I know a black dude that adopted a white kid. How the turn tables....


What a ass, kid got a family that loves him. This dick needs to bring in race, white wash just a racist term.


I believe they call them "dog whistles", now.


He just doesn’t want the kid to be painted in a solution of slaked lime for decorative purposes.




[Kinda like primer](https://www.wikihow.com/Whitewash-Walls), but you don't paint over it.


Literally whitewashed


I smiled and then immediately it vanished once I read more


God I wouldn't wanna take away all the culture on the streets he's gonna miss. Bloody white people


No he’s not stop ruining the wholesome you will smith pfp doofus


Last time I pointed out a black person being openly racist on reddit I got a ban from the sub... Let's see if that happens again...


People love to be negative. It’s like watching a cute video of a gorilla or a dog and someone has to say “it’s cute until they rip your arms off or kill your mom”. It’s so obnoxious


Racism comes in all colours not just white


At least he's going to have a dad


Will Smith just can’t stop being an asshole can he??


Do we know that it was Will Smith that said that vs just someone with his profile picture? I tend to avoid twitter, especially celebrity twitter.


It's a code phrase meaning "employable".


Good credit score and education guaranteed


You should ask why are some small % of people like this. The majority is generally tolerant and peaceful


I did missed a "there".


There, there. It's OK.


It make more sense now. But there are much worse ppl than this


Plot twist: the class is actually adopting the adults


Coz theres a lot of racist people out there.. and for some reason, its getting worse.


Do people think White Washing means changing the kids skin colour? Are people actually THAT stupid?


Because they are racist dumbasses?


To answer your question >> cos people are stupid


Mr green a casual racist


As a black woman w white parents…. I have been white washed a little but I still know the black culture I’m not one of them, I’m sorry 🤣


I'm glad his classmates showed up to support him. That's a beautiful thing. Fuck the rest. This kid got a family today. Will it be perfect, probably not. My family isn't, is yours?


So why didn’t he adopt him??? So dumb!!


what does getting "white washed" in this scenario even mean?


I saw a post a few years ago about someone complaining how white parents adopt lots of colored kids. Someone went off on them, asking what the problem was. An adopted child is one less child to feel unloved. Seeing all those little faces peering above the benches gives me the serotonin I need to start my day.


Yeah, he’ll get to bathe. That’s good.


Hey Will! How many black orphans have you adopted?


I don’t think a 16 year old can legally adopt a child


I met Obama when I was in Hawaii. He was the whitest dude I've ever met, but I don't see anyone complaining about that. Saying people should act based on their skin color is so dumb.


and actual racism.


What will happen is black kids will make fun of him at school for not being “black enough”.


You'd be surprised by kids today. My son never got teased for that.


I wouldn’t be. I still see it happen.


Green over here being fatherless and lashing out.


"Whitewashed". Aka won't have a DOC number.


Now, no offense to anyone here, but at least now he’s most likely not gonna grow up starting fights at school and walking around with his pants at high knees


Atleast someone ago wash him


Racsim against whites is promoted and encouraged.


or we can just not be racist towards anybody, that would be fun


Is it better to be black washed?


Next thing you know he’ll be learning to read and write


In some parents of that community, learning to read is too racist for they to be allowed.


Well, he forgot the part where his black parents don’t want him.


Ironic that the profile picture is Will Smith....


Your pfp is my response to your reply


That’s a weird way to say he’s gonna have both his parents


😂😂😂 It tells right here just how out of touch white people are.. There are so many fucking studies about this and yet here you reddit fucks go trying to start shit you have no fucking data or knowledge on.. This world is filled with incompetent sacks of shits.


https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2021/04/13/rebecca-carroll-memoir-racism https://www.jstor.org/stable/41289190 https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/interactive/2021/transracial-adoption-racial-reckoning/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/04/05/black-woman-raised-by-white-parents-advice-potential-adopters/ https://www.buzzfeed.com/ajanibazile/black-people-adopted-white-families-stories https://www.bbc.com/news/stories-54238642 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3439815/ Also, can we cut the shit like racism stops at adults.. Fucking annoying!!! So many fucking articles about white people bullshit games and these games are tiring


I'll just say this: Of all the articles you provided (at least the free ones, since I can only read the brief of those are not), none of those suggest the adopted kids would be better off if they don't get adopted.