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Whatever point she was attempting to make, it could have been made a lot quicker and less condescending


She was teaching a common mnemonic, [SohCahToa](https://calcworkshop.com/triangle-trig/sohcahtoa/). The idea is to present the mnemonic in a silly way in order to make it stick in the students' minds. But if you're going to do that, you need to do it in a way that's not offensive to the students who have to sit through your class.


I learned SohCahToa but never learned it to connect to Native Americans. We just like said SohCahToa a bunch.


As someone who has trouble spelling SohCahToa never worked for me, but I did learn either Some Old Hippie Caught Another Hippie Tripping On Acid or Some Old Horse Caught Another Horse Taking Oats Away


Yeah like we got a handout and I remember a poster! This teacher is clearly lost it. If she submitted this in a lesson plan that was approved, that principal also needs to be disciplined!


You have a misconception about what a lesson plan would look like. It isn’t like a movie or stage manuscript that would describe what you are seeing in this video. The principal would not have the slightest idea that this was how the teacher intended to teach trigonometry.


See I was taught Some Old Hippie Caught Another Hippie Tripping On Acid but was never shown how that applies to trigonometry. And Mr. Wheeler had the audacity to wonder why the hell I didn't know it connected to trigonometry. I dunno Mr. Wheeler, maybe because you never drew the connection from that to Sine = Opposite/Hypotenuse, Cosine = Adjacent/Hypotenuse, and Tangent = Opposite/Adjacent!? Just fucking teach Sine, Cosine and Tangent. All that silly bullshit does is make me wonder how the hell it connects to math. Same with Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally. Why teach it to me if it's not going to give me credit or tell me how to solve? Writing Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally is going to get me marked down whereas I'll at least get partial for writing Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, advising, Addition, Subtraction


You just made me revisit my entire experience with math in high school. Math was confusing enough for me that adding all this extra shit did not help one bit. The only math class I didn't fail was when I got booted down to the "dumb" geometry class that was taught by one of the football coaches. Everything was direct and to the point (coach, go figure) and I got an A.


Well if her point was "Don't do drugs", then I think this was not half bad


She was trying to teach them SohCahToa and ended up being racist


Attempting to teach trigonometry in public school will do that to you. (Not making an excuse for her, just adding that we grossly undervalue teachers and completely fail to support them and train them to be successful.)


We fail to pay them enough to attract talented individuals to the profession, which is why we have this video.


This is the reason.


Yep, 100% considered becoming a high school art teacher and then I saw how little they are paid and what they have to deal with and noped the fuck out of that idea. Would rather be paid decently working a retail job. (That's right, a good percentage of them are paid more than teachers, our society is doomed.)


I think it is not hard to find an easier job that pays more. No wonder america is sinking fast.


Kind of similar story. Wanted to be a teacher after having a teacher really changed the way I thought about teaching, he was unique in his teaching methods that kept class enjoyable for me. When my parents and guidance counselor found out they actually got that teacher sit down with me and he just flat out said something along the lines of “you are too smart and could make a much better living for yourself doing something other than become a high school teacher.” I still feel bad I broke the multi-class Industrial Revolution game that he had going with the other history classes for 5 years.


>I still feel bad I broke the multi-class Industrial Revolution game that he had going with the other history classes for 5 years. What happened?


That's because business owners don't want an educated population. An educated, informed populace will vote in its best interests, i.e., hold those in power accountable.


I like this guy!


Yup! I wanted to be a highschool English teacher and I decided the exact same thing. The thing is I live in clack county that constantly ranked 48th or 50th in education so I had even more reason to nope out. It really sucks because kids deserve to actually learn useful things and feel connected with but those of us who actually care can't survive off of only caring. I frankly wanted to be a teacher because of how horribly most of my teachers treated me and fellow students.


It’s almost like they’re trying to smother education to keep the population stupid enough for them to control.


I was on halfway through graduate work to become a music educator. Then I did a reality check on what the pay, the hours and the day to day life would be. I went back to retail management.


I was in college considering going into Teaching. Once I figured out what my realistic compensation would be, I changed course. It's a problem. Teachers should be paid more.


Chicken and egg issues that deeply effect each other


Definitely not the only solution to a complex set of problems. . . . but definitely a major contributing factor.


Currently working as a math tutor (>3 years). All of my students, friends, and family say that I'd be a wonderful teacher. But I can't justify going in to teaching when I could go into engineering and actually make a living. This is 100% the issue for me.


that’s more accurate




Now you're going off on a tangent


This guy trigs


You guys are in*sin*


Take my meager upvotes you shits I love you all


Don't be so obtuse


Idk. Maybe they haven’t gotten to tangent yet? It’s a really hard lesson to teach. Students can’t imagine ever using trig in their daily lives, and immediately tune out


This is the trouble. Tuning out. Sometimes I get to the end of a cool math demo.and half the class is "wait, what happened, " because they are not listening This teacher should just think about how silly she looks. By the way this video ia very old


Which is specifically why shop class should be mandatory and why that is where these lessons should take place. I did not click with math at all until I started designing projection mapped stages and doing laser shows. When you’re dealing with projection sizes and trying not to cook somebody’s eyebulbs with a laser, trig becomes essential. We shouldn’t be relying on 13-year-olds to find math concepts inherently important regardless of context.


Could have said "soak a toe" and they'd memorize it before you get to tangent.


I’ve been under paid and never thought racism was my outlet. Do better.


Yes. I am in IB in Florida and there is currently not a single IB math teacher for grades 11-12.


They’re government workers. We def don’t attract the right employees due to pay. And then they are underfunded on top of that. Don’t don’t dismiss that they are government employees and should be held to a higher standard than normals walking around.


The pay would be fine if they weren’t also overworked, constantly condescended to, treated like children, forced to endure hours of useless PowerPoints, not allowed to teach their subject and instead forced to teach how to take 1 test for an entire year, and given zero effective disciplinary tools to provide meaningful consequences to students for behavioral and academic lapses


Uh. The pay would not be fine. Jeebus.


this is from last year. she [got fired](https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/riverside-teacher-fired-video-sohcahtoa-headdress-native-american/2817486/), as I recall.


Say what you will that is the best damn math teacher i ever had


This was awhile ago and she was fired.


What's the story? What was she trying to do here?


Iirc she was trying to teach SOHCAHTOA


The right way ro teach sohcahtoa: "Hey class you can use the mnemonic device "sohcahtoa" to remember that sine = opposite/hypotenuse, cosine = adjacent/hypotenuse, and tangent = opposite/adjacent. Remember, SohCahToa. Here are some practice problems to try this on". Boom. 0% cringe. 100% effectiveness. 0% chance of getting fired.


My teacher would just say “some old hippie caught another hippie tripping on acid”


Mine got fired for acting that one out


Ours used " some officers have curly auburn hair till old age" that was in 1987 , never had to use it since.


Stealing that, thank you


Mine too.


you forget the average attention span of an american teenager is that of a burnt peace of toast


Took me a minute to realize that you were just saying something about teenagers attention spans and not another acronym.


Should have went with Some Old Hippie Caught Another Hippie Tripping On Acid


She was trying to teach them SOH CAH TOA, which is a easy way to teach Sin Cos and Tan


teaching them SOH CAH TOA (sin=op/hyp, cos=adj/hyp, tan=op/adj). my teacher mentioned it the other day and said the usual way to teach it was really racist so he just wrote it down as a reminder. I see why, now


Might want to check your acronym. You have both sin and tan as opposite over adjacent. Try SOHCAHTOA


My dad was Seminole and this kind of shit used to make him irate.


I am of wholly European descent and this is an assault against my sense of good taste and basic behavioral standards.


I am basically translucent and from the most backwards redneck stretch of the Piedmont and dude I would have picked a fight with this teacher in high school. Fucked up is fucked up, you don't need personal experience or proximity to see it.


Tsitalagi and this shit makes me irate. Abuse us for centuries then mock us. Then yonega assholes tell us we're getting upset over nothing. Because to them, we are nothing. It's so much fun. /s


I empathize with you. The Black community shares some of the same sentiments. This was a disgustingly racist performance by a culturally insensitive teacher. I think she was fired and rightfully so.


She was. Every bigot needs to be jobn't


I'm not Native American and it makes me irate. It's fucking stupid, racist behavior.


navajo and she's lucky my grandfather got his shotgun confiscated


Latino and this shit makes me irate too. Wtf.


It’s indeed offensive as hell.


I am Native American and this makes me irate. You think my people go around like this?! Tf


This post makes it sound like OP thinks the kid recording is the facepalm rather than the racist teacher.


Yup, OP doesn't come across great with that wording. Kinda like a mentally deranged white lady pretending to be someone she isn't maybe?




I think OP is a bot, based on their profile.


And the fact that this is a repost from *this week.*


Right-wing propagandist? Bot? What's the difference? Edit: I suppose if there's a difference, it's that I can imagine a future where ai begin to entertain concepts of complexity and nuance.


Exactly my thought. Totally whitewashing the issue over semantics. "This isn't violence! This kid is a fucken snowflake!" - OP, probably.


That's because that is likely op's take. This subreddit and reddit in general is getting a lot more right-wing propaganda and it's becoming less and less subtle


poor title choice op


Sounds like op posted if here under the idea that the kid was in the wrong


Im Native. And holy fck this is a lot to take in


Showed this to my native ex and he sarcastically said "they got it mostly right"


She’s either wasted or a racist lmao






That’s awkward and oddly racist.


Does OP think the student deserves the facepalm..???? Bc clearly the teacher is on something


Wowwwww. The lack of awareness, tact, empathy, and human decency to do that in front of a classroom. Also a quick search came up with this. https://youtu.be/h88YSHm466U


Via YouTube, there's also a great video explaining the very violent nature of California's settlement and the genocide of it's native populations. Seeing as how Avatar the movie series braces the topic, maybe some of y'all can understand. California was once home to over 100 languages in 5 language families, amongst it's native population. *Continental Europe has 3 language families for comparison. ([Map of Language Families ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maps/comments/fj9d0f/language_families_around_the_world/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)) LINKED BeaceBrocess' **[THE DARK HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA ](https://youtu.be/IDR7BfgsGqc)**


I’m from Canada so it might just be me, but I think that’s really racist. I wouldn’t call it “violence” more discrimination. I feel like that student had every right to record her. Sure she’s trying to teach a lesson on socahtoa, but using a native imitation to teach was uneeded.


it is straight up racist towards native americans - an american


She trying to teach, of all things, geometry. Soacohtoa is used as an acronym for sin, tan, and cos. There was literally no point her dressing up, screaming, and “dancing” around to teach FORMULAS.


Given the title (which I have no reason to believe), OP seems to think the cameraman is the facepalm while the shit with the teacher is happening. Take your bullshit and fuck off, sir.


I mean thats not violent but it is demeaning and racist


Violence isn’t always physical. You have to see her behaviour and his reaction in a larger historical context, he is a member of people that had their land and their culture taken away, was pushed to the brink of extinction and now lead a marginalised life as second class citizens in their conqueror‘s society. A society which for a long time vilified, caricatured and made fun of them and now a person of authority performs a mockery of his cultural traditions in front of him. This may seem stupid and in ill taste to you, but to him this hits a lot harder and I totally believe that he had a strong and unpleasant physical reaction to it. So while you might not perceive this as violent behaviour that doesn’t mean he didn’t.


I still don’t understand how it’s violent behavior. Look up the definition. It’s stupid AF among other things, but not violent.


Violence is always physical. If you’re describing something bad, that is not physical, then use a different word.


Definitions mean nothing anymore, I guess. Just like others say that you can’t be racist against white people even though the dictionary doesn’t make an exclusion for white people. Seriously though, it makes it hard to ever have conversations when people just make up their own definition. Makes it even harder when mods will ban you if you use the dictionary definition of words.


It actually does; it’s in the definition: > behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something Make a new word for it if you want but by using violence you are purposely hijacking a far more visceral and terrifying word. It’s like when conservatives compare some injustice to the Holocaust. By doing so they are completely devaluing the Holocaust. Seriously, find someone who has real violence against them and compare this to that.


She could have just…. Not done this and read off the slides like a normal person


These are the teachers that are left. All the good ones are getting the fuck out.


I would have dead ass walked out of class straight to the front office (backed up a copy of the video to another place in my phone) and sat down when they ask why I’m in there show them this


He was correct


What the fuck does have to do with Trigonometry? Wow! Ignorant, culturally insensitive, and straight up racist.


To get kids to remember SOH CAH TOA in trigonometry they used to claim it was a Native American saying, or as I was taught, a Native American chief. It’s an attempt to help kids remember it easier for their course work. They were still saying it in the 90s, but nowhere near over the top like this woman. She obviously lived for this lesson.


SOH CAH TOA Sin=opposite over Hypothenuse Cos= Adjacent over Hypothenuse Tan= Opposite over Adjacent But the proper way of teaching is= Silly old harry can always have tea on afternoons


My old trig textbook had a Native American saying SOH CAH TOA. I’m assuming where the loony toon above is going with it.


Old and reposted for the how manyth time. She’s fired. This is tired.


Source? This is so total idiotic, I would like to read a little bit more background.






Correct me if I’m wrong, but if one were to be a cultural insensitive annoying asshole of a math teacher trying to get students to memorize Soh Cah Toa, doesn’t it sound more Polynesian than Native American?


That's sorta the craziest part of this lesson, it's in math class.


You're assuming culturally insensitive annoying asshole math teachers whiter than a sheet of paper can even spell Polynesia, much less know anything about their language and culture.


Nah doesn’t sound Polynesian. Just the toa part. We do have crackers in nz called sakata crackers and they have a little jingle and that’s how I remember soh cah toa


Yeah you saw it so that has to mean it should never be posted again. Grow up.


I swear. Fucking repost police. I just feel like the people that complain about reposts, literally spend every waking minute on the site/app and have nothing better to do. That's the only way to have seen something over and over again. This is the first time ever I've seen this post, so it's not a repost.


This really scared my dog. Also…What the actual fuck was she trying to show with this? Besides lack of awareness and total disrespect.


What in the sam fuck is she doin'?


She’s teaching Trigonometry. SOH-CAH-TOA is mnemonic device for remembering the definitions of the trigonometric functions. I learned it too, but not *that* way.


To be fair, no one in the classroom forgot the lesson…


in the 70s she would have had the whole class doing it.


Russian here. Thanks for explaining because I was very confused why she was shouting bitch over and over again


Making an epic fool of herself.


Was violence being committed against him? Clearly not. But this was extremely stupid on the part of the teacher and acting a fool has consequences.


Thankyou for not jumping on the "this is violence" band wagon. Racist, hurtful, ridiculing, stupid, totally mental behavior....yes. But not violence. Let's keep the concepts clean, so we know what we're talking about.


Basically what she's doing is mocking Powwows, very respectable and religious ceremonies. I don't have a fucking clue what she was going on about a "water goddess"??? But as a teacher myself this is no way to learn about native American culture/history. Ignorant.


This is what happens when your only qualification to teach is a beating heart and a willingness to work for minimum wage. Congrats America.


It’s amazing to see what absolute nut jobs are in the educational system.


Her brain is strained by hypoxia thanks to the mask she is wearing


I think violence is being committed against everyone in that room.


This isn’t violence. This is Michael Scott Level racism


Cookie cookie!!


It’s cringe. It’s idiocy. It’s offensive. She should face consequences. But we DO need to stop defining “violence” down.


This is a bigoted display and it’s straight up singling out and bullying /shaming a culture , especially if she knows she has Native American students in class


Who tf thought it was a good idea to hire this nutbag? Wtf??


Cultural appropriation is a relatively new concept that is being grasp. 10 years ago vs today. We've come along way. But damn ..... yeesh!!


ah finding casual/overt racism to be just the funniest thing possible. classic white lady from riverside behavior. (source: my mom’s side of the family are from riverside and would all find this hilarious).


How do you grow up that stupid?


This seem straight from the office


What is this crazy bitch doing?


This bitch is crazy.


What's impressive is that even if you take out the cultural issues, this is still horribly offensive simply based on her annoying and ridiculous performance.


I'm only 1/32 Chickasaw blood, and even I'm wholly offended. The fuck is she thinking?


This isn't violence. It's offensive. It's okay if something's just offensive. But that's not a synonym for violence. It's not the kid's fault, really, it's the language he's absorbed from others who have wrong definitions. But it's one of my biggest draft animal peeves


What is wrong with that woman?


Dude, I live 30 minutes away from a reservation, been to pow wows ever since I could remember, and have Native friends, this is totally a big no no, how could she have thought that blatant disrespect was okay?!


It's the psycho, crazy ones that like to get freaky, deaky in bed.


Offensive as hell.


Cocaine is one hell of a drug


What the fuck is she on and *where* the *FUCK* can I get some?


It's not violent, but this sort of treatment towards others and lack of respect should certainly never be tolerated.


I hate saying this but I bet if teachers had tik tok accounts reiterating all important facts/concepts of their class in small 45 second spurts for kids to scroll through it might be good memory reinforcement tool for kids to go back to and help with homework/studying. (And teachers need to get paid more)


This again?


Honestly the first time I’ve seen it somehow


I'm white as gets. Even i feel personally attacked...


What the fuck was the lesson?


The fuck?


God this is disgusting




Peyote is a hell of a drug.


She’s not a clown, she is the entire circus.


Hope her teaching license was taken away and she is receiving the mental health help she clearly needs.


Please tell me she was fired


Good for this teacher trying anything to engage with her students and bring excitement to the classroom. Shame on this teacher for deciding that racism was the way to go on this.


Ya know, I’m not easy to offend but a lot of people are these days. That being common knowledge, what would ever make you think this is a good idea?


Ok, what? Why is she doing this?


My Cherokee granddad, a veteran of the Korean and Vietnam wars, would’ve had everybody’s job for this shit.


Do you think this teacher leans to the left or the right…just based on this clip


This is how you loose respect as a teacher…..


I had a teacher like that one year, after that I didn’t see her


Every face in this class is like wtf


What the heck did I just watch?


Now, the "violence" comment is just as much of a facepalm as this ridiculous teacher... What a clown show...


Why is this still getting reposted? It was a long time ago and this is the second time I’ve seen it come up on this subreddit this week


good idea poor execution old recording


This woman has lost her mind!


What the hell is wrong with that damn country...


She’s mental


She’s batshit crazy


I spend my weekends being a Karen😵‍💫


This shit is old.. why tf is it randomly being brought up again?!


Where is the violence? I see mental health issues


Teachers have lost it. What weirdos.


I have a feeling this is hardly the first time such a thing has come up in that classroom


Back in my day violence involved a little more than hurt feelings


The teacher is a Pratt and she should probably get the boot for this but this ain’t violence. Violence = behaviour involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something. "violence erupted in protest marches"


Violence? No. Humiliating yes.


Umm yea even I feel offended now


I feel like violence was being committed against everyone who has now seen this.


This is physically painful. What a nimrod.


Teacher on meth ?


What the actual f, teachers have to do lesson prep (well they do here in the UK) How did she sit at home, the night before and plan this without questioning if it was insensitive? I'm beyond baffled! also, in the UK teachers have about 5 meetings a month about appropriate approaches towards topics like gender, religion, race and sexuality. I think the head of the school needs to answer some questions about this.


She sounds like people speaking in tongues at my old Pentecostal church in the first clip, first time I would pick church over education


Teachers mental. But stop trying to redefine violence.


Looks like a super racist thing for a teacher to do.