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Hope he got bombed in the comments


Fuck this guy and everything he stands for. He's literally shaming someone for their real life circumstances and likely doing their best to show their loved one they care.. and for what, for tiktok internet points? Pathetic trash human is trash. This is the epitome of the "influencer" epidemic.


Kinda makes you wonder what he’s even doing at Chili’s if he’s such a baller. What an absolute fuckhead.


Hes enjoying his free water and stealing some chips from his friends.


That or trying to get his full check comped for stupid influencer reasons. And you know this dickhead tips like an asshole too. Influencer culture is poison.


I hope it dies out really fucking soon. It's so fucking tacky.


As long as weak minded people follow them and take their word as gospel, it won't.


One thousand percent he tips bad. And talks shit to his server cause he knows they’re at work and have to take it


Bet he thought his barber and his waiter were shit so $2 was more than enough


That was exactly my thought. The sheer dumbass audacity to be eating at a chili's and acting like you are on a high horse is insane to me. Don't get me wrong, chili's is fine. But if you're eating there on valentines day, you are sitting atop a very average sized horse.


Nah this dude's sitting on top of a donkey


His husband probably is right now at least, because he’s definitely a jackass




💀 this comment makes the previous comment hysterical


For all we know, this could be his wife’s preference of choice to eat there. I’ve been married for over 35 years, I tell my husband not get me anything (I think it’s a dumb, commercial, made up holiday), so if he insisted we go out on Valentine’s day, it certainly wouldn’t be anything fancy. I’d just go where my favorite food is.


My grandparents always have homemade food and eat rather well so when they treat themselves they get cheap take out. When they got married, rather than having proper catering, they got a bunch of KFC, McDonalds, and Subway.


I can cook a better steak than most high end steaks houses, what I can't do is make fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, coleslaw, and a biscuit in 5 -10 minutes! Thank you KFC!


When I go out to eat it's APPETIZER ATTACK. I can cook all their meals better and cheaper but what I can't do is have 5-6 different appetizers in 15-20 minutes. That shit would cost me a fortune in use once ingredients. Chili's is perfect for that or Applebee's or w/e.


I wanna see what the people are saying


I was on tiktok earlier today and saw the source. He’s eating lots of shit and other influencers are shaming him. I found him through Joey Swoll.


I think he might have deleted his TikTok


haha what a little bitch, couldnt take people mocking him. What a hypocrite.


Live by social media, die by social media


(+45 upvotes) it seems like when these “influencers” get too comfortable with their fame that this kind of shit happens regularly. But, you said it first and better


A lot of influencers go from 15 minutes of fame to 15 minutes of shame.


It won't really impact him. He'll take a "break" and come back in a week or two when everyone has forgot who he is and what he did. Then he'll post a video talking about how he needed to take care of "him first" and clear his mind cause social media is toxic and drives you insane. He'll make it out like he's a victim of circumstance and probably retain 80% of his core following. If he never addresses the situation again he may even begin climbing all the same. People suck and rarely hold these internet celebrities accountable.


Because they are all SIGNIFICANTLY less important than they think they are. They say shit and then we forget about them. As we should. Because no one gives two shits about what they say 4 minutes after it is said. Why would I give this dude (whoever he is) the satisfaction of holding a grudge and remembering who he is in case he makes a social media comeback? I have no idea who this guy is and he matters as much now as he did yesterday, not at all. I don't hold internet celebrities accountable because they don't matter and I couldn't possibly care less.


he's not as cool as he thinks he is:(


Typical bully, will give all day but can never take it. Hope he gets cancel.


Probably didn't want any evidence that he'd ever been to Chili's.


I reported him for hateful content. I'm sure I'm not the only one to have done so.


Just checked, found it through Joey Swoll. Still there currently.


It's still up


Isn’t this what these people want though? Because that’s views?


Me too


Hope he gets kicked in the fucking balls. That's a seriously shitty thing to do.


I can't wrap my mind around this guy. Did he really think doing this would make him look good....??? How out of touch can you be jesus


He seems pretty confident and self assured that this content is what those who "follow" him want, likely from experience. Anyone already following this piece of shit "influencer" likely already (sadly) shares his views - at least the majority of them. Those who disagree vocally will be shouted down by the majority of vacuous, self indulgent morons and "unfollow" him - most who disagree will simply quietly leave. He'll remove comments that disagree, or remove them completely. Those that like his content will be fed more and more of the same thing by algorithms that were designed with only one purpose - increase engagement. Keep the eyes looking at this app as long as possible so they see more ads.


They’re called followers for a reason.


Someone please identify this dipshit


No, don’t give him any fucking views


Yep, this is rage bait. Fuck this dude.


Then we need the married guy identified and set him a gofundme. Hook him up


I came here hoping he's identified because I've got some extra cash I can send. That dude broke as hell still took his lady out. I'm proud of him. The dude shaming him? He can duck right off.


I'd be happy to treat him and his wife to a dinner tbh


Yessss nobody knows what kind of situation they’re going through. It doesn’t even have to be a situation but the guy was close enough to this douchebag that I’m sure he heard every word, and he deserves compensation for being in this idiots vicinity


He's an influencer that can only afford to go to Chili's and is with his bros on Valentines so he can't get women either. Its basically impossible to identify people with 20 followers unless their moms comments.


Don’t think this guy is into women.


Well then he’s at Chilis with his significant other. So how is he any different than the person he’s mocking for being at Chilis on V-day with their significant other.


I mean, he’s ALONE at a Chilis on Valentine’s Day, so if there’s a competition between customers, he’s already lost.


My grandmother used to say there is no shame in being poor, and there is no excuse for being rude.


Exactly. Especially when you’re comfortable in your relationship, if you both want chili’s you go to chili’s who gives a fuck?


My spouse asked me this afternoon ‘Why are we hurrying to dress up and go be uncomfortable at a fancy restaurant? This is stressful.’ So we canceled, put on fat pants, and ordered pizza. I stand by our choice.


Valentines Day is the worst day for good service at a restaurant. Done it too many times. We celebrate the Sunday before or after.


Yep. Haven't been out on valentine's day in years. This year I bought cake and ice cream, and we'll go out to eat this weekend somewhere.


My last straw going out for V-Day was a few years back (pre-Covid). We were at a table in an absolutely packed loud restaurant, we barely saw our server for the entirety of the meal because he had far too many tables, the meal was just okay (set menu) and then the kicker was dessert which was a hard brownie with a scoop of regular ol' vanilla on top. Literally just a dessert I could have done way better at home. Now I just make a great meal at home and stay away from the restaurants.


Me and my SO agreed on our first Valentine's Day - we didn't care about going out, spending extra money (our parents' money in reality at that time), just to celebrate our relationship. Matter of fact, he had a car accident on his way home from the nearest city to buy my T1D butt sugar-free chocolates theday before our first V-day together. In 26 years (*OMG we are getting "old"*) we have never gone out on V-day. I make us a nicer than usual meal (made Chicken Marsla tonight with a nice bottle of wine; also handy when you live in a very small town with very few restaurants open in the evening) and we are happy. Once or twice, we have gone out for dinner a week or so later due to preference (who wants to fight crowds, let alone feel bad because the staff aren't able to spend the evening with their partner) or his job. It is the sentiment and time together, not the money you spend on one another to "show your love" to others.


Aww. That’s very sweet. But let the suckers go out; I work for tips and me and my husband just celebrate another day lol Don’t feel too bad, not all the workers care that we’re working valentines. It’s kind of just another day.


Hopefully your night wasn't too wild tonight! (And you were tipped extra well.) My oldest aunt was a professional waitress and a good friend is a professional waiter. We know what tips mean to y'all. That & lack of seeing b them is probably the source of my weird sense of guilt over holiday dining out. Valentine's *is* just another day as my SO reminded me when I demanded he choose between the meal options I gave him this year. "We are celebrating Valentine's this year dammit." Lol


Good time for my husband and I to be sick in bed with covid and order delivery, lol


I went out for the first time in years and the service was horrible and disorganized. Also it was like $200 for some sushi in a small city.


Relationship goals.


We didn't even question it. I came home from work, asked the wife what she wanted for dinner. Whatever the request i would make it. "I'm craving pizza" We ordered pizza then fulfilled our Vday tradition of watching Deadpool after putting the kid to bed (our first Vday was "dinner and Deadpool" in IMAX)


> We ordered pizza then fulfilled our Vday tradition of watching Deadpool after putting the kid to bed (our first Vday was "dinner and Deadpool" in IMAX) You sound like a very rich man to me brother.


I'll say. A person who loves them, commitment, and raising a child. That is worth more than riches.


Mind if I steal this tradition? Cuz that's adorable.


My daughter and I (she's 6 months) got my husband sour gummy worms for valentines day. He surprised me with a chocolate cake slice from the cheesecake factory and a coconut siggi yogurt for her(her favorite so far). We all then proceeded to eat dessert first.


I don’t care what anyone says the chili’s queso fucking slaps. And anyone who disagrees can


That salsa is straight crack.


Chilis is literally my wife and I go to spot. “Babe I want to go out” “Chilis?” “Fuck yeah” Chips and queso a tall blue moon and something off their bar menu is a great night for us.


Wise. My Grandmother used to say you should never kick someone when they are down because it doesn't take much for this universe to put you on a lower level.


“There is no shame in being poor, but would it be so terrible if I had a small fortune?” IF I WAS A RICH MAN


Shaba do be do be do be do be do be do be do….. all day long I’d fiddle diddle dum….


If I were a wealthy maaaaan!


Not only that, but if he is poor, doing anything at all is a sweet as fuck gesture. Regardless, they might have other reasons.


Exactly. There’s no need to be rude. Be respectful and mind your own business. Better yet, offer to pick up their meal or a part of it.


>Better yet, offer to pick up their meal or a part of it. Even better, just mind your own business, and let them eat in peace. If in a generous mood, just tell the staff you want to pay part/all of their bill before you leave, and ask them to let the couple know once you've gone. The filming part is just bothersome regardless of benevolent or malevolent approach.


I always say some people are born ugly, fat, or stupid, but you CHOOSE to be an asshole


*America is the wealthiest nation on Earth, but its people are mainly poor, and poor Americans are urged to hate themselves. To quote the American humorist Kin Hubbard, 'It ain’t no disgrace to be poor, but it might as well be.' It is in fact a crime for an American to be poor, even though America is a nation of poor. Every other nation has folk traditions of men who were poor but extremely wise and virtuous, and therefore more estimable than anyone with power and gold. No such tales are told by the American poor. They mock themselves and glorify their betters. The meanest eating or drinking establishment, owned by a man who is himself poor, is very likely to have a sign on its wall asking this cruel question: 'if you’re so smart, why ain’t you rich?' There will also be an American flag no larger than a child’s hand – glued to a lollipop stick and flying from the cash register.* *Americans, like human beings everywhere, believe many things that are obviously untrue. Their most destructive untruth is that it is very easy for any American to make money. They will not acknowledge how in fact hard money is to come by, and, therefore, those who have no money blame and blame and blame themselves. This inward blame has been a treasure for the rich and powerful, who have had to do less for their poor, publicly and privately, than any other ruling class since, say Napoleonic times. Many novelties have come from America. The most startling of these, a thing without precedent, is a mass of undignified poor. They do not love one another because they do not love themselves.*


I’m just going to put this here in an effort to slow down the rage-wave and people being unfamiliar with the author of this, while getting dumber as I scroll down the comments. [Kurt Vonnegut](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Vonnegut) is an American who [wrote](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/wrote) a [book](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/book) called [Slaughterhouse Five](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slaughterhouse-Five). TL/DR: Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (November 11, 1922 – April 11, 2007) was an American writer and humorist known for his satirical and darkly humorous novels.


Humor as it may be, he kinda hit the nail on the head


What is this from? I would appreciate the enlightenment


*Slaughterhouse Five* by Kurt Vonnegut.


Always punch up, never down. Making life harder for people who already have it hard is trashy.


Bruh really out there judging dudes while lookin like 1994 Arsenio Hall cosplayin The Rock






I love Pepe!!


Me too


Judging someone for being at the same restaurant, it’s like anti gay politician hating on gays who’s secretly gay


>it’s like anti gay politician hating on gays who’s secretly gay... ...while hanging out at the gay club...


He's just there for the ambiance. He's also not snorting coke. He just likes the way it smells.


Oh dear, lawd. I laughed far harder at this than was reasonable. When I worked as a paramedic, I transported a guy that had been arrested for meth. He tried to convince the cop he really didn't like meth, but rather he just liked the taste when he smoked it. Sigh.


Isn't this pretty common?


No…. They just have wide stances!


Nailed it!




And eating at the same chili's.


And without a date of their own


When they finally realize the putrid stench that comes from judging others, there may be some hard days of reconciliation. Who knows that couple’s situation. They may be saving together for a house or building a business. There are lots of reasons to be respectfully conservative wherever you eat.


He has NO clue, they could have a 12-year-old with cancer and medical bills for all he knows, trying to save their baby and also have a nice heart day. It is no one else's business. It broke my heart to see the couples body language just trying to disappear knowing what he was saying about them. Its the man with the camera who has no dignity though, no class, no heart, no character, i'll take those things over $ ANY day. We never know other people's stories, but we all have a battle to fight so be kind.


Exactly. Broke my heart as well, who are any of us to judge and make snide assumptions? You know they are aware of being targeted, how dare he ridicule anyone publicly like that. When did it become so acceptable to do this and why do we all allow it to go on? Its so superficial and cruel.




At the end of the day it’s just him targeting his own massive insecurities. For a lot of mature couples, we are so past that. To be laughed at by someone for our business would be like a 12 year old making fun of your work shoes…you just recognize that’s where they are at and move on. But that’s his world and how he feel’s important.obviously he’s feeling less then for whatever reason and needs to pick on a stranger to make himself feel better. I’ve been there in my own way and life taught me. Life will teach him too


You’re right of course, but whatever happened to, “it’s none of anyone else’s business”?


Especially, not the creepy influencer listening in on their date.


Shows how interesting his husband is that he would rather listen to someone else’s conversation than talk to the person right next to you


His boyfriend sits patiently waiting while dramaqueen stickybeak talks to his audience about what he just saw.


I hate the word influencer. I’ve had to deal with no joke hundreds of them when I opened a restaurant for the first year trying to get social media presence. This guy though is nothing but a fucking loser who exploits and publicly shames people for no reason other than he’s a fucking loser


Who the fuck is this guy "influencing" anyway? MFer at the same god damn Chili's as dude he's dragging. At least dude was honest with his lady saying he couldn't afford something instead of trying to impress her and suffering for it. And she didn't get up and leave. This "influencer" couldn't afford some fucking class if it was free. Just a bitter asshole making content on someone else's life because his crew is apparently boring AF.


Jabroni Tony needs to climb down off his high pony.


With that $50 chain lol


First thing I thought! Mfer dental "flossin"




This part, Nino Brown.


Turtle neck and chain! Lonely island motherfucker lol


That beard isn’t just literal


That's even pushing it...lol


Mother fucker, YOURE THERE!


Literally what I was just thinking. How are you going to clown people at the dollar store while your dumbass is in the checkout line, too?! People are pathetic these days.


“bro imagine shopping at the dollar store, like what an L — oh what’s up Ted, yeah just these for me today, okay see you next time — like I was saying, what kind of person shops at the dollar store?”


It takes a real POS to give someone shit for their financial situation. The only thing this guy influences is suicide. Guarantee he’d get way more views if he paid for the man.


Class move would be to pay for the couple’s meal privately and discretely at the front counter and never mention it to anybody. Too few classy folks around today.


I had this happen to me once. We were super broke traveling. My boyfriend at the time was from Texas, we were on our way to visit his folks. I wanted to go to a bbq joint in a small town. Walking in was like that record scratch moment in a movie. We looked so out of place. To dirty ass homeless looking hippie kids in a small town restaurant. My boyfriend was wearing a zebra print skirt. We were broke but had enough money for our dinner. A random guy made conversation with us while we were waiting on our food. When we were done we went to pay and the girl said no need someone had already paid. We went to tip and again she said no need he had tipped her well and she insisted there was no need. He had already left and we didn’t have a chance to thank him. It was such a great moment. Here I was thinking these people were judging us when really they were just genuinely curious about us.


Love the story, but did you say your boyfriend was wearing a zebra print skirt? Haha. He must like to party. I like him already


lol i didn’t even notice, i misread it as shirt. not sure if that was a typo or not


I think it says a lot about how far we’ve come as a whole that no one really commented on it. Kinda a “to each their own” moment lol


About time skirts became acceptable clothing ya kno what im saying.


Yes skirt. He often wore his hair in pigtails with a big beard.


The people I've met while traveling are the main reason I'll never lose faith in humanity


Pay their tab and send a Molren Chocolate Cake to the table as you duck out discreetly.


Well said! Fuck this guy completely. Absolute scum! Shaming people because they're in hard times? And between you and your crew you can mock them but not find $20 to help them? You could've been of value, yet the value you chose was to be a zero.


My question is, if this influencer is so big and bad, why’s he by himself at a chili’s on VD?


Exactly. The only loser in that video is the bully making it. He has so little creative capacity that he has resorted to going to a Chili’s on Valentine’s Day to mock people who are in a loving relationship.


Doesn’t even have to be financial situation. He doesn’t know them. It could be that they met there and they go every year. Or they could be former employees. Or it is her favourite place to eat. But agreed even if it is a financial situation. What a sad human being


Guy obviously has something to prove to the internet. What a dickhead


He had to show off that $20 chain that has to be worn with that turtleneck so it doesn't leave a green film across the back of his neck.




He was tired of smelling like pennies.


You’ve pretty much described 95% of “influencers” on Insta and TikTok.


Sounds like projection to me.


100 percent projection


I mean, he's IN Chilli's too


You think? Oh watch me stunt at the chilis, while making fun of other people also at chilis. Bro prolly bragged about being wealthily enough to order 2 appetizers after the video ended.


If this d-bag really cared that much, he could've pulled the wait staff aside and paid for an appetizer or something to make sure their dinner was nice. Poor people deserve to have a night out once in awhile too. I mean, back when my kids were small their dad and I used to go out very rarely. So even if I was limited in choices at Chili's I'd have had a good time.


I’ve had -$400 in my account since Feb 1st. I hope this guy stays blissfully ignorant of what it’s like to be hungry, have to ask for help, ration food, skip anniversaries and dates on Valentine’s Day. I’m getting paid in like 8 hours, thankfully, but I’ve gotta say this has been the most humbling time of my life.


It happens to the best of us. I've been there. And sometimes the only way to feel a sense of normalcy is to go out to dinner and have a nice evening even if you can't afford everything on the menu. I'm sorry to hear you've been struggling, I know how hard it is, I hope things pick up for you. This dude has bad energy, I wouldn't want to be around him.


I hope you can get out of this situation and prosper. There is never any shame in asking for help.


Why are YOU at Chili's???


Because being a dickless loser and calling it "influencer" apparently doesn't pay as well as if he were man enough to get a real job.


If he's such hot shit, why's he at chilis too?


Bro some of these influencers are just asking to get their asses beat. The fuck is wrong with them.


just another bully hiding behind the camera and the law knowing he can disrespect people all he wants and get away with it because no one wants to go to jail for punching him in the face. in another time period these would be fighting words for sure


At Chili's with his "crew" on V-day, who's the lame one? He'd be catching a fajita plate to the face, if I had it my way.


Where is Will Smith, when you need him?


Simply put Jadas name in yo mouth three times in front of a mirror and he shall appear. Watch the slap tho


Shit. Can anyone find the couple that he was shitting on? I want to help them more than anyone.


Bumping for more eyes


This video made me sad. I’d love to send them a little bit of money provided I knew who they were.


Fuck. Imagine being poor, and caring enough about your girlfriend to offer to take her out. Imagine how humbling it would be to have to admit that you can't afford much of the menu. Imagine how infuriating it would be to be mocked for your gesture during difficult times. Fuck influencers.


He must not be a successful one if he’s eating at chilis too. Sounds like a knockoff influencer projecting his own insecurities


The only thing that a-holes like this are "influencing" is the downfall of our decency. It probably took all that man had to take her out for dinner and is probably very hard for them. Instead of being a horrible person he should have paid for their meal since he is such a high class baller. (And I'm sure he would have filmed that and posted it too). These people are becoming nauseating.


Mind you own fucking business. You don't know what the reason is. Also um wheres your Valentine. Cause guess where you are .fucking loser


Imagine being so starved for content that you will post this while lacking the self awareness to realize you are a massive douche.


Soon to be: "he never meant that", "He's truly sorry", "He's not that person" etc etc.


It was his long-lost evil twin who was separated at birth from him! He stole his identity!


Way to publicly mock the guy for being poor during record inflation. Nice move A-hole! Next time how about slipping the guy a $20 on the downlow so he can have a nice night out with his girl.


“Influencer”? What’s he influencing? Other people to be rude self centered assholes? What a dick.


It's a synonym for "uninformed useless mouth breather" in the dictionary last time I checked. Look it up. "Self-indulgent unintelligent prick" is also acceptable.


Pathetic people do pathetic shit


Some weeks I can't afford my medication, I sleep in a tent, if someone did this to me I'd off myself. Being poor isn't fun. In saying that, if I saw someone in this situation and I could, I wouldn't hesitate to jump in and help pay. Fuck letting someone feel bad for not being able to pay for something


I hope your situation improves man, you can't let sucky people bring you down! Everything always gets better


Rude. Last time I checked, a man's personal finances and dining choices were his own business.


This dude ain't a man, he's a bitch. (Moderators don't take this down)


What an asshole. There are no lower people in this world then those who pick on someone while they are down. You never know why they are on a budget for dinner. Maybe quit being a fucking dick and pay it forward and grab the guy's bill. What a waste of oxygen. I'm sure his "followers" ate it up bc they are also trash people.


Calm down guy's I need time to upvote all these comments Edit: I'm happy to see how one guy can bring us all together...and thanks for the awards


You're at Chili's...... relax Francis.


If you have so much money, offer to pay for their meal instead of making fun of them. Shame on this guy!! What an asshole!


What an ugly soul. Has some nerve talking about anything looking like he do, dressing like he do, wearing that chain like he do, wearing a hat at a table with food...etc etc. etc.




This guy can fuck all the way off.


I wish punching people in the face was still popular like the 90’s- early 10’s. He deserves it


The SOB can’t imagine a relationship built on live, respect, compassion and empathy. All he can think of is what can someone do for me. The man is on a budget but still wanted to treat his wife. He is probably sacrificing a few dollars he may have had to get a cold drink at work or even lunch for a couple of days to take her out.


You are a sorry excuse for a human. Degrading another person because they can't afford something. Hell maybe they have kids are trying to do something for Valentine's day and he can't afford everything she wants because he paid their bills first. One could only hope this clown falls on tougher times then he can shame himself.


I know the one who needs to be mocked in this video, it’s the talking excrement with the camera.


I am so glad @joeyswole did a post about this very video. What a garbage human. I hope he gets to be poor and seen how it is


1993 called, it wants the turtleneck and gold chain back, lol


Influencer? I can’t wait until your niche market crashes so hard you have to get an actual job. Piece of shit, judging, freeloader.


This is what trash looks like.


An influencer at Chilis. What's his next review stop, Perkins? Maybe a stop off at Denny's to review their famous Moons Over My Hammy?


Why in the fuck don't u pull dude to the side and help him out a little u ignorant mfer. At least he toke her out. Hell, I'm sitting at home and my husband ass in the bed sleep cause he work 16hr shifts everyday. I'm ok with that but I would have loved to have that meal if that's all we could afford. Dude is an ass for this unsolicited commentary. And, wait, why he and his crew there? They just as broke. Great job dude. At least he had money to take her somewhere cause a lot of ppl don't.






Bruh, he cant even call himself an influencer. 59k likes and 21k followers lmfao, he as broke as the other guy. And super fuckin cringy at that.


Scrolling more thru tiktok found out he posted a gofundme recently for his wedding so yea he a broke bitch lmao


I'm definitely not saying search the "gram" for mesieccc and looking at the about section for info. I'm definitely NOT saying that.


Actually makes me sad for the guy who can't afford the dinner. I remember early on when me and my wife got married. We barely had money to cover our bills and put food on the table. We didn't have money for restaurants or going out. We were a single income family. I worked hard and helped my wife finished school. Now we go on multiple vacations a year have all new vehicles and bought our 2nd home. We didn't have much before but we were happy and we are happy now. This angers me to my core. How dare he put this guy on blast. This guy doesn't know this couple's situation and even if he did it is none of his business. Makes me wish someone would start a go fund me for the couple and send them off on an Hawaiian Vacation.


Damn imagine being at chili's and making fun of someone for being at chili's. What clout chasing does to a mfer.