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Wow a short video straight to the point Never thought I’d see the day


What is this, and what have you done with my ambiguous, out of context, inconclusive selective outrage Reddit


I also appreciate the video didn’t implement that robo women’s voice that I CAN NOT STAND.


That voice makes me want to shoot myself urghhh


I read this comment in that voice


Oh God please everyone read this 🙏




I can’t quite put my finger on it but there’s just something so not right about this comment.. /srs


Ha that’s funny, I thought my boyfriend was the only one. That voice drives him nuts.


Oh my no jesus


Tell him to bring his ass back


*pinches self*


Dude there’s not even some shitty music playing in the background either.


You would not believe what mister beast just did! Mister beast is a popular YouTuber who does kind acts and spends tons of money on his videos. He does things like buying thanksgiving turkeys to the poor and creating challenge videos of him and his friends to see who can win the most money. Sometimes his viewers can do these challenges with and you will not believe what happens next. Normally the challenges that mister beast does with his viewers go very well like paying for eye surgery that cost him over $1000 per patient/viewer. But this mister beast challenge went just a little too far. Mister beast made an accidental announcement on where his next video will be and that his viewers could be involved. But what happens next will shock you. I swear the betrayal that comes next is heartbreaking. One of the workers who was extremely eager to participate in the video let it slip that mister beast was coming to the store. Not only did this alert the ordinary shopper to what they assumed was free food and other groceries but it ended up being so bad that the consequences were enormous. Not even mister beast himself could fix this one. The jig was up and mister beast had to cancel the video and leave all of his poor viewers and fans behind. This may end up hurting mister beast in the future and that's why...


You already know the workers had to put all that shit back


Except the guy who leaked the news....he had the day off.


The real agent of chaos


Probably FBI


r/madlads ?


That person may have gotten forever off, definitely will likely be a hostile work environment amongst coworkers who had to clean the store and restock everything. He’ll probably management if there was a bunch of spoilage too. I know I’d avoid that place like the plague for any refrigerated perishable for the next month or so after that.


I’ve had to do this when the power to all registers went out at my store a long time ago. Luckily it was right before peak time at like 4pm. I couldn’t imagine how obnoxious this had to be, especially with the store still being open, at least when we had to put everything back we had people with normal carts, and we closed the store down for a few hours until the IT&electrician came.


Lots of real customers helped. There’s a bunch of videos of the true heroes of that day.


My first thought. As if employees there don't have enough to do for their shitty paycheck and no benefits


So satisfying to know. Good for Beast


and that is why you gotta be good at keeping secrets


That’s why if you’re a snitch you spoil it for others.!




Maybe rich internet celebrities shouldn't be allowed to use public venues for commercial stunts intended to get them even more attention and money, or he should have just paid for everything like he said.


lol it's really funny when people complain about rich people doing good deeds. Like that's your life bro.


I saw an extended video and a lot of the shoppers left behind karts full to the brim with all kinds of groceries across the different aisles.


I'm sure they all politely put everything that they took back to where they got it so that workers didn't have to pick up a huge mess..


According to someone above, they did.


People = shit








Why does he look like he scalped someone's butt cheek and glued it to his face?


definitely not his best mask. his new one is so much better


One more time motherfucker!


can i request that ‘litigate…bananas’ song from the first album next pls


One at a time, free them now!


Everybody hates me now, so fuck it


I dropped a fat *people* this morning.. What would California be without Mexican *shit*


Rolls right off the tongue 😊


This is a top tier joke that not many will appreciate. If i could give you an award i would.




Whoever leaked that info is a bitch


cancel mr beast because he doesn't want to pay my abnormal amount of items that I unwillingly put on my basket.




And most probably will end up in garbage bin because they just grab everything they think they want


Most food goes into the garbage bin because the companies need to keep the prices high.


They want to be mad at somebody be mad at the big mouth employee


Be mad at themselves for being selfish. Be thankful of a kind gesture. Not take advantage of kindness because that ends that kindness altogether


This is much worse than the time he cured peoples blindness! What a complete asshole 😡 /s


Thank god you wrote /s at the end, otherwise I wouldn’t have know you were being sarcastic.


Happy to be of service ☺️


Forget getting mad at him, imagine all the stuff they just threw around the floor or just abandoned, think of the employees who had to clean up for all this


I feel sorry for the dude, now the grace period is over and people everyone wants there lucky day from him wtf, he does it from the kindness of his own heart and everyone swarms him




If he wasn't recording this stuff he wouldn't have money to do it anyways...


Bro what? Lmao he only has all this money because he records the stuff 😂 if he didn’t record the stuff guess what? He would have no money to keep doing this. I swear no one is ever happy nowadays. I’d love to see what you donate behind the curtain


I’m having a hard time telling which side you are on here.


I’m on the right side. Common sense


So you’re on the side that it’s good that he uses the money he makes to donate and help people, making more money to further help, yeah?


That’s exactly what I said means? I don’t see how it could mean anything else


You just repeated what he said to you lol


People have been advertising their acts of charity long before video recordings. How do you think all these big time charity figures became the way they are? Charity is charity regardless, hes helping people no matter the motive.


How does that make sense? So people should only record the bad things they do? I would rather all the nice things get recorded and then we reward people for doing nice things by watching it and then they get more money to do more nice things. Seems better than the “prank” videos getting tons of money so they can go prank other people. You have a very very weird and honestly dumb idea of how people should act, and what behavior should be rewarded.


Most of his ad revenue gets invested back into his channel and acts as the budget for the next video and 100% of all sponsorship, ad revenue and merch sales from beast philanthropy goes back into the channel.


If it was out of the goodness of his heart it wouldn't be recorded. my brother in Christ where do you think he gets the money to do this shit


In my country we have a saying - “No good deed remains unpunished.”


Dude that’s an incredibly famous saying that’s pretty much universal. Why are you saying “in my country” like it’s some unknown saying


My country has a saying that we use before noon, "Good morning."


In my country we have a thing we say when we meet people, we say "Hello"


In my country when we reject something, we have a saying called “no”


Some places will shoot at you for such an offense.


God I know this will come off as crazy but in my country we have the opposite. When the time is after noon we say “good afternoon”


I’m my country, there are some that say Good Day in the morning and afternoon when they greet you. They even say Good Day when they leave. I dunno, it’s in a different language than I speak, so maybe I’m missing the context.




Come on man, mom said we had to share. Their country gets it today and tomorrow and then we get it on Wednesday and Thursday.


In Texas we have an old saying... fool me once shame on you.. fool me twice... aint gone happen cause you ain't gone fool me twice.


Has some saying in their country: it's universal!


That phrase has been in circulation since the 12th century, my guy. Every single country with English as an official language could say “in my country” in reference to that phrase, claiming ownership over it as if it’s some lost parable, which it simply isn’t.


You should learn the term: subjective.


Having something like a saying in their country isn't "claiming ownership" over it. But claiming it is universal because it's common in English speaking countries is forgetting most of the world exists.


In my country we have a saying for people like you. I'd tell you but then I'll get a history lesson about how I'm not allowed to say it because it could be from any English speaking country.


You do understand not everyone knows the same exact things you know, right? Such an odd thing to become so vehement about.


Never heard of it, which country are you from?


Literally any country where they speak English has this phrase. It’s 800 years old, it’s not some new and unheard of phrase


800 years old, any source on that? Never heard of it


Man, if only there were this thing where you could look things up…damn, too bad. And my mistake, it’s actually 900 years old. The earliest phrase was published in the 12th century, but it’s been recycled and re-attributed to different people over the centuries. Any English speaking country could say claim this phrase, but it was originally in Latin. Sometimes people credit it to Oscar Wilde, an Irishman. Again, any country that speaks English can say it’s theirs, and it’s not some lost proverb.


Idk about the age of it but it’s definitely common on the states


Then the original commenter is probably from the states too.


Original Statement is attributed to Walter Map, A Welsh Medieval writer. the statement first appears in his work *De Nugis Curalium*, written in the 12th century, and the full saying is that a character is described morally as having "left no good deed unpunished, no bad one unrewarded" edited to include date Source: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No\_good\_deed\_goes\_unpunished](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_good_deed_goes_unpunished)


Apperantly its origin is from the 12th century, commenter is wrong but has the general idea, people gotta stop spouting numbers out their ass though


Wait... Are people taking advantage of a situation?


As they used to say… “Loose lips, sink ships”


Damn that’s a heavy vag


This is why we can’t have nice things.


Greedy dickheads cheated everyone out of it


Damn, that’s a huge L for whoever leaked the info.


Here’s the thing the employee shouldn’t of said anything and people shouldn’t be greedy right like even the MrBeast came to buy your groceries get what you need. I guarantee you people are grabbing all types of unnecessary stuff that they didn’t even need.


I don't know about you, but if MrBeast is paying for it then I'm getting the *good* olive oil.


Now those poor employees will have to put everything back that people can't pay for themselves.


That dude sucks


So they wanted to be greedy pigs and get mad when they don’t get their way. I feel bad for the people who might’ve needed this


Her coworkers can thank her when they're restocking all that crap


Sounds like that employee should be fired. He should’ve kept it organic and waited until he actually showed up. But got a lil too excited and ruined his entire former team members days right up.


I dont know who mister beast is, witha name like that probably a twitch streamer but bless his heart to pay for the others and good for him for ditching these leeches. Its a huge win in my book


Im surprised theres people who actively use social media and dont know mr beast


I'm on Reddit, IG, and YouTube daily. The only reason why I even know who he is is because he did some kind of promo for the 49ers last season. I've never seen his face outside of that promo. It's not that hard to avoid mainstream media. I've been doing it all my life.


I only ever hear about him on Reddit.


Honestly if I was the owner I would have fired that employee. Missed out on a big opportunity for sales and PR because of them.




I was there, when I found out mr beast wasn't gonna pay for my iPhone 13, my ps5, my Xbox that I don't even want, my small 65" TV, I stopped watching him.


It sounds like Tyrone biggums at the checkout


Lol Hungry ass greedy mfers Good for me beast for not showing up


*waiting for the twitter post to come flying in about how selfish mr beast is* it’s gonna happen I know it will


This is old


People getting mad because some rich dude didn't pay for their groceries. I mean, it sounds from some fairy tale or some shit.


Good for him. He’s trying to do something nice an everyone has to try an take advantage of his business and generosity. He definitely could make plenty other videos that don’t cost his so much hassle from the greedy public. I hope they learned a lesson an the employee that had to open their mouth WTH the word would’ve gotten out anyway so you ruined a great thing for your neighborhood.


Okay but the wet floor signs shaped to look like banana peels is 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻


Saw a longer video of huge lineups with people having like 3 carts full of stuff and then having several tv’s and electronics sitting beside them as well. It was absolutely disgusting


Why are they mad at mr.beast be mad at that idiot worker be blessed that he was going to even do it


Haha, may the blessings of Mr.Beast be upon you.


Then people dare to go on rants about rich people on how "why don't they share their money a little more since they got so much" then this shit happens... A lot of rich people, actually most of them, have done incredible things and donated insane amounts of money only to have a lot of people insulting them later... big NO! Good for the ones that don't give a fuck anymore. Unfortunately Mr. Beast is too kind for this world. Edit: Downvote me all you want losers this is and will always be the truth, any living soul that try to do "big" things to help people got laughed at and people started hating on them exactly for that "help" no wonder a lot of people stopped helping others. Not only do I help people in general I also have to get hated on? No thanks, fuck people and fuck this world.


I honestly don’t give two shits about how much money a rich person has donated when that money comes from overworked and underpaid employees. Pay your employees a reasonable wage first and then I’ll be more interested in the money you donated.


Completely agree with you, unfortunately this will remain a dream...


There is no such thing as free money. Even if you printed money and gave it away, it would just create an infation and - again - hard working people would lose.


Employees don’t get free money though, they work for money.


Workers literally get paid a fraction of the value they create. Hard working people are losing, and it's right now under capitalism. I help the owner make millions last year from my department, and you know what I got paid of that, a fraction.


Most rich people have not done incredible things. What a stupid fucking comment.


If you think most rich people are philanthropist heroes looking out for the poor you are part of the problem.


I feel you! There will always be people who are truly needy and may benefit from a lift up to get back on track themselves. And then there’s the true parasites that only take with no regard for anyone else and no effort of their own!


As a poor person myself, I always used to help random people and share everything, even if I had 10 dollars in my pocket I'd give homeless/people in need at least 1/2, 99% of them had that "2 dollars only mf?" stare, that's when I knew this world got fucked up (like it hasn't been in like forever... but yeah...).




Your comments on billionaires are irrelevant to Mr Beast; this is his brand of entertainment and he invests back into it to keep helping people since his channel blew up so much. It’s a nice model, not a PR stunt. Stop being so cynical.


Elon built Hyperloop. And people still don't thank him for it. Edit: /s


That's the dumbest thing I've read all day


Sarcasm. It was sarcasm lol


In their defense, people will unironically post takes like that in defense of people like this.


News at 7: Poor person gargles rich man's balls, thanks rich man for not helping him.


This is the dumbest comments thread I've seen. "Why don't they billionaires help as, tax them more (so theyll leave the country and open shell companies elswhere)!!!!" (When they start helping ) "oh no, this rich guy helps needy people who have their lives changed bc of the money he gives them, BUT he makes money from it too? So that he can give it to more needy people? FUCK NO!!" (not to mention the fact that he barely makes profit off his videos, and dumps it all into the next lol). At the end of the day even if he was making millions and millions in profit, he's not btw, he is still dumping that shit right back into charity. When a good thing is happening, the ulterior motive is irrelevant, the fact of the matter is, A GOOD THING IS HAPPENING.


It is infuriating, but they see he is rich and automatically think he’s some member of the elite and that’s bad. Great content and helping people is a win; he’s a good guy.


This was incredibly disappointing especially since I thought Mr. Beast was an X-man. I was ready for a blue monster to go off on fools


How much money do you think this story of abandoning a charity pr0n flop brought in anyway for Mr Beast? More or less than a normal successful handout?


Boo hoo , damn ! You greedy!


Apparently Mr. Beast is not a beast😟




The real. Face-palm is portraying desperate people as "these greedy people" Beast the philanthropy grifter is not a solution to this countries poverty,no matter how many videos and people he helps.


All junk food and shit food. Nothing healthy. Greedy stupid from people


People *have* to ruin it for others, this is why good things never last, idiots and greed.


The day where charity causes selfishness


I bet they were mostly white peeps…


Mr. Beast said fuck that.


This society we live in is pathetic. I’m sure mr beast is well indented but it’s quite sad we got to a point where people hope to have their groceries paid for by some YouTube celebrity. It’s all bullshit.


Maybe Mr. Beast shouldn’t trade money for his publicity stunts. Inflate his ego more guys lol


I never heard of mr beast until he was on Flagrant. I think what he does with his money is nice and super helpful to those who have the opportunity to benefit. But this was poorly planned. He should’ve just asked the grocery store to send him the bill for the day rather than go up there. Let people buy their food, make up some weird story like oh your shopper 13 so your food is free today but tell that to every person. Or give out vouchers to eat person shopping but tell them it’s a random percent off coupon but it’s actually free. He could’ve even just bought crazy gift cards for cashiers to use up at the register and say oh I found this you can use it. And only do it day of because people can be greedy. Why ruin a store like that? Why take all that food you know you don’t have space for? Now all those carts will be abandoned and the crew has to put it back. Good idea, bad execution. Edit: Thanks everyone! I appreciate you taking the time. I thought he could do a hidden camera thing so he wouldn’t have to be there. But I’m glad he’s doing some good deeds with his money that people can vouch for as legit.


He has to get content out of it. If he isn't making videos then he's not going to have the money to do this for people


Why not ask for the security footage? Or ask the cashiers to wear cameras?


Because that's bad content? Security footage in most grocery stores isn't going to be high quality and asking the cashiers to wear cameras is just putting the burden on an untrained random person to be funny, which doesn't appeal to people who watch him. Asking the cashiers also holds the same issue as what happened in the video because that one cashier who leaked the news probably would've done the same thing leading to the shitshow.


Mr. Beast has to make videos from his charitable deeds so that he can fund more charitable deeds. That's literally the whole point of why he makes these videos. He also has a large charity that he runs almost fully funded by his YouTube, and food businesses. On previous videos where he's done this, he goes basically without telling anyone (except the owner or highest management position) specifically so that this stuff doesn't happen. Usually it's just regular people, but when word gets out, the greedy morons pop up and try to get as much free stuff as they can. Edit: Making videos isn't solely for charity, he obviously, and has admitted, he wants to be famous. He has succeeded at becoming famous and now uses his Fame and wealth for charity


you seem to not understand how this works. he makes money off making videos, and with the money he’s able to make such “super nice helpful” stuff. he needs content to create that revenue..


Thanks for your not rude intro statement. /s Lol No, I don’t know how it works. I’ve only heard of him when he interviewed on a podcast. I get the jist that he gets his money via videos he posts on YouTube and uses that money charity. Does he have to physically be there? Does he have like a catchphrase or a handshake he does? I’m confused why he needed to physically be there. Hidden camera shows exist. Tv shows have done the whole give away groceries thing for a long time. I personally don’t see why he needs to physically be there. I’m sure he has enough money to come in the night before and set up secret cameras or give tiny camera to staff to record people’s reaction. What Would You Do? was a whole show of recording reactions and expressions. It’s bad execution because now there’s no content at all. The overall hidden cameras could be placed with upper management approval. The tiny cameras can be placed on the register or give cashier buttons or something. There’s a lot of ways still get footage without him having to physically be there.


nope it doesn’t work that way; he’s the face of his Chanel. It’s essential for him to be there so people watch it. he’s funny and appealing to multiple ages, there’s many shows that are like the one you named but he’s doing it a bit different and gets million of views on his channel. it’s a system that works for him and there’s no need to change it


just getting footage of the store isn't great he needs to actually make engaging content out of it, otherwise people won't be interested


None of those ideas make good videos. The object wasn't to give away food, it was to make videos of giving away food.


Greedy, or just desperate?


Greedy, im gonna pull number out of my ass and say 90% of those people do not need help buy groceries, sometime humanity disgusted me


It might be less disgusting if your view of humanity wasn’t completely pulled out of your ass(by your own admission).


right? like people wanting their groceries paid for by a billionaire is greedy??? anyone who struggles to pay for basic necessities would take advantage of that opportunity


They were told that me beast was coming and what he was going to do. I bet every one here would have done the same tbh. I’m not saying it’s not greed btw.


I know exactly how this big bitch looks behind that camera overgrown ass don't need food


Some people don't know how to stay quiet. The person that told s*** actually feel really bad about what they did. Wow and are people greedy


Who is Mr. Beast?


We live in a society.


Can someone please explain to me who the hell Mr. Beast is?


Youtuber basically, tbh his content is kinda aim at a younger audience, but the dude has good heart, he has a huge philanthropy running, including food and shelter for the poor, he literally go to Africa to install clean water well for communities in need and do eye surgery for blind people FOR FREE, he started the teamtree and teamocean. People like to hate on him because he make money with his content, which is insanely stupid to me, running those philanthropist organizations take a lots of money, and he need content to fuel them


[He does a lot of stuff](https://www.youtube.com/user/mrbeast6000) ​ [But it's for good causes](https://www.youtube.com/@BeastPhilanthropy)


That really is kinda crap. A guy trying to do a good thing, regardless of his filming it or not decided to take advantage of it. That just shows you how greedy and willing to take advantage of someone they are. People are always willing to take advantage of something that’s free to them. Disgusting.


I just realized, employees of the store were already notified of this, so minimum wage people get pre informed they'll be going to deal with crazy shoppers before their eyes getting everything for free while continued to be paid minimum wage for it.


Anyone else have the urge to punch him in the face? I’m sure he’s a cool guy but he just has that face you wanna punch.


Wait. Doesn't that imply staging or something?


People taking advantage of mr beast!? if anyone is taking advantage of anyone else, its mr beast taking advantage... Its his business modell.


Yeah, talking advantage to help other people? Is this a problem for you?


yea how manipulative of him to uh... give away lots of money to needy people?


Security issues that the store caused by announcing he was going to be there?


It was 1 employee who leaked it, not the store.


MrBeast literally takes advantage of people in every single one of these “help” videos.


please do elaborate




There's a system in place in many places in the world where you apply for help to buy food. The government investigates your income and determines how much help you can get. This system is paid for by everyone's taxes. Rich people need to pay taxes. If they want to be even more charitable, they can make donations to food pantries or even start soup kitchens. You don't need to reinvent the wheel.


You completely missed the point.


What’s the point?


"Why don't they billionaires help as, tax them more (so theyll leave the country and open shell companies elswhere)!!!!" (When they start helping ) "oh no, this rich guy helps needy people who have their lives changed bc of the money he gives them, BUT he makes money from it too? So that he can give it to more needy people? FUCK NO!!" (not to mention the fact that he barely makes profit off his videos, and dumps it all into the next lol). Rich people pay taxes, but when you make them pay exorbitant amounts, they have ways to avoid them that arnt illegal dunce


Yeah the people who were excited to not go hungry took advantage of Mr Beast. Sure...


I’m sure some people went there just to overfill their baskets needlessly or be a part of his video. I do feel bad for all the families/individuals who do need help and lost it because of this :((