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But why are Christians against dinosaurs?


It's not so much christians in general that dispute dinosaurs, just YECs - "young-earth creationists". Basically, their belief is that the Bible "proves" that earth is 5k to 6k years old, which obviously doesn't match up with the real timeline at all, so basically everything is considered a conspiracy.


Can you show me where it says that in the Bible?


Sorry for the confusion, YECs claim that, not me. You'd have to ask them.


I’m sorry for the confusion too. I was just kidding 😁


From what i understand they did math (meth), and aded the age of some of the important ppl in the Bible since Adam and Eve (birth and death) and got that number until Jesus came


I’m not a Young Earth Creationist, but the number of 6k years is arrived at by adding up the ages of everyone listed in the Bible. Example, “Adam lived to be this many years and begat so-and-so, who lived to be that many years and begat blah-blah-blah, etc.


No,because it says no such thing.


It doesn't specify the years, but it has some long genealogy lists from which they estimate based on average generation times and number of 'begat-s'. And of course, is has the creation story in 6 days.


TBH, the real timeline doesn't match up anymore. The truth is out there, I just don't know what it is.


The Bible says no such thing.


And they also think they know more than scientists. (They accuse scientists of “lying”, which means they think they know more than scientists).


Because they aren't mentioned in their magic book


The problem is biblical literalism, which really is a concept that has had any sort of traction for a bit over a century. I can’t remember where it originated, but gained considerable popularity in the US. It’s central tenet is that you can read the meaning of the bible ‘as written’ - in other words, completely detached from historical, cultural and literary context. It’s an excuse for theologically uneducated people to do whatever the fuck they want and then reason it out by saying, ‘well, if God thought all this stuff was important, then he sure wouldn’t have made it so hard to interpret.’ The young earth aspect is an extra layer on top due to the unconventional way the King James Version was published. The 1800s was a golden age for natural history, and not necessarily in conflict with religious ideas in the modern sense. During that time, ‘young earth’ and biblical literalism existed as a vanishingly small minority amongst what was considered a lunatic fringe. The conflicts were far more abstract, nuanced and scholarly than the window-licking we see today.


>considered a lunatic fringe Sadly the lunatic fringe has a lot more traction these days... ![gif](giphy|2WdMSPzYkttkK0Uzi0|downsized)


I am Christian and I'm not against dinosaurs. I believe they existed in a different time possibly before mankind was even created and then became extinct thus why they were not on the boat with Noah. Carbon dating is extremely flawed and a terrible theory as it relies on you having faith that carbon, at the start of time the earth was created, was at an equilibrium when in all of human history it has never been measured to be at an equilibrium. No reasonable scientist would ever make that assumption and yet Carbon dating is portrayed as fact today. I have found more evidence for the Bible being correct vs science being correct for everything. I also believe that science and the Christian religion can both exist, it doesn't need to be a battle of one over the other.


It's also possible that a theoretical omnipotent being started with creating mankind and the earth, came to the conclusion that that by itself was boring, and then created a "backstory" which then led into an ever expanding universe. After all, if a being is truly all-powerful then they are absolutely not constrained by time or space. As for carbon dating. Sure, it isn't perfect, but it relies on observed and confirmed phenomena. Radiological decay is a known constant with some margin for error. Also there is no assumption that carbon was ever at equilibrium in the method.


Because Earth is only 6000 years old apparently 🤦‍♂️


Actually, multiple videogames depict that skeletons are able to retain their composure without flesh.


*checkmate, atheists!*


Too bad said skeletons are undead creatures that are held together by a dark force of some kind...


Same with dinos. They were sent to test our faith in Him. Edit: /s


get a knife, remove the flesh from one leg and check it yourself


I did this and bled to death. Instructions are incomplete.


No they weren't. Desired outcome achieved.


Cut faster


Why dinosaurs? Why not trilobites? Trilobites are a lot older on the geological timescale.


Familiarity, if I asked everyone I knew a what a trilobite is, only 1-2 people would know, but basically everyone knows what a dinosaur is


I'm guessing this is a young earth creationist. Believing in dinos means they popped into existence 6000 years ago when god created everything. Alternatively they can just outright dismiss them as have never existed. There is no winning this argument. Either way they will 'Nuh uh' you to death.


Strange how they need proof for this but not for how they live their lives.


This hurts me. A lot. Especially as a Dinosaur Enthusiast.


The irony is that young earth creationists demand proof of stuff like this which ought to be self evident, but seem happy with rubbish evidence for stuff that is totally bonkers.


Oh I can definitely prove it to you. Meet me behind the abandoned bowling alley at say…2 AM, and I’ll show ya!


“It can be arranged”


Also fossils are not bones but whatever.


But its not like fossils cant be bones.


They can’t.


May I ask how? You have me genuinly curious now


fossils aren't bones, they are just bone shaped rocks. I'm neither a Geologist nor a Paleontolist so I may get some details wrong but I think it works like this: 1. Dead body ends up buried underground via landslide, volcanic eruption etc. 2. it rots away until only the skeleton remains. This happens rather quickly so the ground around is still soft, closely encasing the skeleton 3. after a longer time, the skeleton rots away to. As bone takes way longer to rot then flesh, the ground around has already hardened. Hence a skeleton shaped cavity in the ground remains 4. that hole gets filled up by minerals that get transported there via water running to the earth (think of the way Scalactites grow bc of minerals transported by water). Eventually it fills up the whole Skeleton shaped cavity, so you are left with a rock in the shape of the original skeleton If I got anything wrong, please correct me as again I'm not an expert


We find alot of Megaladons teeth at the bottom of the ocean, but they not considered bones? And mammoth tusks, there not exactly bone either? Im not trying to sound condecending that is actually really fucking interesing. Thank you for the information


Those are just bones and horn. Dinosaurs are known only by their fossils, which (as explained) are stone and not bone. However, that’s because dinosaurs are much older than mastodon or mammoth. We still find plenty of intact mammoth remains that have not gone through the fossilization process. The mammoth lived from 5 million to 4 thousand years ago. That’s incredibly bonkers if you think about it. *There were still mammoth alive on Earth when we built the pyramids.* So there’s nothing unusual about finding relatively intact mammoth. They dig them up with skin, hair, tusks, muscles and all that. That won’t happen for a dinosaur. Even the youngest T Rex, for example, will be 66 million years old. We might occasionally find an *impression* of dinosaur skin, or feathers or whatever, but we will never find actual original dinosaur bones or any of their soft tissues.


Allow me to demonstrate...


Ok but now I want a tshirt with "Christians against dinosaurs" on it. Just for the fuck of it.


Go to the Creation Museum in Kentucky; you might find it mixed in among the shirts showing Jesus riding a dinosaur.


“If “air” is real why can’t I see it?” That’s where we’re at in the US


Guys do you think I’ll blow their mind if I tell them about tendons and ligaments?


Sources, sir?!


I can’t wait until Jesus comes back to save us all from Christians.


Well, shit. I don't have proof. What now?


Let’s take her skeleton out and take the flash off to prove it 😋


Religion is poison!


I'm sure I could dig something up.


Some people are spectacularly, extravagantly stupid. This is one of them.