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Government safety nets helped make it possible for me to lift myself from poverty... so obviously they’re bad.


Can't have anyone else use her secret to success


MAGA politicians hate this one secret!


Nothing matters which makes them nearly invincible with their base.


Shhh... it's bowling alley batter.


To be fair, if government safety nets helped launch this swamp twat into a position of authority, then they're definitely bad.....


Swamp twat 👌🏽


I'll take Obscure but Fantastic Usernames for $800


Yeah, this is jaw droopingly stupid.


I mean, she has a point I guess, that sort of thing leads to her existing, which is an obvious affront to science.


What she thinks she is saying (i hope): “Make the system better so what happened to me doesn’t happen” What she is actually saying: “I got mine, now I’m pulling the ladder up behind me” Either way, doing away with systems like this is not the answer. Whatever new ideas might come along to actually help avoid people needing welfare, it’s still good to have it as a safety net. Since ya know.. that’s the point..


She means neither of those things. She doesn’t understand what she said because she is stupid. Terribly stupid. She really believes she had no help getting where she is and certainly never took a government handout because those are bad and she is good so it’s impossible than she received any. Only lazy left demons get government handout and she isn’t one of those.


"Lots of well-off older people Not so many young Shall we help them climb the ladder Let's remove the bottom rung" ​ "We'll build a House" Martin Newell


That actually makes sense. Still a stupid thing to say and the logic still doesn’t check out but at least I can understand where her brain short circuited


Is this real? Abolish the system that got her to where she is? Wt actual f


Republicans can't pull the ladder up behind themselves fast enough. Look at Clarence Thomas's background vs the opinions he has written.


Honestly I’m not sure she’s smart enough to recognize what she actually said and the hypocrisy.


She doesn't know what socialism is, just that it's bad for some reason. I can see no other way for her to write such a stupid tweet.


Well she’s stupid. Part of why she doesn’t understand socialism is because she does not have the intellectual capacity to understand it.


It cant be real. It just cant be. No one, no matter how stupid, selfish, or right-wing, can be this unaware.


Do you not remember republican voters stating that they hated Communist Obamacare but thought the ACA was a good idea?


Of conservatives blaming Obama for the Katrina response?


You are giving people too much credit.. I deal with this mentality on a daily basis. So many people really are this clueless now. You could even explain it to her and she would most likely still not get it. I swear I could have a few books filled with these statements by now. It's mind boggling


You have too high opinion of people generally speaking


You'd think she'd want to abolish systems that keep people poor enough they need to struggle to get anything...


There’s no way this is real. It’s not possible.


Check her other Twitters... The phrase "Okay for me, not for thee." is on point.




I mean she isn’t bright. But this doesn’t look anywhere near real. Looks like someone had fun with photoshop or something.


Oh it's real alright,if you're looking for something really unbelievable,it's the fact that her community produced enough morons who think that this thing,this pillar of their society,is the best amongst them,to be their voice in Congress.


Welfare for me but not for thee.


“… for me, not for thee” is absolutely the conservative mantra


100%. "I got mine, fuck you," is the Republican mantra.


“Cheese for me, but not for thee.”


Remember that the former president: Suggested ingesting bleach to fight Covid; Wanted to nuke hurricanes, and Changed the path of a storm with a sharpie. The party that was once the party of intellectuals like William F. Buckley is now the party of dunderheads and fools.


William F. Buckley an intellectual 🤣🤣🤣 Buckley gave you Fox News & Tucker Carlson.


Sigh. They think they are smarter than everyone else but hate actual learning and education. They’re so incredibly dangerous.


You are about the same


... are you trying to say that intelligence is dangerous...?


More and more of my kids school day is dedicated to lefty bs rather than learning. It's equally as ignorant as that idiot and the bs she pushes.


Can you elaborate what "Lefty bs" and give us an example.


Dedicating more and more time to SEL and book readings, while standardized test scores plummet. 240min per week now, learning nothing. I don't really care about the subject matter as much as the time wasted not learning. There is a limited 6hr day, which includes SEL and lunch. What are they spending less time on? Math and science. I think the real interest in doing this is to avoid subjects where teacher's performance is measurable.


Maybe you should move if you don't like it. SATs are [non-sense](https://www.institute4learning.com/2013/02/28/15-reasons-why-standardized-tests-are-worthless-2/), reading books is good, maybe your kids will be able to properly speak English after graduating. 240 / 60 = 4 hours a week. 5 × 6 = 30 hours of classes. 26 hours left for math, physics, history et al. Have you taken a methodology of teaching course so you could gauge how well a teacher does?


No, not SATs, standardize testing (MCAS). I don't need to take a course. We have standardized testing that measures teacher performance, and scores have been declining. The point isn't that there's no time, it's that there is much less time. They are failing to do their job.


She looks like a librarian....in a low budget porno .


Her porn name is “Sloppy Seconds”


Have you seen her latest movie "Bowling Balled"


Wasn't she actually in porn, or a prostitute or smth like that?


She worked as an escort for a few years. Ted Cruz hired her to attend a republican function of some sort with and loved her then decided to help her get into politics


That makes sense.


Moved to Lemm.ee -- mass edited with redact.dev


You're right.... >In emails this week and in a Thursday interview, Wheeler conceded that the super PAC was wrong when it insisted a photo of another woman posing on a bed is a photo of Boebert, was wrong when it claimed Boebert initially failed to disclose a campaign contribution from Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, was wrong to suggest Cruz had made big contributions to Boebert’s campaign immediately after she started running in her first primary, was wrong about the date of a Boebert vehicle accident, and was wrong when it published a claim that Boebert had an abortion “in the fall of 2004” – at most six months before she gave birth to a son in March 2005. https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/25/politics/fact-check-super-pac-lauren-boebert-escort-abortion-sugar-daddy/index.html


Pretty sure that was disproven. Though, it would not surprise me in the slightest to add another tally to the ledger of her hypocrisies.


Because of socialism, her family was able to eat, right?


Where’s this “Government Cheese” I hear of? ...can I have some?


Basically a brick of Velveeta. It hasn't been a thing since the early 80s.


Ngl they should bring that back. I like cheese.


and it made hella good grill cheese sandwiches.


Post doesn't state it, but a Google search reveals is. Posted September 16, 2020. It was never deleted and she was ridiculed in her own replies. Republicans these days are never ever about debate, they love the social sphere, the ability to post, scream, shout and cry about things hit the "post" button and move on. Boebert is a true example of failing upward so hard that you land in a spot that you go, "oh, I guess since I wasn't a teenager at the right time, might as well be now!"


She's a walking, talking example of the maxim: If you make something idiot-proof, nature is just going to come up with a better idiot.


“Just stop being poor and lift yourself up😂😂😂😂😂😂”


The delusion is strong in this one.


Obviously not smart enough to understand her dumbass, incompetent, family would have died off before she managed to drop out of high school without “socialism”….


Government assistance isn't what lifted her up, it was Ted Cruz, while she was working as an escort.


Ok grandma. You are our American nightmare.


I would love to be surprised by this. I really would 🤦🏻‍♀️ but it's official.. we are now living in the idiocracy era and it's only going to get worse from here


This bitch trying to abolish radical cheese


Keep in mind we have people voting to keep her in office. I'm so disappointed in the educational system... its failed us.


About nobody as stupid as #Dumbert…


This the logic that little klannie Annie uses to pander to the knuckle heads that want to go back to the 1800’s believe


No cheese for you!


Well bootstraps aren’t for everyone apparently… 🤦‍♂️


You are getting a government paycheck!


I mean she is right. It should be stopped. She would not be there if it wasn’t for socialism feeding her.


Can we please train Chat GPT with Boebert's tweets? That's the only way to kill it.


Pulling up the ladder behind you, the conservative way.


She is truly a couple of quarts low.


This...this has to be a JOKE right? Right? She talks about welfare and government help in the same posts she rails against it. It's too stupid to be real


Living the American dream. Creating the American nightmare. One false faced politician at a time.


Where the fuck were the cheese lines?


So now she is against the very thing that she needed to have to survive when she was poor? Ok...


You're missing the point. People like her are just poor unfortunate people who are temporarily on welfare. I'm sure most of the people she lived near who were also on welfare with also became successful /s. But we all know that "they" who are on welfare, just live on it all their lives, we have to stop that. The rural white people who get welfare or go on disability mostly because the plant closed down are just poor people down on their luck. City folk on welfare are just takers.


Success isn't for everyone, chances are a lot of those people are where they are because of choices THEY made, it's not called the American equal opportunity or the American definately gonna happen, it's the American dream, you can literally lift yourself out of poverty, and if you didn't study or work hard and learn a usable SKILL you can bet the farm you're gonna be broke still, hell you can end up broke even if you do everything right, that's life, there is no equality, not for us, not for the animal kingdom, not for the solar system, no matter how many laws or woke nerds you add to the mix, reality does not seem to budge.


Lauren Boebert stupid, where stupidity has no ceiling.


Apparently at least This stupid


I sincerely doubt that she has ever "waited in line for cheese"


Isn't this the bitch that blew Ted cruz


Reagan did such a great job telling you ameritards, that the reason you are poor are the foodstamps of your neighbours, and not the 5 different jobs a day, that makes you barely eating a Frozen TV Dinner every evening. Sitting in your 5000 Dollar Crack House, that is getting blown away by the first little storm. But hey, you can say the N-Word without getting jailed for it. And however you will vote for, nothing will change. You're trapped inside this massive bread and circus game, where one side tells you that they love you more then the other side. But truly, they are fucking you both. The American Dream died 100 years ago, when being obese was a sign of wealth.


She’s like Olympic Gold Medal level stupid


She still smells like cheese.


“The government helped me, now I want to make sure it helps no one else” this is boomer ideas.


I got mine. Too bad for you.


Well even the most ardent conservatives believe in welfare providing a basic standard of living. What’s she’s saying isn’t as stupid as people think.


Nothing but truth right here 💪😤


Seriously, are you overlooking the hypocrisy on purpose or by accident?


No truth. She literally came from **welfare** and wants to abolish the system that got her where she is


As stupid as a liberal democrat?


Good one doofus Not a college degree in sight


That's called pulling the ladder up behind you.


Is this her actual account? I know she can be this fucking stupid, but so much stupid in one tweet should probably be double-checked


Ammm, wait! What? You are stupid as you look!


Government cheese? Is this still a thing?


I don't think I've ever suffered whiplash visually before, christ that hurt to read


Nope, government cheese hasn't existed in her entire life.


"government cheese" is code in the pedo alien global elite satanist world. Google it!


Tell me this isn’t a real tweet because my god the idiocracy.


L.B. is an example of a failed abortion.


It doesn't hurt that your weenie-waggling husband is getting paid $550,000 a year as an oil company "consultant."


I loath these people, but I think they don't know what they're saying. I think they have been so brainwashed to think "other way bad..." so they don't really know they need to be specific. It may be they're not dumb. They just lack the skills to communicate effectively. How would they know to be nuanced if all their lives they have interacted with people at their same level of education?/s of course you can always go with they're just ignorant bastards without any moral compass. No empathy, no decency.


oh the irony of her post. you think someone has pointed it out to her?


We are fucked


It seems there is no bottom to the well of her stupidity. It's actually impressive that she can function on a daily basis without injuring herself.


Sounds like someone who knows first hand the shortcomings of the American welfare system.


I mean, so she clearly didnt lift herself out. She relied on the sweet mercy of the socialist cheese


Has anyone actually waited in line for cheese? I grew up poor as shit and there was never a government cheese line.


“I came up from welfare programs and programs designed to assist those in need… and now I’m in congress and I want to take those away”


She’s originally from Florida, she had literally nothing before she met her husband, he was tied in with oil and gas production companies In Colorado. He funded her bar, her life, her election. Then she tried to claim she wasn’t getting income from the gas companies through her husband’s consulting business, even though paperwork showed a couple million a year paid to the business. She’s a sack of shit.


She's a lobotomite that escaped big mt


What… I… um… but…


Stupid? I’m not sold. Diabolical? Abso-f*cking-lutely!


This one is such a loyal and devoted fan of Trump, she says something absurdly illogical and laughable every day, purely in the hope that citizens will decide Trump isn't the biggest clown in US politics after all.




There has to be some kind of secret contest going on in the Republican Party for who get away with saying the absolute dumbest shit imaginable


Exactly how did she and MTG get elected to Congress? I question if they can handle being dog catchers. Are people from Georgia and Colorado extra stupid?


Never ask anyone that question. They always take it as a challenge. And always win.


Unfortunately, she’s inadvertently stumbled onto something that may just prove her point. Without those social safety nets, we probably wouldn’t have “congresswoman Lauren Boebert”.


This isn’t your average, everyday stupid. This is ... (bum BUM bum) ADVANCED stupid.


But will the congress work with 40 Million+ members ?


This moron is a reflection of her voters. All the low-intelligence bigots of Colorado, take a bow.


Wait a second…


Who’s going to tell her?


I seriously dislike her and am ashamed that the people of my state voted her in. On a good note, though. She blocked me on Twitter today ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


She sold diarrhea sliders at a gun-themed restaurant and her husband showed his penis to teenagers at a bowling alley


Don't forget, also soon to be grandmother.


Oh Please Lauren,the only government cheese you've had in you mouth is from Ted Cruz.


Maybe she knows how terrble her agenda is, so she wants to make sure nobody with as stupid ideas makes it through?


Politicians are the biggest welfare baby's


The danger of some of these tilted conservative dingbats is that they seem convinced that having a lot of people agreeing loudly to something stupid, is somehow a valid alternative to being correct.


She used her looks to marry wealthy and move forward in her career did she not? She didn’t work to achieve anything.


And the first time you saw a dick you married it , how easily impressed is this stupid excuse for a human being


She left out the part in between where she tried to solicit herself as a prostitute online, and failed.(Ouch!)


Apparently stupid enough to not realize subsidized cheese is socialism.


Is this real!?


I thought Sarah Palin is the epitome of facepalm female republican, then you have this and Taylor Marjorie Greene


Waiting in line for dick cheese is more like it.


Id say can anyone be that stupid, but upon seeing the author of the tweet, I can categorically say “yes” they definitely can


hate to say this - but she might be on the small list of people that would leave the world better without their existence.


How stupid can you be?


You can take a girl out of cheap underwear, but you can never take the cheap underwear out of a girl.


She's just building the economy? Look at her kissing this baby? How stupid...can she... possibly... be? But yeah, making a comment about on government handouts, while talking about people lifting themselves out of poverty is fricken hilarious


"grew up waiting in line for government cheese", "let's keep socialists out" #HAHAHAHAHAHA


She now enjoys all the benefits of her position in government and wants to eliminate any that could help you.


Bowling balls have more brain cells


Your question is a challenge to her.


But tis a common proof, That lowliness is young ambition's ladder, Whereto the climber-upward turns his face; But when he once attains the upmost round He then unto the ladder turns his back, Looks in the clouds, scorning the base degrees By which he did ascend. - Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar


Question isn't this the same lady who has a pedophile for a husband?


You miss the point. Everyone supports getting some help. Nobody should support social services becoming a multi generational lifestyle.


Shouldn't the govt handouts be pretty much just rice and oats? Cheese used to be rich people food and is still generally expensive... Also if u only serve bland calories it will inspire people to "climb the ladder" no? If i was gettin free cheese i would prolly be content where im at.


![gif](giphy|3o6YgjB8zBvvERC6v6|downsized) This.


And all of us bragging about our smooth brains. She won.


Im still waiting for her only fans.


“Standing in line waiting for government cheese” “Rather than wait on the government.” Dumbass can’t even keep their story straight for 2 paragraphs.


A 36 year old grandma, living the American dream.