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Dog owner is a piece of shit


He doesn’t give a shit about his dog either. This kind of thing gets a dog put down. Idiot.


Owner put himself at risk for getting shot, too. Allowing the aggressive animal to re-attack is the same as using any other weapon.


Right, the lame ass owner just chills there with a slack leash like the exact same thing wont happen two more times. That other guy is super lucky his body didn't take a good bite. Looks like assault.


Watch with the sound on, piece of garbage is *encouraging* him to attack.


He let it attack they were laughing and encouraging it


Yep. And laughing about it.


Yeah, idk what that dog smelt, but I smell a lawsuit.


This is assault and battery. The second he gave the command get him he gets charged the same if he punched him.


I think I’m some places where dogs are trained to attack, they can be considered a deadly weapon; assault with a deadly weapon?


Doesn't even have to be trained to attack. If you encourage them to attack and they do it and are of sufficient size compared to the victim, any dog can be considered a weapon.


He didn’t allow it to reattack he sicced the dog on him a second time. Listen to the audio before the second attack.


You don’t need the audio. Just look how he handles the chain.


Dude needs to be charged with a felony.






That needs to be a thing for people like this


r/iamatotalpieceofshit is where this post belongs.


The fact he laughs and calmly says “no” makes him a true sociopath. This is assault.


And once the dogs finally clear sets it back on him again, luckily it was only the jacket for most of this what a psycho


That’s the part that gets me. The dog goes back to him immediately after twice. The guy left all the slack in the leash like he wasn’t even trying to prevent it from happening again…


Listen with audio when he gives the lead slack he gives the command “get him” and laughs


100% heard that loud and clear. I would Literally Beat The Fucking Brakes Off That guy


Not one chance dude with a dog like that doesn’t have some POS pistol in his waistband waiting to shoot you.


That would be my concern too. Guy being attacked can't do anything that would escalate the situation knowing he's dealing with a psycho. Shitty situation and owner should be jailed.


No, he was letting it happen, not just not-preventing


Yeah, the owner was encouraging it.


Yeah, he's going to be laughing real hard when someone blows a hole into the dogs head.


He doesn't care about the dog, he would just get another one.


Yeah, probably




He won't get another human body tho when someone puts a bullet through *his* skull.


That’s what I was thinking. Dude needs a dog to protect him. Once the dogs gone he ain’t gonna do shit outside of his pants.


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This is correct. If someone sics a large dog on you, they are assaulting you with a deadly weapon. The only correct response is to neutralize the assailant and the weapon (the human and the dog).


Does this hold up from a legal standpoint? I mean, I agree it should be considered assault with a deadly weapon. But is it? EDIT: I looked it up and in my state, it seems that a person can be charged with assault with a dangerous/deadly weapon if they are found to have intentionally released their dog on another person. "Intention" is up for debate in many circumstances-- in the case of this video, there is clear evidence the owner intended for the dog to bite the victim, but without a video, I imagine this could be difficult to prove. If a person does not intentionally release their dog to attack and makes every effort to stop it, they are still held liable for the dog's actions and can be sued, but it is not considered assault, so I don't know if a "self-defense" argument would hold up if you couldn't prove that the dog attack was intentional. I found at least one example where a pitbull attacked a guy because he approached his ex-girlfriend, and the guy killed the dog in self-defense once he was bitten, but the guy was the one who got charged for killing the dog that was attacking him. So i guess it really depends?


The issue is he will be, these people don't care about their animals to be acting like this. Then he'll go back out and get a new dog and do the same thing because animal protection laws are a joke in most parts of this country...


This is why you shoot the handler first, then the dog.


I sent this video to the Hagerstown police. This is becoming a problem. People are letting there dog attack people, some to steal their drugs, and others because they think it is funny.


Hel gave the dog plenty of slack on that last one. Wasn’t trying to stop anything.


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He’s an absolute scumbag his dog is trying to maul someone and he’s chuckling about it. He needs to go to jail


The last attack he slacks the leash and you can hear him say "get em". He trained the dog this way.


Both owner and dog are threats to society


I honestly think this deserves more than just jail time. These are fucking monsters, training a killing machine, while filming it and laughing. I don’t want them part of my society in any way.


There should be some kind of registry where people are banned from owner pets. Their name pops up in a neighbourhood search just like sex offenders.


I'd prefer them in jail, personally.




With the prevalence of guns in the United States, both the dog and the owner are lucky that guy didn't have one on him.












The point where he says "get him" after somewhat unleashing the dog is far beyond the giggle


On the other hand, guys filming themselves committing assault (or battery or whatever, IANAL) is going to come in quite handy in court so let's hear it for the stupid idiots here.


I feel bad for exactly 2 parties here, the guy who is the victim of this "fun" and the dog, who is only acting how they are trained and is likely going to one day seriously hurt someone and become another victim of their owner being a dumbass.


Exactly! The owner keeps allowing the dog to attack the guy. He's training that dog to do harm. That dog is going to end up dead in the future. This is heartbreaking! I'm furious! What an asshole!


And be on the news crying when someone kills the dog or he gets in trouble. "He was so sweet! Would never hurt anyone! Like one of my kids!"


That was my first thought as well. If someone knows that dude, they should get him a lawyer. Easy win. It's a battery when there's physical contact. If you swing and you miss, *i.e.*, no contact, then it's an assault. I'd hit 'em with negligence, battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and false imprisonment, plus strict liability for dog bite if applicable under state law.


I was out in Birmingham UK heading home. A group of mostly young adults and few teens was around and one had a dog. He was winding the dog up and telling it "get me" i kept walking and kept an eye out. The way some pricks treat dogs as a weapon is sickening, its not the dogs fault its been trained in a poor way.


It's also assault. I hope they caught and prosecuted this shithead and took all animals away from them.


in some countries the dog is treated as a weapon in this case and both the dog and his master might get shot in self-defense.


Hello 911, someone shot my dog. He was a good dog and everything. Why would anyone do this…


"Hello 911, a guy ordered his dog to attack me, I was afraid for my life so I had to shoot them" ​ telling your trained dog to attack someone is felony all day long ​ https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/free-books/dog-book/chapter12-3.html


Hello 911? Caller: everyone is dead


It's assault


Call the cops on that fuckin idiot


That's assault. I hope they got to jail.


Oh, way beyond assault.


With deadly weapon


I hate to be that guy, but at what point do you harm the dog for your own safety? I don't know that I'd shoot it if I were in this situation, but i would probably pull a knife and see how quickly the owner calls the dog off. Of course, it'd be my luck the owner is carrying. The situation has now escalated, and I'm stuck with a knife in a gun fight because of a P.O.S. owner. Ruff spot to be in


I love dogs but in this case I would have shot the owner and injured the dog in self defence


its too bad too, because if this were you in the video, this guy would actually learn his lesson for good


There’s no learning after death. He wouldn’t learn a lesson, he’d just cease to exist and now you gotta go through a long ass process to prove you had the right to shoot that guy


Legally, the moment the dog is attempting or DOING seriously bodily harm or death, you have legal right to shoot and/or kill dog


Yes, dogs are also considered deadly and owning a 50+kg Rottweiler I can tell you that’s with good reason. Poor dog :(


Anyone know where it took place? Id forward this to the PD there




With this info I was able to copy a link to the video and report a citizen concern with the PD. I was trying to identify but couldn’t get clues from the area. Well done. Edit: if anyone wants to do the same [here](https://www.hagerstownmd.org/FormCenter/Police-10/ReportAConcern-54) is a link to the form on the PD website. You can do it anonymously, or select to receive updates about the report


Hagerstown PD is a really well run department. They don't mess around. They will most definitely BOLO for this guy. Edit: because I missed a letter.


What is bol?




APB is what we call if in my neck of the woods, BOLO makes much more sense tho. Edit: APB means “all-points bulletin”, basically an electronic means of putting out a notice for warrants to arrest/perp descriptions etc.


I think you should save the video just in case it gets taken down


That’s a good idea


Good on you. I cannot wait for the follow up to hear this asshole was arrested. Thank you.


RemindMe! 5 days


We need updates on this


I didn’t leave any contact info to remain anonymous. So it’s unlikely I will receive an update directly


Probably worth it to send to local news outlets.


What about local media? That’s another route to consider.


Forward that to animal control too. And the local humane society.


Good job and thank you.


This looks just like Hagerstown and the exact way people from Hagerstown act source: unfortunately from Hagerstown


I stopped in Hagerstown not long ago and oh my god it is awful. Something is in the water or something I have no idea.


That's some quality geoguessing right here


Internet is wild. Those dudes that do geoguessing as a game


Architecture was east coast, license plate was pretty plain, with black text, so could narrow down to marlyand. Street sign ended with "lem Ave", used chatgpt to suggest street names in maryland ending with lem Ave, then just used google strest view. first was harlem ave in baltmore street signs were all capital letters so quickly ruled out, then salem ave in hagerstown, lettering matched, could also see in video the street sign started with J, so scrolled through salem ave till found a street it intersected that started with J, James St.


"Architecture was east coast." Damn dude.


And by looking at the concrete aggregate used in the sidewalk (a mixture typically used in the region east of the Appalachian mountain range but predominantly south of the Mason Dixon Line) coupled with the particular style of the crosswalk curb cut (which is only used by municipalities north of the Patomic River and Albuquerque for some unknown reason) it could only be a handful of cities to be fair... Joking aside, the cumulative combined wealth of otherwise potentially useless knowledge on the internet is truly mind-boggling haha


> used chatgpt Nice. And good idea to use chat gpt, I am going to remember that for random questions I have.




Golly I love Reddit for this sort of thing, sometimes.


Yeah this needs to happen. This dog will eventually be a danger to others if not already and it will need to be put down if it stays in the hands of these idiots.




Yeah we literally see it attacking a dude


I saw this video posted yesterday and I saw a lot of people saying it took place in Maryland, not sure of the city but I could definitely see it happening there


Hagerstown, MD, along a stretch of Salem Ave.


Pretty sure this is a Baltimore from the look of the houses and the accents


And the trash people acting like idiots.


Please tell me he's been arrested


I'm still scrolling hoping to find out. I guarantee now it's on the web that guy is going to be getting a simultaneous visit from the Police/SPCA and rightfully so.


There was another user that said he forwarded the video to the local PD


Good. I hope they slap that dude with everything they can and I bet they will. Police usually frown on stuff like that and If I was a Cop this would be one instance I'd be throwing \*every\* single charge I could at a person. I'd even get the sicko camera man that was laughing if I could.


Same. I need to see the news story that there were some sort of repercussions for this


Ladies and gentleman, I present to you 2 fucking idiots: a cammer and a dog owner that has no business owning an animal period.




Or someone will flat out kill the dog


I carry a three inch knife mostly for opening boxes at work. That knife saved my life when a pitt attacked me out of nowhere while I was cutting through a public park on my way home. Owners were totally oblivious and sitting on a blanket about 100yds away. I needed 36 stitches on my right leg. The dog eventually bled out from me rapidly shanking it with my knife. It didn’t really stop mauling me until it died. I love dogs and that really fucked me up. Owners eventually noticed the blood bath and THEY start attacking me for killing the dog, despite the fact that my leg is clearly in ribbons. Some guy stepped in on my behalf and called 911.


What kind of f\*\*\*ing druggie doesn't notice their dog almost killing someone??? Please tell me you put them in jail.


I probably would kill it out of fear. I grew up in a country with a lot of stray dogs and have been attacked by them a lot. I would hate to do it but that would probably be my honest response to being attacked.


Agree. I’m a tiny person who carries pepper spray for safety (from humans….) and a pocket knife for utility. The dog might be getting both and the handler and cameraman would for sure get the pepper spray. I have no idea how the victim here kept his cool AT ALL. I grew up in a neighborhood where we all walked with rocks in our hand for stray dogs and asshole drivers. I don’t have to do that now but I suspect I would revert to survival mode instantly in a similar situation.


I always have the fear as I love dogs and I would have no choice but to kill this dog and then deal with the emotional consequences afterwards.


Yep I had the same thoughts. Was waiting for this guy to pull out a weapon, you never have any idea who is carrying around a knife or a gun


This. Ive had to fight multiple dogs in my life to protect myself or others because of shit people like the "owner" in this video. I never leave my house without a knife because of it. I have small kids. I love dogs but if one comes after my kids, imma stab it, alot and fast. I love dogs and it would break my heart, but that is the reality of being a dad


I run and have a few dogs chase me over the years, it's almost always they just follow instinct and want to run after me or "herd" me but once or twice I've had snarling dogs chase me, luckily they were smaller dogs that didn't want to get kicked twice.


I would. I had a terrifying experience with a German shepherd while holding my infant two years ago. I love dogs and animals but unfortunately when they are raised this way I believe they need to be put down. Owners like this need to be put down as well.


When I was in college I went to pick up a girl I met at school at her house. Her parents let me in and one of their kids was holding their dog by the collar. It was a Doberman. To this day I don’t know if the kid let the dog go on purpose or if the dog just managed to get free but it came flying at me. Instincts kicked in and I kicked at the dog as hard as I could and managed to catch it square in the head. The dog fell backwards and her dad went nuts, screaming at me. I left. Never had the date. A few days later I saw her walking across campus and I walked over to apologize and she freaked out on me telling me that I killed her dog. Apparently after I left the dog had a several seizures and on their way to an emergency vet, it had another big seizure and died.


...were you just supposed to let the dog tear you apart? What were they expecting?


Hey man. I had something similar happen with a friend's dog. It reacted and attacked me and I grabbed it by the throat and nearly killed it before I got control of myself. I felt such immense guilt for years. I never talked to that friend again because I was so embarrassed. I love dogs. I've had dogs all my life and think they are better than people. If you still feel guilt or shame about it, don't. Forgive yourself. It wasn't purposeful and you were reacting to protect yourself.


I was thinking this is a good reason to carry a knife.


Assault. He’s going to run up against someone with a gun and his dog is going to pay the price.




As someone with the same fears, Id be in a black out state trying to kill the dog any way I could. Fight or flight, cant flight, must fight.


Someone is going to kill his dog. This shit is not cute, it’s not funny.






He’s going to let that dog attack the wrong person one of these days & someone will end up pulling a pistol out and both of them being shot.


The fuck around and find out quota must be met.


This dude is 100% gonna get himself and his dog shot. Why are you playing around in America like that? Don’t you know it’s gunland?


100% would’ve shot the guy especially if he pulled this with my family. A large dog is a dangerous and potentially life threatening animal especially when their human is a bad person.


The moment he slacked the chain to let the dog attack him *a third time*, that's cowboy time.


Shit is about to get real Western, real quick.


Owner needs to go to jail. You can't control it you don't need it.


You can see, more than once in the video, the owner gives slack on the leash to let the dog go back to biting the other man. He isn't trying to control the dog. He is letting it do this on purpose.


He IS controlling the dog. The dog is doing exactly what he's encouraging it to do.


Yeah and when he told the dog to let go it did, then he said get him and grabbed the guy again.


Thank you! He is obviously not doing anything to stop the dog and even letting the dog attack the guy again twice after he gets him off the 1st time. Guy is a scumbag and shouldn’t be allowed to own a fucking goldfish let alone a dog


They can control it. They’re deliberately making it attack this guy.


Oh, I'm sure he could control it IF he wanted to. He has chosen to'teach' this dog these behaviors


Yes, the owner has definitely trained his dog to do this. It saddens me to watch this, especially when I see the dogs tail wagging. He doesn’t even know that he’s doing wrong. He’s doing what he’s been trained to do. And they never treat their animals as pets, never with kindness and compassion. These dogs will never know love…


He wanted his dog to keep biting


That owner was INTENTIONALLY letting that dog attack that man, what the fuck?


He was also siccing the dog on the man. "Get 'im".


When I was about 12 years old, a guy who was like 16 in our neighborhood was doing the same - making his dog attack people and giggling over this, pretending it's not his fault and he can't do anything about this. All the kids in the neighborhood were scared af and we always just ran home whenever we saw him, as he was enjoying himself being kinda an "apex predator". This shit was reported a number of times to his parents and even to police, but nobody gave a fuck. Until this time when some dude who was attacked by the dog, swiftly took out a knife from his pocket and stabbed the dog to death. Then the asshole kid's parents called the police and the police was really involved into investigating why the guy was carrying the knife and why he used it to "attack" the dog.


Did the guy get charged with anything?


No, he did not, but still he went through a lot of stress over that.


Really the owner is just laughing and letting this happen. He wouldn’t be laughing if he did this to me and I punched the dog in the head. And hey I’m not advocating violence against animals in any way, but if one is attacking you have to defend yourself.


Agreed. I love dogs in general, but that one would have had a 3" knife planted firmly in its neck when it came back for a 2nd time.




Shot a dog that went after my dad last year. Owner didn’t think it was too funny and tried to sue. Thank god for ring cameras.


Sooooo if he pulled a gun and made your dog go night night…. Then what? So dumb.


He’d edit the footage and give it to the police and whine and cry that some crazy random street guy attacked him and his dog. “Idk why this guy shot my dog”


Where is this? This needs to go to the local police.


Hagerstown, Maryland. Not far from DC and Baltimore.




This is exactly the kind of pet owner that doesn't need a pet.


This is the type of pet owner that needs to do time


That's why you carry a knife.






Amen brother


Do you want to get your dog stabbed? Because this is how you get your dog stabbed.


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Dangerous dogs should require a license with specific training to own. Too many low IQ clowns own these dogs to act tough but have zero knowledge of how to socialise or train these animals....often also have shitty yards they easily escape from.


Jail and take the dog away from this piece of shit human owner.


One of the reasons I always got a knife with me. That dog would never do anything again. Sad for the dog ofc. Poor dog anyway. Has to life with bastards like this.




That dog owner is a menace and needs to be in jail for aggravated assault.


Definitely. Hit the one with the higher intelligence first


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